MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 91 Copying life (4)

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Copying life (4)

When Shi Qing was stiff, the idea of ​​rushing up in a moment made his brain confusing.

Is he really just a replica? A copy of one's own?

And that... is him?

Then what is he now?

The next moment, more thoughts that I couldn't imagine before came up, just like tearing up the scars that were hidden all at once, **** and terrible.

Can't communicate with Qin Mo, is it because he is not really?

For more than ten days, Qin Mo did not come to find himself, is it because he is not himself?

Qin Mo had already found Shi Qing, but Shi Qing was a real time, not his copy.

Yes, after crossing so many times and eliminating the closed memory, Qin Mo was almost always the first to find him.

This is more than half a month, and it has never been.

If it wasn’t because it was already found, how could it be delayed for so long?

But he is not the words of Shi Qing, what is he?

He exists, his consciousness is clear, he has all his memories, he has feelings, he remembers his parents and relatives, remembers Qin Mo, loves friendship and affection, he has all, he is not a dead thing, not a disappearing at any time. Light smoke.

But why... everything he knows denies his existence?

Until now, Shi Qing finally realized the pain of copying people.

They have human memories, have their own past, all the imprints of survival before are engraved in the brain, loved ones, lovers, friends, deep love, loved, liked, even hateful, everything is clear Printed in your head.

Suddenly one day, all this is no longer your own.

I watched as ‘self’ had all of this, but I was cruelly stripped.

Parents will not give love, lover will not be with you, and friends will not share experiences with you...because you are just a copy of people - a mass-produced, low-cost industrial product.

All the experiences and pasts that represent your existence have proved once again that you do not exist.

Because all of this is ‘other’. Or euphemistically say that it is your past.

You can be the past, what are you now?


Before the time, Qing was able to face it calmly, but he really saw Qin Mo and ‘self’ together, but he knocked him down at once.

He thought that he could never leave Qin Mo, he thought that Qin Mo will never let him go.

He is his system, he is his host.

They will be tied forever forever, they only have each other.

But now, he was taken away.

The opponent is himself.

How ridiculous. How ridiculous.

Shi Qing felt that his heartbeat had to be suspended.

If he is not himself, what else can he do?

He completely understood the copying people who worked in the mines.

They don't want to resist, but if they resist, what do they have to resist? Whom do you want to resist?

Rushing past and confronting yourself? Or is it going to be against those who love it?

Don't say what they are, when Qing Qing thinks that he wants to turn against Qin Mo, he immediately feels that the sky is falling apart, and the whole person has fallen into the hail.

It can't be done, it can't be done. So... can only stay there.

Work, work, day and day, exhaustion, heavy physical strength and constant repetition make the brain unable to think and gradually become numb, and finally, lose self until death.

Shi Qing couldn't help but shudder, and the fear of rising from the bottom of his heart made him spirit on the verge of collapse.

More than ten days of non-stop search, the long-term devotion of the gods consumed too much spiritual power.

He is very high, absolutely above all human beings in the world, but it does not mean that he is never exhausted.

This high-intensity overdraft power has made his body exhausted, and at this time, he has seen such a scene and confirmed such a fact that he really could not hold it.

The body swayed, and Qing Qing barely maintained, and looked pale across the face.

Looking at ‘Shi Qing’, then looking at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo habitually stroked the neck of ‘Shi Qing’s, the teenager shrank slightly, then looked up and smiled at him.

Shi Qing never thought that he would look at himself from such a perspective.

He also couldn't understand that the look of Qin Mo was like that.

It seems that there is only this person in the world.

He lowered his eyes slightly and blocked the emotions in his eyes. His appearance, Qin Mo has already been discovered.

The sight of the cast, strange and cold, let the time of the heart cool.

He has seen the eyes of Qin Mo, and his host looks at everyone except him.

Indifference, alienation, there is no feeling in the blacks.

Shi Qing used to be complacent and thought that he was special and unique. He lived in the heart of Qin desert.

There is even a subtle sense of well-being.

But now, it has become a joke.

‘Shi Qing’ also found him.

The young man walked over quickly and looked at Shiqing, and looked at it with great interest.

After watching it for more than a minute, he took back his sight and turned and smiled at Qin Mo. "It’s incredible. Although I know I can copy it, I didn’t expect it to be like this. It’s too much like it.”

