MTL - Rebirth on the Doors to the Civil Affairs Bureau-~ 50. In the name of love

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This is a burglar chapter. Xia Fengyi, the house is big? Is it because I am not there? Yu Dong, is saying that she... think about me?

"The plane you sat for a day must be tired, go to bed early, I should go to work!" Yu Dong said.

"Well, remember to send me a message after work." Xia Feng shouted.

"it is good!"

I hang up the mobile phone in the winter, and I’m going to stay for a while. The difference between one person and two people is not started by someone who is working from work.

“Is it safe to be with my girlfriend?” asked the surgical colleague Li Qiguang.

"Ah?" Xia Feng snorted, and finally nodded with a smile.

"I just finished chatting with my girlfriend. As a result, she didn't care about me a few words, so I went to the duty-free shop to help her buy things." Li Qiguang complained.

Xia Feng smiled and did not speak.

"Right, do you want to buy something for your girlfriend? Let's go to the duty-free shop together?" Li Qiguang said.

"Don't be so early? Can you buy it when you go back?" Xia Feng said.

"No! She said that she used up the mask, let me buy it and send it back, people are waiting to use it!" Li Qiguang reluctantly said, "You said that this shipping cost can be bought at home."

After listening to Xia Feng, I thought about it. I can only go back after three months. I don’t know if Yu Dong waited for it.

"That will go together!" Xia Feng said.

So the two entrusted the baggage to three other colleagues and went to the duty-free shop together.

Li Qiguang skillfully took out the purchase list prepared by his girlfriend and took the basket and went into the skincare counter.

Xia Feng saw a smile, it seems that women like to prepare a purchase list for her boyfriend.

Open the wallet and take out the list that is folded inside. Open it, the first line of the list reads: The following products should be purchased every day, please think about me once when you buy!


Xia Feng looked at a long string of things on the white paper, the mask was bought by Zhang, and the counter would be sold to me, really...


Today is a wedding banquet for university friend Ren Xinxin. I missed it in winter before I was born again. This time I was planning to attend in winter.

"Is it out? I am going to the door of your community right away." Xiang Xiaoyue called and urged.

"Okay, I will come out now!"

Today is the weekend, the neighborhood is full of excitement, in the winter on the high heels elegantly walked on the tree-lined path, all the way is the appreciation of the eyes, after all, the beautiful things are always happy.

"WOW~" was sitting in the car to Xiaoyue, and he came to see him in the winter. He couldn't help but praise. "This is beautiful! Look at the security guard at the door of your community. Now your eyes are still on you!"

Yu Dongla sat in the car door and smiled and said: "After all, I have to attend with the big beauty, don't dress up, I am not the one who lost you!"

"This is true!" Xiang Xiaoyue proudly said, "We broadcast a class of three golden flowers in class 04, and today we will shock the audience!"

After a while, the car arrived at the destination.

An upscale winery on the outskirts of Shencheng!

"I didn't find Xinxin's home so smashed before!" Xiang Xiaoyue, who used to see the market, couldn't help but marvel at the specifications and layout of the winery.

"What is her husband!" Yu Dong looked at the photo of Ren Xinxin and her fiancé. The man who was arrogant in the photo was Ren Xinxin's husband Lu Xuan. He had seen it several times before he was born again.

"The visual inspection is good!" Xiang Xiaoyue looked at the photo.

"Where is it?"


"You don't think he has the face of a scum man?" Yu Dong said inexplicably.

"You can't curse him!" frowned at Xiao Xiaoyue. "This is Xinxin's fiance!"

In the winter, he was so stunned. He remembered that he had a few cocktail parties before he was born again. He always saw him with different female companions. Once he recognized himself as a student of Xinxin, he even smiled and toasted himself.

"Let's go to Xinxin!" Yu Dong looked at the white roses on the floor, and he felt ironic.

How much happiness in the world is the show envy for others! Just like having a life, it is the circle of friends of others!

The two passed through the rose bushes and multicolored balloons, occasionally blowing in the breeze, dancing between the skirt and the hair.

"Who are the two beautiful women?" asked a man who was drinking from the opposite side.

