MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 5 Ascend to the emperor (1)

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The fifth chapter is the emperor (1)

Shi Qing recalled the ex-situ summary he saw. To tell the truth, it is not too difficult to upgrade the Prince to the emperor.

Although the old emperor is not stupid, but he is already old, very old and confused. Although she is young, she has been mixing in the palace for nearly 20 years, but she is very embarrassed. She can also spoil the old emperor with her natural intelligence. Other means are not enough.

Although she also knows to support her family, but because of hardware problems, a family of people, dragging their legs more than there are more. She barely pulled her brother up and mixed up with the position of the deputy commander of the guard, but it was already over, and there was no way to go one step further.

Then there is the second emperor Rongxiang, who is just twenty years old this year, but still a hairy boy. Although he is not raised by his mother, he is also impulsive and rash. Under the frequent suggestion of the old emperor and his mother, he is conscious of being young and promising. Compared with the Prince, he is not too much to fight, and he is fighting for a fight. Maybe he can really win the big treasure.

In the face of such an opponent, the Prince only stabilized, did not make a big mistake, was not caught by a small scorpion, and slowly slammed the old emperor into a serious, and finally will be smoothly upgraded to become the next emperor.

Therefore, from this point of view alone, Shi Qing believes that this task is not difficult. For the newcomer of Qin Mo, it is a good first experience.

but! Is the time limit a god?

Seven days... One week...God to God?

When Shi Qinghehehe, how did he never know that the dragon chair was so worthless?

Compared with the entanglement of his system, the party Qin Mo is a calm face, there is no doubt about the task of the release, but also when the reminder does not need to understand the method of picking up the task.

That’s right... In the gap of Shi Qing’s spit, he has accepted the task quickly.

Shi Qing almost wants a ghost, the impulse is the devil, uncle! If you can't complete the task, there will be punishment!

It’s a pity that his mouth is not as fast as Qin’s hand, and he hasn’t shouted, and the two have crossed...

After a moment of whirl, Shi Qing seemed to hear a voice in his ear: "Give a free body."

Fortunately, the good fortune, Shi Qing is very well-thinking, although the task is very boring, but even so intimate to send a body? It's worth it!

After thinking about it, Shiqing collapsed after waking up.

Go to the body! Go to the special free! Going to the special good!

Why did Laozi become a piece of jade? Who wants to be a stone? Can you not bother!

I really want to let go of my scorpion, and I feel that my body is surrounded by a group of warmth. When I look up, I face a huge face...

I am going to go and scare my grandfather!

But immediately, he calmed down again, is the Prince Rongcheng, no ... now is Qin desert.

Shi Qing looked at the Qin desert in detail, although the appearance of the genius has been replaced, but the pair of black scorpions is still difficult to cover up.

Qin Mo stared at the jade in his hand. He could feel the breath of Shi Qing, knowing that the black mist was hiding in this good white jade.

He rubbed the jade on his hand and sensitively noticed that someone was breathing smoothly behind him.

Because of his getting up, the man was a little bit up, and the black blue silk slipped from his shoulders, revealing a white face, a thin eyebrow, and a red lips like Zhu, which gently rose to reveal a weak and incompetent force.

Shi Qing’s angle also happened to be seen, and then he was a little Sparta...

Holy crap! This is a man, man, it must be a man!

Yu Pei will not move, but his vision is very broad. No matter how delicate the man is, he has a good throat! And the chest is also flat, even if the woman who flies to the airport will never be like this.

So, this is a man with a strawberry on his bare body. What do two undressed men do in bed? Shi Qing suddenly remembered that there was something that was irrelevant in the ex-situ summary: Prince is a good man, and he likes to raise a child...

Like to crush the three views of Qing, the man smiled softly, rubbed the black hair on his shoulders, and asked softly: "His Royal Highness? The slaves will serve you."

Qin Mo still touched the jade in his hand. He turned his head slightly, looked up and looked at it. Then he opened his lips and spit out a word: "Roll."

Understatement, but like a sharp arrow, with a compelling momentum, straight into the bottom of the heart.

The man stunned and his face turned pale. He climbed over and seemed to want to say something, but the eyes of Qin Mo swept away, and the whole man was frozen. He even went out of bed after rolling, and yelled at his head and quit. The main hall.

Shi Qing was shocked. What is going on? Keke... Although he didn't mean the male and female **** palaces, but he drove them out? Right? Will it collapse? Qin Mo, do you really think about the people of the Prince? Prince is a favorite... coughing male wind...

He didn't dare to speak out. He couldn't understand what Qin Mo was going to do. He couldn't bear it for a long time. Just wanted to ask, who knows that Qin Mo actually lay down again, and then covered the quilt...

Shi Qing twisted the body of Yu Pei, rubbed it up, only saw the eyelashes of the brush... I rub! How do you close your eyes?

……No way!

Shi Qing stared at the half-heartedly, and finally he was not allowed to deceive himself.

Qin desert, he really fell asleep...

