MTL - Reborn in Brazil As a Plutocrat-Chapter 458

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  Chapter 458

  Professor Kurt Tank said confidently when he heard the words:

"Don't worry, the boss, we have already started the research on the engine. We have encountered many difficulties in the development of the turboprop engine of the T-1 project. For this reason, I recruited several experts from Germany who have experience in jet engine research and development. experienced engineer.

  As long as the boss can agree to our project, I will organize them to start related design work. "

   Seeing the other party's confident look, Fang Lang also laughed.

  “Now it’s not like before. We don’t have to rely entirely on ourselves to develop new turbojet engines. I am now one of the shareholders of General Electric in the United States, and General Electric has turbojet related products.

  You can pick and choose from their catalog, the most suitable for our products. If you are not satisfied, you can also inspect related products of Pratt & Whitney or Rolls-Royce. You don’t have to worry about purchasing, I have relevant channels. "

  Professor Kurt Tank, who heard this, did not readily agree as Fang Lang expected. Instead, he frowned, looked at Fang Lang worriedly and said:

   "If we purchase the most important engines from the United States, Britain or other countries, will people be stuck in the future?"

   This surprised Fang Lang a little. Fang Lang has seen this kind of neck-stuck thing a lot in later generations, but it seems that no one has relevant experience now!

But thinking about Kurt Tank's experience, he probably understands where his scruples lie. After all, as a genius aircraft designer in Germany, he had a sworn enemy relationship with Britain and the United States during World War II. Let him accept British and American products. It does take some mental building.

In history, after Kurt Tank escaped from Germany, he ran to Argentina and developed the Arrow-1 and Arrow-2 jet aircraft. However, due to the weak industrial base of Argentina and the downfall of the president who supported the independent development of jet aircraft , the final product is not mass-produced.

   Later, he went to India and other countries to preside over the research work for a period of time, but in the end due to various reasons, he failed to really complete his project. But he has never worked in countries with developed aviation industries such as Britain and the United States.

   It can be seen that in his heart, there is indeed a certain amount of hostility towards Britain, the United States and other countries.

  Fang Lang is very happy that Kurt Tank has such vigilance, because this will definitely prompt him to devote himself more automatically and consciously to the development of products with independent intellectual property rights.

  However, considering that Brazil's current industrial foundation is weak, and also hopes to learn enough experience from the advanced aviation industry in Europe and America, Fang Lang decided not to build a car behind closed doors.

   smiled and said:

   "We can't stop purchasing from them because we are afraid that they will get stuck! On the contrary, we should purchase some advanced equipment from them for our research and study before they get stuck in our necks.

  In this way, the products we manufacture can keep up with the development of the times.

what do you think? "

  Hearing this, Kurt Tank fell into deep thought, and soon understood what Fang Lang meant, nodded seriously and said:

   "Boss, you are right, since this is the case, please buy one or two sets of turbojet engines that we can buy now!

  Let our power research room do some research and see if we can learn some advanced experience from this. "

  Fang Lang almost choked to death when he said this, good guy, just buy two sets of everything you can buy, how much will it cost!

   waved his hands repeatedly and said:

   "Kurt can't do this, all countries are now researching turbojet engines, isn't it telling others that we want to study their technology?

The best thing is that I can find a way to get a catalog of various engines, you can see what engine is the most suitable, and then we can directly choose the most suitable engine, which can save money and meet the requirements of our development of jet fighters Purpose,

   By studying the technology of this engine, we can find a way for our own turbojet engine, what do you think? "

  Kurt Tank looked at Fang Lang a little strangely, and thought to himself, aren't you inconsistent in your speech?

   Seeing the other party's eyes, Fang Lang also looked helpless! The research and development of aero-engines is costly, long-term, and technically complex. The price of the product is naturally not cheap.

   It is not impossible for him to buy one or two sets of each of the existing models, but if he buys them back, he has to study each one, how much research and development funds will be required!

   Even if you have money, you dare not burn like this! Now the reason why I agree with the other party to study jet fighters is also betting that General Nairo Mora will be able to integrate the air force in the later stage and provide funds to support the research and development of these projects.

  Even if it is unsuccessful, unilaterally investing in R&D will not drag you down.

  I already said this when I saw Fang Lang, and Kurt Tank had no choice but to shrug helplessly:

   "Okay! Who told you to be the boss!

  As long as you agree to allocate funds to us, let us set up a research and development project. "

  Fang Lang breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly pointed to the T-1 trainer in front of him and said:

   "There shouldn't be any problems with our T-1 project, right?"

   "Well! Except for the short overhaul time of the engine, everything else has been resolved. The results of stress and fatigue tests cannot be obtained in a day or two.

  However, I believe our little guy will be able to withstand the test. "

  Although Kurt Tank always said that he was unwilling to develop backward propeller aircraft, he was obviously very satisfied with the T-1 project in front of him.

   After all, he is his own child no matter what!

   Moreover, this aircraft with a turboprop engine is also very different from the original piston type.

