MTL - Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being-v2 Chapter 736 Severe situation

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Why is it still awkward? \"晏天痕 helplessly spread his hand, said: Who makes Daozu’s reincarnation Dan too attractive, and once I think of a bad life, I can still have an afterlife, I can meet you, I will bear I can't stop the temptation. I don't dare to destroy this world. After all, if I do it, even if I reincarnate, I am afraid I will not get your forgiveness - I want to be with you.

After all, he could not completely block his own path.

The Lingshan Lingbi knows better than anyone else that once he truly becomes a murderer and a madman, there is no possibility between him and his longevity.

Compared with the end, he is more expecting to reunite with the longevity after the new year. At that time, he can still smile and say a word to Changsheng.

So enough.

There is no regret in this life.

Yu Xuanzhi suddenly sighed.

In the past few years, the truth has come to the fore, and when the fog gradually disappears, the past after the slashing and smashing is in front of him. He discovered that from the beginning to the end, he was owed to the sorrowful spirits.

Suddenly, a pair of soft hands held the slightly cold fingertips.

晏天痕 smiled and said: "Big brother, the previous things, when to pursue, can be, but now, I am afraid we still need to contact the father of the king - Fan.

After a moment of slowing down, Xuan Xuan strongly suppressed the sourness of his heart and slowly nodded: Good. ”

At this moment, the situation of 晏重华 and the Nether is not very good.

They returned to the northern world from the southern boundary. It was only a few days later that they had just arrived at the northern boundary. They had already seen the entire sky that had almost collapsed, and the cracking continued to spread towards the south.

The two immediately judged that the situation was not good and quickly swept away toward the dragon family.

The Longxu family still did not make a mess because of the Longdi’s sitting in the town. However, there are already many people in the city who have lived for many years. They can’t stand this crumbling day crying and I don’t know when it will suddenly appear. The booty, and the family moved.

When the dragon emperor saw two people, his face was extremely dignified and said: "The stolen goods did not appear again, but there was a more terrible thing happening.

晏重华道: "What's wrong?"

The dragon emperor looked up at the suffocating air that covered the sun and could not be opened. He said: This thing will actually consume the nectar! Someone came to report three days ago, the dragon ore mining of the bird mine is actually a whole mine has become a waste, I am looking for the direction of the aura of mines, the magic weapon shows that direction pointing to this group of suffocating!

The Dragon Emperor apparently has been overwhelmed and said with uneasiness: "If you follow this speed, I am afraid that it will take ten years, and the entire northern boundary of the bird mine will be completely destroyed.

The bird mine is an extremely important treasure that supports the balance of the nine worlds. If the entire northern world's bird mines disappear, then the northern world will become a balance between the apocalyptic wasteland and the aura needs to be balanced to maintain stability. There is no aura, and there is too much aura in the day, so the Tianzhu, which is hard to see with the naked eye, will collapse directly because it cannot withstand the aura of the heavens.

This affects not only the northern world.

The Nine Worlds are also a solid whole. The collapse of the Tianzhu in the northern world will inevitably lead to an imbalance in the entire nine continents.

In the Lingzong period before 10,000 years ago, the collapse of the Tianzhu in the northeastern world almost immediately caused great concern in the entire realm of comprehension. It even brought about a turmoil. Several sects and families sent hundreds of thousands. Elite disciples, at the same time, cast spells, and finally they will hold the heavens and the earth until the next Tianzhu is made, and everything will be counted.

When he was so busy, he suddenly felt that the black dragon hovering above the sky was like a bottomless hole, and wanted to devour all the things in this world.

Nethered in the blink of an eye, said: This gas can have any way to suck?"

Longdi Road: The method has been exhausted, no matter whether it is a seal or a swallow, it has no effect. ”

Nether road: "I will try it.

After that, Nether flew up, and there was a smoldering fire around him. He re-entered the thick black cloud and attempted to refine the gas with a smoldering fire. After asking for it, there was only a little effect.

When Nether took over, the suffocation of the day of crying, and immediately made up for it, the black gas is still intact.

The face of the gambling trade changed and fell. "It is really powerful."

The righteous Chinese look is also dignified. "There is only one way to do it. It is to call people from all walks of life in the nine circles to make suggestions and discuss how to solve this problem. No matter what is not a family, it is not a matter of one world. No one can stay out of it.

The Dragon Emperor sighed and arched his hand against Man Zhonghua. He said: "If you really summon the powers of the nine circles, you still need to get the order from the Purple Emperor Tiandu, otherwise you will be alone in the Northern Territory. Power, absolutely not complete. And...

Long Diben felt that it was difficult to talk about it, but for the peace of the northern world, he still bite his teeth and said: "There were many people who had been cheated by me in the name of the heirs. They were dissatisfied with the hearts of the dragons. The vast majority, even though they saw the stolen goods, they still had the luck and thought that this was only the disaster of my northern world. They still had a breath of breath, so they did not want to intervene."

