MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 48 Exclusive space (6)

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Exclusive space (6)

Qi Zimo sleeps very heavy, no matter how strong his consciousness is, but after all, only ten years old, hard support for so long, it is the limit.

Because of the closed memory, some of the exercises that Qin Moyuan originally had to adjust the body have also forgotten, so there is no way to quickly rest. Thanks to his use of a large amount of money on the strengthening of the body, this makes Qi Zimo not directly coma or sick.

However, even if he slept so badly, his left hand was still holding the time, and the adult who was so strong could not break free.

Of course, when Qing did not want to break away, he returned to the car with Qin Mo, ready to let him sleep enough, otherwise, this way back home, Xia Xia Xia will be shocked together.

It doesn't matter to make a child, but when the children are holding their hands, they will not let go. This obsession is still deep enough to fall asleep?

But it is not easy to explain. In fact, Shi Qing did not know how to explain with Yan Qi.

However, Yan Qi has always been only Qi Zizi is from, no one asked.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Qi Zimo has been sleeping until 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

When Shi Qing was next to him, except for some hungry, he really didn't feel annoyed at all. It seemed like a blink of an eye, and the sun would set.

Qi Zimo has been sleeping very well, but when he woke up, he suddenly woke up.

A pair of black scorpions opened, not a little bit fascinated, sharp like a sharp edge. However, after he saw the youth around him, he calmed down again.

Just like the cheetah put away the claws, from the fierce attack state, it instantly returned to leisure and calm.

- Just because the prey in front of you did not escape.

Shi Qing did not think so much. He only saw that the teenager was awakened from his dreams. He could not help but ask: "Do you have a nightmare?"

Qi Zimo ignored his problems, but decided to look at the people in front: soft short hair, beautiful eyes, pretty nose and rosy lips, good looking, but can be sure, he Have not seen.

Why is there such a strong familiarity with a person who does not know at all? It is as strong as if this person is his possession, and he is alone and cannot bear to leave, even if it is a minute.

This is not normal. Because of the living environment, his vigilance against strangers is simply innate. He has such a strong obsession with a person who has never met, which makes him feel inexplicable.

But even so, he doesn't want to let go at all, and he can't let go.

Qi Zimo involuntarily clenched the hands of Shi Qing, he could not explain this emotion, but did not want to reject, just like this, this is his, he said.

Seeing Qi Zimo did not say anything, Shi Qing thought that he was talking, and quickly appeased: "Nothing, nothing, I am here."

Qi Zimo looked up at him, then smiled slightly: "Well."

This smile, Shi Qing can not help but take a breath, can ... ... ... cute to burst! It seems like a soft face!

Forbearance...bearing...bearing! Isn't it weird!

When Shi Qingqing cleared his throat, he just wanted to say a few words about the children, but he suddenly heard the sound of a stomach groan.

He smirked at Qi Zimo with a smile: "Hungry?"

Qi Zimo’s line of sight fell on Shi’s lower abdomen.

The ‘cheer’ on Shi’s face is a bit unstoppable...not his stomach, it must not be!

In response to him, his stomach was stunned again. The sound of this squat was extra loud, and he felt a burst of pain, and he was so hungry...

Shi Qing’s face couldn’t be hanged, just like Yan Qi’s classmate who stood silently on the side, Shi Qing quickly smiled: “Haha, hahaha, Yan Qi is it, haha, Xiaoqi is hungry, hungry. Let's go, let's go home to eat."

Yan Qi: "..."

Qi Zimo smiled slightly, clenched his hand when he was tight, and whispered: "Okay."

When Shi Qing’s face is very dry, it’s really a shame. How come there is a feeling of being “favored” by a ten-year-old child? This role is a bit messy!

Shi Qing had already sent a message to Xia Xia Xia, and he made a reason to say that he would go back to dinner. So at this moment, Xiamu has prepared a good meal with a table full of food, and when he enters the house, the nose is the aroma of the meal, making the hungry stomach more cheerful.

Introduced to each other, Xiafu Xiamu was surprised. After all, Qi Zimo’s name was recently a big hit. The eldest son of Qirui will conduct a space assessment this year. The common people are all looking forward to another eight-level space carrier. .

We must know that Qi family has a 50% chance of giving birth to a space carrier of level 5 or above because of the pedigree problem. Qi Zimo’s grandfather gave birth to six children. The boss is a six-level space carrier. The second child is a fourth-grade. The third child’s daughter’s space is five. The fourth and fifth are twins. They are also two five-level spaces. The only six, the father of Qi Zimo, Qi Lu, a big outbreak, is a rare eight-level space carrier!

Their qualifications are very high, and the lineage is on the one hand. A large amount of resource cultivation also promotes their space growth rate is very good.

