MTL - Rebirth on the Doors to the Civil Affairs Bureau-~ 37. Xiaoyue's dog

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This is the anti-theft chapter. When I returned home in winter, I felt a little thirsty. When I opened the refrigerator and saw that it was all water, I couldn’t help but spit out the channel: “It’s not the doctor’s refrigerator, it’s really a tasteful drink.”

Yu Dong took a bottle of water and drank a few mouthfuls. Habitually found out that the mobile phone had to order some junk food on a certain treasure. When I saw the whitish keyboard of the mill, I remembered it. year.

"Jingle Bell!"

If it is not because the mobile phone is in his own hands, Yu Dong will definitely react. This is his mobile phone ringing. It seems that the electric display - Xiang Xiaoyue, his college roommate, had a good relationship when he went to school, but then she got married. Every day, nothing is good to show love, as a single dog, in the winter consciously away from the injury, the connection is slowly less, so there are three or four years have not seen.

"Hey?" I switched on the phone in winter.

"Frozen!" A sharp woman screamed that she almost threw the phone in the winter. "Help, help!"

"What's wrong?" Xiang Xiaoyue is a typical urban girl. Her family is superior and she is an only child. Her emotional intelligence is quite high. Generally, some people do some things, but it is not very good. When they encounter something, they are especially exaggerated. Of course, boys seem to be like Compared to eating this set, it is necessary to say that the most admire to her in the winter when the university is, but all the ex-boyfriends can come to help, can see the ability.

"Are you in Shanghai?"

"Yes." Yu Dong replied.

"Great, I picked up the dubbing of an idol drama some time ago. The original female voice actor suddenly had something to do. Come over and help me." Xiang Xiaoyue said.

"Give a salary?"

"Give, of course." Xiang Xiaoyue loudly.

"Let's go, address me!"

"Then I will send you a mobile phone, come over immediately, take a taxi, I will reimburse you." Xiang Xiaoyue said.

It seems that it is really anxious, and I have really needed money recently. I packed up and went out in the winter.

I don't have to check my balance. I know how much money I have in the winter, because ten years ago I relied on the two thousand dollars in Cary, the root of a person in the city.

But for Yu Dong, ten years later, these two thousand dollars are not enough for her to buy clothes, not to mention the taste of her own ten years ago in the winter is not the same.

After hitting a car, I quickly arrived at the place. I went to buy a glass of watermelon juice on the winter with a pair of high heels. After drinking two eyes with my eyes, I went to the studio of Xiang Xiaoyue.

The place is not big, but it is already very good to have a 50-flat dubbing room in the place where Shencheng is so expensive.

The decoration style is good, it is not too late after a few years, I think it must be the design of the former ex-boyfriend of her design school.

"Oh my aunt, you can count it." Xiang Xiaoyue dressed in a professional career, saw Yu Dong and saw a savior.

"Wait!" After Yu Dongxian swallowed the watermelon juice in his mouth, he took a taxi from his pocket and said, "First report a total of 50 fares!"

"Can I still lose 50 of yours?" Xiang Xiaoyue took the suffocating slogan and urged, "You are advanced to see the script."

In the winter, I walked into the conference room without hesitation. I saw two people sitting inside. A little girl was very cute. I saw a sweet smile in winter. The other was a handsome little boy in the sun. I don't know. For the sake of the winter, I always feel that I am familiar with it.

"Okay, now the woman and the woman are two, the man and the man are all together." Xiang Xiaoyue said, "This drama is the most dialogue between you. You should discuss and discuss together first."

Nodded in winter, I found a chair to sit down and start watching the script.

Just looking at it, Yu Dong always feels that someone is stealing himself.

Yu Dong looked up and saw the little handsome guy on the opposite side squint and immediately bowed his head.

Is it my pursuer?

Yu Dong thought about it, took care of his hair, put on a beautiful posture and then watched the script.

I saw no two pages, and I was stared at by a line of sight. I looked up again in winter and the other side looked down again.

After repeated this several times, Yu Dongxian couldn't help it, but since people may like to be ashamed of their confession, the tone of winter is still very gentle: "Do you have anything?"

The little handsome guy saw him in the winter and asked himself to stop.

"What do you do when the big man is swallowing up?" Even if you confess, I will gently reject you.

The little handsome man hesitated and asked: "Frozen, are you still okay these two days?"


When I was young, my family was poor. In the winter, in order to save money on shopping, my mom always used a fish to make a few bowls of fish and kept it for dinner. Later, when I was born, there was a time when Dad drunk and went home and pointed at her own fish. Frozen fish, since then his own name has been set, called Yudong, Xiaoming fish frozen.

But this is only known to my family and several roommates at the university.

Who is this person?

"I didn't dare to say more to you when I saw you crying that day, but see you today, you seem to be in a good state." Little handsome smiled.

The sweet girl who watched the script silently seemed to smell the gossip, and suddenly stopped the script.

Yu Dong’s thoughts gradually came back. A man’s, long, good, looking at the old university’s graduation, and knowing his own name, he cried in front of him a few days ago!

"Slag man!!!" Yu Dongyi took the table and finally recognized it. I wiped it. This is not the first love scum man I have not seen for ten years.

