MTL - Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong-Chapter 1 Back to Hong Kong

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Tuen Mun Police Station----

Shi Zhijian stuffed the folded green police uniform, along with the baton, into the warehouse manager.

Across the iron window, the obese warehouse manager carefully inspected the police cap, clothes, belt, and baton that Shi Zhijian had removed. Then he raised his head and said indifferently, "You can go!"

Shi Zhijian smiled at the other party and turned to leave.

A voice came from behind: "Is he the Shi Zhijian who was fired?"

"If it wasn't him, who else would it be? If he offended Brother Kun, it's no wonder that he can still stay in the police force!" The administrator said contemptuously.

"Unfortunately, I heard that he has only been employed for a month!"

"Stupid, you will be against Brother Kun only if you have a funny head!"

Shi Zhijian went out the door, and the voice from behind became quieter.

The sun was hanging in the air, and the weather in October was still hot. Shi Zhijian was wearing a white undershirt and black trousers. His hair was stuck on his left forehead, covering his stitched wound.

"A Jian!"

"Little uncle!"

Two voices sounded simultaneously.

Shi Zhijian turned his head to look, but saw two people standing in the corner outside the police station, a woman, holding a girl.

The woman was wearing a floral short blouse and slacks and trousers, with a cigarette in her mouth, her brows full of savagery.

The little girl was about seven or eight years old, she was lively and lovely, with big eyes that flickered and flickering, and her face was extremely delicate.

"Sister, Meibao, why are you here?"

"Mom picked me up from school and came here to see you by the way." The little girl Jiang Meibao blinked her innocent eyes and looked at Shi Zhijian.

"Ajian, are you all right?" Shi Yufeng took off the cigarette she was holding, crushed it on the wall, and put the remaining half in a cigarette case.

"It's okay, I don't like being a policeman too much anyway!"

"That's good! Your temper is too weak, I said before that you are not suitable to be a clerk, but now it works!" Shi Yufeng screamed, "But don't be afraid, rest at home for a few days, I will take care of you, And Dakoujiu will introduce you to a few jobs----as long as you have hands and feet in Hong Kong, you will not starve to death!"

Shi Zhijian crouched down and pinched Bao'er's face, "Mom told me to rest at home, Meibao, my uncle can accompany you to do your homework at home in the future!"

Bao'er smiled and said, "I really like you to accompany me to do my homework, but my mother said that you will be very sad if you can't be a police officer!"

"Then what should I do, how does Meibao comfort my uncle?"

"I have a way, Meibao is very smart." Bo'er raised her face, "Little uncle, stretch out your hand."

"doing what?"

"You'll find out later."

Shi Zhijian stretched out his hand.

Bao'er put her little hand on his, released it, and a green mint fell into her palm.

"Little uncle, if you are sad, eat this candy. This candy is numb and sweet, but it's delicious!" Baoer said in a milky voice.

Shi Zhijian smiled, looking at Baoer's innocent eyes, his heart warmed, "Uncle, thank you Meibao first! What should I do, Meibao gave me such a precious gift, how can I thank you?"

"You don't need to thank Meibao, Meibao just wants my uncle to be happy."

"Hey, I promise you, if I eat this candy, I will definitely be very happy and happy!" Shi Zhijian hugged Bao'er, "but before I am happy, I have to lift Meibao high!"

"Giggle!" Bo'er was held high by Shi Zhijian in front of the sun.

"Okay, let's go!" Shi Yufeng felt relieved when she saw her brother like this. Near noon, she has to rush back to cook, and she has to go to work in the afternoon.

Shi Zhijian nodded and took the lead in holding Bao'er and walked out.

Shi Yufeng followed behind, carrying Bao'er's small schoolbag, holding one of his left legs, and following him up and down.

Someone next to him saw it and couldn't help shaking his head: "She's a pretty girl, but unfortunately she's a cripple!"

Shi Yufeng heard it, turned her head and shouted at the man, "Your mother's head is lame! Your mother is a lame! Your whole family is a lame!"

The man was scolded bloody, but he didn't dare to speak back.

Shi Yufeng, nicknamed "Lame Phoenix"!

Shek Kip Mei, the first person in the street!

The three of them left the police station, and there were people coming and going on the road, some set up stalls to do business, and some specialized in shaving their heads.

On the road, rickshaws ran up and down, and the drivers shouted, "Borrow the way! Borrow the light!"

The trams are jingling, vying for business with the rickshaws.

Women wearing cheongsams, permed wavy hair, sprinkled with toilet water, swaying on the street, forming a beautiful scenery.

Hong Kong in the 1960s,

Alternate old and new!

In a time of great change!

To be honest, Shi Zhijian didn't know how he came to this world. Although he was an orphan in his previous life, he had a successful career. In this life, he lived in a poor family. His parents died very early, and he had been relying on his sister.

Not long ago, 18-year-old Shi Zhijian borrowed money to become a military police officer, thinking that he could improve his life. Who knew that because a woman offended Jiang Kun, the leader of the military police, he was directly kicked out of the police force after being framed by Jiang Kun.

In this day and age, what can you do if you can't be a police officer?

