MTL - Rebirth on the Doors to the Civil Affairs Bureau-~ 23. Give me to you (catch the insect)

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In the nail shop next to Xiaoyue Studio, Yu Dongzheng and Xiang Xiaoyue made nails together.

"It’s really troublesome to have a pregnancy, nothing can be done!" Xiang Xiaoyue remembered that when Ren Xinxin came over to make nails, he was rejected by the other party as an excuse for pregnancy.

"Pregnant women should pay more attention to it!" Yu Dong said while looking at the album.

"What do you think Xinxin is now fat? I heard that the child's body will be shaped." Xiang Xiaoyue seems to be talking about a terrible thing.

"I will describe this pattern for a while." Yu Dong pointed to the album and quickly put it back into the dryer.

Then I glanced at Xiaoyue and asked: "Look at you, you are married, you don't have children."

"If I really get out of shape, then I have to consider it." Xiang Xiaoyue thought for a while.

"Reassured, not everyone will be in shape, and exercise can still be restored." Yu Dong said, "You watch so many female stars on TV, and you don't have to be born with children."

“That’s also true!” Xiang Xiaoyue saw that he was in a good mood today, so he asked, “Look at your spring time, do you want to date?”

"Dating? Don't you just send me a job?" Yu Dong gestured the documents in the bag.

"Yeah!" Xiang Xiaoyue said with a smile. "Isn't that unexpected? Today, the summer breeze has just returned, or will I talk about this contract for a while?"

"Forget it!" Yudong didn't have a good air. "Summer is busy. I won't see anyone in the morning. It's you, there must be a lot of activities today!"

Deliberately dressed, Xiang Xiaoyue threw a wink and said: "I am playing with you, it is different from you, definitely you are important!"

"You dress up beautifully, I am dressed up, but I am going to talk about work, wasting!" Yu Dong said while shaking his head and sighing.

"You are not right in this view!" Xiang Xiaoyue said, "I think women dress up, not necessarily for whom. Our women should be beautiful all the time."

"You are not tired?" Before the reunion, I wore pajamas at home for a day in the winter. I felt that the beautiful setting was too tired all the time.

“What can be tired?” Xiang Xiaoyue taught the experience, “As long as three cards, beauty, hairdressing, fitness, and then every piece of clothing in the closet is well matched, each pair of shoes is exquisite, you are surrounded by beautiful Things. You don't need to be deliberate, you are beautiful and exquisite all the time."

"Add another, nail card!" Yu Dong gestured a finger.

“Now the beauty shop contains nail art.”

"It also includes hairdressing!"

"You don't understand this, beauty salons are all kind of chain stores, not professional, I have a dedicated stylist." Xiang Xiaoyue said, "This money can not save!"

"I have served!" Yu Donggan bowed down, and he spent a lot of money on maintenance before he was born again, but he did not toss like Xiang Xiaoyue.

"I was taken away by you. I want to ask you how is the progress with Xia Feng?" Xiang Xiaoyue said.

"Everything is going well!" smiled in winter.

"Hey, look at your spring-faced expression, last night was very..." Xiang Xiaoyue laughed.

The younger sister who was burying her head in the nails couldn't help but looked up at Dong Dong, and soon realized that it was wrong, and quickly lowered her head and pretended not to hear.

Yu Dong didn’t think that Xiaoxiao’s unscrupulous occasions suddenly angered and glared at each other.

"Okay, okay, don't ask." Xiang Xiaoyue changed a question. "I didn't know what you were doing with him when I saw the summer wind in the hospital last time. Then he went to the US, you plan to When will you bring it out and give us a formal introduction?"

"Let's wait!" said Yu Dong.

"Are you waiting?"

"When our feelings are firmer!" Yu Dong thought about it.

"Is the feelings more stable?" Xiang Xiaoyue couldn't set the channel. "Is the two of you still driving? I said that you are really ink-filled, and the cards are all taken, and they are directly thrown up!"

The nail sister couldn’t help but look up again.

"Xiang Xiaoyue!" Yu Dong roared.


Shencheng, a film and television base.

One of the contracts that Yu Dong will talk about this time is a TV series that is being filmed in this film and television base. Because it is to be broadcast during the New Year, the TV series is dubbed while editing.

This TV series is a historical drama. The actors are old and well-made. The sounds of some actors are not suitable for historical dramas. Therefore, the dubbing of this drama is also very demanding for voice actors.

The TV series that I received before Xiang Xiaoyue are some dog blood idol dramas. If I can talk about this historical drama, it will be of great help to the future development direction of Xiaoyue Studio.

Yu Dong hangs a crew work permit and follows the staff to the shooting venue.

"You should wait here first. When Liu Dao finishes this scene, I will tell him in the past!" the staff explained.

"Good!" Before I came to the winter, I also learned that the director had a hot temper when he was filming.

