MTL - Rebirth of the Wolfish Silkpants Bottom-Chapter 71

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Four eyes are opposite, with affection.

Shu Heng is thinking, when can you understand me?

Shu Ning is thinking, if the brother is my boyfriend, how good? Dead without regrets.

wait wait wait! My brother slowly leaned over and wanted to kiss (⊙o⊙) Shu Ning was very messy inside, and reason was resistant, but... I longed! How to do? Heartbeat, miserable, if I take Shu Heng this perfect brother as a imaginary / person, then I will not marry later!

Shu Ning was depressed. The memory of playing alcohol and madness last night was still swirling in my mind, and I simply went from my brother.

The soft touch is really wonderful, very romantic, just like a caller, Shu Heng is very measured, the little man is not too annoying, and he has been separated after grinding a few times.

Shu Ning sighed, so short.

Shu Heng thinks the same way, but he is not showing his face. Now Shu Heng is studying the expression of his younger brother. Just learn about psychology. I feel that my brother is not disliked. It seems that there are any concerns. What will it be? gender? age? family? Still identity? In short, no matter what concerns he has, Shu Heng is not allowed to exist!

The overbearing president model has been opened, but Shu Ning did not see it, I don’t know. I kept my head down and indulged in the kiss just now. It was a kiss, not an An kiss. Shu Heng was eighteen, joking or because of family ties, I didn’t understand the same attributes. Shu Ning, who has been more than 30 years old, naturally knows what to follow. He used to be with Shu Heng’s brother and brother, and he played with it because it was just awkward and didn’t feel anything. What should I do now?

More and more feelings, Shu Ning sighed, licking the lips, subconsciously stunned... There is a brother's taste.

Breakfast porridge to eat eggs, hot springs, no pickles, Shu Ning still not awake, Shu Heng deliberately let the driver out to buy back, the new, Shu Ning eat appetizer, a bowl of porridge are drinking, but also licked a chicken wing Shu Heng loves to eat rice. He has given him the habit of growing rice meals since he was a child. He doesn't like snacks very much. Unlike Shuning rice, it is not good to eat. Snacks are not off the mouth.

If you let Shu Ning know that Shu Heng thinks like this, I want to cry without tears. When do I always eat snacks? Which one of your eyes saw →->dreaming~

After that, Shu Heng handled the business, several assistants sat in the living room and discussed something together. Shu Ning squatted in the bed in the room, with a fruit plate and water at the bedside. While eating and playing with a notebook, she was actually looking at the stock and rose again. This stock will fall after three or four days, and Shu Ning’s memory is not omnipotent. I plan to sell it tomorrow and buy another one.

The notebook is a New Year's gift from Shu Heng. Shu Ning likes it very much. It is black, simple and generous. It is not too thin. After 20 years, people are basically ultra-thin and convenient.

After lunch, Shu Heng went out to ski with Shu Ning.

For the first time in my life, I have skied for the first time in this life. It is very novel. Shu Heng is playing with Shu Ning in the novice area. It has to be dropped several times. Every time, my brother is pulling, so I have no appearance. Now I can slowly slide forward far and go fast. Shu Heng is a master, his posture is not an ordinary pull, too handsome, where can become the focus.

After a while, Shu Ning said that tired, in fact, because there are always girls around not far, and even some people deliberately speak loudly, want to attract Shu Heng's attention.

Unhappy ̄へ ̄

Shu Heng didn't know Shu Ning was stunned. After playing for more than two hours, he should be tired. He directly put the villain on his shoulder and slid back all the way.

Shu Ning... I can't live because of it~o(╯□╰)o

When I arrived at the hotel, Shu Heng was in a good mood, took the younger brother back to the room, went to the bathroom to put hot water, and recalled the scene that had just happened. His eyes were softer. Shu Ning will not stop. When he falls, he is called a brother. He is cute and cute. Whenever he is at a critical moment, Shu Heng will be in front of him and open his hands to wait for his brother to send his arms.

Sometimes Shu Heng deliberately held Shu Ning down on the snow, when the meat / mat, warm it up. Shu Ning naturally will not be hurt on the top, and the small expression of concern will be unobstructed. He will sit on his waist and move around, and he will react quickly. Shu Heng, who puts hot water, subconsciously raises his mouth and likes his brother.

