MTL - Rebirth on the Doors to the Civil Affairs Bureau-~ 11. Your wife is going to marry you.

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In the final scene of Yu Dong, with the script out of the dubbing room, just to see that Xiao Xiaoyue had no image of eating apples with his legs, so he did not have a good air: "How can you not hold your boss's shelf today?"

"The other people are gone. The whole office is me except you. What are you doing? You will see me wearing underwear when you go to college!" Xiang Xiaoyue handed an apple to Yu Dong.

Yu Dong looked at a huge apple in front of him and felt that it was tired after he finished it, so he shook his head and sat down on the sofa and then spit it out: "I said that you can find a little better after picking up the life. You can watch this TV drama dog blood. I spit a few times when I dubbed!"

"Oh, know why I don't have it for myself." Xiang Xiaoyue gloated.

"Let me find this TV series next time and I will add money to me." Yu Dong is half-truth.

"There is really one, it seems to be called the brother's sweetheart, if you are willing to match the woman, I will double the commission."

"Roll!" I want to vomit when I hear the name.

Xiang Xiaoyue laughed for a while, and finished the last bit of Apple said: "It’s still early, we will go shopping for clothes."

Yu Dong looked at the time, just after 3 o'clock in the afternoon, it was still early, so he nodded happily.

Xiang Xiaoyue drove her red BMW on the spacious avenue. After passing through several shopping malls or all the way, I couldn’t help but ask: "Miss, what are you going to drive?"

"I will take you to a private studio." Xiang Xiaoyue said while driving, "Now the clothes in the mall, when you buy it back, you will hit the shirt, you can't wear it."

"Well, then I will follow you for a long time." Xiang Xiaoyue's taste has been very good, and he is relieved in winter.

"At the time, you will pick both, just next month, Xinxin is getting engaged."

“Xin Xin?” Yu Dong took a moment, recalled for a while, only a little uncertain, “Ren Xinxin?”

"Yeah? How do you look surprised? Didn't she call you to invite you?" Xiang Xiaoyue wondered.

Did you invite? It was about the invitation, but at the time, I had been saddened by the breakup with Fang Hua. The wedding banquet did not go directly. Later, it was probably two years later that I heard that Ren Xinxin had committed suicide.

I haven’t heard of it in seven or eight years.

"What do you want? Ask your words!"

Yu Dong returned to God and smiled and said: "Nothing, I just thought about it, three of us, my longest love time, I broke up after graduation. You changed only a few boyfriends and left only the ex-boyfriend. And Shin Shin did not talk about love, but the first one got married."

"What countless boyfriends? You are too exaggerated."

"So what are you talking about?"

"I really haven't counted it." Xiang Xiaoyue pondered for a while and found that he could not remember.

"There are countless." Yu Dong sneered.

"How can Xinxin not talk about love?" Xiang Xiaoyue said, "There are people who have a fiancé."

"For four years, I haven't seen Xinxin's fiancé once?"

"Also, when we went to school, we didn't say much about it. Now it's useless to say that, but I can see it when I get engaged next month." Xiang Xiaoyue looked at the front and found the place, so Slow down the car and slowly stop the car.

"Come on?" Yu Cheng curiously looked around and found that it was a relatively quiet villa area.

“The designers here are still famous in China. I came across a few third-line stars by chance.” Xiang Xiaoyue took a winter trip to a red villa.

Walking in the winter and admiring the surrounding scenery, the garden layout outside the villa is very delicate.

"I rely!" Xiang Xiaoyue suddenly shouted, "This world is really small!"

"What's wrong?" Yu Dong doubted turned his head and found that the two had stood at the door of the villa. There were just a few guests inside, one of them was Fang Hua, the former boyfriend of Dong.

"Let's come again the next day!" Xiang Xiaoyue suddenly said.

"Come to come, what are you going?" Yu Dong did not care to make a big step, and went to Xiaoyue to see Dong Jin, and also followed.

"Yu Dong?" The first one found in Dongdong was not Fang Hua, but another boy, but Yu Dong had no image of him.

Fang Hua heard Lei Zhen’s voice and looked back at Yu Dong, and suddenly his face was ugly and frowned.

"You constipation, look so ugly?" I haven't changed my face yet, dare to look at me.



Lei Zhen and Xiang Xiaoyue laughed at each other.

"You..." Fang Hua blushes and points to the winter and can't speak.

"I haven't seen it for a few days, even the posture of the Eight-Women Street has been mastered?" Yu Dong praised.

"Ha ha!!" Xiang Xiaoyue laughed wildly on the shoulders of winter, Lei Zhen is also awkward standing on the side of laughing and not laughing.

"Yu Dong, don't be too much."