Yu Dong silently stood on the side for a while. When I watched TV, I felt that the scenes in the drama were all kinds of grandeurs. The performance of the actors was also a slap in the face, but now it is boring to watch the shooting.

This is more than half an hour. In winter, wearing high heels is a little tired, so I greeted the staff who just brought in myself and said that I would go to sit next to me. If Liu Dao is busy, remember to call her.

Sitting in the winter, I think that today is Christmas. If I have time to have dinner with Xia Feng, I took out my mobile phone and started editing SMS.

(When is the job today?)

I waited for a long time with my mobile phone and I didn’t see a reply. Yu Dong was disappointed. He looked at Liu Dao and saw Liu Dao didn't know how many times he remake. He shook his head and shifted his eyes to another place.

Suddenly in winter, a six-year-old boy was dressed in an ancient costume and cried on the floor.

There was no adult around the winter child, so he went over and asked: "This little actor, why are you crying?"

"I didn't cry!" The little boy found that he didn't know when he had more than one person, rubbing his tears and swearing.

"Well, you didn't cry, the wind is big today, the sand is in the eyes." Yu Dong did not tear it down. Seeing the child's face flushed, I don't know if it was crying or frozen. Some distressed asked, "Is the director saying? is you?"

The little boy bit his lip and some grievances: "My lines have always been bad!"

"You are still small, it is normal to say that the lines are not good." Yu Dong comforted.

"But this line is very important, the director must let me say, but I said it fifty times, but still can't pass!" The little boy sweared, "The other uncles and aunts have been tired of me, and now they have no work!"

What lines must be said to be good, children will not have much acting, and the lines can not be dubbed later?

Yu Dong thought about it and asked: "Which line is it? I will help you."

"Are you also an actor here?"

"I am not, but the lines are also my profession." Yu Dong laughed.

The boy took the script with a dubious suspicion. In the winter, he saw that it was just Liu’s play. He looked at the play that the little boy pointed out. This is the end of the TV series. After the country was in trouble, the young emperor ascended the throne. The ministers wanted to arrange a queen for the eight-year-old emperor. This was the conversation between the two.

"The prime minister, you are still young and not eager to get married..." Yu Dong looked at the script and, with his own understanding, simulated the voice of the little boy and read a line.

"How is your voice the same as mine!" the little boy was surprised.

"Because my sister is a voice actor!" Yu Dong said with a smile. "My sister also has something to look for, but he is not available now. I will accompany you to the line."

"Yeah!" The little boy nodded happily.

So the two returned to the place where they had just sat in the winter to start the line, in order to let the little boy quickly enter the play, which role to use when the winter is in the role of the role, whether it is the majestic baritone, the eunuch's spies The scorpion, or the female voice of the Queen Mother, is vividly expressed in the winter.

"Sister, you are so powerful!" praised the eyes of the little boy who finished the line.

"You are also very powerful!" Yu Dong patted the little boy's head and said, "So small will act, my sister will only dub."

"Is it Ms. Yu Dong?"

Yu Dong and the boy turned back at the same time. Yu Dong was still guessing the identity of the coming person. The little boy first stood up and shouted: "Director!"

"Well! How is the line honing?" Liu Dao looked at the little boy and asked.

"Good... better than just now." The little boy was a little scared.

"Then you go back to make up the makeup, I will retake your section soon!"

"Well, my sister will see you again!" The little boy rushed to the winter and waved away.

Yu Dong smiled and rushed to Liu Xing to reach out: "Liu guides you, I am Yu Dong."

“Hello!” Liu Dao is a straight-forward person. He sat down and started talking. “The deputy director of your opinion told me that I was not very optimistic about you at the beginning.”

Yu Dong picked up his eyebrows.

"The cases you have received in the past are all idol dramas. I will not say how the lines are." Liu said, "My drama is a historical drama. Even if it is a voice, I hope to have a sense of history."

"Liu Dao, we not only do idol dramas, but also take Hollywood blockbusters."

"I know this, but how many of the dubbing people are in your studio?" Liu said sharply.

Yu Dong is not angry, smiled and said: "Liu Dao, whether they are our studio, as long as we can invite them, is also part of the strength."

“Oh?” Liu asked with an eyebrow. “If I specify Lin Lin to come with a female owner?”

In winter, I smiled and said: "Challenging, she is my class teacher. I don't dare to pack tickets for other people, but Teacher Lin can make a phone call!"

Liu’s strange look at Dong Yi’s eyes, in fact, if it’s not just that she is playing against a small actor, several roles are just right, Liu Dao will not talk to her for so long.

Yu Dong naturally saw the change of Liu Dao and began to take the next step: "Liu Gui, your drama is an epic historical drama. You can see the quality of this drama from the actors you choose, natural dubbing. It is also important to pay attention to. There are several important characters in your play, and there are so many characters recommended in our studio..."

