MTL - Rebirth on the Doors to the Civil Affairs Bureau-~ 42. Xia Dafu feeding pigs

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This is the anti-theft chapter. Xia Xia Xiamu did not take care of her son at all, and her eyes slammed into the door.

Xia Feng was puzzled. Looking back, I found out that Yu Dong did not come in. Some funny people walked back to the door and pulled in the winter that was hiding in the side: "Parents, this is winter!"

"Yu Dong?" I was wondering when I was worried about the summer of the winter. "An An? Isn’t it to bring An An to see us today?"

Xia Fu is also a look of doubt.

Xia Feng’s dark road was awful, and when he was thinking about how to remedy it, Yu Dong suddenly made a noise.

In the winter, holding a carnation in his hand, a face of quiet dress, may be a little nervous, his face fainted a blush, softly whispered: "Uncle and aunt are good, I am in winter, but also Anan."

"Ah? You are Anan?" Xia was happy when she heard that her son had a girlfriend for more than three or four years. I have never seen it.

"This is the flower I sent you, I wish you a speedy recovery!" Yu Dong hands over the flowers.

When Xiamu first saw it in the winter, she felt that the girl had a cleverness, she was also very graceful, her eyes were clean, and the first image was good. I also know that I want to buy flowers and look at myself. I suddenly see my teeth: "Well, this flower is so beautiful. The old man puts the flowers together."

Xia Fu did not move, Xia Feng took the initiative to take the flowers in his mother's hand, said with a vase: "I am coming!"

As soon as Xia Feng left, Yu Dong was even more cautious. The two old people smiled and watched the fruit on the table. The old man said: "Auntie, I will cut an apple for you."

"No, no! You can sit on it." Xiamu appeared in the winter, and her eyes did not leave too much winter. Seeing this girl is not arrogant, she knows that she is more happy to cut apples.

"An An, how old are you?" Xia Jian, the girl's face was tender, so he asked.

"twenty two."

"22?" Xiamu and Xiafu looked at each other. "Then you are not a college graduate."

"Yeah!" Nodded in winter.

"Then you are not in love with Xia Feng when you enter college?" Xia mother was shocked.

Xiafu’s face was also bad, and he said: “This stinky boy!”

I was stunned by the winter and looked at the second old man. I don’t know why it’s just a good atmosphere.

"What are you doing with your son?" Xiamu glanced at the summer father.

"He is 28, more than six years old than a girl, how can I start a girl who just entered the university!" Xiafu angered.

"Whatever you can't start, people are falling in love!"

"That's not right, it's just a rogue!"

Yu Dong listened to laughter on the side, but after thinking about it, he still couldn't make things too complicated. When he couldn't help it, he eloquently said: "Uncles and uncles, not the summer wind, is actually chasing me. he!"

"Ah??" Xia Xia Xia and the mother looked incredulously in winter.

"When I was a freshman, I had a heatstroke fainting. It was the hospital where the summer wind sent me. But he left without leaving a name. I asked a lot of people to hear him. I wanted to ask him to have a meal. The result is to see people, I will... I will... I fell in love with him at first sight." Yu Dong said with a bad embarrassment.

Women like this romantic story. Xiamu listened to her eyes and smiled. She felt that this girl had a good eye and she was in the same position with her son. It was even more satisfying.

"No wonder he does not take you home life and death, it is estimated knew his father would beat him." Summer mother laughed.

"Hey!" Xiafu snorted.

"But you just graduated, you should have never thought about getting married so early!" Xia Ma pitifully said, "It doesn't matter that Xia Feng is that I let him get married. He is to make me feel at ease. If I know that you are still so small." , it won't..."

"Auntie, I am not too young, I am getting married at the legal age." Yu Dong suddenly became shy. "And, my dream is to marry Xia Feng after graduation."

Xiafu Xiamu looked at each other and reaffirmed that this girl is good, and she is a silly son.

"Auntie, you have a good illness, Xia Feng said, wait for you to hold a wedding!"

"Auntie can see you, but he will not wake up the day after tomorrow, and there is no regret." Xia Mu exclaimed.

Xiafu frowned, obviously also very worried.

Yu Dong feels that Xiamu’s state is somewhat pessimistic. Before the large-scale operation, people still had to think a little bit, so they thought about it: “You will definitely be fine, I want you to help us with the children in the future.”

"Children? Are you pregnant?" Xia Mu was excited.

"Not yet!" Yu Dong shy, "but not necessarily when!"

"Good!" Three good words are called export, Xia Ma happy, "I will bring you children, you will give me a few!"

Xiafu is also a joy.

So when I got back from the flowers, I met my colleague on the road and chatted with two summer monks who came back for a while and returned to the ward again. I felt that the style of the entire ward was wrong.

"What child?" Xia Feng wondered.

"Of course my grandson!" Xiamu has now taken Yu Dong as her own niece, and her son is a little bit closer.

what? Xia Feng glanced at Yu Dong, who was posing in front of his mother, and suddenly felt guilty: "This girl will not talk to my parents about my child!"