After five days of playing, Shu Ning still didn't want to go, shopping with his brother, wearing a couple's clothes, playing in the bed, changing the hot springs, and practicing skiing. There are many fun places in the hot spring resort, Shu Ning is still not finished. Unfortunately, Shu Gao came to the phone and said that he wants his grandson. The high school students have a short winter vacation. More than a month, Shu Gao is very anxious.

In fact, Shu Gao had long wanted to call, and it was rare to zoom in. Shu Heng was willing to accompany Shu Ning to play. He refused to harass. After all, there was Shu Yao, which eased a little bit of thought. Five days is already the limit.

Shu Heng bought a ticket, took Shu Ning back home, the lanterns in the ancestral home, the lights are shining, and the New Year is about to begin, they are all ready.

Shu Ning is the baby at home. His forefoot has just arrived, and the back foot Shugao and Shucheng appear, both holding gifts.

Not yet Chinese New Year, I received a batch of first, Shu Ning is very happy, the last life can not have such a good thing, naturally, everyone did not mention Qin Yu bracelet, Shu Ning also forgot this person, everything in the house is good, every The faces of the individual are full of joy, harmony, and no intrigue, no intrigue.

And Qin Yu bracelet?

Everyone likes to get together in the New Year, get together, have a New Year's Eve, talk and talk! Set off firecrackers, beaming.

On the isolated island, Qin Yu bracelet stands in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. It is very beautiful here, but it is also very lonely. She is a man, the servants are foreigners, and she is lonely like a ghost.

Shucheng... I have two children for you, are you doing this to me?

Qin Yubiao dreamed that after the quarrel was over, he was taken to the hospital. The file was written about the pregnancy mental illness. The bodyguard was guarded for 24 hours. Even the flies could not fly in, let alone the inconvenient Qin. Jade bracelet, want to escape? Dreaming. The nurse is also a Shu's person, including the entire hospital is Shujia's industry.


Qin Yu bracelet lost contact with the outside world, and he did not know how his talents were carefully cultivated. Shu Ning had no trouble. If it was troubled, Shu Gao would hurt him and he would definitely let me out. Mental illness? Hell mental illness, the former Qin jade bracelet also ridiculed a young lady, because of misconduct, was deliberately locked into a mental hospital for a year, out of pain after the change, the embarrassed did not dare out / track.

When she was alive, she was troubled, but it was useless. The doctors and nurses were like wood people, and they looked indifferent. If the verbal warning was useless, they would tie people directly to the bed.

When sitting on the moon, Qin Yu bracelet really collapsed, the child is downstairs, Shu Yao is still so small, he needs a mother! Shujia is a big family with a head and a face. The relatives who come to visit must be very many. This is an opportunity. I have not done it. I don't know if the nurse deliberately did it. She said that two young people will come today, you are honest!

My Ningning~Mom is here, mother and son are connected, you can certainly hear my prayers, right?

I beg your father, beg your grandfather, you will be able to let me out!

This is the last chance, Qin Yu bracelet is extremely eager, even attacked the nurse, ran to the window, the eye hole shrank, she saw Shu Ning, Shu Heng with him, God! Leaving Shu Heng, Shu Heng will hurt you, Shu Ning my Ningning. No matter how the Qin Yu bracelet roars, how to shoot the glass, the soundproof room traps her hysteria, useless.

After more than a month passed, Qin Yu bracelet came here for more than ten days. The room was bright and warm like spring. She felt very cold and cold. She looked at nothing and had no feelings.

The island is not big. There are yachts in and out. There is no land around. It seems that it takes an hour to get to the land by boat. Qin Yu bracelets will be water, but they can’t distinguish between the southeast and the northwest. They have no idea, no progress, no day, no more. Hope. Shu Ning, have you worked hard?

Qin Yu bracelet's feelings for Shucheng are very complicated, love and hate, hate can disappear with the passage of time, love is more and more rich, and misses madness. Thinking about everything in Shucheng, thinking about his power, his arms, his gentleness can't extricate himself.