You know, in the ordinary people, the four-level space carrier is already very good, but in the Qi family, the fourth level is the weakest.

Such excellent physique is the foundation of the family.

Therefore, the annual qualification assessment, all children of the age of 11 years old are the focus of attention at that time, the people are willing to discuss their qualifications, but also look forward to.

It is really the level of their space qualification that directly determines the resources of the region. If the level is too low, it will directly affect the quality of life for everyone in the next few decades!

Just like the eight-level planting space of Qiru, when it was just identified, it was a great event in the whole region. The lanterns were colored for a month, and after Qilu’s entrance, it’s more attention, everything is the most Good, the best, almost always exposed to the public eye.

The law does not have high hopes, the mind is smart, the academics are serious, the space has been growing steadily, and by the time of graduation, it is already very large.

Up to now, not only has succeeded in the position of the Qijia family, but also expanded the number of residents, attracted more people to stay, and made Lanxin District more powerful and prosperous.

Qi Zimo is the eldest son of Qi Lu, the first successor of such a good father, was given high hopes almost from the birth.

After more than a decade of expectation, I still have to be 11 years old in two months. The name of Qi Zimo is even more household name. This is the real eye-catching.

If there is another eight-level space carrier... or, if a rare nine-level ten-level space is born, the benefits are simply unimaginable!

Xiafu Xiamu was cold and not seeing the legendary characters. The tension was affirmative. However, Shi Qing had long thought of an excuse. He explained that he was recommended by the teacher and was responsible for aligning Zimo in the past two months. Counseling.

This is a rule that has always existed, and it is indeed the responsibility of recent graduates. However, because the graduation examination is heavy, most of the graduates who can be selected for this task are very good, so that they will not delay the results.

Xia Nuo has this opportunity, the teacher has mentioned it many times with him, but Xia Nuo is too nervous, too valued the test scores, so I dare not have the slightest delay, so even if I know that there are Qi young masters in this graduate, he Do not dare to take risks.

After all, there is only one Qizi ink, but the number of new students entering the school is tens of thousands. This kind of one-tenth of a small chance, he does not want to take risks.

But this matter, Xia Nuo had not had time to go with Xia Xia Xia, but said that when he said that he was selected, there is no problem.

Xia Xia Xiamu listened to him and said that it was a good luck. Even if you don't consider the things after graduation, you can only be the counselor before Qi Zimo's pre-school enrollment, and he will be very famous in the future.

What's more, Qi Zimo is like this year, and the child's heart is simple. As long as he really treats him, leaving a few loves, it will be of great benefit in the future.

Xiafu Xiamu is not a powerful person, but it is not rigid. For such a thing, if you don’t meet it, you will not be forced to seek it, but if you meet it, you will cherish it.

Xiamu had to add a few more dishes, and it was stopped by Shiqing. Xiamu thought about it this way. She just smiled and said Zizi said: "If you want to eat, you can tell Auntie, Auntie will do it for you. ”

Xia Nuo's appearance followed Xiamu, Qi Zimo was very familiar with Xia Nuo, so he also had a good sense of Xiamu. The little face that has always been unsmiling also smiled slightly. The words were very decent: "Auntie, don't bother, Already very good"

The host of the dinner was full of joy, and Shi Qing helped Xiamu to clean up the table. When she first entered the kitchen, she was introduced by Xiamu: "I have said that you don't have to do it, go play."

Shi Qing did not insist, after all, sitting in the living room is still a small basin friend, and the eyes of Xiaopenyou have been floating on him. In order not to let his parents doubt, he still needs to be better at the small host.

Back to the living room, Xiafu is enthusiasm, although knowing the identity of Qi Zimo, but Xia Fu is not too cautious, after all, just a child, and Qi Zimo is so cute, people can not help but in my heart like. Xia Fu is an authentic child control. When he saw his son in his teens, he couldn’t help but think of Xia Nuo when he was a child. His father loves to burst, his eyes are bent and he is playing with Qi Zi.

Xia Fu also occasionally broke the news of Xia Nuo in his teens. These little gossips made Qi Zimo very happy, so the acceptance of these 'naive' games is much higher.

When Shi Qing came over, Xiafu just received a space reminder. It turned out that the ore was mature and could be collected.

This is a big deal. It’s about the family’s use. The summer father didn’t dare to delay. He said, “You are so fun, I am going to be busy for a while.”

Shi Qing used to help the summer father collect the ore. He knew that Xiafu’s work was not easy. He wanted to go in and help, but he couldn’t throw Qin Mo himself.

After thinking about it, he said to Qin Mo: "Would you like to go see it together?"

Qi Zimo whispered a little, and asked: "Can you?"

Xiafu heard it, and some embarrassed to say: "The space is dirty..."