Yu Dong did not pay attention to Fanghua, but smiled and had no image. Xiang Xiaoyue awkwardly dismissed: "What have you eaten? The hand is so big!"

Fang Hua saw that Yu Dong did not pay attention to himself, but he was angry. He had to say something more, but he was dragged by Lei Zhen. "Don't be here, Na is still interviewing clothes."

Fang Hua had to endure it and finally did not attack again.

"You also come to buy clothes?" Lei Zhen smiled and asked the two.

"Yes!" Xiang Xiaoyue apparently knew each other and asked, "I heard that you entered the TV station?"

"Fortunately!" Lei Zhen modestly said two words, looking at the non-speaking Yu Donggong, "I haven't seen you for a while, you become beautiful in winter."

Yu Dongyi, thinking for a long time did not think about who this man is, it is estimated that one of the few friends of the **** man, so he went back and said: "This has to thank you next to you, do not have to buy gifts for him. The money will save yourself and dress up."

"What do you mean! When do I use your money?" Fang Hua said, "The thing you bought for me, did I not pay back your money when I broke up?"

"Oh? Isn't that 10,000 pieces not a breakup fee!" Yu Dong suddenly realized.

"You..." Whether it’s spending money on women or breaking up, it’s not very good.

Lei Zhen is seeing it. This winter does not know how to cultivate. This Fanghua is not an opponent at all, so he has to pull someone who is angry and pull it to the side. Then he rushes to the winter and says: "Let's go there. Sit, you pick clothes first!"

"Haha! Look at his stupid look!" Xiang Xiaoyue said quickly.

Seeing a few people chatting, the clerk came up and politely asked what kind of clothes the two needed.

“Where are you new here?” Xiang Xiaoyue is familiar with the road.

"Please come with me!" The beautiful clerk, with two people came to the showroom on the other side, said, "These are the new styles of our designers. If you like, you can try on the interview room. The change can also be said to us."

The two nodded, and the clerk and the little girl went to the side. Studios like them usually don’t need to sell to the guests. Let customers choose freely, as long as they provide services when they need them.

Xiang Xiaoyue quickly picked three sets of clothes, and he took two sets in winter. The two went into the locker room and tried on them, just in time with a sweet-looking woman.

"That is Li Enna, the host of the TV station of the city." Xiang Xiaoyue suddenly said.

"Just the woman?" Nodded in the winter and said, "No wonder there is temperament."

"You are stupid!" said Xiang Xiaoyue. "Fang Hua and she are a TV station. I heard that Li Enna's partner was arrested for taking drugs. This TV station seems to be interested in launching new people."

"Do you mean that she will choose Fanghua?" Yu Dong said. "As Fang Hua’s stupid report, there are people who think that his IQ is not enough."

"You are no one who has this poison tongue!" Xiang Xiaoyue could not help but mourn for the **** man for a second.

"Try the clothes!" I can't tell her that she was born again. Is there no Fanghua in the memory to host the party?

I tried two pieces in the winter, and finally picked a dress with a sky blue gradient. It looks like the whole person is fresh and clean, and it makes people shine.

"This dress is for you!"

Yu Dong looked up and saw Li Enna talking, so he politely nodded and said: "Thank you, your clothes are also very beautiful!"

Fang Hua looked at the winter with some dumbfounded eyes. How could it not be found in the winter?

"It's for you!" Lei Zhen also boasted.

Yu Dong smiled and didn't talk. The Fang Hua next to it suddenly didn't taste much, but he didn't dare to say anything. He was afraid that he would come back in front of Na in the winter.

"Frozen, you said that this is a good-looking thing on my body, or the beautiful look of this rose!" Xiang Xiaoyue opened the curtain, holding a skirt in his hand and comparing it.

"Rose of roses!" Yu Dong said.

"Will it be too beautiful!" Xiang Xiaoyue was hesitant. The large rose on the skirt looked really attractive, but he was afraid that he couldn’t control it.

"No!" Yu Dong said. "Your long hair is gorgeous, just to press this skirt."

"That's right, I will try again!" The taste before Yudong is completely distrustful to Xiaoyue, but recently her aesthetic has improved a lot, let's try it.

When the curtain was pulled open again, Xiang Xiaoyue seemed to be discharging the whole person, and the large rose on the skirt made it look warm and beautiful.

When the two men were in front of their eyes, Li Enna could not help but boast: "It is indeed more beautiful!"

Xiang Xiaoyue himself is also very satisfied, rushing to winter said: "Then buy this one!"

The clerk came over and asked: "Are you wearing it directly or packing it?"

"Let's wear it directly!" Xiang Xiaoyue said and asked Yu Dong, "Do you buy this one?"