"It's really confusing!" Nether sneer: "In the time of the ancient Lingzong period, the Lingzong family was the only one, and the Tianxia Road was integrated into it. Everyone thought that as long as the spirits did not fall, the nine realms would be safe and sound, and they would not need to help them. But in the end, the difference has spread to the power of the nine worlds together?"

Repeatedly wrinkled and frowned, said: "The father is now closed, and the central government has been divided into several parts. The royal family and the baby Yao became a rope.

He is bound to be against me. ”

When he mentioned the scorpion, You Wu had a kind of impulse to pick up people. He shook his fist and said: "The scorpion is a dog that only fights in the nest. I have to see how crazy he is.

I was not able to pick him up in the same year, but now I still clearly remember that he went to sneak up. ”

Don't leave him a handle!

At this time, a feather flew to the front of the 晏重, the feathers turned into a small bird, screaming at An Zhonghua: "Love is dead! Quick return!"

After that, the feathers burned to the ashes.

The sudden news made the three people in the room hesitate for a moment, and in the eyes of each other, they confirmed that the news they heard was not false.

Dragon Emperor muttered: Xiang Wang.... Dead?

Nether bite the root of the tooth, said: "It must be the **** hand, we will go to Beiliang City now!"

Yan Zhonghua couldn't wait any longer. On the Longdi Road: "The nine worlds are inevitable. I will immediately go back to the Purple Emperor and explore the situation. I will go to Beiliang City first." A glance."

The dragon emperor was depressed and said: "Alright."

There are a lot of strange people around him, so it’s so sudden and easy to die. This is undoubtedly a desperate depression.

Qu Weihua and Nether immediately rushed toward the North Liangcheng.

The more you go to the North Liangcheng, the more they are scared.

The black cloud is topping, and almost no sunlight can be seen. The Chu Liangbei City is shrouded in purple and black, and it is so rich that it is hard to breathe.

Nether stood outside the northern Liangcheng, and when he looked up, he saw a group of air hovering in the air, wrinkled his brows: Zhonghua, the group that you don’t feel guilty, and the dragons and sisters

What is the similarity of an empty dragon?

晏重华道: "What is the use of this thing? It will not be spotted into stolen goods or attack, is it just to cover the daylight?" Nether shook his head and said: "I don't know, don't tell the story about it." Let’s go

When you mention the smattering of the sky, the secluded road said: "You don't feel that A-Ti's understanding of 煞修 seems to be much deeper than ours." 晏 华 华 华 华 , 晏 晏 晏 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华

Nether nature also knows what the scorpion marks are doing in the Longyan Holy Land. Nowadays, the Nine Realms are afraid that no one will know that the sky marks have been repaired. Nethered Shen Shenzi, said; "It is a hard battle to fight."

Yan Zhonghua underestimated: "Who dares to bully me, I must repent of it."

There are already many rumors and rumors in the Jiujie. On the top: Some people say that the sacred marks are with those who have repaired a group of people, and there are rumors that the rumors of the dragon’s holy land are disasters. The thief shouted to catch the thief and plan.

This can ruin the Nether.

Both Zhai Zhonghua and the reincarnation palace secretly sent many people to suppress these rumors, but the mouth of the anti-people is more than the anti-chuan, the source has not been found, and the effect is naturally poor. In the northern Liangcheng, a group of Xiaoran murdered, much more desolate than before they left. When they entered, they thought they came to an empty city.

The soldiers in the city are still patrolling as usual, but they can no longer see the road. The pedestrians on the road, even the hawkers of the dealers are not seen. The family can not close the house during the day. If there is indeed a breath of life, he thinks that They came to a dead city.

Yan Zhonghua and Nethered smashed the people behind them and went to the courtyard where the reincarnation palace was. Feng Jingyu lived in this place during this time.

Seeing 晏重华 and Nether, Feng Jingyu was slightly relieved, and then followed: "You can be considered to be coming." 晏重华道: "We have only gone for less than a month, what happened to the aunt?"

Feng Jingyu sighed and said with annoyance: "If I pay more attention to it - it would be fine. I am worried about the unsettled fool. If I don’t know who I am, I will get a polylinga." After going down to the yin and the wind, but was caught by the smugglers, it was killed. The news came from the tomb of the mausoleum. It was said that the squadron had made the corpse of the corpse, making him look exactly the same as when he was alive. On, it has completely become the embarrassment of the wind!"

The gloom smashed a few words, and the cross-brows were inverted: "He is a fool, and he should die if he dies! Are we not busy?"

In the end, 晏重华 has a bit of friendship with 晏怀臻, and his face is ugly, saying: “People are already dead, and it doesn’t make sense to pursue them. Who is swindling?

?, can there be clues?

\"I was harmed by this person." The words of Zhonghuanhua were just born, and the man with a white-faced man in the mausoleum of the mausoleum jumped from the wall, and the movement was free and easy, and there was no such thing as a vulgar. It’s stiff and looks like a living person.

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