Qi Zimo’s nephew sank, and Shi Qing said: “It’s okay! Anyway, I have to take a shower at night.” He said that he looked at Qin Mo again. “Are you afraid of dirty?”

Qi Zimo’s original disappointment was immediately clear and clear. He quickly said: “Not afraid.”

Shi Qing bent his eyes: "Come on!"

Qi Zimo’s look at Shi Qing, also smiled.

He has never been to anyone's space. This is the first time. Even though the space in front of him is very narrow and full of gray rocks and flying dust, he feels that everything is so fresh.

Although Qiru has a proud eight-level space, he is too busy, and his space is too important, because the huge grain output makes Qiruo himself a key protection object, and the interior of the space It is also a permanent presence in the army to prevent accidents.

You know, even if only one season of grain harvest is not good, the impact on the entire region is huge.

Therefore, it is impossible for Qi Zimo to enter the space of Qiru, and his mother died prematurely, and there is no chance to enter the mother's space.

The stepmother is not bad to him, but he is not close at all. The younger brother can enter the space of his stepmother, but he does not want to think about it.

Yan Qi’s space is full of whirlwinds, and even Yan Qi himself does not dare to enter, let alone others.

Therefore, it is almost eleven years old, and Qi Zimo has never seen a space.

This is really a rare thing in this world. Although the children before the age of 11 do not have their own space, most of them have entered the space of parents and brothers, or relatives and friends.

Like Qi Zimo, even the surfers are not.

Shi Qing always pays attention to Qin Mo. For the slightest despair of Qin Mo, he saw clearly. Although he had some doubts in his heart, he did not ask much. ‘Never enter the space’ is not something worth sharing.

To put it bluntly, it is a bit shameful that such things are put into the world, and it is difficult to open things.

This may mean that you are an orphan with no parents, no mothers, no relatives, and this orphan is still very bad, so bad that there is no friend.

But in fact, Qi Zimo has a pile of immediate family members, and there are many people around him, but none of them really care about him.

Thinking of this, Shi Qing sighed in his heart, thinking that Qin Mo closed the memory and would enjoy a peaceful life, but it is a pity that Qi Zimo’s experience is really not good... Maybe Qin and Qin’s childhood Something is similar.

Such a brain make up, then turn to look at the small face that Qi Zimo is strong, and Shi Qing feels that the heart is gone!

So, I will take care of him more.

Xia's space is a typical ore space, and there is only one type of ore produced, that is, iron ore. In today's era, iron ore is still very popular, industrial applications are widespread, and consumption is large. But the problem is that there is also a lot of space for iron ore production, which leads to the price of iron ore is not high, and sometimes even plummeted.

However, with the government's regulation, today's prices are still stable, iron ore fluctuations are stable, and small-scale space like Xiafu can be stable.

However, it is a bit heavy to work. Every time it is collected, it is busy day and night, and because it is reluctant to hire workers, only one family can go into battle.

Because of the memory of Xia Nuo, Shi Qing is very familiar with this work, and the collection speed is very fast and accurate. His original intention is to let Qi Zimo play here, but even if the host becomes a small host, it is also a child.

Probably because of the physical strengthening before the Qin desert, so even if Qizi ink is only ten years old, then the eyesight, physical strength and strength should not be underestimated. Just watching the time Qing collected a piece, he learned.

And the speed is fast and accurate, and it is even faster than Shiqing.

When Shiqing could be convinced, it was time to come to the end, the two compared, and the one that was dry was called a hot day.

Xia’s father snorted and snorted, and he had to smoke a few cigarettes. He turned to see the two boys so energetic. He couldn’t help but laugh, and the sense of ignorance of the previous ink was completely gone. He was dreaming there, if he and the heart (Xiamu) were young and worked hard to have two baby, it was probably such a scene! Unfortunately, it’s getting older!

An hour later, Xiafu did not let Shiqing and Qin Mogan do it. He just drove the two boys out and let them take a bath to rest early. The children were small and exercised for a while. It was not possible to do it for a long time. It hurts when you get hurt.

When I left, Xiafu was still swearing: "After a shower, you can give a small ink to press, loosen the meat, and avoid getting hurt the next day."

Shi Qing nodded.

On the contrary, Qi Zimo is still unfinished. This hour of uninterrupted work, he did not feel tired at all, just like there is an endless force, and this more and more.

He has no memory, so he does not know that it is because of exercise that the strength that has been stored in the body awakens a little, gradually merges with the present body, improves physical fitness and enhances all aspects of quality.

However, he saw that Xiafu insisted that when he looked at the water droplets on the forehead of Qing, he did not insist on it, and he went out with space.

Xiamu had already prepared hot water, and sent the two boys into the bathroom. She turned her head and went into the space to play the summer father.

