MTL - Reborn in Brazil As a Plutocrat-Chapter 382 to escape

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  Chapter 382 Escape

   Seeing this, Bartley Crow hurried forward and said:

   "Boss, calm down, we are not out of danger yet, we have prepared a ship by the sea, and we will be able to leave Rio de Janeiro soon. As long as we can leave here safely, we will come back sooner or later."

  Briso Eddie shook his head and said:

  "You can't take a boat. You have to pass through the Natal sea area at sea, and you may encounter interception."

   "What do you mean?"

   "Let the ship set off normally, and we will drive directly to land."

   "Yes, boss, I will arrange it now."

  Raymond Eddie watched the conversation between the two quietly, and after the two finished talking, he approached his brother and said:

   "Brother, who are these people?"

  Briso Eddie stared at the other party fiercely after hearing the words, and then slowly opened his mouth and said:

   "Nature is our own."

   Raymond Eddie glanced at the people around him in surprise, but he didn't react for a while.

  Briso Eddie saw the expression of his idiot brother, and didn't explain too much, just kicked him and said:

   "What are you looking at, hurry up and change your clothes, let's talk about it after we leave Rio de Janeiro."

  After being hit for this period of time, Raymond Eddie obviously no longer had the original arrogance and domineering.

  Hearing the words, he also knew that he was saved, so he quickly got up and began to take off the prison uniform on his body, and put on the suit he had prepared.

   After the two of them changed their clothes, Bartley Crowe handed each of them a square scarf and motioned them to tie it on.

  The two of them did not hesitate, and tied their upper scarves like everyone else. Now, no one could recognize them at a glance.

   Seeing the appearance of the two, Bartley Crow handed over two more pistols and said:

   "Boss, then we will leave Rio de Janeiro first.

  Do you have anything else to do? "

  Briso Eddie shook his head without hesitation and said:

   "It's okay, let's leave Rio de Janeiro first.

   Don't wait for the military to react, we won't be able to leave. "

   Bartley Crow nodded upon hearing the words. Indeed, as Brisso Eddie said, the people who escorted them to the trial this time were all from the police, and they had the opportunity to rescue the two of them so easily.

  If it was escorted by the army, they would have no chance at all, and they would not dare to **** people directly from the army.

   Raymond Eddie on the side said with some hesitation:

   "Brother, should we just leave like this? What about mother and sister-in-law!"

  It’s okay if this guy doesn’t say this, but when he said this, Briso Eddie stared at him fiercely again and said:

   "At this time, do you have the face to ask your mother and sister-in-law? Why don't you think about your mother and sister-in-law when you are doing these stupid things?"

  Seeing that his brother wanted to do something to him when he disagreed with him, Raymond Eddie quickly lowered his head, as if accepting the punishment obediently.

  Seeing this scene, Brisso Eddie kicked the opponent's **** fiercely and said:

   "Hurry up and get in the car, let's talk after leaving here."

  Raymond Eddie didn't dare to say more, he could only get into one of the cars under the leadership of a man in a suit.

   Seeing this, Bartley Crowe came to Brisso Eddie's side and said softly:

   "Boss, time is tight, let's withdraw first!"

  Hearing this, Brisso Eddie put on his top hat and lowered the brim of his hat, revealing only a pair of gloomy eyes. He glanced at the small room where Milovich and others were imprisoned before saying:

   "Arrange someone to send a gift to these guys who are waiting for my trial in the military court.

   Can be regarded as me saying hello to them! "

   Bartley Crow was taken aback when he heard the words, but he quickly reacted and nodded quickly:

   "Yes, boss!

  I'll arrange it now! "

   After finishing speaking, he waved to a younger brother, and when the other party came to him, he bowed his head and whispered a few words in the other party's ear.

   Seeing that the other party had already understood his point of view, Bartley Crowe did not stay any longer, and followed directly behind Brisso Eddie, waited in the car, and walked away.

  The younger brother who stayed behind waited for everyone to leave, boarded a small car driven by Milovich and others, and drove away without hesitation.

  The whole process lasted less than ten minutes. The factory, which was still very lively just now, has become empty. Only in the small room where Milovich and others were imprisoned, there were a few slapping sounds on the doors and windows.

   This incident quickly attracted the attention of the government departments. In fact, since the prison van was attacked, the whole of Rio de Janeiro has become a mess.

  However, because Milovich adopted the **** method of repairing the plank road and hiding the warehouse secretly, the police were not sure where the whereabouts of Brother Eddie went for a while.