Yu Dongyi even reported several experts and professors at his school.

"Don't they not answer the voice?" Liu Dao listened to these names and had some heartbeat.

"Which heroes with stunts are lonely, but there are no works worthy of their shots. I think your play will definitely touch them."

"According to your statement, if I didn't ask them at the end, or my drama is not good?" Liu asked.

Finally, in the winter, he successfully won the contract and returned to the car. Yu Dong began to call Xiang Xiaoyue.

"I really have you! Liu guide you can get it!" Xiang Xiaoyue surprised.

"I have opened a lot of empty checks." Yu Dong reported several names. "These people have to go and ask."

"Do not worry, pack me!" Xiang Xiaoyue from the channel.

"Okay, Liu Dao wants to catch up with the schedule. Tomorrow, the crew will send the cut-out film. You will go back early today and start working tomorrow." Yu Dong said.

"Reassured, there is a delight in the dubbing room."

"Did you forget that Shin Shin is a pregnant woman?" Yu Dong couldn't help but raise his voice.

"Know, I must go back before twelve o'clock!"

"I will check out the birth checkup tomorrow morning." Yu Dong reminded.

Hang up the phone, look at the information in the winter, see the summer wind still did not reply, some disappointed driving back home.

At the entrance of the community, I saw the fruit shop selling the safe fruit, the colorful wrapping paper, and wrapped the red apples very festive. I couldn’t help but buy two back in winter.

It was not until ten o'clock in the evening that Xia Feng returned home with exhaustion.

Yu Dong clearly felt that the summer wind was not right, although since he knew the summer wind, he went home almost every day after ten. But no matter how tired, the eyes of Xia Feng are still fascinating. Unlike today, it seems to be covered by a layer of gray fog.

"What's wrong?" asked Yu Dong.

"Nothing!" Xia Feng smiled and obviously didn't want to say anything more.

After changing the slippers and taking off the jacket, Xia Feng turned and apologized and said: "Sorry, I am too busy today, I forgot to return your text message."

Yu Dong watched the summer wind for two seconds, then slowly walked over and tapped the summer wind's forehead with his fingers.

Yu Dong’s fingers are warm, and the soft fingertips seem to be degrading.

Xia Feng caught the hand of Dong and asked, "What happened?"

"I am embarrassed!" worried in winter. "You are much better than me. What if you wrinkle longer?"

Xia Feng sighed for a second, then smiled and asked: "If you wrinkle long, would you dislike me?"

"It’s okay to grow on the face, but you can’t grow in your heart.” Yu Dong looked at the eyes of Xia Feng and said softly.

Xia Feng blinked his eyes and didn't know what to say.

"I can help you open the wrinkles on your face. I can't get it in my heart." Yu Dong's tone was somewhat lost.

Xia Feng and Yu Dong looked at each other for a while, and suddenly they leaned slowly. The head rested on the slender shoulders of winter. The hands of the two men hanged on their sides.

"In fact, there is nothing big, but I have done a year of research, and failed, some discouraged!" Xia Feng said with a closed eyes.

Yu Dong can clearly feel the loss of a man, standing quietly, supporting the weight of half of the summer wind body: "The book does not say that every failure is a step closer to success?"


"I believe that you will succeed." Yu Dong knows that Xia Feng's research will be successful ten years later, but now he can't say it.

"I have always believed in it before." The voice is full of desolate.

"Don't be afraid! I will stay with you!"

Xia Feng did not speak again, and the two quietly snuggled until the time when they were going to work in winter.

"I'm fine, go to work!" said Xia Feng, who has returned to normal.

"Then you go to bed early, don't wait for me today!"

"Good!" Xia Feng nodded with a smile.

"Yes!" Yu Dongcai remembered, picked up the two peace fruits of one powder and one silver on the table, and handed the silver-packed apple to Xia Feng and said, "Put your name."

Xia Feng looked puzzled at the apple in his hand.

"Come on!" Yu Dong urged.

Xia Feng had no choice but to find a knife and engraved his name.

Yu Dong was satisfied with the peaceful fruit that was engraved in the summer wind, and handed the peace of the pink packaging in his hand to the summer wind: "Happy Christmas!"

Xia Feng took over the peace fruit, saw the red apple on top, and two rough knife lettering traces in winter. Obviously the time is not short, and the flesh is oxidized.

"This apple must be finished, I will be delicious as well." Yu Dong laughed.

“Why should you name it?” Xia Feng asked.

"It means me when I engrave the name!"

"This apple represents you?" Xia Feng was not sure. "And then you let me eat?"

"Yeah!" Yu Donggang said, suddenly felt like something was wrong, so his face turned red.

"Oh... I must be delicious!" Xia Feng could not help but smile.

"You... hate!" Yu Dong slammed his foot and ran out.

Xia Feng holding a peace fruit alone standing in the living room smirk. 2k novel reading network

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