MTL - Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up-v2 Chapter 1772 Operation Nine

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While the ship was still sailing at sea, the US military base in Japan ushered in the annual military exercise. It is clear at a glance who it is aimed at; the whole world knows it.

In order to demonstrate force, the Americans can be said to have taken great pains; not to mention mobilizing all their wealth, but it is similar; in addition to nuclear weapons, many advanced weapons and equipment have been unveiled. Unlike the Soviet Union, which relied on military parades to demonstrate its strength, the so-called military parades by the Americans are more like a big party; the nature of entertainment is more serious. Of course, the Soviet Union would either not do it, or it would be a big deal if it did; the aftermath of the Western-81 military exercise is still affecting European countries.

In order to enhance the confidence of its allies and deter the Soviet Union, it is normal for the United States to rely on exercises to show its strength. After all, there is no war at the moment, even if you want to provoke something, you have to find a suitable reason.

Aub-Mesley and others are thinking of taking advantage of this military exercise; leveling the inventory of weapons and equipment. When the warehouse is reduced to ruins, even if you want to check it, you will have no way to start.

There is no other choice at this time, the money has already arrived; all the goods are shipped out, and there is only one way to go to the dark.

In June 1945, when the war against Japan was not yet over, the U.S. Army Aviation Corps instructed the Aviation Equipment Command to conduct pre-research on a new generation of bombers after the war. The battle for islands launched by the b-29 against the Japanese army was extremely brutal and bloody. After the war, long-range strategic bombers must first get rid of their high dependence on forward bases or transition bases. If the development of the b-36 is based on the consideration of transatlantic strategic bombing, then the experience and lessons of the Pacific battlefield have undoubtedly further strengthened the US military's desire for intercontinental voyages.

After that, the U.S. military put forward a series of specific performance requirements, including a combat radius of 5,000 miles, a speed of 300 mph at an altitude of 34,000 feet, and a bomb load of 10,000 pounds. There are a total of 5 people in the cockpit, and it can be expanded to 6 people conditionally. It is scheduled to be a second-generation intercontinental bomber to replace the B-36, which has not even made its maiden flight at this time.

Obviously, the design idea is quite different from that of the b-36. The combat radius of the latter exceeds the range of all **** fighter jets, and more remote-controlled turrets are used to form a 360-degree spherical fire net. The former mainly relies on its own flight performance to get rid of enemy aircraft interception, and reduces self-defense weapons and operators as much as possible to improve indicators.

It is against this background that the famous Stratofortress b-52 strategic bomber came into being.

The b-52 bomber was developed by the Boeing Company of the United States; the design plan was put forward in 1948, the first prototype flew for the first time in 1952, and the first batch of production models began to be delivered in 1955, and b-52a, b, c, d were developed successively , e, f, g, h and other 8 types, production ceased in 1962, and a total of 744 were produced. It is the main force of the strategic bombing of the U.S. Air Force. Later generations of the U.S. Air Force pre-served the b-52 until 2050; making the service time as high as 90 years. Of course; one of the reasons why the U.S. military is willing to keep the aircraft in service is that the b-52 strategic bomber can launch cruise missiles.

Although it has been in service for more than 30 years, it has undergone a series of modern modifications; the b-52 is definitely one of the most advanced strategic bombers in the world, and the most important thing is that it is very cost-effective.

The price itself is not very expensive, of course compared with other strategic bombers. And the logistics maintenance cost is very low, only one-third of the Heiyun hh-01 Phantom strategic bomber; it is definitely the best choice for carpet bombing after mastering the air supremacy.

Major Li Mei, as a representative of outstanding American pilots, drove the latest improved b-52 strategic bomber to the US military base in Japan. Such a big killer is too sensitive, and it is easy to be opposed by neighboring countries when it is usually deployed in Asia, causing international conflicts.

They are all here when they are in use, and they will fly back to the mainland of the United States immediately after the mission is over.

For bombers that have been in service for more than 30 years, the logistics maintenance system is already very mature; maintenance personnel do not need to be deployed from the United States. There is a professional maintenance team inside the base. In fact, this is not only the case for bases stationed in Japan, similar to the B-52 bomber fighter; any US air force base in the world can perform maintenance. This is the strength, and of course it has a lot to do with regardless of cost input.

The exercise is mainly to test how to launch a counterattack once the US military base stationed in Japan is attacked by the enemy.

