MTL - Rebirth of the Wolfish Silkpants Bottom-Chapter 131

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Jinjiang first, support genuine (*^__^*) The last generation of Qin Yu bracelet and Shu Ning did not recognize it, lived for a long time to find that the old president has this hobby. The ancestral home is very large. It takes a while to get to the door. The yard is wide. The outside is a circle of pine trees of various shapes. There are all kinds of flowers in the vicinity. The care is very beautiful, there are no messy branches, the leaves are crisp, how? See how you like it.

Of course, these things are under the responsibility of the commissioner. It is just that the elderly who have retired are quite bored. They usually like these flowers and plants, and they take time to trim, water, and catch insects along with the gardener.

The car stopped, the driver opened the door, please Qin Yu bracelet down, then Shu Ning showed up, Grandpa did not turn around, but the two gardeners nodded, believing, bowed and picked up the big scissors.

The ground that had just been poured out of the water was still a little moist. Shu Ning took a breath and immediately caused the unpleasantness of the Qin Yu bracelet: "Is it better to calm down the generosity?"

"No, there is a water mom on the ground, you walk around!"

Qin Yu bracelet on the spot is complicated, the birth is not good, but also a small three, but also gave birth to a child, the servant in the house must despise me, this is to play Ma Wei! Who is my Qin Yu bracelet afraid of? If it is not for Mrs. Shu, who will give you a good face? Qin Yu bracelet will swallow in front of Shucheng, and must be majestic in front of the servant, otherwise others will think that you are bullying, and there are many incidents.

In the eyes of Qin Yu bracelet flashed a gloomy, let me detour? Want to see my joke? I can't even wait for me to fall out of ugly? Ah. The right foot slammed hard and stepped on it, picking up a few mud ideas and splashing it on the shoes. Even the left leg was stained with two drops, black and round, not too obvious, but dirty is dirty. Can't wear it.

The housekeeper is now welcoming, and another one who does not respect her mistress is like a fire, igniting the anger of Qin Yu bracelet.

The more smile on the angry face, the more beautiful it is. The Qin Yu bracelet evokes the corner of his mouth: "The housekeeper is good."

"Oh, good, the road is hard."

"This is the big day for me to enter the house. Hey, I was bothered by two people."

The butler saw the dirt on the snow-white trousers and found the culprit along the line of Qin Yu bracelet. The old family shook his head and the housekeeper said: "Please go to the dressing. I will cook it immediately. You are bothered."

"Don't," Shu Ning frowned and pulled the arm of Qin Yu bracelet: "They are not wrong. It is our own carelessness. Don't expel them. What's more, the clothes are dirty and washed."

Silly boy, do you know that this dress was airlifted from France?


Not the cabbage on the street!

"There is no way for them to pay for their compensation. Xiaoning, your kindness will only make these lazy and slippery people even more unbearable."

Shu Ning's mouth moved, and his eyes were disapproving. He didn't talk. The actual heart was turned over. What the pit mom was, it was so cool.

The old old gardener resigned because of his bad waist. Nowadays, all of them are new people. They have just recruited from the talent market, and they have no relationship with the people in the ancestral home, and there is no background. Can not move the housekeeper, naturally pinch these soft persimmons.

The Qin Yu bracelet is naturally not a person of the donkey. It has long been known as a palm, looking up, and taking Shu Ning to the living room.

The butler shook his head, and the new lady had a big posture: "Master, what should I do now?"

Father is naturally the owner: "What can I do? Shucheng is going to be jealous, so stiff with me, wait until she has finished the child."

The two gardeners were very wronged and felt that the hostess was too overbearing and did not want to accept other arrangements.

After all, it is a veteran family, low-key and luxurious. Shu Ning is very familiar with this place, but has to pretend to be an uninformed child, secretly looking at the hall, in line with identity.

Qin Yu bracelet is very dissatisfied with this, but deliberately put on a distressed look.

Shucheng waited here early and took the hand of Qin Yu bracelet: "Come."

"Well," Qin Yu bracelet pinched the big palm of Shucheng, red cheeks: "This is... Shu Ning."

Shu Ning, who has been calling this name since childhood, did not follow the name of Qin, Qin Yu bracelet. Shucheng naturally sent people to the country to inquire, and secretly did a paternity test. If it was not accidentally discovered that Qin Yu bracelet had a child, did he miss the son?

"Ningning, I am your father Shucheng, you will live here later, there is a grandfather, a brother, there will be a younger brother in the future, you said?"

The majestic man is not angry, the gas field is very strong, and the sharp eyes on the week are gentle and gentle at the moment, raising his mouth and smiling very softly.

This was not the case in the previous life. Shu Ning’s failure to contact Shu Heng made Shucheng quite worried and almost could not stay in his ancestral home.

Really, Dad’s good face is like the aurora of the Arctic. It is hopeless to ask for it. It can be met... It does not belong. The smile of the stalwart man is always Shu Heng. Sometimes Shu Ning will also be jealous, is it a parent? Is it because of the original relationship? Mom said that there is no feeling in business marriage, that is the reason for Shu Heng, he is too good. Now Shucheng's eyes are on Shu Ning's body, deep feelings, so that Shu Ning is also a bit more envious, involuntarily rushed over, holding a man's strong waist.

The regrets of the last life, this life is made up!

This embrace is remembered to die!

I finally got it today, so happy, I am embarrassed to look up when I am happy. Shu Ning simply buried her face deeply and tightened her hands.

Shucheng lived! I never felt that I slowly climbed up from the bottom of my heart, and gradually filled the whole body. This is... **** family, I thought that I could not have future generations in this life, stick to my wife’s vows and be kind to Shu Heng. Shucheng has always thought that it is very satisfying with Shu Heng's father, Zizi.

Nowadays, with the taste of the pro-son "to send a hug," the red-eyed man is red-eyed.

Shu Heng just came out, standing on the stairs at the second floor, his eyes flashed.

Qin Yu bracelet is very excited inside, I did not expect this "cannon ash" actually so good to please Shucheng, so you can get twice the result with half the effort. The little sweetheart in the belly has not yet been born. It is just a baby when it comes out. There is no fighting power. Which is Shu Heng’s opponent? Now, if you look at it, even Shu Ning is enough to drink a pot.

Looking at the picture, the figure upstairs seems very embarrassing, hesitant, is hiding, or is it facing down?

The only dad holding other children, my heart must be very painful?

Your deaf mother made me uncomfortable, and the time was clear and liquidated.

The woman's ironic disdain on her body is like 癞 □ □ on the side, downstairs and a person, wearing a home service, Shu Heng stepped forward to help the elderly: "Grandpa."