MTL - Rebirth on the Doors to the Civil Affairs Bureau-~ 30. Illness of illness

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Xia Feng raised the temperature in the car a bit, and the passenger seat was tired of sleeping in the winter.

It takes more than an hour to drive from the radio and television building to the hospital here. If the road is not good, it is estimated that it takes more time.

Yu Dong was so sleepy, and this night was too tired to be tossed.

Holding a red light, Xia Feng took off his down jacket and put it on the body of winter.

In the winter, I turned slightly and turned my face to the summer wind. The summer breeze was seen in the red face of winter sleep, and I couldn’t help but show a gentle smile.

The traffic at the morning peak is very congested, but the carriage is very quiet, as if there is a feeling of quietness.

There are thousands of people in the world, but only you will make me happy.

Xia Feng suddenly understood the meaning of this sentence.

The car slowly drove downstairs to the community. Although some people were reluctant to wake up in winter, it was uncomfortable to sleep in the car.

"Yu Dong!" Xia Feng shouted softly.

Yu Dong continued to sleep without any sense.

"Yu Dong, wake up, get home." Xia Feng gently pushed in the winter.

“Hmmm?” I opened my eyes in the winter and looked at the summer wind. I quickly closed it. Some dry voices said, “I am so sleepy...”

"Get up, go back to sleep in the house." Xia Feng was a little funny looking at the bed in the winter.

"Well~" Yu Dong turned the nose, "I am sleepy!"

This is not intended to get up, Xia Feng shook his head, explored to untie the seat belt in winter, and then got off the car, intending to hold up the winter.

Fear of cold winter, Xia Feng put his down jacket on the winter body tightly wrapped, one hand hooked on the winter leg bend, one hand squatting on the back of the winter, gently bringing people into his arms.

Yu Dong is still very sleepy, and his head is unconsciously buried in the neck of Xia Feng.

Xia Feng was too late to prevent it from being burned. It was difficult to look at his face. He put it back in the car and tried to test his forehead in winter.

It is obviously different from the temperature of ordinary people. It is a fever in winter!

Damn it!

Xia Feng re-given the winter seat belt, got on the bus, drove the car out again, and quickly headed for the city hospital.

As soon as I arrived at the hospital, Xia Feng rushed into the emergency room directly in winter.

"Xia Dafu, what's wrong with this?" Liu nurse, seeing Xia Feng, took a personal person and ran in, worried.

"Mr. Liu, help me find a bed." Xia Feng was anxious.

"Oh, good!" Liu’s head nurse waved, and soon the little nurse pushed the bed over and pushed Yu Dong into the ward all the way.

After a while, the medical expert Li Ruimin rushed over.

"Director Li." Xia Feng looked anxiously.

"Don't worry, let me see first." Director Li calmed.

After a series of inspections were carried out step by step, Director Li gave medicine to Yu Dong, and finally let the nurse hang on.

Director Li wrote the medical case and handed it to the nurse on duty. Then he glanced at the summer wind and smiled: "Where is this girl?"

“Ah?” I was worried that I was hungry in the winter and winter, but I still replied honestly, “My wife.”

"Your kid is married?" Director Li was surprised. Xia Feng was the golden bachelor of their hospital. How many little nurses stared at it? Didn't he hear that he was married?

The head nurse next to him was also shocked. It seems that the nurse class has been crying and crying for a while.

"Yes, just got the card, I haven't done a wedding yet," Xia Feng said.

"I said, marriage does not invite us to drink wine." Director Li had such a look.

"The time will definitely ask you to be old, you must always appreciate your face." Xia Feng laughed.

"That's for sure!" Director Li teased. "No wonder an ordinary cold has made you so nervous. When the nurse asked me to come over, I thought I had any major illness."

"Ah... trouble you are old." Xia Feng naturally heard the meaning of Director Li, and there was no big problem in winter.