When Shi Qing and Qi Zimo entered the bathroom, they began to feel a little bit... This is... isn’t it washed separately? Why are you going to join together?

Yan Qi outside asked: "Young master, need to serve?"

Qi Zimo said: "No need." But the eyes are staring at Shi Qing.

This time, let Shi Qing’s sentence ‘I go out first, you wash first’ and swallow it back.

But... really want two people to wash together? Bathing with the host? !

Shi Qing was blushing.

However, Qi Zimo has already begun to unbutton the shirt. When the shirt is taken off, he begins to untie the belt.

Shi Qing told himself that this is a ten-year-old child, not the high non-discriminatory Qin desert!

You see, this white skin is not the hard chest of Qin Mo, nor the belly of the Qin Mo, but the two long legs!

Think of it this way, his own powerful brain hole actually added the Qin desert to the brain!

Red|body|naked|body standing in front of the Qin desert... I think of the dream that was going to be human life before... The whole person must burn up!

Three minutes later, Shiqing fled and fled, no, he couldn't do it. He couldn't take a bath with Qin Xiaomo!

After bathing, there are even worse things.

Xiafu deliberately passed, to Qin Xiaomo massage...

When he couldn’t hide, he couldn’t let Qin Mo fall asleep like this, and the next day he would have to suffer from a painful bed, so he could only start the massage with his scalp.

Really faced, Shiqing is calming down, and he has not yet metamorphosis in the end. After Bao Yuanshouyi, he can still face Qin Xiaomo.

While pressing the side to swim too weak, Shi Qing began to find reasons for himself.

That dream, it seems that there is no flaw, pursue the end, or the aftermath of the orc world, whoever is tossed like that, will also think about it, not to mention the Qin desert grows really bad. So, it should be nothing. Right?

Well, it must be nothing!

When I thought about it, I breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Qin Xiaomo and found that he was already asleep.

Shi Qing was cautiously trying to leave. It just got up and didn't move. The originally sleeping person slammed openly, and a pair of black cockroaches locked him.

When Shi Qing was stunned by God's voice, his right hand was tightly held.


Shi Qing is very hesitant. He has just done a good psychological construction and has already got rid of the quirks, but if he sleeps again... he really can't help but think about it!

After a long period of entanglement, Shi Qing still decisively insisted: "This is too crowded, I went to the next room."

Qi Zimo stared at him, and the black scorpion sank in the dark night, and could not see a trace of emotion, but the strength of his hand gradually increased.

When Shi Qing’s sad reminder was discovered, he could not get rid of it.

He was hurt by the grip, and he could not help but frown and whispered: "Little desert?"

A low call made Qizi ink violently return to God. He was shocked by the dark emotions in his heart. He refused to let go and could not let go. If he wanted to escape, he would ruin the crazy emotions that are not as good as...

He was shocked and unconsciously released the hand of Shi Qing.

Although he did not want to say it, he still forced himself to say: "Okay."

Shi Qing sighed and said softly: "Good night." Then he got up and left.

When I watched Shiqing go out, Qi Zimo tried to restrain the impulse to catch up with it. Because of this restraint, the palm of the hand was not consciously embarrassed, and the heart seemed to be hiding a beast, constantly groaning - why Let him escape, why should he let him go, he is gone, you have nothing!

Catch up with him, hold him tight, control him, he belongs to you, he is yours!

These fierce emotions hit him madly. He resisted desperately and suppressed, but the more he burned, the more fierce, the more burning it was. This kind of engraved in the bones, like the instinctive emotion, he could not resist.

The feeling of awakening in the middle of the night came again, the cold air, the empty palm, could not sleep, and could not sleep.

Shi Qing went to the next door, and opened the quilt and went in. He closed his eyes and began to sleep.

But he has always been sleepy, but he can't sleep this evening. He turned over and over several times, and he was really worried.

The mill was ground for an hour, and there was still no drowsiness. When the time was clear, the quilt was opened and jumped out of bed and decided to take a look.

Silently moved to the next door, carefully opened the door, he just entered the house, he stopped.

In the dark room, the young man sat quietly on the side of the bed, and the movement was not the same when he left, quiet, indifferent, like a statue without life.

Undoubtedly, if Shi Qing did not take a look, he would have to sit down all night.

Just like the previous two days and three nights.

Alone, stay until dawn.

The author has something to say: Today's chapter is relatively fat, cough, in fact, two chapters let me synthesize a chapter!

Well, tomorrow, I will take a trumpet to brush the copy of the mountain. I don’t necessarily have time to slogan, but I will report it at any time! If you can't update it, you will scream in Weibo! Love you guys! Oh, what about today's festival, let's not say happy holidays! 2k novel reading network