Nodded in the winter and said: "Help me pay the money together and deduct from the commission!"

Xiang Xiaoyue handed the card directly to the clerk.

"Help me buy the order too! The clothes I have just tried are wrapped up!" Li Enna also handed the card to the clerk, and then Chong Fanghua and Lei Zhen said, "The clothes in this store are really good, thank you for taking me. ”

"Nothing, we are also on the way!" Fang Hua quickly answered.

Lei Zhen smiled and nodded.

Xiang Xiaoyue, who is watching the jewelry, said quietly: "Look, it really is a family!"

Although Yu Dong did not give Fang Hua face, but it really matter to the other person's career, Yu Dong did not do anything, just smiled, and then picked up a pair of earrings to try on, asked: "Good? ”

“Good-looking!” Xiang Xiaoyue opened the distance and observed for a while before he commented, “It’s perfect to have a necklace.”

"I didn't see it, buy this pair of earrings first!" Yu Dong took a look at the earrings.

At this time, the clerk finished the account and helped the three people pack the clothes. Li Enna took the bag and rushed to the winter and nodded and left the store.

Lei Zhen smiled and followed, and only Fang Hua looked at Dong Dong and seemed to want to say something, but he did not speak.

In the winter, the account of the earrings was closed, and the two went to the parking lot.

Originally intended to go to dinner together, but the car was halfway open, Xiang Xiaoyue was summoned by the mother of the family, had to abandon the winter to the side of the road.

Yu Dong took a look around the bag and found that the hospital was very close to the summer wind work. I thought about the summer shift on the summer days. Every time I went to work, Xia Feng came back, I woke up, and Xia Feng went to the hospital. It has been gone for several days.

Yu Dong went to the hospital nearby, took out the phone and wanted to make a phone call, and he was afraid that he could not pick it up, so he sent a message.

"Are you busy?"

The information does not return for a long time, I think it should be busy, I looked around in the winter, went to the roadside tea shop to order a glass of juice, slow and wait for a reply.

About twenty minutes later, Xia Feng returned the message: "just finished!"

"Would you like to have dinner together? I am outside your hospital..." I glanced around in the winter and saw a Western restaurant across the street, so I typed: "Benefit Western restaurant to eat steak!"

"You eat, there are more conditions in the hospital here, I am afraid I have to run back halfway!" Summer wind rarely leaves the hospital during work.

In the winter, I took two juices and thought about taking out my mobile phone for a while and continued typing: "Okay, I actually forgot to bring money!"

"Wait for me!" This time is very fast.

In the winter, he smiled and smiled, and took the shopping bag to the opposite restaurant and other people.


Shao Yifan saw that Lu Qin had taken off the white daddy and wanted to go out, so he said: "You want to go back?"

"Yu Dong is eating out at the western food store, forgetting to bring money! I will help her check out!" Xia Feng explained.


Suddenly a small nurse ran over and knocked on the office door and said, "Mr. Xia, the dean will let you go!"

"Okay!" Xia Feng promised to finish, thinking that there was some tangling in the winter.

"The dean is looking for you? It must be said to go to Edward Hospital to exchange things. I heard that there will be a quota in the two days." Shao Yifan seems to be more excited than Xia Feng. "Are you still doing it? Go quickly. Dean's office!"

"Then I will call Yu Dong first!"

"What phone call, don't you give me a money? I will go for you!" Shao Yifan said.

So Yu Zhong, who was full of joy, came to Shao Yifan, who had the same peacock.

Every time Shao Yifan saw this winter, this girl was more beautiful than once. Today, this dress is more fresh and refined, so that he can't help but sigh in the heart. This little boy is lucky. A good wife is not only gentle and filial, but also temperament. it is good.

"Know me, we have seen, I am a colleague and friend of Xia Feng, my name is Shao Yifan!"

Shao Yifan had seen it in winter. After all, Xia’s mother went to work every day, but she didn’t say anything.

"What about summer wind?"

"The summer wind is busy, he asked me to come over and help you check out." Shao Yifan said.

"Is there a patient?"

"No, just the dean asked him to talk about something." Shao Yifan said, "I see him worried about you, he volunteered to help him run a mile, finished it? How much, I go to checkout?"

Yu Dongyan eyes, picking a sneer at the corner of his mouth, not talking.

“Can a lady order a meal?” the waiter suddenly came over and asked.

"No, don't forget the money for the dessert!" He said that he handed the waiter a hundred dollar bill.

Shao Yifan blinked and looked at the waiter's plate. He was a bit forced: "You... you brought money."

"Dr. Shao, the next time I ask my husband to eat, you don't have to be so enthusiastic about this kind of checkout!"

Xia Feng... Your wife wants to marry you, you know? 2k novel reading network

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