"Okay, care is chaos. She has nothing to do, is the fever caused by the cold, plus some fatigue, wake up, it will be fine, turn back, I will take some medicine, take it home and eat it." Director Li said.

"Okay, thank you, Director Li."

Xia Feng was sitting in front of the winter bed for a while, and was seen in the winter sleep. Reaching out the reason for the messy hair in the winter, the quilt was covered again, and got up and went out.

"Mr. Liu, please take a look at it." Xia Feng went to the nurse station and the head nurse.

"Our hospital family members must be taken care of, you can rest assured." Liu said.

"When she wakes up, you call me." Xia Feng added another sentence.

"Do not worry!" Liu nurse smiled.

Xia Feng was a little embarrassed, thank you for going to surgery.

"Sister Liu, just the woman's girlfriend is Xia Dafu?" The little nurse wentssip.

"Not a girlfriend." Nurse Liu shook his head.

"That's good, just a lot of people asked me if the summer doctor's girlfriend appeared, we are all nervous for a long time." The little nurse licked his chest, a reassuring expression.

"I said that you guys and sisters, YY, Xia Dafu, can you see you all day long?"

"Sister Liu, you don't understand this. Handsome guys are everyone, as long as we are not married, we can YY."

"Then you can take a break." Nurse Liu pointed out that the ward said, "The beauty is not the summer lady's girlfriend, but the summer doctor's lover."

"What?" The little nurse was awkward, and suddenly the tiger's body was shocked. He bowed his head and talked wildly in the group. For a time, the group cried.

Why are good men getting married so early?

In the surgical office.

Shao Yifan was watching the news, looked up and saw the summer wind coming in, suddenly his eyes lit up, and went over the gossip: "Xiafeng, Xia Feng, news on the winter."

"What news?" Xia Feng wondered.

"Look, you see..." Shao Yifan pulled Xia Feng to the computer and opened a website.

The news described was the car accident last night, highlighting the deeds of the entire taxi driver who spontaneously rescued the wounded.

"The news said that there were listeners who called the radio to explain the situation. Then, in the winter, they directly called the taxi driver through the radio to let them rescue themselves and saved many people." Shao Yifan said with excitement, "You see this photo, the hospital door is It’s a taxi, it must be spectacular last night.”

"How was it not a night shift yesterday? Otherwise I could hear the broadcast of Yu Dong." Shao Yifan’s expression of regret.

Xia Feng finished watching the news, returned to his seat, and directly put on the white coat.

Shao Yifan reacted. Xia Feng came in with a shirt: "How do you wear a shirt and come to work, what about the coat?"

Xia Feng recalled and said: "In the ward."

"The ward? Are you going to check the room first?" Shao Yifan said strangely.

"It's a fever in winter, I just sent her over, and the clothes are forgotten." Xia Feng explained.

"I have a fever with an idol?" Shao Yifan was surprised.

"Your idol?" Xia Feng tilted Shao Yifan.

"Yeah, from today, Yu Dong is my idol." Shao Yifan looked positive.

"You are happy!" Xia Feng was too lazy to care for him, took a stethoscope, and planned to go out to check the house.

In the winter, I felt very sleepy. When I woke up, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon.

It’s an hour to sleep.

Yu Dong looked around and reacted for a while before he found himself in the hospital. There was a black down coat on the chair next to him. He recognized the summer wind in winter.

How did I come to the hospital?

"Are you awake?" Nurse Liu saw that he woke up in winter and came in and explored the forehead of winter and winter. "I feel that the fever has already retreated, but I still have to recharge my body temperature."

"What about summer wind?" asked Yu Dong.

The head nurse saw her scorpion dry and poured a glass of water into the winter.

"Thank you!" Yu Dong took the thank you.

"The summer doctor has come a few times. I saw you go to sleep and went busy again." Liu said, "Don't blame him, the doctor is so busy."

"I know!" Yu Dong smiled.

