MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 98 The source world (5)

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The source world (5)

Accompanied by the lazy voice, a man with an extremely delicate appearance came out of the shadows. He was wearing a blue military uniform and was extra dazzling in the dark castle.

The eyebrows are slender, the nose is high, his lips are thin, but the color is very thick, especially when gently squirming, adding a lot of gorgeous.

No sound, like a woman charming, talking, and a few men's British spirit.

The two opposite temperament are combined in one person, but there is no sense of disobedience, but it is very eye-catching.

At this moment, he looked at Qin Mo, his eyes fell on the little guy in his palm, revealing a trace: "Your system is really good."

Qin Mo gently picked up the little panda, put him into his arms, settled before he looked up, and looked at the people with cold eyes: "He is not something you can evaluate."

The man smiled indifferently, looking up at Qin Mo, the interest in his eyes was very strong: "Hello, my name is Yu Yu, who is an independent league. Hey, others call us..." Smiled, "The Poachers League."

"So?" Qin Mo raised his eyebrows, and the black scorpion shrouded layers of killing. "Are you coming to help those two wastes to avenge?"

Feeling the tightness of the surrounding moment, Yu Yu quickly waved his hand, some funny said: "Don't... don't misunderstand! Who cares for those who are already dead, this is not a waste of time!"

"So, the wanted order is not released by you?"

Being poked in a sentence, Yu Yu’s face was slightly stiff, but he reacted quickly, and he started to play haha ​​in the next moment: “We have more departments in the league, and there are one or two fools who are unclear and toss, and there are also. You can rest assured that when I go back, I will deal with it immediately and promise not to bother you."

This kind of squinting is not afraid of licking his own eyes. If Shi Qing is awake, it is estimated that he will spit him a good face.

Unfortunately, the little panda slept, and Qin Mo, no interest in these.

He was too lazy to listen to nonsense, and he focused on the key points: "If it is to take revenge, I am willing to accompany you. If it is for me to become a poacher, I am not interested."

When Yu Yu prepared a stomach and said that he had not found a vent, he was blocked. He was amazed at the keen instinct of this person, and he kept his belly, and he was a newcomer!

However, he is still patient and continues to say: "Don't reject it so quickly. Our independent alliance is not a hypocrite of the order. The private work is more ugly than the so-called poachers. It is said to accommodate you. When you join them, you can't help yourself. Under the banner of the protection system, what you do is..."

When the words were not finished, Qin Mo raised his left hand, and the black ink blade suddenly came out of the sheath. Without any warning, he pointed straight to the throat of Yu Yu.

Yu Yu was shocked. He didn't even notice it. The sharp edge had been forced to kill. Although it was not inevitable, the speed was still alarming.

Qin Mo looked at him, his eyes were cold: "I said, no interest."

Yu Yu put away the look of the slinger, although the fatal point was targeted, but he still has no fear.

Staring at Qin Mo, he used an unprecedented manner, but he said with temptation: "Don't you want to completely possess him? Don't you want to have him completely? You will not be betrayed, will not be abandoned, will never be separated! Devouring him, You are truly one with him!"

The last word has just fallen, the tip of the sword has been rushing forward, and it is necessary to break the blood and seal the throat!

Almost in an instant, Yu Yu quickly leaned back and escaped this fierce blow. Then he phantomed up under his feet and instantly crossed out a distance of nearly 100 meters. In the distant, there was a vague voice: Think about it, I know, you want him!"

The figure has disappeared.

Qin Mo quietly stood in the desolate castle, like a statue, motionless.

Shi Qing slept very hard. When he didn't close his eyes, he didn't feel tired and didn't feel tired. But this closes his eyes, and the flood-like drowsiness captures him all at once. He can still feel Qin. The warmth of the palm of your hand, slowly and undetectable, broke into the darkness.

The long darkness is like a never-ending void, the weight of the body is not felt, and the vain and lightness can be empty at the same time.

Shi Qing feels that he seems to be dreaming, but this kind of dream that can feel his dreams is generally not like a dream.

He forgot everything, but remembered everything.

It seems that I can't see anything, but I feel inexplicable that I can see everything.

Immersed in the darkness, but above all things.

Enthusiasm, sorrow and joy, everything is colorful, or rich or light or intense or calm, everything floats to the surface, cold eyes, day after day, day and night, never ending.

It is boring, boring, and very lonely.

Shi Qing seems to have never had this kind of emotion, but at the moment, a brain invades the brain and feels it is taken for granted.

This dream does not know how long it has been done, so the unconscious 徘徊 does not know how long it has been.

Until... everything is shattered, chaotic, bloody, fighting and irresistible destruction.

The darkness was broken, and the dawn was once again indulged.