As for Shu Ning, Qin Yu bracelet was extremely disappointing, and even the last bit of family was wiped out.

A child who is not growing up beside him is not good, and he is not smart. He is played by Shu Heng and is stupid. He didn't even give Shu Yao shoes. My Shu Yao is Xiao Fu Xing. He just formed, and Shucheng, who has been admiring for many years, will get me started, and live happily together.

Shu Heng damn, he shouldn't have lived.

Shu Ning is more damn, occupying the position, nothing can be done...

The Qin Yu bracelet is attached to the floor-to-ceiling windows. The eyes are empty and the chatter is lingering. It seems that the spirit is a bit problematic. In fact, she is just not willing to do so. She is not willing to lose this way. She is not willing to leave the bustling city and is not willing to lose her child. ... The darkness of sinister hatred emerged in her eyes. In order to retaliate, she had to live a good life and go back.

As long as you get Shu, Shucheng will compromise and smile. You will wait for me, wait...

Shu’s ancestral home is very lively.

After dinner for two hours, Shugai finally came to the floor to rest, Shucheng should also handle things, Shu Heng has something to do, Shu Ning went to the second floor of the study door and pushed the brother: "Go busy. I want to take a break!"

"Meet" is extremely heavy, full of jokes, because it will soon be New Year, there are many gifts from all over the place, bodyguards have been tested with instruments, no danger, Shu Ning's gifts are piled up in the room, many Big and small, listening to Grandpa's meaning is estimated to be untied tonight.

My brother is so naughty, so cute.

Shu Heng raised his hand and hooked Shu Ning's small nose, and seized the back of his head. He bowed his head and printed it on his lips.

Shu Ning was stunned and stunned. What if he said good things, what happened to Meng Lang? (⊙o⊙)

Shu Heng has a long-lasting tone and looks like electricity: "When I come back, I will take a shower."

"it is good."

"Do not sleep first."

"it is good."

Shu Heng walked into the study room, Shu Ning sat in his room for a while, thinking about his brother's eyes, talking expression, gentle tone, hands covering his face, feeling hot, Shu Ning closed his eyes, slightly evoked The corner of the mouth. When Shu Heng came back, it was already more than eleven o'clock.

There are two people in the villain's room, all sitting on the ground, taking off their coats, and they are so busy.

Shu Ning asked the bodyguard to help open the bag. He opened it again to see what was inside, classified, useful to stay, useless to see who is useful to take it, Shu Ning has never been a stingy person. The bodyguard reminded the big and the big, and Shu Ning only looked up: "Brother, you are coming to see, everything is there!"

"is there anything you like?"

"Yes," Shu Ning was very happy. It turned out that the gift was so cool, as if it had opened a small world. No wonder women in 20 years like online shopping... online shopping? Well, you can do it. I remember that the founder of Barabara was very difficult at the beginning. I couldn’t afford to eat even the box lunch. I found him and invested in him. Hahahahaha~

"The corners of your mouth will crack into your ears."

"You dare to laugh at me!" Shu Ning shot, the doll was flying all over the sky, like a bomb~

The doll should be given to Shu Yao. I don’t know if it’s wrong. There are all kinds of boxes, and the dolls that are ringing are placed in the room of Shu Ning, which is super depressed. Shu Heng did not hide, how big the doll can be, and his brother is happy.

The two bodyguards immediately became ashamed, and even their backs were wet, they looked down and did not dare to look around. The inner shock was already rotten.

Shu Heng looked at those gifts, can, but still take the heart, 80% Shu Ning can be used, among which the value of luxury luxury Shu Heng did not pay attention, but I feel that this is very interesting to send learning materials. It is the manager of the company's sales department. Young and promising, the character style is very good and can be reused.

"Don't watch, you should sleep."

"Oh," Shu Ning knows how to stop, and clap his hands, although it is not dirty.

Shu Heng told the bodyguard to remove the rest, without classification, Shu Ning will make it himself tomorrow, if it is all sorted out, it will lose fun.

Shu Ning is very happy, my brother is more and more considerate, and turned back to let the kitchen cook up late to send two bodyguards.