Everything is proceeding step by step, the first is to dispatch fighter jets; to shoot down all fighter jets in the US military bases in Japan, and then to gain air supremacy. Then, B-52 strategic bombers were dispatched to carry out carpet bombing on the base. Of course, it is impossible to actually bomb the exercise, and the missiles will be dropped into the nearby sea area; the surrounding area has been cleared.

Major Li Mei said to his deputy: "Finally it's our turn to play; let this group of guys who are not doing business in Japan every day take a good look at where the gap is."

As the U.S. Air Force Strategic General Reserve, it has its own pride. They can bomb any part of the world within 24 hours; only the United States can do this in the world, and the Soviet Union is much worse.

The usual training is quite strict, and some scandals often break out among American soldiers stationed in Japan; they dare not dare to do so in the United States. Major Li Mei, who has always considered himself an aristocrat in the army, of course looks down on the Japanese garrison.

After receiving the order, he immediately flew towards the combat area; after receiving the notification from the early warning aircraft, he began to launch missiles.

Affected by the Fujairah and Oman wars, countries around the world are developing high-precision weapons; the Americans have a deep foundation and technical reserves in this regard, combined with satellite guidance in the sky; they have already stepped ahead of the world.

Launch all the missiles without hesitation, and the coordinate parameters have been set before; then just leave it to the satellites in the sky.

They need to evacuate quickly to prevent the enemy from retaliating. Although it was a drill, everything had to be closer to actual combat. If it's really a war, the enemy won't give you any chance, and you've done quite well.

Originally, the protection level of the munitions warehouse could withstand even a small nuclear bomb attack. But Aub Mesley had already made preparations and opened the warehouse door in advance; it seemed that there were no flaws, and someone was checking the ammunition reserves.

Eight high-precision missiles flew straight to the military warehouse; the soldiers were not given a chance to react.

Fortunately, there are very few people at this time, otherwise it will be difficult for conscience. Although the weapons and equipment in the warehouse have been shipped out, a large amount of high explosives are placed inside, mainly because the missiles are not powerful enough.

A certain amount of camouflage was also carried out, and the previously used bullets and shell casings, as well as other equipment, were stored in the warehouse.

In just a split second, a small mushroom cloud rose from the US military base in Japan. Residents nearby can even feel a slight earthquake; of course, this is not very strange to the Japanese.

The sound of the explosion made it feel less like an earthquake; more like an explosion somewhere.

Aub Mesley was terrified. At this time, he was really worried that too many people would be killed in the bombing, and his conscience would be condemned.

Lieutenant General Dunlop, commander of the base, saw the flames soaring into the sky and immediately felt bad. As a veteran who participated in World War II, I have never seen any big scenes, but I saw the base warehouse being bombed; my eyes went dark, and I almost fainted.

It is one aspect of aging and poor health. The most important thing is to know that your official career is coming to an end; if not, you may have to go to a military court.

At this time, a lieutenant officer ran to the headquarters and reported: "Your Excellency, the 8 missiles dropped by the b-52 strategic bomber of the exercise force; all hit the military warehouse. The warehouse has been blown into ruins and all buildings have been destroyed. "

Lieutenant General Dunlop was very angry when he heard that the exercise was done by the troops. He growled and said, "Are the people in the Air Force crazy! They bombed their own military warehouse. I must report to the Ministry of National Defense."

But I also know that now is not the time to pursue responsibility; hurriedly asked: "Casualties."

Compared with buildings and equipment, Americans value the lives of soldiers more. Buildings can be built from scratch; equipment can also be transferred domestically, and arms dealers will thank you. But once the casualties are heavy, it is difficult to explain to the people. In particular, it was an accidental bombing during the exercise, and it was killed by one of our own people. There is no way to explain it.

During World War II, he fought for his country and saved the world from fire and water; even if his son died, the people would not say much. But an ordinary military exercise is somewhat unreasonable.

The lieutenant officer replied immediately: "There are only two officers in the warehouse, and it seems that the current situation is more or less ominous."

Everyone at the scene was relieved to hear there were only two of them; it was definitely a blessing in disguise. Thanks to the fact that the U.S. military usually relies on vehicles and machinery for transportation and handling, the deployment of logistics personnel is reduced as much as possible.

A military warehouse of this size, 1,000 people go in; they may not be able to see people.

