MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 7 Racecourse competition

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Anyone with a common sense of horse racing knows that whether a horse is good or not depends not only on its state of the arena, but also on its past records.

"Black Lightning" is a thoroughbred racehorse from Great Britain. It is completely black and glows charmingly in the sun, so it is named "Black Lightning".

It is not very old, and it is less than 2 years old this year. According to the golden age of horse racing, it is 2 to 6 years old. Black Lightning is a rookie at best. It has always been a small farm in captivity and has never run a big game. , even if it is rumored that this horse is very sharp and has good endurance, everyone is still not optimistic. After all, racing in a small place and racing in a real racetrack are two different concepts.

Even with the blessing of the three-time jockey champion Sima, many horse racing fans still have a "questioning" attitude towards Black Lightning, believing that the reason why the horse owner Xu Shixun and Xu Sanshao let him compete this time is just to allow Black Lightning to accumulate experience. It is simply impossible to win the championship. Therefore, the odds of Black Lightning this time have also reached the rare "one to three".

"Dear Lei, it looks like your bet is bad this time!" Saipan, the manager of Standard Chartered Bank, said regretfully to Lei Luo with a glass of champagne.

The corner of Lai Luo's mouth twitched. He never expected that the horse that Shi Zhijian "Old Dou Tuo Meng" was going to bet on turned out to be this inexperienced, inexperienced foal!

Isn't this courting death!

100,000 yuan, go straight to the water!

At this moment, Laidlaw can't wait to get back the money he invested in.

Not to mention the others, those rich people who invested in Shi Zhijian along with Lai Luo, are uncertain.

And those who hadn't invested before, secretly sighed and felt lucky and escaped the catastrophe.

The news that someone in the VIP hall placed a heavy bet of 200,000 to buy the first show horse "Black Lightning" to win spread like wildfire.

Needless to say, those horse racing fans ridiculed one by one. Although most of them are losers in the racecourse, they believe that they understand horses and horses. They often read the horse scriptures and study horse racing. !

Of course, there are also some crazy gamblers who think that this chance to turn over is rare. Since some people dare to bet 200,000 yuan, why can't they be?

So, before the start of the game, another group of lunatics followed Shi Zhijian to madly press the "Black Lightning".

For a time, the entire racetrack went crazy.

"I buy black lightning!"

"Black lightning, rush!"

"Whether it's life or death, just bet on this one!"

As the first show of the foal "Black Lightning", it has directly become the "highlight" of today's horse racing.

In addition to the betting area where some of the richest people are in the VIP area of ​​the racetrack, there is also a separate area for horse owners.

According to the regulations of the racecourse, horse owners need to isolate themselves from other people during the race to avoid "cheating".

At this moment, several older horse owners in the horse owner area are gathering together, shy, holding binoculars and discussing.

A handsome man in his thirties leaned lazily on the boss's chair, squinted his eyes, tapped his right hand on the arm of the chair, and listened to the melodious Cantonese music.

The famous performer who sings Cantonese opera is called "Xiao Hongxia", which is specially invited by this Xu Sanshao from the Kowloon Flower Boat with a high salary. A piece of music is 100 yuan, and Xiao Hongxia has sung four pieces for this Xu Sanshao. , Excluding the venue fee, the carriage fee, the net profit is 300!

"Good singing!"

When the song ended, Xu Sanshao opened his squinted eyes and praised Xiao Hongxia.

Xiao Hongxia hugged the pipa and bowed slightly to Xu Sanshao, "Thank you Sanshao for your praise!"

"Although you can sing well, you are still a little worse than Nie Yongqin, the Queen of Nine Dragons!"

Xiao Hongxia's face darkened slightly, and she squeezed out a smile: "Hua Kui Nie is famous for his outstanding skills, and there are many fans of the 'Uncle and Young Troupe' to support him. How can I compare?"