In the master bedroom, the two just took a shower, Shu Heng took out a gift, Shu Ning happy to take a look, actually is a cute pajamas. It was really cute after wearing it. I could shake my tail for a long time. It felt very interesting. Looking down, Shu Ning shook two small/fart/fart again. Shu Heng looked dry and dry, his brother was very cute, and he touched the dog's tail with his hands. It was simulated, snowy and fluffy, very cute.

There are ears here, Shu Ning is not willing, Shu Heng has to say that I also walk through it?

Shu Ning eyes bright, don't hesitate to put the dog's ear on! The teenager in the mirror is blue and white, the facial features are very delicate, wearing a woolen apron, with a snow shoulder, the lower body is the same color with a small inner/inner, the front is normal, and the side is transparent behind. Shaking the fart / strand, the tail shakes and shakes, Shu Ning feels that the effect is really good, my brother will be able to sell.

"Yes, I wish you a fortune."

"This is the collector's edition," Where is Shu Heng? Also put on a furry pajamas, black, with two round ears on the hat, it is actually a bear shape.

Shu Ning opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. However, this piece of Shu Heng is normal, the big version of the children's clothing is gone, and I don't know if there is a tail behind. Shu Ning is curious to see, Shu Heng is a bad hiding, can Shu Ning give up? Chasing and running, you can't do it. The bear's tail is small, unlike the big tail behind him, it can't be hidden.

̄へ ̄ Brother bully, Shu Ning walked to the bed and sat down, not looking at Shu Heng.


"Do you still know?"

"Want to see?"

"Do you want to give it?" Shu Ning is stunned, like the q version of the squirrel.

"Let's show it to you!"

Shu Ning licked his lower lip, hesitating, and his mind was washed away. He extended his hands and hugged Shu Heng's neck. Shu Heng lowered his body and waited. After a minute, he finally got his wish.

Shu Ning did not immediately separate after kissing, squinting at Shu Heng quietly, there was no expression in the eye, and sure enough...

Hey, lost interest in playing, Shu Ning bowed his head, climbed into the bed, and smashed the quilt into it. Hey, Shu Heng didn’t know what was wrong. The younger brother just went well, and then he lie in, and put the little one into his arms. Shu Ning arched the arch, closed his eyes, and the small hand subconsciously grabbed his brother's waist.

As before, it should be fine, what happened to him?

Shu Heng thought for a long time, unknown. So, after Shu Ning fell asleep, he went to study and learn.

Time flies by, the red lanterns hang outside the ancestral home, the New Year, everyone is very happy, red envelopes one by one, Shu Ning's red packets are piled up with a tray, Shu Heng's not much, thin, Shu Ning I know that there must be a place inside →→→

Shu Yao is a little one, not too crying, the servant is holding him, there is also a maid next to a red tray, thick red packets piled up, quite a lot.

At night, it rang for a long time. After eating the dumplings, Shu Ning and Shu Heng said that they had a happy new year, so the red envelope arrived again.

Back to the room, Shu Ning dared to stare at Shu Heng's red envelope, Grandpa's father gave more than ten intermittently, must be very rich! Shu Heng smiled lightly, especially handsome, Shu Ning stunned, and was taken away by the US/color. When returning to God, Shu Heng’s red envelope was all in Shu Ning’s arms.

Shu Ning, sitting on the sofa, couldn’t smile, and the red envelopes covered his legs: “I don’t want to watch, what if there is any secret?”

"What is the secret between you and me?"

"Even if you are close, there will be secrets that you don't want to say, you can't say it, but you want to be good to each other. Brother, do you have such a thing? I have, if I don't say later, you know it first, don't be angry!"

Prevention needle, vaccination ~

Shu Heng nodded. "You are right, even if you have a bad relationship between your father and son, I understand that I will share something with you when you are an adult."

Company? No, the English Academy is already open, full, and the parents who want to sign up are scratching their heads, trying to find ways, and taking people away, just for a position!

At the end of this year, the city side should also be closed, and when the university moves, it will be fired!

