MTL - Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up-v2 Chapter 1776 Net Action 13

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Affecting the credibility of the government shows that it wants to announce the facts and true thoughts to the public; what the Japanese mean is clearly embarrassing the US garrison.

As the President of the United States, all this must be stopped; otherwise, it is irresponsible to the country and the military. Obviously able to provide assistance to him, but chose to stand by. The military knew that he would definitely have a problem with him as a president;

But sometimes it is still necessary to take care of the emotions of the Japanese. Such a powerful explosion will make people uncomfortable if it happens in any country.

Reagan thought for a while and said, "I don't know what your Excellency Ambassador means. The US stationed troops in Japan to guard against the Soviet Union and to ensure Japan's national security. The two companies themselves are strategic partners. Please don't make things that hurt your loved ones and make your enemies happy." things."

The meaning is obvious, there is no US garrison; the Soviet Union has already attacked Japan, can there still be peace on the island!

If it hadn't been for Takeshita Noboru's call to introduce the situation in the Soviet Union; perhaps the Japanese ambassador would still be blindfolded, but he really wouldn't take Lao Maozi seriously now.

A country in internal chaos does not have the energy and strength to invade. Besides, even if the Soviet Union makes a big move, it will definitely start in Europe; the Soviet Navy is not enough to guarantee large-scale landing operations.

The strength of the Soviet Navy at its peak was quite strong on the surface, far stronger than the Russian Navy of later generations. The time when the strength of the Soviet Navy reached its peak was before its disintegration in 1980-1991. At this time, the strength of the Soviet Navy was not much worse than that of the US Navy, especially in the strength of submarines, which far surpassed that of the US.

At present, the Soviet Navy has a total of 240 nuclear submarines, including 61 ballistic missile nuclear submarines, 59 cruise missile nuclear submarines, 60 attack nuclear submarines, and 60 conventional submarines. At the same time, the U.S. Navy had 192 submarines, including 59 strategic missile nuclear submarines, 1 cruise missile nuclear submarine, and 132 attack nuclear submarines.

It can be seen that in terms of the number of nuclear-powered submarines, the Soviet Union is the one that stabilizes the United States.

But it is limited to this, other combat ships; compared with the United States, it is much inferior. Although the Soviet Navy also has several aircraft carriers, it is more appropriate to call them aircraft carrier cruisers. The performance is not very advanced, and all take off by ski jump; the combat capability and level are very limited.

With the strength of Japan as a country, it is definitely not an opponent of the Soviet Union; but there is a China next to it, and a stable peace is formed in the region.

With the reduction of the US military presence, the extra funds can be used for the construction of its own army. It is not as good as having your own father and mother; especially in the military field, it is even more important.

Japanese Ambassador: "It is true that the US garrison protects Japan; but the current international situation is not that complicated, and the Far East is relatively stable."

"In addition, this time, we must explain something to the public, otherwise it will be impossible to justify."

"So what we mean is to reduce the US garrison from the current 35,000 people to 17,500 people. With the strength of American soldiers, it is enough to deal with various crises."

"At the same time, Japan can also order weapons and equipment from your country, as long as it is any weapon and equipment that the United States allows to sell; it can be purchased with a lot of money."

"Withdrawing part of the army also means showing goodwill; let the neighboring countries see that Japan and the United States do not have too much ambition. Your Excellency should know that given the current situation of the Soviet Union and the character of the leader, it will not make crazy moves .”

The Japanese really dare to think about directly reducing the size of the garrison by half; it is obviously not giving face.

But another large order for arms was thrown out. It is estimated that the major domestic military industry giants will definitely not be indifferent after knowing about it. But this opening cannot be opened, otherwise other countries will follow suit, and it will become very difficult for the United States to maintain its global rapid strike capability.

Since the 1960s, France has not allowed the United States to station troops; and it has directly withdrawn from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, believing that its own capabilities are sufficient to deal with various crises. At that time, the United States was very passive; assuming that Japan, which is richer than France, would do the same, it would be difficult to control the situation in the future.

He retired within a few days, but he couldn't leave a mess for his successor. If that's the case, the historical status will definitely not be so high.

Reagan thought that during his administration, he performed perfectly in all aspects; with the introduction of Star Wars, the Soviet Union was almost dragged down. It can be said that what Eisenhower, Nixon, etc. failed to do; it will be done in his hands. Maybe not during the presidency, but the public will definitely think; it's all his credit.