"Yes, I still have self-knowledge!" Xu Sanshao, Xu Shixun, stood up from the seat and stretched his waist. The red suit and the blue silk scarf tied around his neck were very dazzling and coquettish.

"Hey, I promised a lot of reward points. Go and ask my follower, Axiang! Where is Axiang, er, where did you die?"

Just when Xu Sanshao wanted to lose his temper, Ah Xiang, the head of the rooster and mouse, ran over, and before he got to the front, he shouted, "Young master, it's not good, something big has happened!"

Xu Sanshao grabbed an ivory Xiangfei fan and slapped it directly on Axiang's head: "Is it on fire, or did your father die?"

"It didn't catch fire, and I didn't die, Dad! It's your horse, young master. Someone bet 200,000 to buy it to win!"

"Eh?" Xu Sanshao was stunned.

Even Xiao Hongxia, who was waiting for the reward next to her, was stunned. Although she was a singer and performer, she also knew how poor the third young master's colt was. A pony that had never participated in official competitions, there were also people. Dare to buy?

"You guy, did you hear it wrong?" Xu Sanshao kicked Ah Xiang's ass, "If you make me happy, I will never forgive you!"

"How could it be? I don't dare to talk nonsense even if you give me the courage. Someone really bet 200,000 to buy our Black Lightning to win!"

Xu Sanshao was stunned, "Who?"

"I don't know, all I know is that it's a young man, surnamed Shi, everyone calls him Young Master Shi!"

"Master Shi?" Xu Sanshao shook off Concubine Xiang's fan, revealing a delicate peony flower. After racking his brains, he couldn't think of anyone with the surname Shi.

"Forget it, no matter who it is, who dares to buy my black lightning like this, it must be Xu's friend! When it's over, I must invite him for a drink!"

Xu Sanshao Xu Shixun is not just kidding, this time he let "Black Lightning" participate, not simply to let it accumulate experience, but to hope it can win the championship, telling everyone that although the horse is small, it can win the championship!

Because Xu Shixun is the third eldest in the family and has two older brothers. He is 30 years old this year, but he can only help the family with trivial matters, which makes him very unhappy.

In this horse race, he is "Ming Zhi", telling everyone that he can do it!

"Since this Master Shi bet 200,000, as a horse owner, I can't be stingy—Ah Xiang, call 100,000! I have to have confidence in my horse!"

"As ordered!" A Xiang nodded and bowed. UU reading

Xu Sanshao was in high spirits and called 100,000!

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the racecourse.

They don't understand the "willfulness" of the rich.

Hundreds of thousands are thrown into the water casually!

When Lei Luo heard the news, he was stunned at first, and then he understood the reason. He thought that Xu Sanshao was really a man of temperament. , call 100,000 directly, sharp enough!

However, Xu Sanshao’s identity is not trivial. Their family is not only a shipping boss, but also a bank boss, especially HSBC, which is the “leader” of many banks in Hong Kong. The Xu family holds a lot of equity, and no one dares to offend.

Even if Lei Luo is the famous Inspector Hua, he is not enough in front of the Xu family, so is Xu Sanshao, if the Xu family Lafayette opens his mouth to mess with him, he will be kicked out in minutes!

Thinking of this, Lai Luo began to want to retreat. If he loses this time, he will directly put all the consequences on this surnamed Shi. Even if Xu Sanshao loses money, he will not be able to get angry.

Just when Laylo and others were calculating to shirk their responsibilities, the horse race began!

Under the watchful eyes of all...

I saw that the racehorse "Black Lightning", who was disliked by everyone and thought to be a rookie, started to run. It didn't run very fast and fell directly behind.

Shi Zhijian took a look, it's over, did he remember it wrong? Immediately sweating!

Lei Luo's hawk-like eyes narrowed, and he winked at Chen Xijiu, his subordinate beside him.

Chen Xijiu understands what it means------

Dare to fool Brother Luo, I'm afraid this surnamed Shi will not survive today!