Hey, I haven’t seen it for ten years, I almost couldn’t recognize it.

"Frozen, I know that you are very sad now, but how can you swear!" Fang Hua is also the ex-boyfriend of Yu Dong, some uncomfortable look at the sweet sister.

After completely breaking up ten years ago, Yu Dong never thought that he would have a relationship with Fang Hua. At this time, he saw a person, and a nameless fire began to arch upwards. He opened the chair and stepped into Fanghua step by step.

"You, what are you doing?" Fang Hua was stepped back by the intimidation of winter.

Yu Dong smiled and suddenly made trouble. He raised his hand and gave the other party a slap: "I have long wanted to smoke you."

To say that Yu Dong’s only regret about this bad relationship is that he only cried when he was in the Civil Affairs Bureau. He didn’t even give Smashman a slap, and today he was finally successful.

"What are you doing!!" Fang Hua was unable to get a slap in the face, and the whole person was not good.

The sweet girl was shocked by this sudden change.

"Hey!" After playing in the winter, he sat back in his original seat, took a drink of watermelon juice that had not been finished, and took a sip. He began to ask people: "Come to me for Xiaoxiaoyue."

"What's wrong, what's wrong?" The busy Xiaoyu month came over inexplicably. Seeing that the atmosphere seemed to be somewhat wrong, he wondered, "What happened?"

Fang Hua looked angry and did not speak.

The sweet girl silently reduces her sense of existence.

Yu Dong snorted and asked: "You are still not my friend to Xiaoxiao."

"Of course!"

"You said that if you want someone to help, I will come without saying anything. Isn't that enough?"


"Then how can you do this to me!" Yu Dong asked coldly.

"I... What happened to me?" Xiang Xiaoyue was really confused.

"You let me work with the scum man who just abandoned himself. You deliberately disgusted me."

As the winter fell, Xiang Xiaoyue was stupid. He looked at the ugly Fanghua and asked, "You, have you broke up?"

"Yu Dong, we have something to say." Fang Hua did not want to discuss this matter in front of outsiders.

"Oh!" Yu Dong taunted and glanced at him.

Fang Hua's face is even worse.

Xiang Xiaoyue looked back and forth. This scene is not like a quarrel, but there are still some people who can’t believe it: “Are you really divided? Isn’t it true that you are getting married?”

"Yeah, my account has been brought with me. As a result, people have handed me a hand at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau. I also told me that 10,000 yuan is a breakup fee." Yu Dongyi’s face is like saying the expression of others’ things, not seeing A little sad, just ridiculed.

"Slag man!"

"Slag man!"

With two scum males ringing, the sweet girl and Xiang Xiaoyue looked at each other.

"Yu Dong!" Fang Huaqi's five senses are distorted.

"What? I want to let you pay the money back to you?" Yu Dong stimulated.

"Things are not like this." Fang Huachong explained to Xiaoyue.

"What does that look like?" Yu Dong sneered, "Would you like to say a version."

"You..." Fang Hua said, "Look at what you look like now."

"What do I have to do with you?" Yu Dongchong Fanghua smiled and took another bite of watermelon juice.

A calm sitting and drinking watermelon juice, one standing and angered and attacked, and stood up.

"I don't know anything about women!" said Fang Hua, picking up the sunglasses on the side and slamming the door.

The meeting room is quiet.

Yu Dong knocked on the script on the table and said, "How? I will definitely not cooperate with him, or will you find another person?"

"Hey..." Xiang Xiaoyue took a look back to Shinto. "Nothing, you first match, you don't need to slag!"

"Enough friends!" Satisfied in winter.

Xiang Xiaoyue smiled and suddenly returned to the taste, and asked: "We have not seen it for a month, how come you suddenly changed from silly white sweet to poisonous tongue."

"You should be a sequel to lovelorn!" Yu Dong does not matter.

Xiang Xiaoyue whispered a word, and then went out to do his own thing, the male lord had to find, entrepreneurship is really not easy.

Yu Dong looked at the sweet girl in the corner, thought of the scum man, smiled and asked: "What is your name?"

"Tao Tao!" The sweet girl smiled at the watery eyes.

Tao Tao? Isn't this the idol drama queen a few years later? I rub, I have a lot of good looks before I have a facelift!

"Sister, don't make a facelift after you promised your sister!"




Xia Feng finished the last patient and went back after writing the medical record.

At this time, Shao Yifan just came back from the surgery and asked Xia Feng to ask: "Why don't you leave? Tomorrow's aunt surgery, you are more to accompany her."

"My mom is enough for my dad. I will go over again when I have surgery tomorrow." Xia Feng replied.

"Although it shows that the heart repair surgery has only a success rate of 50%, but Director Wang said, Auntie's mentality is optimistic today, it is a good phenomenon." Shao Yifan and Xia Feng are university classmates, graduated from the municipal hospital, Feelings are naturally not ordinary.

"I hope so!" Xia Feng still has some concerns.

"Right, I heard that Anan went to the United States?" Shao Anfan of An An and Xia Feng always knew. For this time, An An still insisted on going to the United States, and Shao Yifan was also confused.

"We broke up!" Xia Feng felt that this kind of thing did not need to squat, and thought about it or calmly said. 2k novel reading network