The victory of World War II, the surrender of Germany and Japan; although it happened during the Truman period, the world will regard Roosevelt as the credit. The same is true for the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Historians will objectively evaluate it as Reagan's contribution.

At this moment, the Japanese actually want to reduce the size of the US garrison. Isn't this asking for trouble for themselves!

Reagan said with a serious expression: "The United States and Japan have already signed a security treaty, how can it be easily changed. National reputation is very important, and the Soviets can do anything. Once a landing operation is carried out in Japan, with the current size of the Japanese army, Can you handle it!"

The Japan-U.S. Security Treaty is a military alliance treaty signed between Japan and the United States at the U.S. Army Sixth Army Command in San Francisco on September 8, 1951. This treaty not only constitutes the legal basis for Japan's subordination to the United States, but also allows the United States to establish, expand and use military bases in Japan almost without restriction.

It is definitely the sword of Damocles over the heads of the Japanese; it allows the United States to take advantage of Japan at any time.

In fact, most of the Japanese are opposed to this treaty, and no one wants to hand over the security of their country to foreign soldiers. If a war breaks out, American soldiers can never be counted on. Perhaps they are the fastest group of people.

From 1959 to 1960, the Japanese people carried out 23 national unified actions against the revision of the "Japan-US Security Treaty." As a result, Eisenhower was forced to cancel his visit to Japan, and Kishi was also forced to step down. The number of people participating in a unified action each time ranges from a few million to tens of millions. The scale of the struggle and the length of time; the wide range of participating classes are unprecedented in Japanese history.

But what is very suspicious is that after the expiration in 1970; the Japanese government notified the US government and announced that the treaty would be automatically extended.

Perhaps the situation forced Japan to make a compromise.

Although there is no thought of dismantling the Japan-US security treaty at this moment, the signal is already very clear; no one can do things all at once, and the reduction of the garrison is enough to explain the problem.

Moreover, with the current strength of Japan and the surrounding political environment; it should not dare to break up with the United States.

Although he had never actually been on the battlefield, Reagan also participated in World War II; of course he knew the character of the Japanese. I feel that the wings have slowly hardened, and I have begun to ignore the United States.

But then again, this time it is true that the U.S. military is not authentic; it is not good to go where to experiment with new missiles, and then find a desert or no man's land; wait until the technology stabilizes and go to other countries. How will it end now, Reagan, who is about to retire; he doesn't want to offend too many people.

It is absolutely right to protect the interests of the United States, but you must also consider the rest of your life and the descendants of your family. If everyone is really offended, life in old age will become bleak, but the family will definitely not have good fruit to eat.

At the same time, the Japanese should not be pushed too hard. It can be said that the scale is very difficult to grasp. As a last resort, I brought up the Japan-US security treaty to talk about it, just to see what the Japanese attitude is.

Japanese Ambassador: "Your Excellency President is indeed right. Originally, Japan did not want to reduce the size of its troops. But if it does not do so, the people will not agree."

"Although Japan's economy has developed rapidly in the past few years, this year's economy is not optimistic. Your Excellency the President should have heard about it. The people themselves are not very satisfied with the government. The accidental bombing incident cannot have a result; it will inevitably lead to radical behavior."

"Of course, it would be a different matter if President Reagan went to Japan in person; it would certainly be a good appeasement to the people. The Japanese people are very interested in the life and deeds of His Excellency the President; they admire him very much."

Reagan is such a smart person, he immediately understood what it meant; he retired in a few days, how could he still visit Japan.

At present, the most important thing is a smooth handover. As the president of the United States, he has too many secrets, so it is natural to hand them over to the next term. If something happens during this period, it will be extremely detrimental to the stability of the country.

Even though he knew it was impossible to visit, he was invited to Japan; at the same time, he mentioned his life story. Without thinking about it, he must be invited to give lectures and publish his memoirs.

This is the main source of income for the President of the United States after he leaves office, otherwise he would starve to death just relying on that little pension. Even though Reagan was born in Hollywood, he hasn't acted for many years. After becoming the president of the United States, he also announced the end of the acting career; even if he returned to Hollywood, at his current age, he would not be able to attract many audiences.