All the feelings are instantly attributed to nothingness, the power of breaking, the ability to be robbed, and when everything loses its support, it collapses.

Shi Qing’s heart sank suddenly, and then all of this disappeared.

He touched a very different world, a world of great beauty.

It is difficult to describe the gorgeous, beautiful light has crossed the wrong, like the aurora of the sky fell into the mortal, weaving into a huge network beyond imagination.

When Shi Qing was on this ‘net’, he dared not explore it easily, for fear of touching unknown things.

But his stay could not be changed to calm.

In the aurora, two pure white light groups collided together, exploding a more dazzling light, shattering, breaking, and destroying the colors on the 'net'.

The two light groups are not arrogant, fierce and strong, and each hit is all-out, like two deadly enemies with red eyes, only each other in the eyes, vowing to kill each other.

When Shi Qing looked at him, he didn't know where it was and didn't know what happened.

He felt a dangerous atmosphere and he desperately wanted to leave this ‘dream’.

In the next moment, the two struggling light groups suddenly stopped. Although there was no body, Shiqing felt two cold eyes like a snake.

The lock of death is dead.

They saw him!

Shi Qing didn't know what he was, but at the moment his chill in his heart made his scalp numb.

"No!" screamed, and Qing suddenly opened his eyes.

The Qin Panda frowned, the palm of the panda was stunned by fear, a pair of small eyes smashed round, the faintness of the hollow hole still has some water color. Qin Mo put him in the palm of his hand, his lips gently touched his small forehead, and his voice was soft: "It's okay, Qingqing, don't be afraid, I am here."

The heart of the madness slowly calmed down. When Qing finally controlled the trembling of the body, he looked up and saw Qin Mo, and he looked at the familiar black scorpion, and he settled down.

Hey, his limbs were flat, and his little belly was stuck in the warm palm of Qin. When Qing was weak, he said: "It seems like... it seems to be a nightmare, but it is very real, it is too real."

Qin Mo’s eyes flashed slightly and asked softly: “Let’s listen.”

When Shi Qing recalled it a little, he slowly opened his mouth and said this strange dream that seemed to have no logic.

The Orderers Association.

Xia Zhe returned to the headquarters and saw the newcomers in this report. Apart from Qin Mo and Shi Qing, basically all the newcomers came to identify the qualifications.

He carefully checked the qualifications of these systems and then did not care.

The appraiser standing next to the hand asked a low-eyed and pleasing eye: "Is it all passed?"

Xia Zhe "hmm", and then ordered, "register, distribute benefits, arrange a few assessments, look at the host's ability, if there is excellent, report it."

The appraiser should come down: "Yes."

Xia Zhe got up and left, and I couldn't help but feel a little bored. The recent system qualifications are unrecognizable. This time there are a lot of newcomers, but the system capabilities are all very ordinary, and there is no cultivation value at all.

It’s really troublesome to think about the group of excellent hosts that have been robbed of the system in the 'backyard’!

If there is an excellent system, let everyone share it, and instantly solve the immediate crisis!

But... can't find it.

He couldn't help but think of the rebellious newcomer. Without identification, he can be sure that the qualification of the system must be excellent, and the ability to train the host to that strength is enough to prove how good the system is.

However, it is a bit tricky. The Qin desert, without contact, knows how selfish people are, and it is absolutely impossible to selflessly contribute their own system.

If it is... Xia Zhe’s eyes flashed a faint, strong, it’s not easy to kill the host.

In the end, is it necessary?

Xia Zhe thought about it, got up and walked toward the back of the hall.

At the same time, Yu Yu also returned to the independent league headquarters.

The two men met with each other's top leaders.

- For the same purpose.

What is beyond imagination is that they have not yet knocked on the door and asked that the closed doors have been pushed away from the inside.

Xia Ze was surprised to see the tall man in front of him, and he kneeled on the knees in the next moment: "Adult."

The purple eyes of the man exude amazing heat, and the emotions never show a handsome smile on the handsome face.

Xia Xun turned his head and looked at Xia Zhe. The arc of the corner of his mouth could not help but rise: "He is finally back!"

Xia Zhe has been fierce, and the next moment of excitement has also caught his eyes. He suppressed the excitement in the tone: "You... you mean..."

"Yes!" Xia Xun's eyes are determined to win. "Belong to me, must belong to my strength, come back!"

In the next moment, the emotions in his eyes completely converged, restoring the calm and introversion of the past. Xia Xun quickly told him: "Azang also discovered, we must get him before him!"

The author has something to say: These days are a bit busy, the update can not be fixed, but it will definitely be more! muah!

Let us love purely in the end~~~[This is oh! 2k novel reading network

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