Lu Xuan turned his head and looked at the past. He blinked and said: "I don't know, it should be Ren Xinxin's classmate!"

“What background does you know?” the man asked.

"What background can you have, just some female college graduates!"

"Allen, we used to know each other?" The man turned to his other friend.

Allen naturally saw Yu Dong and Xiang Xiaoyue. Although he didn't have any interest in beauty, he didn't want to sweep his friends, so he raised his eyebrows and smiled: "With you!"

So the two left Lu Xuan and greeted Yu Dong and Xiang Xiaoyue who strolled.

"Two beautiful women!" The man stood three steps in front of the two, laughing at the gentleman. "I am Lin Huiyuan, director of marketing department of Huiyuan Group."

"Huiyuan Group? You are Lin Huiyuan? Are you the boss of Huiyuan Group?" Xiang Xiaoyue wondered.

Lin Huiyuan sneered, many identities, do not have to deliberately say, the other party can always guess.

"He is not the boss, it is Shaodong. If it is not his father, can he still be the director of this virtue?" Since the other party is close to Yudong, they know what they are doing.

Allen picked up his eyebrows in a strange way.

"This beautiful woman, what kind of virtue is it?" Lin Huiyuan was somewhat unhappy.

"I just met Miss Qin Yuanyuan at the door." Yu Dong smiled. "If you talk to me again, it is estimated that the resort you cooperate with Qin will be yellow."

Lin Huiyuan's face is hard to look at.

Allen is also a glimpse.

"Let's go!" I saw it in the winter, and pulled away to Xiaoyue.

"What do you mean by that sentence? Who is Qinyuanyuan?" asked Xiang Xiaoyue.

"Qinyuan Garden is her fiancee!"

"I rely! I have a fiancée who is still out, is it more than me?"

"Are you finally acknowledging your own slag?" Yu Dong picked up his eyebrows.

Here Lu Xuan saw Lin Huiyuan come back with a black face, and asked in confusion: "What happened?"

"The beauty has a sting!" Allen laughed.

Lu Xuan raised an eyebrow, but did not expect that Ren Xinxin's friend, there is such a powerful.

After a while, the two went to the dressing room. They excitedly opened the door to the dressing room and shouted: "Xinxin, we are here!"

Ren Xinxin was shocked, red eyes and Xiang Xiaoyue.

In the winter, see Ren Xinxin's expression, his face sinking, and sure enough!

"What happened to you?" frowned at Xiaoyue.

"No, no?" Ren Xinxin quickly wiped his tears and smiled. "You are here, you are beautiful today."

"Don't give me a topic, what happened?" He said to Xiaoyue.

"It's okay! Just my mom came, and when I said something, I couldn't help but want to cry..." Ren Xinxin said.

"Oh... Auntie, I can't bear you." Xiang Xiaoyue thought that he knew the truth. "But it's okay, it's not just getting engaged, it's a big deal to get married in a few years."

"Yeah!" Ren Xinxin smiled and nodded.

"Is it really aunt who talks to you and you cry?" Yu Dong walked over and picked up an orange peeling and said, "I met Lu Xuan at the bar last night, and there are several beautiful women around me!"

"What?" shocked Xiaoyue.

"Yes...maybe a bachelor party!" Ren Xinxin said with some sadness.

"I went to open the room later." Yu Dong looked at Ren Xinxin and added a sentence, "3P!"

"I wipe!!!!" Xiang Xiaoyue is incredulously squatting in winter. "Why don't you go up and pack him!"

"I didn't know that he was Xinxin's fiancé yesterday?" Yu Dong said.

Ren Xinxin bit his lip, and finally did not hold back, crying tears can not stop!

Xiang Xiaoyue looked anxious. Xin Xin was a prostitute from the beginning of his understanding. When he was so bullied, even if he was bullied, he would not resist.

"This wedding is not fixed!" angry at Xiaoxiao, "Let the scum man die!"

"No... no!" Ren Xinxin cried, "My mom won't agree!"

"Your mother? Why did Aunt disagree!" asked Xiang Xiaoyue.

"I, I am pregnant with Lu Xuan's children!"

"..." Yu Dong and Xiang Xiaoyue looked at each other. In the winter, it was just a shock, and Xiang Xiaoyue broke out.