Thinking of this, Shu Ning has the heart to buy the land near the open space, but the money is not enough, Shu Heng's red envelope is thin, it must be a large check! Inducing / confusing in the front, Shu Ning picked up these red packets on the table, brother's things, absolutely can not be contaminated! Anyway, I also have red envelopes.

One by one, there are checks and banknotes, and there are a lot of five million.

Seeing Shu Ning likes money, Shu Heng knows that it was because he was suffering too much when he was a child. So he opened his red envelopes one by one, it was a check, and one by one was taken out in the hands of his brother, and he was left behind by real estate. It will be useful later. Shu Heng Chong Shu Ning, don't care: "No flowers."


"Have you heard?"


The sound of a kitten, gently, seems to be touched? Shu Heng leaned down, Shu Ning closed his eyes, his mouth was kissed, and his brother also licked Shu Ning's small nose.

Shu Ning was on the spot and forced.

Shu Heng's lips are a smile, handsome is unparalleled: "真乖~"

"..." Shu Ning with a black line was completely circled.

Shu Heng pulled the tie off, took off his shirt, went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, Shu Ning took a moment to return to God, touched the nose, thoughtful.

Brother... is a little fairy (╯^╰)╮

Shu Ning also went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, toothpaste on the toothbrush, and his brother was very considerate.

Today is too tired, too noisy, Shu Ning lie down and fell asleep, Shu Heng will take this moment as a New Year commemoration. Gently kissed Shu Ning's good lips, nose, chin, face, earlobe, when is it right for him? Shu Heng closed his eyes and tightened the person in his arms.

Shu Jia is too big, respected in the status of c city, especially many people in the New Year. Generally speaking, after a few words, he left, and the flow of friends was left to chat and give gifts. When a family member comes to live for a day or two, Shu Ning just shows up and hides in the room.

This life is not interested in the company, there is no emptiness and a snake, and those who are separated from the family are too lazy to take care of.

Shu Ning is a big villain goal!

Successful alliance to get rid of Shu Heng, in order to get Shu Shi, Shu Ning? They are still not in the eye.

The second room came, quaint with two sons and daughters, with gifts to celebrate the New Year, Shu Zihui smile sweet, looking for Shu Ning, Sun Haoran as a housekeeper, naturally also smile, but the words are not so beautiful Second, less physical discomfort, not seen! I have already slept at this time.

No matter who asked the second master, Sun Haoran said that he slept, and only the old man who came to Shugao’s peers would call Shu Ning upstairs. That's right, it's the fourth floor, and Shugao will be detached, so I won't go to see you.

Shucheng sat in the hall on the first floor. After all, he was the owner of the family. He was a close friend. Every year, Shu Heng is also, he is cold, and everyone who is not salty is not used to, and dare not say anything.

Shu Zihui wanted to sneak upstairs, but unfortunately did not find a chance. In the evening, Quaint went back with two sons, and Shu Zihui had to stay for two days before going.

Shu Heng was very busy. There was not much time for Shu Ning to spend the whole holiday. Shu Ning didn't ask him what he was busy with. The day when he started school, Shu Heng flew away in the morning, and Shu Ning looked at Shu Yao to leave. A small group, pink and tender, is no longer like a monkey, Meng Meng, Shu Cheng and Shu Gao love it, look at the eyes to know.

Shu Ning evokes the corner of his mouth, the more he is pampered, the more disappointing he will be in the future. We will wait and see.

F city is very cold, Shu Ning went to see Xiaoyan, the villa has been sold, Qin Yulan family is missing, Xiaoyan has no place to go, live in the foreman's home, after all, the construction site is not working in winter, Xiaoyan does not like to idle, looking for One job for delivery, and the foreman also found a place to be a security guard.

"I said Xiaoyan, why don't you go to be a security guard?" Shu Ning arrived in the evening, the foreman and Xiaoxiao are both chatting.

Xiaoyan touches his hair: "I want to learn a motorcycle."

The foreman shook his head: "When others ride a bicycle, he looks at it. When someone rides a motorcycle, he rides a bicycle. When someone buys a car, he gets on a motorcycle and never catch up with the times."

"It doesn't matter, you have a car."

"..." The foreman with a sharp tip was actually silenced by Qin Yufu.