In order to win the support of the actors before, he offended all major Hollywood film companies. After losing your rights, it is already good not to step on you, how could it be possible to give you a high salary.

Japan's economy has developed rapidly for more than 30 years, even if there is a little situation this year; the foundation is still there. Income from speeches and books; definitely not low, Reagan was very excited.

Reagan thought for a while and said, "As the president of the United States, of course he is aware of Japan's difficulties; the people really need to be appeased, and there must be no anti-American sentiment."

"However, withdrawing half of the garrison at once will be very stressful. The scale can be controlled to a quarter, which is an explanation for everyone."

It is very rare for the Americans to make concessions, but they dare not make too much demands.

Moreover, the bottom line of Prime Minister Takeshita Nobo was 5,000 people, and the goal has been exceeded at this moment.

The Japanese ambassador said with a smile: "Don't make it too difficult for Your Excellency the President, everything will be done according to your wishes!"

It was a happy situation for all, but Reagan was not only thinking about retirement; as the president of the United States, he was not so selfish. Indeed, as the Japanese ambassador said, an explanation must be given to the Japanese people; the main task at present is to bring down the Soviet Union; there must be no mistakes.

Once the Japanese lead to the Soviet Union, it is bound to bring back their blood; by then all previous efforts will be wiped out. Reagan could not afford such a loss, and the United States did not dare to take the risk.

After the Japanese ambassador to the United States left the White House, Reagan had his secretary summon Defense Secretary Weinberger. Now that it has been decided to withdraw some troops from Japan, it is necessary to get things done quickly.

At this time, the President and the Minister of Defense simply cannot afford to delay; I am sorry to wait until they leave office; the promised things are likely to be voided.

Although I don't know what the president asked him to do, but as a subordinate; he must be on call at any time. At this time, Weinberg also thought that the matter of Japan had already been decided; had he changed his mind?

Reagan didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Minister Weinberg, the Japanese ambassador just came here; the explosion of the US military base in Japan caused the people to have anti-American sentiments."

"At present our priority is to bring down the Soviet Union, and other things can be put aside."

"In order to take care of the Japanese sentiment, the size of the garrison must be further reduced."

"Didn't there be a plan to send a group of people from the country to replace the officers and soldiers who are about to retire!"

"It's good for the retired officers and soldiers to come back directly. Don't transfer soldiers from the mainland to Japan. Transferring all the personnel to Alaska will always make the Soviets feel pressure."

As the Secretary of Defense single-handedly promoted by Reagan, he must absolutely obey orders; besides, as long as Reagan is still on stage for a day, he is the supreme commander of the US military.

After the Japanese ambassador reported to Takeshita, soon the major Japanese media began to announce the cause of the explosion.

Hearing that it was caused by the Americans experimenting with a new type of missile, the surrounding people quit immediately; they asked the US troops to withdraw and not stay in Japan.

Of course, I also know that it is impossible for the Americans to agree; but it is necessary to make things bigger and put pressure on the United States. In fact, it was Takeshita who was behind the push and indirectly supported Reagan's withdrawal order.

In just two days, UU Reading The US Department of Defense announced that it had reached an agreement with Japan. After the retired officers and soldiers return to the United States, they will not send troops to Japan this time.

It is equivalent to the size of the US garrison in Japan, with a reduction of 8,000 people. I didn't expect the Americans to give in, and the Japanese people are not stupid; they knew that it would be of no benefit to everyone if they continued to make trouble, so the matter has come to an end for the time being.

As for the U.S. Department of Defense's announcement that it would send an additional infantry brigade to Alaska, it immediately aroused the vigilance of the Soviets.

Because in Lao Maozi's view, the Soviet Union deliberately reduced the size of its troops stationed in Japan; while appeasing Japan, it can also release goodwill to China. But the increase of troops in Alaska is obviously not to guard against Canada, and the purpose is self-evident.

The Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union responded quickly and directly dispatched an armored division from East Germany to the Far East. We must not show weakness this time, let alone allow the Americans to compete.

The idea of ​​the Soviets is very simple, to reduce the number of troops stationed in Europe; it can somewhat reassure neighboring countries, which can be regarded as a release of goodwill.

The happiest team is the Aube-Mesley team. They were worried that the people transferred from China would investigate the matter thoroughly; now it seems that there is no need to worry. So what if he retired directly, anyway, he already earned enough money!


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