MTL - Reborn in Brazil As a Plutocrat-Chapter 412 big names come

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  Chapter 412 Big figures come in droves

  The person here is not a human being!

  Who doesn’t know that Kerr Industries is a listed company. Everyone keeps silent about this opportunity to short the other party. They only want to start the arrangement immediately after returning home.

  As long as you are one step ahead of others, you can make a fortune.

  But this idiot blurted out such words directly, so how can everyone secretly make money.

  It was something that only a few people could understand, but it was pointed out by this guy, and it became known to everyone in an instant. How can you buy the bottom tomorrow.

   More importantly, after saying this, the stock price of Cole Industries will plummet tomorrow, regardless of whether they have participated or made money, they will become the focus of suspicion.

  Obviously, the person who said this obviously also reacted, so he gave himself a big ear without hesitation.

  Although the conversations of these people lowered their voices, they did not avoid Richard Cole. Hearing the conversations of these people, Richard felt ashamed.

  If Mr. Rockefeller had only privately instructed the companies under his consortium, such a large chain reaction might not have occurred immediately.

  But in this kind of public situation, the impact is too great.

  At this moment, he couldn't care about his son anymore, and he didn't have the heart to stay here anymore. He ran out of the banquet hall with a panicked face, and went home by car to find a solution to the problem.

  As for the son who was thrown out of the manor by the guards, he didn't even look at him.

   With such an episode, the atmosphere of the banquet became very strange, and many powerful big bosses began to look for phones to contact their confidantes.

  The girlfriends and classmates of Lilith and Vivienne obviously did not have the vision and strength of the bosses, and their thoughts were all focused on the deep shock that Mr. Rockefeller actually attended this banquet.

   "Lilith, your boyfriend is really amazing. You can invite a big man like Mr. Rockefeller to the dinner party."

   Eugenie was full of envy, and said to Lilith with a flattering expression.

  She saw everything that happened just now. The young master of Cole Industry, who was still unattainable in her eyes just now, was thrown out of the manor by the security guards.

  Mr. Rockefeller's casual words brought disaster to Cole Industries, which in his opinion was extremely powerful, and made the boss of Cole Industries run away like a bereaved dog.

   Such strength deeply shocked her three views.

  She knew very well in her heart that Mr. Rockefeller didn't care about Charlie Cole's racially discriminatory remarks at all. The other party's statement was actually a statement to Lilith's boyfriend, the male owner of the manor.

  And what kind of character would Fang Lang be who can make the head of a big consortium like Rockefeller come out on the platform without hesitation?

  At this moment, Eugenie was full of envy, jealousy and hatred towards her humble Italian classmate, but she didn't dare to show anything. Instead, she tried her best to please him seriously.

   After all, only by getting close to the other party can she have the opportunity to get in touch with this unattainable circle.

  After listening to Eugenie's words, Lilith smiled modestly and said:

   "Ginnie, you're overrated. Fang and Mr. Rockefeller are not familiar. This is because Mr. Rockefeller has a noble character, and he can't understand these racially discriminatory bastards."

   Lilith did not lie about this at that time. After all, he still knew Fang Lang's social circle. If Fang Lang had a close relationship with the Morgan family and was friends with Mr. Morgan, Lilith would never deny it.

  But I have never seen Mr. Alvin Rockefeller of the Rockefeller family. Even Lilith had never heard Fang Lang mention this Mr. Rockefeller.

  But to a woman like Eugenie, there was a feeling of deliberate pretense, and she felt a little disdainful in her heart, but she still said very affectionately on the surface:

"How is this possible? I just heard that Mr. Alvin Rockefeller will never attend this kind of banquet. Since your boyfriend sent an invitation to the other party, the other party will come directly. It can be seen that your boyfriend has a relationship with him. So shallow, could it be that your boyfriend didn't introduce his friend to you!"

   These words obviously have a hint of provocation, and even have the meaning of lowering Lilith's status in front of everyone.

   In this regard, Lilith just smiled, ignored it, and did not make any excuses. Instead, she said lightly:

   "It's okay! I think he'll introduce me to his friends if he thinks it's necessary."

   This indifferent attitude hit Eugenie hard. After all, as Lilith said, as long as Lilith wanted his boyfriend, she could introduce a big man like Mr. Rockefeller to her at any time.