Shu Ning grinning, really a pair of happy family, when Xiao Xiao washes the dishes, Shu Ning gathers around the foreman: "What happened to the object?"

"Don't mention it," the foreman frowned, holding the smoke under the nose and smelling it, and he was willing to open his mouth: "Because you said it, the woman moved a little bit to Xiaofu, but her mother looked too much and said that you You are in the countryside, you are old enough, you have to take 50,000 dowry, and you must have a house."

"This is a common phenomenon and there will be more in the future." Shu Ning naturally knows that in some places, the bride price is about to talk about it →-→

"Fortunately, Xiaofu thinks that they are not really sincere, they give up, and they have changed a lot."

"Nothing, I deserve better."

Qin Yufu washed the bowl and rubbed his hand and walked over: "What do you say about me?"

Shu Ning shook his head, and he was very clever. The foreman shrugged his shoulders: "Let's sleep with me at night, let Shu Ning live in the hut."

There is a single bed in the small room. The person who usually sleeps is Qin Yufu. Shu Ning is slightly regrettable. After all, it is someone else’s home, and can’t talk to Yan Bing’s candle. No one at home during the day, very busy at night, stayed for three days, Shu Ning took the car to the airport, the capital is cold, the wind is colder, there is no brother's day, the hands and feet are always cool.

There was a big bed at night, a small man lying down, his eyes empty, Shu Ning insomnia, but fortunately his brother's phone came, and for ten minutes, Shu Ning was sleepy. Days passed by, and in a blink of an eye, the flowers were all open. My brother went to college in the country of m, and occasionally came back once, and stayed for a day or two.

Shu Ning feels like his love/female. When he is on a business trip, he will be pampered/fortunately for two days.

However, Shu Heng has Shu Ning in his heart. No matter how busy he is, he will make a phone call. He will give gifts from time to time. He cares about Shu Ning's studies. He has been in contact with bodyguards. He knows what Shu Ning has eaten, how his body is, and the big things are more than Shu Ning. Clear, occasionally talking about the details, Shu Ning is a glimpse, very heart-felt.

The project started, very smooth, Panggan has experience, and it is the first time to cooperate with Shu Ning, naturally incomparable, want to do a day in the capital. Shu Ning has been to several times. He has a lot of experience in his life. At first glance, he knows that Pang Gan has not cut corners and is really a good conscience project.

Good, Pang Shu recommended people are good.

In the afternoon, Shu Ning and Pang Gan visited the surrounding areas. Panggan felt that it was very common here. There were not many people in the row of old houses. Second, there should be any internal news, otherwise it will not be so heart-warming here. Pang Gan has seen the world, will not ask, and will not talk much, Shu Ning will do whatever he wants.

Shu Heng gave Shu Ning 50 million, of which Shu Gao gave 30 million red envelopes. After all, the shares gave Shu Ning and Shu Yao, and this compensation is not much.

Shucheng filial piety, red envelopes will naturally not be bigger than Dad's, and pressed the limelight, so he gave 20 million, the eldest son is rich and rich, and the father should give it.

Shu Ning has only five million (⊙o⊙) This is the gap between adulthood and underage!

Buying uninvited land, 55 million is still quite impressive, some bargaining did not eat down, the other party wants 60 million, Shu Ning said to consider two days, turned back to call the people of Qin Yu bracelet. This number was given by Qin Yu bracelet before, so Shu Ning remembered, at that time, a glance at it, this person is naturally her confidant, the last life is also used by Shu Ning, its phone number is in the mind, the death has not forgotten.

The other party is very excited, because the "head" is gone, and finally has the backbone.

Qin Yu bracelet is like evaporating from the human world!

After Shu Ning comforted, he gave his first order, which was to manage the finances of Qin Yu bracelet. He reported to himself regularly, and his salary was still the same. As for the disposal of Shu Heng, he must be safe and secure. The other party promised, very obedient, and very heartfelt, whether the Qin Yu bracelet can return, this person naturally does not dare to care.

At the end of the call, Shu Ning smiled and took out the card from the wallet before the Qin Yu bracelet, five million! The bill will not be sent to Shucheng, Zhang Feng will deal with it.

