MTL - Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief-Chapter 2539 Nursery and Yan Yaohui 40

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As a worker, everyone is superficial and amiable, but once it is related to money, nothing can be said.

Even if you live in the same dormitory, who knows who is what kind of person.

"I won't lose it." Nursery replied confidently. "I have already made a hundred, and I have to pay back the money."

This is the money she earned from her own efforts. She is finally the one who can help her.

Even if the money is not enough, it is far from the family's own, but it doesn't matter, she is still young, she has time.

She is still one hundred this time. The next time she is still a hundred years old, she will naturally be able to pay off the money.

"Return your relative?"

In this case of the nursery, the workers heard it.

No way, Miao Wei’s salary is five or sixty a month. It’s quite a lot to say.

However, the nursery was always reluctant to eat, reluctant to wear, and after the wages were sent down, it was well preserved, and she never saw her spend a point.

After two months, did the nursery have spent a hundred dollars?

"Speaking, your relative is very good to you."

When I think of the nursery, there are no mothers, and there are relatives who are willing to take the nursery to live, and also cultivate the nursery to study, so the real-minded relatives are really rare.

"Yes, I will definitely repay them in the future."

The reason why Miao Wei is so happy in the factory is because of her relationship with her.

Even if the nursery rarely mentions the relatives of the family, occasionally talking about the gratitude of the family, there is no other superfluous content, but guessing can be guessed, the conditions of the relatives of the nursery must be very good. .

Why do you guess?

Do you see that the job of the nursery is good?

Going to the factory as a worker, this is a good job that many people want to hope for.

You know, how many workers are needed in each factory, there are counts. Under normal circumstances, new people can't get in.

Unless the parents are not workers, the position of the workers in the factory is given to the children, so that the personnel in the factory have a slight change.

When the nursery came in, no one in the factory retreated to give the position to the nursery. At this point, the ability of the relatives of the nursery family is not really big.

Second, look at the nursery's dress.

The clothes worn by the nursery are not bad, and there is no pudding, five or six percent.

Miao Wei said that her aunt is gone, then where these new clothes come, it must be bought by the relatives.

The nursery has such a family who have the ability and the wealth of relatives. As long as the nursery face is thicker and has been attached to others, the nursery can live on this relative for a lifetime without having to work.

But the nursery did not, the nursery not only took the initiative to participate in the work, but also raised all the wages to return to relatives.

The heart of the nursery, the elders in the factory are really optimistic about the nursery, I think the nursery is a rare good girl.

Really, if it’s not the nursery, there’s no mother, no one at home, or else, if it’s such a good temper, it’s how many people ask to go to the Miao’s house and make a family with the Miao family.

But even then, there are no people who know the eye.

Relatively speaking, looking at the nursery, the conditions for people who want to find an opportunity and the object of the nursery are not the most honest, but it is not bad, and it is low to think that the nursery is not too strong.

"Miao Wei, watching movies the night after tomorrow, you really don't go? Don't worry about the late time, there are a lot of **** men in our factory to go with them, absolutely safe. If you are not safe, I dare not go." "The workers blinked and said to the nursery. "You will go to your relatives tomorrow, go to the movies the day after tomorrow, see, this time is much better, and nothing is wrong."

Miao shook her head: "Don't go, it costs money to watch a movie."

Instead of spending money on the boring things of watching movies, she squatted, and gave her home a little earlier.

Workers are anxious: "A movie ticket is only a few cents, and you don't have to pay for it, someone please!"

The most important thing is, please ask the **** men!

Miao Wei insisted: "If someone please, then I will not go. I am not easy to make money. It is not easy to make money. I am so embarrassed that it is cheaper. People are willing to ask me. I really have to go? go with."

She really didn't have the habit of spending other people's money: "It's all this, I am sleepy, I slept first."

Said, Miao Wei put away his own things, took off his clothes, lay down on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

Seeing the nursery look like this, the workers sighed, the nursery would not understand, the gays and lesbians go to the movies together, it is equivalent to seeing the date.

The nursery has been moved out of the relatives, always looking for an object to marry and have children?

When the young can still pick, the nursery can see more.

Don't wait for the age, it's not easy to pick, just find someone to marry, this is more loss.

The workers want to persuade, but the party of Miao Wei has fallen asleep, but the helpless workers can only go to bed, thinking about how to explain to the male worker who is watching the nursery, let the other party misunderstand the nursery. .

This movie can't be seen, it doesn't matter, and the next time.

The times are different now, and the movies in the cinema are quite diligent.

"Miao Miao, are you looking at the aunt?"

When the nursery was back home, the sick grandmother recovered her spirits and took the nursery hand to sit down and talked about the old spirit of the day: "How about the two months in the factory?" , adapt? Colleagues are doing well with you, is there anyone who bullies you?"

My grandmother’s nervous look is like a daughter who came to work. She is so hard to go home. Her grandmother is afraid that her baby’s daughter will be bullied outside, and she will not tell herself if she is wronged.

Miao knows how grandmother cares about herself, so she talks to her grandmother without any details: "Auntie, don't worry, the workers are good to me. You don't know, tomorrow, the workers will also come to see a movie with me, a lot. people."

“A lot of people?!” Grandma’s grandmother, “Where are all female workers?”

"No, there are also male workers. They asked me to go to the movies and said that they don't want money, please show me. So aunt, you really don't have to worry about me, I am very good outside."

The speaker is unintentional, and the listener has a heart.

There are male workers, and there are also male workers who want to ask Miao to watch the movie. If there is no sign in it, Grandma said that she has been living for so many years: "Is it a male worker who wants to see it? The movie is in the daytime or at night. ?"

"It’s not a male worker who asked me to see it. It was my female worker in the dormitory who asked me to go see it. At night. Because it was night, I had to go with the male workers. It’s safer for everyone to get together.”