When Qing was angry, he didn't bring such unprofessional. Seven days is very urgent, hurry up to complete the task.

Shi Qing was held in the palm of his hand by Qin Mo, and he couldn’t move, but he could still speak out. Because he didn’t understand the specific situation, he didn’t dare to speak too loudly. He had to press his throat and said, “Don’t slack off, the mission failed. There will be punishment..."

The words were still not finished, and his hand was tight, and the voice came from top to bottom: "Shut up."

Shi Qing: ...qaq, kindly kicked...

Qin desert closed his eyes, holding jade, directly ordered: "Sleep."

When Shi Qing twisted the body of the stone, there was nothing wrong with it. The people around him had already heard a uniform breathing sound.

When Qing Qing smashed, the light in his head flashed, and suddenly there was some clarity. Think about it, Qin Mo seems to have not slept for a long time. In the past, there was still no repair, but after he was repaired, he became an ordinary person, and the pressure he was under was not that big.

Although he crossed into another world and changed his body, but the mental exhaustion has been lingering, and it is now the limit.

In this way, Shi Qing sighed again, did not struggle, and quietly stayed in his palm, although he was somewhat dissatisfied with his grip, but as a jade, he seemed to feel the organ is relatively slow, but also It doesn't hurt, and I think that this kind of behavior seems to be a manifestation of insecurity, and there is some pity, and Shiqing will not pursue it.

This relaxation, he himself fell a good sleep.

When he woke up, he found that he had changed another place and looked around. The ancient bookshelves, the carved screens, the huanghuali armchairs and the table were not worth seeing. Philippine on the good ink table exquisite pen holder ... seems to be in the study?

When Shi Qing looked at the line, he saw the Qin desert wearing the crown of the Prince.

When Qing was confused, he suddenly woke up... task, do the task!

Madan, I have slept in the day!

When Qing was in a hurry, when he saw that Qin Mo was still looking at a herb book, he suddenly exploded like a firecracker. "The task is time-limited. In seven days, if you can't complete the task, Will be punished!"

The eyes of Qin Mo have already fallen on the book, only understatement: "Do you have punishment?"

When Shi Qing slammed, the instinctive replied: "No."

"What are you worried about?"

Shi Qing: ....

When I saw the time, Qing did not say anything, and Qin Mo asked: "I am doing the task, are you good?"

When Shi Qing returned to God, he coughed and said: "This... there are some."

Qin Mo did not care about "oh".

Shi Qing really can't understand his brain circuit, but he is a person who can't hide words. What's more, he doesn't want Qin Qin to think more. Just simply and neatly confess: "If you can't complete the task, you will be If you deduct the corresponding currency, if you are deducted more than one thousand points, you will be obliterated!"

Shi Qing tried to say that he was very serious and serious, but Qin Mo only looked up at him and didn’t say anything. He still studied the herbal medicine with enthusiasm...

Shi Qing had to continue: "If you successfully complete the task, I can also get 50% of the coin reward."

This sentence is obviously more interesting than the previous sentence. He took a look at Yu Pei and asked, "Do you need some coins?"

"of course!"

"What to do?"

"Buy a body!"

Qin Mo stared at Yu Pei, suddenly held it in the palm of his hand, and stroked the delicate body of white jade with his thumb, whispered: "This is quite good."

Although Shi Qing is a jade, the perception is a little slow, but still conscious, he was touched by the body, and uncomfortable twisted: "What is good? Too small, inconvenient to move."

Qin Mo, but rarely hooked the corners of the mouth, still caressing jade, only repeated softly: "very good." Small and round, passive, weak and harmless, how good.

As long as he wants, he can crush it at any time.

Shi Qing did not think too much, he spit in his heart, did not expect Qin Mo would like jade, hehe ... metamorphosis can also have preferences.

Seeing Qin Mo and going to the herbal medicine book, Shi Qing did not say anything again. He was using all his brain cells and tried to think about how to get to God in seven days.

Look at the quiet look of Qin Mo, and then think of the abnormal brain circuit... He suddenly blessed the soul, surprised to ask: "Qin Mo! You don't want to want to be Jun?"

When I asked this sentence, Shi Qing had a feeling of truth. Killing the old emperor, can the Prince’s first position be successfully enthroned?

However, no!

Shi Qing did not wait for the opening of Qin Mo, and quickly said: "You must not have such a thought. Now you are repairing it as a loss. It is just an ordinary person. Although the old emperor is confused, he is always wary of the Prince. There are a lot of guards, you can't do it alone, and you will catch your life!"

Speaking, Shi Qing solemnly added: "Although this is a different world, you are only passing through the gods, but if you die here, the gods will dissipate! Can't care!"

Shi Qing is like a hot pot ant, but the focus of Mr. Qin Mo Qin is always in line with him.

"I am dead, what will you do?"

Shi Qing couldn't keep up with the rhythm, but Yu Pei couldn't express his confused look.

Qin Mo gently stroked him: "Will you die?"