Zhang Feng is the person who just talked.

Having said that, Zhang Feng is still a college student of Qin Yu bracelet. He has always been loyal. Although he listened to Shu Ning’s instructions, he was also secretly monitoring him. If he did not, he immediately told Qin Yu bracelet that he had not noticed it in his life. Now think about it. Still feel that the chest is stuffy, after all, it is confidant, naturally treated sincerely. This person is the biggest leader of the Qin Yu bracelet, who is in charge of some talents and sells his life for the Qin Yu bracelet.

I bought it, and I can't start work for the time being. The two universities will start to choose the site next year. After the wind vane points to this side, the house price will rise sharply. At this time, it seems to be useless, but it is actually the most suitable! There is still a piece of land around, hundreds of millions of people, Shu Ning can only look at it. In memory, this land was taken by the real estate company ranked first in the capital, and it has a high-rise building and an elevator.

Shu Ning only covers the rental building, college students like to live outside, when the commercial street is also up, red and fire, made.

Money was all invested in it, and it started to return to the book a few years later. The only thing that earned money was the English Academy.

It is easy to open a network cafe. It is better to buy a house than to buy it. Simply open another investment company and recruit a group of people. Although Panggan is capable, it is only a huge building. Now he looks at the construction site during the day and goes back to school at night. To test the qualification certificate. Just as ambition, the man is gone without blood.

Shu Ning closed his eyes and meditated, thinking about the plans for the next few years. Of course, there is no absolute thing, and it is always good to plan ahead.

Usually Shu Ning spends a small amount of money, using the pocket money given by Shucheng, clothes are Shu Heng looking at the purchase, the small days are booming, the money comes quickly, and the hand is transferred to the project, it feels like a Little rich man, there are not a few copper plates in the actual card _(:3ゝ∠)_

A little bit of a ghost, but full of energy, very fulfilling.

In the evening, Shu Heng’s phone came. He hasn’t seen him for a few months. Shu Ning cherishes the talk time, and he never misses even a second!

One year is like running water. Shu Ning is fifteen years old. When he returns to his ancestral home for the New Year, there are many people sitting in the living room and he is very enthusiastic about Shu Ning. After all, Shu Ning is like a baby, hidden by Shugao Shucheng, and finally sees "living", the natural set is almost! Shu Ning was too lazy, but his brother was coming back. He couldn't wait quietly in the room.

Shu Zihui was very embarrassed. Last year, when the wind and the wind went to foreign countries, the result was... I didn’t see anyone at all. Where did he go? For a whole year, it seems that her attitude towards her is getting weaker and lighter. How is this going? Still not married, Shu Zihui knows why he cares about Shu Ning, he is thinking about whether he can use Shu Ning.

When she saw the outstanding Shu Ning, her eyes were on fire. This year is why Shu Ning is helping. The passing is like a curse. It is obviously a crane tail. Everyone praises, and Shu Zihui is very good, but everyone is Turn a blind eye. I was okay at the beginning, pleased this, pleased that, and for a long time, even Shu Zihui doubted his life. What am I doing this day? Lost yourself, is it really worth it?

Shu Ning, who is the same as the stars, has grown a lot higher. Shu Zihui squints his mouth and walks with his brother Shu Zixuan.

"Long time no see ~" Shu Zixuan is more outstanding, a smile, it makes people feel infinitely good.

"Ning Gehao~" Shu Zihui is also more beautiful and moving. It has been a bit of a graceful meaning. Long hair flutters, skin white wins snow, why is it good?

"Happy New Year!" Shu Ningpi smiled and didn't smile. He said more, naturally, Zhangkou came, and he didn't take care of him. He was a ghost (╯▽╰)╭

Shu Zixuan looked in his eyes and knew that Shu Ning didn't care, a little depressed: "Heng Ge?"

"Get home soon," said Shu Heng, Shu Ning was willing to say more: "I still have things, you are free!"

How can Shu Zihui be so easy to let Shu Ning leave? I still want to make a good relationship, and immediately depressed my mouth: "Ning Ge, you don't pick up my phone, don't go out with me, why are you giving birth? Or... Or where did I offend you? ”

“How come?” Shu Ning’s eyes widened and looked innocent: “Why? He is why your fiancé didn’t come?”