In fact, those two unlucky guys have always looked down on Aub Mesley. I feel that Colonel McSley is not worthy of being a soldier at all, he is speculative, more like a businessman. However, the person speaks lightly, and the up and down management is in place; when he finds the situation, even if he responds to the above, no one will pay attention; he will add troubles to himself invisibly.

The two felt that something was wrong before. During their vacation, the frequency of vehicle entry and exit was more than ten times that of usual; if there was nothing tricky here, no one would believe it.

Entering the warehouse, I found a conspiracy; but before I came to report it urgently, it was already in a gaseous state. It is appropriate to describe it as no bones left; even if you want to build a cemetery; it is estimated that you can make a clothes tomb at most.

Such a serious mistake caused the exercise to be stopped immediately; the cause of the accident must be investigated clearly to avoid similar incidents from happening in the future.

After receiving the news, Major Li Mei was also incredulous. Could it be that there was a problem during the data transmission of the missile; otherwise, why would they go straight to the military base. If it was an actual combat, it would definitely be considered a classic bombing; but now it is a drill, and all losses need to be borne by American taxpayers.

Fortunately, only the warehouse was bombed, and the damage was not particularly large. During the construction, the degree of danger was known; the rest of the buildings were still a certain distance from the warehouse, and they were not affected in any way.

It is impossible to go back to the United States directly, and we can only wait until the investigation is clear; for this reason, Major Li Mei is also very depressed.

After the b-52 landed, the crew members were directly controlled; even if Major Li Mei's relationship was strong, he would not dare to make mistakes. It's just a routine inquiry, and as a soldier, you must cooperate.

Weapons experts began to inspect the aircraft and had to find the cause of the accident. Such a serious problem occurred in the first test of a new type of missile; this is just a drill, if a war really breaks out;

As the most important strategic bomber in the United States, the maintenance is quite in place. In addition, it is in the prime of life at this time, and there is no problem of body aging.

Then it is necessary to find the answer from the weapon, and Lockheed needs to cooperate.

Undoubtedly a hassle, the planes are from Boeing; the missiles are from Lockheed. The two companies do not say that they are at war, but the relationship is not so harmonious.

There is no doubt that US military spending is high. But there is also an amount in Gao. If Lockheed gets more orders, Boeing will naturally decrease accordingly.

In addition, the weapons and equipment of the Soviet Union, France, and the Black Cloud Group are not bad at all; the orders in the international market are gradually shrinking, and they all attach great importance to the internal procurement of the US military.

The first time the two cooperated, such a serious accident occurred; it was really a mismatch.

For such a large-scale military exercise, the technical personnel of major arms dealers must naturally participate in the whole process. Record detailed data for future reference for improvement and enhancement.

After the technical representative of Boeing inspected the plane, he said directly: "There is no problem with the plane, and all the data is normal. The bombing of the military base must be the cause of the missile, maybe there is a flaw in the design."

It was not only Lockheed technicians who heard the behavior of the Boeing company representative; other people on the scene did not approve of it. At any time, they are still slandering their opponents; is Boeing's structure so big.

Judging from the expressions of everyone at the scene, it was clear that Boeing was not recognized; there was no need to add insult to injury. UU reading

Lockheed's technical representative said: "There is no problem with the missile. It can explode after a successful launch; and its power is huge, which is enough to show its superior performance."

"The accidental bombing happened because of the high precision. They are all connected through the data link, so that the missile received the command to bomb the military warehouse; the satellite naturally defaulted to the military base as the target and guided it."

"This is why such a serious accident occurred and caused irreparable losses."

They are all professionals, and they can still understand what's going on. Missiles are ordered to strike military depots, as are satellites. Even if the coordinate parameters have been set before, it is defaulted to be an input error by the crew. So the computer began to carry out precise strikes according to what it believed to be the correct location.

Seeing that everyone was still wondering, the technical representative of Lockheed continued to say: "The satellites and missiles in the sky are all produced by Lockheed, and this fighter jet is produced by Boeing; the systems of the two parties are not perfectly compatible. Plus The program written by Lockheed has a certain self-recognition ability; the so-called artificial intelligence is of course only in its infancy.”

With such an explanation, everyone thinks it makes sense. At present, the development of computers is changing with each passing day, and artificial intelligence is nothing new; if there is a system conflict, it is normal for accidental explosions to occur.

But in the eyes of traditional military officers, it is really impossible to over-rely on high-precision weapons; this thing is a double-edged sword, and if it is not done well, it will hurt yourself.

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