   Fang Lang still believes what Kurt Tank said. After all, the guy in front of him is very close to the super toucan he saw later.

   "Then what kind of tests are we going to do today!"

  Fang Lang saw that the test pilot who had previously communicated with Kurt Tank had climbed into the cockpit of the plane, and was obviously about to start the test, so he couldn't help asking curiously.

   "The main thing is to fly some difficult maneuvers to test whether there are any defects in the structure of the aircraft. According to the inspection results of the past few days, our products are qualified.

   That's why I'm confident our little one will stand up to the test. "

While the two were talking, the plane had slowly ignited and started, and the engine made a sound that was completely different from that of a piston engine. Fang Lang had to choose to shut up wisely. After all, where they were standing, even if they wanted to talk, they couldn't I can't hear you.

  As time passed, the test pilot gave a thumbs up to everyone on the ground, and after getting confirmation, he began to slide slowly to the runway.

Then there was a louder roar, and under the expectant eyes of everyone, the plane took off directly after only a short distance, which made Fang Lang stunned, and couldn't help but look at Kurt beside him in a strange way Tan Ke said:

   "This takeoff distance seems to be less than 300 meters!"

  Kurt Tank stared unblinkingly at the T-1 trainer plane that had successfully lifted off in the distance, and said casually:

  "The test pilot is conducting tests, so he often makes some attempts beyond the limits. Just now he is squeezing the power of the engine, allowing the aircraft to take off within a shorter distance than originally designed, which is also a normal phenomenon.

  However, this will further reduce the overhaul life of the engine, so we cannot treat this situation as normal. "

   "In other words, if our engine performance can be further improved, our aircraft can take off in a shorter distance, right?"

   "Of course, this is the case if the load is not increased."

  Hearing this, Fang Lang didn't ask any more questions, but just nodded silently. It seems that the T-1 project still has a lot of room for improvement!

  The T-1 trainer plane in the sky was constantly flashing and moving under the control of the test pilot, performing various high-intensity maneuvers, which made Fang Lang dazzled.

  Fang Lang also learned to pilot airplanes in the U.S. military, but compared with the current test pilots, the difference in level is not a little bit.

  The entire test didn’t take long. After less than half an hour of flying, the plane slowly returned to the ground. After the plane stopped, a group of ground staff and engineers ran up quickly.

   began to surround the aircraft and test pilots, check and ask.

   Seeing this, Fang Lang smiled with satisfaction. It seems that his company's first aircraft was a complete success. After the engine is further improved, and the stress and fatigue tests pass, it can be officially put into production.

   However, these are not in a hurry, after all, we still have to see what the Ministry of Air Force has to say.

   Ante Polman, who had been watching Fang Lang from the sidelines, noticed the satisfied expression on his face, and heaved a sigh of relief, and hurried forward to Fang Lang and Kurt Tank and said:

   "Boss, Professor Tan Ke, let's go to the office and sit down and talk!"

  Fang Lang and Kurt Tank looked at each other when he heard the words, and nodded, this is the aircraft testing site, and standing here by himself can't help much, so as not to cause trouble to others.

   Several people boarded the vehicle parked on the side of the road again, and continued to walk inside the factory. After seeing two huge modification workshops, Fang Lang didn't forget to get out of the car and go in to have a look.

  I saw a long row of C46 and C47 transport planes parked in the workshop, scaffolding was lined up around the fuselage, and a group of workers were busy inside and outside. Obviously, the company's transport plane modification business was carried out very well.

  Passing through the factory building, there are still many aircrafts waiting to be refitted on the apron in the distance. It is also very easy to distinguish them from the aircraft that have been refitted. The ones waiting to be refitted are generally army green.

  The refitted plane is brightly colored, with garlands of various airlines on it. Fang Lang just glanced at it casually, and saw the logos of at least five airlines.

   This made him more satisfied. It seems that the company's modification business is developing very well.

  Ante Polman introduced the changes in the factory to Fang Lang from time to time, and he didn't even forget to tell Fang Lang that the school near the company had also been put into use, and even Professor Tan Ke would often find time to give classes to the students.

   Stopped and stopped all the way, after visiting the power research room, a group of people finally came to the design center where Kurt Tank usually works.

  Knowing that Fang Lang agreed with him to study jet fighters, Kurt Tank seemed very happy, and very proactively said to Fang Lang:

   "Boss, I wonder if you would like to visit my jet fighter project?"

   After looking at Kurt Tank in surprise, Fang Lang said in surprise:

   "Have you already started researching?"

   "Uh! It can also be said that this is actually a research project that we have already started during the war. The number in Germany is "ta-183", and the code name is Crow. Unfortunately, no prototype has been produced."

  Fang Lang glanced at Ante Polman, and after seeing that the other party gave him a positive answer, he looked up and down at Kurt Tank who was on the side for a while. He seemed to have noticed something, and asked a little uncertainly:

   "Hey! Is this ta your name?"

  (end of this chapter)