For others, this is a difficult problem, but for Shi Zhijian, it is easy to solve.

Although today's police officers are very majestic, Shi Zhijian knows that these are grasshoppers in autumn. In a few days, the "ICAC" will be established soon!

Not to mention----

In the 1960s, Hong Kong was full of gold, making countless rich people and tycoons!

Mr. Huo!

Superman Li!

He Gambler!

Dong Chuanwang!

There are countless heroes, and there are many heroes!

Could it be that he, Shi Zhijian, can't break out into the world? !

Just when Shi Zhijian was thinking about it, he suddenly "dudududu", a black Beetle car rushed from the front, Shi Zhijian hurriedly hugged Bo'er to dodge away.

Shi Yufeng cursed at the car's butt: "Fuck you in the street! How did you drive, you're blind?!"

The car braked suddenly and stopped on the side of the road. A head stuck out of the car window. It was a man with a sullen expression. He glanced at Shi Yufeng, then looked at Shi Zhijian, then spit on the ground gloomily, and said to the driver: "drive!"

The driver restarted the car and drove towards the police station, asking, "Brother Kun, is that guy Shi Zhijian?"

"It's not him, it's the other one?"

"It looks like he's here to resign today."

"What resignation? It was kicked out by me!"

"Yes, yes, you were kicked out by Brother Kun!"

"But I'm still very angry!" Jiang Kun glanced at the rearview mirror, Shi Zhijian was comforting Shi Yufeng and his daughter, and asked them if they were scared, "A waste like him dares to oppose me, and my face will be turned against me in the future. Where to put it?"

"Then what are you going to do, Brother Kun?"

"If you want to play, play him to death!" Jiang Kun's face showed a hint of ruthlessness, "I heard that he borrowed Jin Yabing's loan shark to be a police officer, so tell Jin that he was fired and can't be a bad guy. Teeth Bing!"

"I understand! Jin Yabing is not easy to mess with. If you don't have money to pay back, you will take your life!"

"If you understand, do it right away! Remember, you have to be fast! I want to see with my own eyes that this smashing street was crippled by me! Hehe!" Jiang Kun smiled gloomily.

"It's amazing to have money? Are you driving a car and rushing to reincarnate? Throwing you in the street! If I hit my daughter, I'll have to fight with you!" Cursing at the car.

Shi Zhijian already knew that the car just now was Jiang Kun's car, but he didn't tell his sister Shi Yufeng about this, and he was relieved after asking if they were okay.

As for Jiang Kun's account, it will be settled sooner or later!

Shi Zhijian beckoned to call a rickshaw, but was stopped by Shi Yufeng, saying that if he could save money, he would save some money.

Shi Zhijian didn't listen to her, so he still called for two cars.

A car from Tuen Mun in the New Territories to Shek Kip Mei in Kowloon costs 18 cents, and two cars cost almost 4 yuan. This makes Shi Yufeng feel a lot of pain. She feels the money in the handkerchief around her waist, and calculates how to get it out of the meal. .

Bao'er was very happy. She sat in the car and clapped her little hands. She looked around with her big eyes, as if seeing everything was strange, because she didn't have a chance to take a rickshaw at all.

As soon as Shi Zhijian got into the car, a newsboy ran over smartly, "Sir, buy a newspaper and read it in the car!"

Shi Zhijian glanced at it, and the cloth bag carried by the newsboy was stuffed with seven or eight kinds of newspapers, the most prominent being Ming Pao and Sing Tao Daily. UU reading www.

"Is there a "The Tiger"?!"

"Yes!" The newsboy took out a newspaper with his ink-stained hands and handed it to Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian took the newspaper and put five cents in the newsboy's hand.

Shi Yufeng could see clearly, but it was a pain in the flesh again, five cents was enough to buy a big radish!

The rickshaw was running rustling on the asphalt road, Shi Zhijian spread out the newspaper and read it.

In this era, many Hong Kong people are not very literate, so many newspapers like to serialize some doll paintings that you can understand at a glance. Only slightly higher-end newspapers have large-scale editorial articles or serialized martial arts novels.

The more advanced one is the English version of "The Tiger". This kind of newspaper is basically aimed at high-level people in Hong Kong's upper-class society. They can understand English and care about Hong Kong's political and economic affairs. The above engages in some government bidding and infrastructure projects.

This way of publishing "government tenders" in English newspapers directly shuts out many Hong Kong people. It is difficult to ask for money from the government.

Shi Zhijian glanced at it. There are many opportunities for making money in the newspapers. For example, the British Hong Kong government is planning to open eight more bus routes in Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui and Mong Kok. Now it is openly bidding for powerful transportation companies.

In addition, the British Hong Kong government is preparing to repair the severe prison at 99 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley, Hong Kong Island, and is now bidding for powerful builders.

Shi Zhijian knew after a few glances that there was no drama, and the words "strong" directly beat him to the ground.

Since the right path can't go through, let's see if there is a chance to make a fortune from the sidelines.

Shi Zhijian flipped through the newspaper, and what caught his eye was the favorite activity of Hong Kong people—horse racing!

After looking at the content carefully, suddenly, his eyes lit up.

Read The Duke's Passion