"And winter and winter have told me, Anan is her screen name, he does not like you call her, you will change it later." Xiamu angry, "what winter and winter, how good winter and winter, where The boy is angry."

In the winter, I heard the grievances and nodded.

Xia Feng’s face is arrogant, and he can only promise again and again, secretly swearing someone, what do you say to my mom!

"What awkward! How can a big man marry his wife!" Xia Fu saw that Xia Feng was secretly squatting in the winter when he was not playing a fight. "You give me out!"

Xia Feng was inexplicably stunned, but he still went out.

The house was glanced at the winter worried, and Xiamu’s face was loving and comforting.

"You kid, how have I taught you since I was a child, have you gotten a hand for such a small girl?" Xiafu was still worried about his son's old cows eating young grass.


"What are you, look at your share of the winter and winter pursuits, I will not pursue you." Xiafu said seriously, "but you have to know better in the future! Can not be because of people If the girl takes the initiative, you don’t know how to cherish it."

"Oh..." The amount of information is slightly larger, or go back and talk about it.

"What expression do you have, if you know that you are not good to your wife in the future, I will interrupt your leg!"

"Dad, you are a little sound, people have heard it!" Xia Feng saw people around, and suddenly embarrassed.

"I heard what happened, I said it was done, they are all witnesses!" Xiafu angered.

"Yes, yes, I listen to you!" Yu Dong, what did you say to my parents, how can I let my parents turn over in less than ten minutes.

Waiting for the chat, Xia Feng also worried that his mother was tired, so he planned to leave with him.

Xiamu is happy today, but after all, the body is not good, it is really tired.

"Auntie, take a rest, I will come back when you are surgery!"

"Good!" Xia Mu smiled and waved.

When the two of them came out of the hospital door, Xia Feng asked: "What do you say to my parents, they like you so much!"

"What is the name of the girl, this girl has been loved!"

"Well, you are the cutest, my dad said that if I dare to bully you, I will interrupt my leg." Xia Feng depressed.

"Oh, my uncle is so cute!" Yu Dongle said, "If you will make me unhappy in the future, I will go to complain!"

"What's the matter with children?" Xia Feng has always been worried about this.

"This is ah..." Yu Dong said. "I see Auntie is not very optimistic about the operation. She said that we may have a child when it is time to let her old man raise his body and bring his grandson."

Xia Feng listened, and I was worried about my mother’s condition: "Let you be discredited!"

"Reassured, the aunts are so good, the surgery will definitely be smooth." Yu Dong knows that the aunt is a bad heart, and can hardly hurt his heart. No wonder the summer breeze will be criticized by his own, and he is afraid of Xia Mu’s thinking. . .

"Let you say goodbye!" Xia Feng smiled. "But then, my mother should look forward to her grandson."

"Then oysters!" Yu Dong does not matter.

Xia Feng stunned and looked at the face of the winter in the sunshine, I did not know how to pick up this time.

On the ward side, Xiamu also said this with Xiafu.

"I am relieved. I used to worry that the summer wind was too dull. I taught him to be a gentleman to the girl. When I grew up, I found out that although this is more like a girl, it is easy for a girl to be a spare tire. "Xiamu exclaimed, "Winter is good, just complementing the summer wind!"

"Yeah!" Xia Fu unconditionally echoed, "You have to raise your body and wait for your grandson."

"Yes, I have to bring my grandson!" When he mentioned his grandson, Xia was very happy.

"This kid is also a dog, with me!" Xia Fu gratified.

"Who is a dog?" Xiamu asked her eyes.

"I am, I am, that kid can look at his face!"

"Who is the face?"

"you you!"


Here, the summer wind sent Yu Dong home, turned back to the hospital, although his mother's sick hospital gave a fake, but there are still some things to deal with.

Back to the hospital, Xia Feng just stopped the car, when the phone suddenly rang.

Xia Feng frowned and saw this stranger from the United States, thought about it or connected.

"Summer wind!" A gentle female voice came from the phone.

"Are you in the United States?" Summer wind paused, and he still asked.

"Well, I am here, the house rented online is also very good, there is a swimming pool downstairs." When the girl heard the summer wind, she knew that the other party was still happy.

"That's good!"

"Summer wind... Are you still angry with me?" The girl’s voice was awkward, and people couldn’t help but feel a little pity.


"You must be mad at me, Xia Feng You should know that I like you, I just don't want to get married so early." The girl thought and asked, "Auntie, is Auntie still okay?"

"pretty good!"

"That's good! Aunt's surgery is sure to succeed." The girl said, "Xia Feng I know that I am a wayward one, you should be angry, but can you promise me, don't be angry for too long."

"An An..." Xia Feng closed his eyes and said as if he had made a great determination. "Remember what I said before you?"

"Which sentence?"

"I propose to you on the day..." Xia Feng reminded.

"Summer are scaring me..." Anan was a little scared. 2k novel reading network

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