   Instead of being like yourself, you can't find the temple gate even if you burn incense.

  Frustrated in my heart, but I can't help but take the initiative to care:

   "I think you'd better take the initiative to stay by your boyfriend's side, so that you can not only keep an eye on him, but also meet a lot of big shots. Even if you separate from him in the future, these big shots can become your resources."

Li Lisi frowned at these words, and made her recognize the utilitarianism of this Eugenie, and she felt unhappy in her heart. Originally, I thought that her academic performance was good, and she was expected to become an excellent clinician in the future. For the sake of it, he invited her to this party, hoping to include him in his team.

   But now it seems that this Eugenie is not suitable to be a qualified doctor at all. After all, a doctor must have the spirit of assiduous research and a firm will to fight against the disease, but the utilitarianism of the other party obviously cannot settle down to study medicine.

  Lilith, who thought about all this clearly, didn't want to entangle her with the other party on this topic anymore, so she just smiled and said:

  "My boyfriend is very good to me, he has his job, and I don't need to keep an eye on him all the time. If he is such an excellent man, if he really wants to leave me, I can't keep an eye on him.

   As for meeting important people, I'm not very interested. "

   When Eugenie heard Lilith's words, she felt that Lilith was a fool who didn't know how to use such a good resource. If this were her own, she would have posted it long ago and accompanied her all the way.

  Unfortunately, these can only be thought about. So far, he has only seen Fang Lang from a distance, and Fang Lang has never come over to say hello to them.

   There is no chance at all to get to know important people through Fang Lang.

   Just when Eugenie felt sorry for herself, a middle-aged bald man in his forties slowly walked towards Lilith accompanied by a very temperamental middle-aged woman.

   Lilith, who was talking to Eugenie, obviously didn't notice the other party, but Eugenie could tell at a glance that the other party was coming for Lilith, and couldn't help but look him up and down.

  Although the other party is a middle-aged bald man in his forties, he wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and is very neatly dressed. You can tell from the fabric of the suit that it is definitely high-end custom-made. And the temperament of both the other party and the other party's female companion is very noble and elegant.

   While Eugenie was still observing the other party and thinking about the other party's identity, the middle-aged man took the lead and said:

   "Miss Lilith, nice to meet you!"

   Lilith was taken aback when she heard the words. She didn't expect that there would be someone who knew him at this banquet. She turned her head and said in surprise:

   "Hello, Mr. Morgan! Nice to meet you! Welcome."

   Lilith is still very familiar with Morgan, whom she has met once, but it can be regarded as familiar. She did not expect that Morgan would take the initiative to greet her today.

Glancing at the other party, he found that the other party was not accompanied by people from the manor, and there were two other people not far away who obviously came with him. Both of them had female companions, and they were obviously invited to see dinner party people.

  In an instant, he understood what was going on, and quickly opened his mouth, saying apologetically:

   "I'm really sorry Mr. Morgan, but I couldn't greet you at the door. It's just that General Marshall came to visit, and Fang is receiving him.

  President Wan of Universal Group was receiving Mr. Alvin Rockefeller just now. I didn't expect you to arrive so early. It was us who neglected. "

  Morgan frowned when he heard Alvin Rockefeller's name. The negotiation with Fang Lang hadn't ended yet, and he wanted to call Fang Lang for two more days, so that he would automatically give up the idea of ​​​​taking a stake in General Electric.

   Unexpectedly, he suddenly received an invitation from Fang Lang to hold a dinner party in the newly purchased manor. He was a little surprised what Fang Lang meant by this!

  As soon as he came here today, he heard news that surprised him. The other party had invited General Marshall and Alvin Rockefeller. It seemed that Fang Lang was about to make a move.

   It gave Morgan this really bad feeling.

   But these obviously have nothing to do with Lilith in front of him, so he still said to Lilith very gentlemanly:

   "It's okay, Miss Lilith, let me introduce you, this is my wife, you can call her Catherine."

   Then he turned his head and introduced to the lady beside him:

   "This is Fang's girlfriend, Miss Lilith."

  The lady and Lilith stretched out their hands with smiles on their faces, shook hands lightly, and greeted each other warmly. After the two finished greeting, Lilith said directly to Morgan:

   "Mr. Morgan, let me take you to find Fang, do you think it's okay?"