  But the fact that someone launched an attack on the prison car quickly reached the ears of the Minister of Defense, Marshal Morais.

  Because, the Eddie brothers were originally arrested by the Brazilian Intelligence Agency, but after completing the investigation and arrest, they were handed over to the Ministry of Justice to take care of them.

   And this time the case was tried by a military court, but after the communication between the Ministry of Justice and Mr. President, it is believed that the Ministry of Justice has sorted out the remaining forces of the Eddie family in the judicial system.

   It is necessary to reshape the image of the Ministry of Justice through the trial of Brother Eddie, showing that the Ministry of Justice has a completely different work style from the original, and then handed over the entire **** task to the judicial police system of the Ministry of Justice.

   But there are obviously still remnants of the Eddie family inside the Ministry of Justice.

  When the Brazilian Intelligence Agency told Marshal Morais the news that Brother Eddie disappeared while being taken to court for trial, Marshal Morais was almost out of breath.

   Directly greeted the women of the Attorney General's family.

   When the Minister of Justice, Carles Cayo, was stunned on the spot when he received the news, he looked at his subordinates who came to report in disbelief.

   "You mean, brother Eddie was rescued?"

   "Mr. Minister, the whereabouts of the **** team have not been found yet. Whether they were rescued or killed by someone is still unclear.

   According to the plan, the prison van that escorted Brother Eddie from the prison was attacked about five kilometers away from the prison, and the prison van was destroyed by someone, but there was no Brother Eddie in the prison van.

  The judicial police team responsible for escorting them temporarily changed the **** plan. According to our guess, the judicial police team should have discovered an abnormality. Prepared in advance. "

   "What about our marshal squad?"

   "The whereabouts of the judicial police team have not been found yet, but more than ten minutes ago, there was a fierce exchange of fire in downtown Rio de Janeiro. We initially suspected that someone was intercepting the judicial police team."

   "Asshole, the enemy knows where our bailiff team is, and can even organize an interception, but you tell me now that we don't even know the whereabouts of the bailiff team.

   Are you all idiots? "

  The person who came to report was so scolded by Minister Carles Kayo that he couldn't lift his head at all. Seeing this scene, Minister Carles Kayo was even more angry and cursed at the other party:

   "What are you doing here in a daze? If you don't organize all the people to find them, even if you search the whole of Rio de Janeiro, you have to find them for me.

  Also, this **** brother Eddie, he wants to see people when he lives, and he wants to see corpses when he dies.

  If anyone is trying to save Brother Eddie, I give you permission to shoot them.

   Such treasonous criminals must not be allowed to escape alive, understand? "

  Minister Carles Cayo knew very well that Mr. President would never allow Brother Eddie to escape alive. After all, he blamed the crimes of the Japanese mob attacking the presidential palace on the two brothers.

  Once the two brothers leave alive, it will be difficult to end if they say something unfavorable to the outside world.

  The subordinates did not dare to stay any longer when they heard the Minister's words. After standing at attention and saluting, the subordinates left Mr. Minister's office directly.

  After seeing the other party leave, Minister Carles Cayo directly called the Minister of Defense, General Morais, for help.

  Hope that the military can assist him in finding Brother Eddie. General Morais did not refuse, and directly agreed to the request of the Minister of Justice.

   Soon, a large number of military police rushed out of the barracks and began to set up checkpoints in downtown Rio de Janeiro to check all suspicious persons and vehicles.

   All of a sudden, the atmosphere in Rio de Janeiro became tense.

   At the same time, Fang Lang, who was far away in Sao Paulo, of course also received the news. Of course, the news he received was obviously more complete than other people's news.

  Including what happened, the people involved, and where Brother Eddie is now, he has detailed information.

   "Boss, looking at their fleeing direction, it seems that they want to hide in the Amazon jungle. Do we need to arrange people to intercept them?"

  Fang Lang heard the words, smiled and said:

   "If I want to intercept, I have already arranged for someone to intercept, why wait until now?

  Where did these people come from? Have you found out? "

  Sirio Leitch shook his head helplessly and said:

   "We haven't found it yet. They hide very deeply. They didn't make a move until the end, and we caught their tails!"

   "It doesn't matter, let them continue to run. Even if they can run out of Brazil, they are still a group of lost dogs. I want to see what waves they can make."

   "But the boss, I'm worried that if they are outside, they will plan to assassinate you again."