Qin Mo did not look at Shi Qing, his sight fell from the beginning to the end of the juvenile.

‘Shi Qing’ turned his head and looked at Shi Qing. He bent and smiled and asked, “How come you are here? Is it looking for me?”

When Shi Qing looked at him, he didn't know what to answer. He couldn't control himself. His eyes seemed to have his own consciousness. He wanted to move to Qin Mo. He wanted to see him. He left him for too long. Now, he really missed him.

However, Qin Mo did not look at him.

His silk expression did not pass through ‘Shi Qing’, and ‘Shi Qing’ looked at him, and his smile slowly gathered.

"I know, you are coming to Qin desert."

Shi Qing still has no snoring, he can't imagine, and how to talk to himself... and himself?

And...he himself, what is he thinking about now?

The high level of physical exhaustion and the violent impact of the spirit, Shiqing really can not think about it, and even overlooked a lot of details that should have been noticed.

He just wants to go back to Qin Mo, just want to talk to Qin Mo, or, as long as Qin Mo can see him.

But he can't go back, there is already a man around Qin.

He is not a time, he is not a system of Qin Mo, he is not the person in the Qin desert.

But what about him?

In the last life, the meaning of his existence has completely left him.

He can't return to his parents and he will never see a friend. He is dead and dead.

Then he was lucky to have a whole new world.

There is only one person in this new world.

Qin Mo, he only has Qin desert.

But now, he is not even himself.

Shi Qing’s thoughts were chaotic, countless thoughts violently collided, huge gaps, strong despair, and a clear voice came to his ear, holding his heart in an instant.

"Very confused, very helpless? You are not me, you have lost everything you have."

"Do you want to change back to yourself? Not copying people, not being cumbersome, but being alone."

"Change back to Qing, change back to yourself and regain what you have."

The originally familiar voice suddenly fell down, with a strange hoarseness: "Suicide, if you die, you can come back, you can merge with me, it will become me!"


Will you return to the past when you die? Can you change back to yourself when you die?

But dead... Does he still exist?

More can be said...

suicide? !

When Qing was shocked, he looked up and looked at the person in front of him.

Black hair is black, similar to looking in the mirror.

This is him, it is indeed him, but he... How can he say such a thing?

How could he confuse someone to commit suicide? How could he have such a vicious mind?

The details that were missed because of the huge impact were all clear.

He is a copying person, but he is still a time, he is his own, his ideas can not be changed.

If he is really copied, then as the body of the time, it is absolutely impossible for his copy to die desperately.

What if it is a black copy? Since he will create him, he will never discard him!

What can be the chaotic experience and the boring work? If he doesn't even have the courage to carry this memory, who is he?

The confused eyes gradually became clear, and Shi Qing forced himself to cheer up. This is not him!

This person is definitely not him!

As soon as he turned around, he quickly discovered more differences. People can copy, but the bracelet?

Can his food storage bracelet be copied? Even in the system store, this thing is unique!

With the technology of this world, it is absolutely impossible to make it.

He turned his head and looked at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo was deceived, he wants to tell him that this person is not a time, he is!

However, before he could open his mouth, there was a sudden darkness in the empty courtyard. The clouds were dark and the sand was dark, and the hot days became dark and infinite.

Then, a majestic pressure was overwhelming, and the three people present changed.

‘Shi Qing’ and Qin Mo were surprised and surprised, but Shi Qing, but his heart was mad.

It is not a simple contract that echoes far and wide. He feels very familiar and familiar with the powerful gods that cannot be disguised.

The moment I was wrapped in a gentle and strong, Shi Qing knew, this is... his host, the real Qin desert.

When Shi Qing was able to turn his head in the future, he was pushed into his arms by his strong arms, and he was tightly attached to his hard chest. The familiar atmosphere completely surrounded him. When Shi Qing extended his arm and hugged the person, he didn’t have to look at it. At a glance, he knows that this is his host, his Qin desert!

The Qin desert wrapped around his waist and slowly stroked his back. The voice was passed down from above. There was a hoarse voice in the voice that had not been opened for a long time: "Found you."

The author has something to say: Abuse, in fact, nothing really ridiculous, much better than my brain. What? If the host finds it, it will be fine. The next chapter explains what is going on. 2k novel reading network

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