  She knew that Mr. Morgan came to greet her, obviously not to chat with her, a big man like this doesn't have time to waste too much time on himself.

  So, he asked very actively.

   In this regard, Morgan certainly has nothing to do, and nodded with a smile:

   "Of course, this is my honor. Then please trouble Miss Lilith."

  Lilith nodded with a smile on her face, turned her head to explain to Vivienne, then turned around and led the Morgans out of the circle of classmates and girlfriends.

  Avery Morgan introduced to Lilith the chairman of the board of directors of the Morgan family, Halken Morgan and his wife, and the current patriarch of the Morgan family, Charles Morgan.

   After several people greeted each other, Lilith led them to the reception room where Fang Lang and the others were.

  The eyes of everyone in the banquet hall were attracted by the actions of several people. Some people kept coming forward to say hello to several Mr. Morgans. They only nodded in response, and there was no more action.

   All of this was so envious in Eugenie's eyes. She didn't know this middle-aged man, but she heard Lilith call him. There are many people with the surname Morgan in the United States.

  But he was able to appear at a banquet with Mr. Rockefeller at the same time, and was taken by Lilith to the small reception room, Mr. Morgan with Rockefeller and General Marshall.

   Without thinking too much, he can understand the identity of the other party. Obviously, this Mr. Morgan is an important figure in the Morgan consortium.

  Just now Lilith told her that she was not interested in getting to know too many big shots, but when she turned around, one of the big shots took the initiative to find her.

  In this way, it seems that Lilith really doesn’t need to deliberately make friends with big shots. After all, she has already become friends with big shots like Mr. Morgan, so why does she need to know more big shots?

   This further shows that Lilith's boyfriend must be a great big shot. After all, would it be a simple character who can make friends with big conglomerates like Rockefeller and Morgan?

  Thinking of this, the fire of jealousy in her heart is almost burning out her brain.

   But now no one cares about her feelings, after all, she is just an insignificant role.

All the guests attending the banquet really realized the strength of the Universal Group at this moment. The bosses who still had a little contempt for this Chinese company, from this moment on, they all raised the status of the Universal Group in their hearts. .

   If anyone in the venue had the most relaxed mentality, it would be Vivienne. Although she was disgusted by that guy named Charlie Cole today, she has recovered now.

   After all, he knew that for his man, Charlie Cole was just a small role. If her man knew the grievance they suffered today, he would definitely give him a sigh of relief.

   There is no need for her to continue to worry about it.

  As for the arrival of these big shots, she didn't care much, after all, she was just a little girl with relatively simple thoughts.

   It would be better to discuss the new fashion trend with the sisters, and make him happier.

  So, when my sister left, she was asked to entertain the classmates and girlfriends of these sisters, and she continued to eat, drink and chat with the girls on twitter.

   After Fang Lang and General Marshall left the banquet hall, they came to a reception room on the second floor.

  Fang Lang, the uninvited American general, did not go around the corner, and asked General Marshall straight to the point:

   "Mr. Marshall, I don't know how I can help you!"

   Unexpectedly, Marshall didn't answer the conversation, but after looking at Fang Lang in surprise, he shook his head with a smile and said:

   "What? Mr. Fang doesn't welcome me?"

   Regarding the purpose of Marshall's arrival, Fang Lang already has some guesses of his own, but this is just a guess after all, and the result can only be obtained from the other party's mouth in the end.

  But I didn’t expect that my straightforward approach did not get a positive response from the other party. Could it be that the other party not only speaks Chinese, but also learns to bend around like a Chinese. If this is the case, it will be a bit of a headache.

   "You are such a big shot, but I can't even invite you, how can you not welcome it?

  Mainly because of your sudden visit, I was a little surprised and worried that I might not be well received. "

   Fang Lang hurriedly smiled and shook his head.

  Hearing Fang Lang's words, General Marshall gave Fang Lang a meaningful look, and after taking the tea handed over by the housekeeper Zolph Henry, he slowly said:

   "As far as I know, Mr. Fang's immigration company is immigrating a large number of people from China to Brazil. Is there anything I can help you with?"

  (end of this chapter)