"A look at you is a good girl who is understanding, no wonder that Xia Dafu is so nervous." Liu nurse suddenly smiled.


"When you were sent to you in the morning, we were shocked. We also alerted our director. The director came over and saw that he had an ordinary cold. He could take Xia Dafu." Nurse Liu said that he could not bear it. Lived a smile.

"Yes?" Yu Dong was really surprised.

Nurse Liu saw the expression of Yu Dong and thought that he didn't believe it in winter, so he then advised: "Of course it is true. The doctors in this hospital, all of them who saved the wounded, are too little time to accompany their families, but they do not represent them. Don't care about family."

"Ah?" Yu Dong did not know why Liu’s head nurse said this, and suddenly had some doubts.

"You must not misunderstand Xia Dafu, he is really worried about you!"

"I know, thank you!" Yu Dong finally figured out the intention of the head nurse, it was an interesting misunderstanding.

"Then I will help you call Xia Dafu."

"No, I have nothing to do, you let him be busy." Yu Dong refused.

"That can't be done, Xia Dafu has been jealous of me several times. You must inform him when you wake up." The head nurse looked at the thermometer for winter. "The body temperature is normal. Go back and take medicine."

Nodded in winter.

Liu’s head nurse went out.

Yu Dong took out his mobile phone and looked at it. There were several phone calls on it, there were radio stations, and there was also a call to Xiaoyue. Yu Dong thought about it, dressed in clothes and went to the hospital's garden to call back, afraid that the stairs signal would reflect the hospital's equipment.

"Director Ma, I am sorry, my mobile phone is muted, I didn't notice your call." Yu Dongxian returned to the radio director Ma's phone.

"This way, nothing is all right."

"What are you looking for?"

"Oh, it's not a big deal, but today the leader in the station knows that you did a good deed last night and wanted to praise you." Director Ma said.

"Leadership is too polite." Yu Dong’s brain turned around and knew that it should be the thing that was broadcasted and rescued yesterday.

"If you do a good thing, you must praise it. In this way, you will come to the station tomorrow afternoon." Director Ma said.


Yu Dong hung up the phone and called Xiang Xiaoyue.

"A little moon, how is the studio dubbing?" Yu Dong said.

"I and Xinxin are all done, rest assured." Xiang Xiaoyue asked, "Why are you going this day? Why don't you answer the phone?"

"I have a fever in the hospital."

"What? How about now? I have come to see you." Xiang Xiaoyue excited.

"No, summer wind is here."

"That's alright!" said Xiang Xiaoyue. "I will not bother you both."

Yu Dong smiled and hung up the phone.

When I returned to the ward again, the summer wind was already inside. When I saw it coming back in winter, Xia Feng frowned and blamed: "The disease is just right, and it runs around."

Speaking of pulling the hand in the winter, I took the cold and started: "How cool is the hand."

"I went out and made a call." Yu Dong explained.

"You forgot how you got sick." Xia Feng disagreed.

"I am not good!" Yu Dong knew that Xia Feng was caring for himself and suddenly felt guilty.

"You..." Xia Feng took a look at her.

"Hey..." In the winter, the summer wind was not angry, and he smirked.

"Hungry!" Xia Feng knows that he must be hungry when he doesn't eat in winter.

"Yeah!" Nodded in winter.

"I will take you to eat!" Xia Feng helped Dong pull the zipper of the down jacket, and then took her hand out of the ward.

There were nurses who looked at the two people along the way, but Xia Feng had been pulling the winter hand and never let go.

This hand seems to be magical, thinking in winter, even if the road ahead is full of thorns, as long as you hold my hand, I will accompany you.

"What do you want?" Xia Feng was helpless and looked at someone who was starting to be in a daze.

"miss you!"

Xia Feng blinked, then slowly laughed, squatting in the head of winter:



Shao Yifan, five meters behind him, couldn't help but poke the villain in his heart. "Nima, if you are my brother, I wish you a good show!"