"You are pregnant, he is still doing this to you!"

"On that day, Lu mother asked me to send something to Lu Xuan. When I went to Lu Xuan apartment, I found him drunk. Then..." Ren Xinxin cried, "He woke up and said that I seduce him and said that I used Do your best to marry into their home!"

"Bastard!" Xiang Xiaoyue will rush out of the real PK.

"After you were pregnant? You told your mother, then Auntie went to find Lu Xuan's mother? Only today!" According to Ren Xinxin's personality, it is easy to speculate.

Ren Xinxin nodded and said: "The two of us were neighbors since childhood. Lu Mama always liked me very much, but later Lu Dad became a big business. Although Lu Mama still likes me very much, but I have no relationship with Lu Xuan. Ok, I don't know why, he always said that I was looking at their family's money. But I didn't, although my family is not rich, but not bad..."

"He just came in and told me, let me have a child to stay at home. He said that I was rushing into the door to serve his mother!" Ren Xinxin remembered the eyes of Lu Xuan just now, the whole person was afraid of shaking, "Xiaoyue Winter and winter, I don't want to get married, I don't want to get married like this!"

"Then we will not end!" Xiang Xiaoyue said with Ren Xinxin.

If things are going to the worst places, Ren Xinxin’s suicide after two years will follow.


"Miss Ren, the ceremony is about to begin!" the staff urged.

"Xin Xin, I will take you away!"

Yu Xinxin, who was nervous and nervous when he looked at it, said: "If you don't want to be so engaged, you don't want to be a woman who is unscrupulous in the eyes of Lu Xuan, and go out and refuse him!"

"I..." timid.

"Xin Xin, people have to make a decision for themselves!" Yu Dong said.


When the two accompanied Ren Xinxin to the venue, the ceremony had begun. Lu Xuan was in a valuable suit, standing on the stage like a noble son.

Siyi saw Ren Xinxin and held the microphone loudly: "Our heroine is finally here!"

Suddenly, all the guests around him clapped their hands.

Ren Xinxin took a deep breath and went to the stage, standing opposite Lu Xuan.

The master of ceremonies said at this time: "It’s really a girl! We are here to listen to the two love history, who will come first?"

"I will come first!" Ren Xinxin said suddenly.

In the moment, a good-hearted laughter broke out in the audience. Lu Xuan’s mouth was slightly hooked, and he looked at Ren Xinxin with a look of scorn.

Ren Xinxin finally died completely. He picked up the microphone and said to Lu Xuan: "Lu Xuan, we have known each other for 20 years. From the time I remember, we will play together, but today..."

Lu Xuan listened to Ren Xinxin's words, and the ridicule in his eyes was even stronger.

"Let's break up!" After saying this, Ren Xinxin smiled and fell into tears.

"Hey!" The meeting was a mess.

"You!" Lu Xuan grabbed Ren Xinxin and frowned. "You deliberately?"

Yu Dong and Xiang Xiaoyue took a few steps and went up. One person took Ren Xinxin and one was in front of Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan, who looked at his face with a look of anger and anger, said: "Mr. Lu, the first time I was beaten by a woman, pay attention to maintaining grace!"

The three men went on and the news that the heirs of the Lu’s group were abandoned by their fiancée in public was busy in various sectors for several days.

So when Xia Feng sent an email asking what the winter was doing, Yu Dong replied:

"I made the headlines!"

"Great, I picked up the dubbing of an idol drama some time ago. The original female voice actor suddenly had something to do. Come over and help me." Xiang Xiaoyue said.

"Give a salary?"

"Give, of course." Xiang Xiaoyue loudly.

"Let's go, address me!"

"Then I will send you a mobile phone, come over immediately, take a taxi, I will reimburse you." Xiang Xiaoyue said.

It seems that it is really anxious, and I have really needed money recently. I packed up and went out in the winter.

I don't have to check my balance. I know how much money I have in the winter, because ten years ago I relied on the two thousand dollars in Cary, the root of a person in the city.

But for Yu Dong, ten years later, these two thousand dollars are not enough for her to buy clothes, not to mention the taste of her own ten years ago in the winter is not the same. 2k novel reading network

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