  Hearing this, Fang Lang patted Sirio Leitch on the shoulder and said:

   "What are you afraid of? This is good. As long as they are still hanging around outside, I can always remind myself to be safe.

  Besides, assassination is after all a small trick that cannot be seen in the light, and it can't achieve a big deal.

   Only people like Raymond Eddy will play with some of these methods.

  Look how harmless his older brother Brisel Eddie, who is obviously much smarter than him, has been acting, making everyone think that their Eddie family is finished like this.

   But in fact, their family still hides such an elite force.

  I am very curious now, who are they. "

  Sirio Leitch smiled wryly:

   "I'm sorry boss, we were careless. We haven't seriously investigated Brisso Eddie. I didn't expect that the Eddie family has hidden power besides the police channel.

  From what we see now, it is more likely that they are trained soldiers. "

   Fang Lang touched his chin when he heard the words:

   "Soldier? This is interesting. No one in his family has ever served in the army, but his father's original police force may have received some professional military training.

   This is getting more and more interesting!

  The current Minister Carles Cayo must be in a state of distress! What's the situation in court now? "

   "Yes, now that Rio de Janeiro is under martial law, Minister Carles Cayo has asked Marshal Morais for help, and the military's gendarmerie has set up checkpoints in downtown Rio de Janeiro, but their actions are destined to be in vain.

  Because, Brother Eddie had already escaped from Rio de Janeiro. "

   Before Sirio Reich finished speaking, a second lieutenant officer knocked on the door hurriedly. After getting permission, he handed a telegram to Sirio Reich, and quickly retreated out.

  Sirio Leitch's face changed drastically after just glancing at the contents of the telegram.

   hurriedly opened the mouth and said:

   "Boss, this **** Brisoe Eddie, just caused an explosion outside the military court! More than 30 civilians were killed and injured.

   Now the Department of Justice has issued a warrant for Brother Eddie! "

  Fang Lang also said with disbelief when he heard the words:

   "Didn't you just say that he has run out of Rio de Janeiro? Why did another bombing outside the court!"

   "Yes, at that time, when they left, they left behind a subordinate. We were still a little surprised what they were going to do.

   Unexpectedly, this person just detonated a car full of explosives outside the military court. "

   "Bastard! This **** Brisso Eddie, this is a declaration of war on the Brazilian government."

  Hearing this situation, Fang Lang suddenly got up, and said angrily:

   "It seems that this guy is a ruthless person! Since this is the case, let's add some fun to his escape.

   Find a way to disclose his location to the intelligence agency, and let the military intervene on his escape route. I want to see how strong his men are in fighting, and how dare they directly provoke the government.

  I thought this Briso Eddie was a smart person, but now it seems that he is not as smart as he imagined!

  Even I am not out of danger yet! Start provoking the government, huh, arrogance! "

  After hearing Fang Lang's words, Sirio Leitch stood at attention without hesitation and saluted:

   "Yes, boss, I will arrange it now."

  After Sirio Reich left, Fang Lang couldn't help but fell into deep thought. In fact, the Second Division of his Logistics Department never relaxed the monitoring of Brother Eddie from the beginning to the end.

   After all, this family has carried out the assassination of Fang Lang.

  However, after a period of monitoring, they found that Brisso Eddie's performance was somewhat inconsistent with the situation obtained from the intelligence. Everyone said Brisso Eddie was a smart guy with a lot of brains.

   But in fact, until the other party was caught, he didn't show any abilities he should have.

   As the Secretary-General of the Labor Party, he has not shown any due political influence, which makes everyone feel strange.

  The intelligence agency will have doubts about any unreasonable situation, so the monitoring of Brisso Eddie has not been relaxed, and the abnormality was discovered before the trial.

  After asking Fang Lang for instructions, he decided to wait and see what happened, and figure out who else was behind the other party. Only then did the **** process be monitored by the second section of the logistics department.

   I just didn't expect that Briso Eddie would be so crazy. He launched a bomb attack at the gate of the military court where they were going to be tried. It was quite a kind of madness of later generations of terrorists.

  Briso Eddie obviously didn't think about it, because if he asked someone to say hello to the person who wanted to judge him, his whereabouts would be exposed.

  Actually, he originally wanted to make noise at the entrance of the military court to attract the government's attention and buy some time for his escape.

   Unexpectedly, it would have the opposite effect. Instead, it annoyed the Second Division of the Logistics Department, which had been monitoring them, and directly disclosed their location to the Brazilian Intelligence Agency.

  (end of this chapter)