"..." Shu Zihui stunned, right, why didn't I think? Anyway, there is Shu Ning, he should be a high jumper.

Shu Zixuan’s eyes flashed and he twitched his mouth: “Does the cousin seem to have a good relationship with him?” Profitable.

"In the past, I went to drink water, you are free."

There are only three things. I have said that "self-contained" has been twice. The people around me have heard it. If the two brothers and sisters still don't leave, it is shameless. During the Chinese New Year, they are all relatives. They want to have a good relationship with the people in the main house. If they do not occupy it, they will cause public outrage. Shu Zixuan knows what to do, and Shu Zihui understands.

Shu Zixuan wants to connect with the cousins, he is already the second person of Shu's younger generation.

Shu Zihui walked behind Shu Ning, took out the phone and gave a call, and the other party did not pick up. She wanted to be angry. It was not allowed in this occasion. She could only bear it. She still sent a smile and sent a text message to maintain a well-behaved image. . Why do you see the text message, I am very happy, Shu Ning told me to go, it is really interesting.

Why is it a snake disease? If you want to do something, you have to do it right away. His family can't help it. He went to Shu's!

Shu Jia’s descendants stopped him outside, and Shu Zihui knew that he would come. He had already waited here to meet, and suddenly his face was unpleasant, and he frowned slightly: “Let him come in.”

"Sorry Miss, you have no right to let go," is the doorkeeper professional? Please respect.

Shu Zihui will suppress the arrogance, after all, is the ancestral home, the ancestral home is terrific, hehe.

Why do you put your hands on the carved iron gates, squeezing your head, and squatting like a giant, not at all like a grandfather, with a sneer: "I said, Shu Zihui, Shu Zihui, are you not adopting it? How can people not buy you?" The account? It’s so funny, I’m going to talk to my mom and I’m going to spray it~”

"You misunderstood," Shu Zihui was anxious. He knew that he was not at the door and waited for the two hundred and five. He lost his face and now he has to ask for help. After all, the opinion is his mention. Shu Ning's mobile phone couldn't get through. I just tried it, so Shu Zihui glanced at her face and got on the bus and went to the hall.

After Shu Ning got the report, let the guards release people. At this time, Shu Zihui has not arrived yet.

Why did I sit in my car and drive for a little while to get to the ancestral home, the lights are shining, the shadows inside, the men's suits, the women's dresses or suits, are very happy, so lively. Of course, why is the family almost the same, the seven aunts and eight aunts, can climb the relatives of the New Year to come to eat rice, bothering and annoying.

Because there are so many people today, Shu Zihui hurriedly did not see why he came in, carrying the skirt and quickly stepping away, picking up people.

Many people don’t know why, and they feel very strange when they know what it is. Today is not the day for outsiders to celebrate the New Year.

Why did you find Shu Ning in the most noticeable place, and when they came to the corner together, they finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Your home is like a castle. It is hard to come in."

Just kidding, Shu Ning knows: "There is no way, special treatment in special times. If you slip into a thief, it will be bad." Why did the last life fall into Shu Ning to steal things, people won and won, and the black pot for three years, Qin Yu bracelet knows that it is a slap in the face. It is conceivable that Shu Ning said this sentence at this time.

"What's delicious? Just hungry," he looked at the beautiful little girl of Shu's family, and he drooled: "What is the name of the girl wearing a pink wool skirt?"

"I don't know, I don't like to care for people at all. The west is all eating. You are free to do it. There are too many relatives. I have to go to the people." Shu Ning told the truth, then he browed and was very curious: "You How come?"

"No..." Did you call me? Why is it secretly shocked, is it that Shu Zihui is doing something? No wonder I go out and pick it up, I want to use my limelight? Still have any conspiracy? Hey, this woman is really damn!

"What?" Shu Ning installed a stupid class.

"No~ you go to work, you must do your best for the landlord."

Shu Ning was too lazy to care for him. He went to the front hall and waited for half an hour. He finally looked forward to the people who thought about it!

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