MTL - Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being-v2 Chapter 730 a vinegar bucket

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The water cloud is a sneak out of the palace after she disguise herself. She talks and laughs with the Nether and other people along the way, and her manner is relaxed. However, she is about to walk to the gate of the palace and see the figure standing. When Gongmen seemed to be waiting for a man, his face changed suddenly, his face smiled and disappeared, and he became a dull and dignified appearance. Seeing all the smattering of the sky, secretly admire.

This changes the face speed, it is really powerful.

The person who marries the water cloud is the Yi Zi, the owner of the Yi family. Although the Yi Zi merchant is from the Yi family, he is not an alchemist but a law practitioner.

Can be distinguished from the Yijia, who has been the master of the alchemy, and was chosen as the owner. It can be seen that the individual ability of Yizi is strong and the two are the opposite. Because 晏重华 looks extremely gentle and gentle, it makes people feel like a spring breeze at a glance, it is a person with a very good personality. The Yizi quotient is a very indifferent feeling, and it is similar to the Donghuangxuan. It is because of this that the relationship between Donghuang and Yizi is actually quite good. Yi Zi Shang first swept the water cloud and glanced at the glance, and then looked at Zhai Zhonghua and others. You are welcome to visit the king. \"易子商 simply sneaked a word, did not show awkward, and then said: "Your intention, the East Emperor has already told me, but the candle has been borrowed some time ago, I am afraid this time. To let the disappointment of the king, the Yizi merchants said to the water cloud: "In recent days, you have to wear a single coat when you go out, and you have to go out with the shawl and go out." .

Yi Zishang took advantage of the shoulders of the water cloud, and he said: "There are other things in the family that I will not accompany. The water cloud is so bright that she looks up and looks at the man who is taller than her." It is my guest. Yizi said: "They are looking for a candle, they can't find a substitute for nature, and they don't have time to stay here for a long time."

The water cloud is a little angry, she pushed the Yizi business, stood next, said: "Even so, they are also my friends, and you have nothing to do with you.

Yi Zishang looked at the heavy eyes, and the scorpion sank and said: "That's yours, but don't forget, you have already married and married, and Yizi will go toward the palace gate.

Before the Nether, I have never seen Yizi, and he pointed to the Yizi merchant with anger. He said to the water cloud: "The milk, this is what you said before, is he good for you? Treat it with courtesy? I see He wants to rebel? The water cloud is so excited that he can't help but rush to the sorrowful sorrow, whispered: "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, leave me some face, he is this temper, just fine later. .

Nether: "...mother! One day, I will suffocate him! You listen to what he said before! Yizi has disappeared."

The water cloud sighed slightly and sighed. "It’s too rude, but he used to be like this. Who knows what happened this time... It’s just a candle, I probably can’t help anything. It’s too busy. The attitude of Yizi Shang is obviously not clear what it’s going to be. The ghosts squinted and sneered: “It’s a good thing, since he drove us away, I’m really here. Stayed, he didn't say, I just wanted him to say it.

Qu Zhonghua also has quite a few words, but he has always liked to say that others are not good in the back, and he did not say anything, but his heart will be a man who dares to bully the water in the face of outsiders. Although the heirs of Candle Tianding made it clear that they would not see them, but the scorpion marks still decided to stay in the South Palace with a thick face. After all, this place is the site of the water, not the land of their home. What's more, after comprehensive consideration, Candle Tianding is necessary to get it in the hands. How can it be easily given up with a cold face and give up? Plus, Yizi merchant gave them the next Mawei, among the four people, except for the heavyweight. The other three people are basically like me, you can't get used to it, and I can't beat me. If you are strong, you will never be able to retreat. So, the four people stayed in the South Palace.

On the first night, the water cloud was swaying in the palace, and the four guests who came from afar did not get drunk. The next night, the water cloud was going to sit with them, but they did not leave the residence for two days. The door is full of laughter and laughter everywhere.

Fifth night

Yi Zi Shang stood outside the Zhonghua Temple, where the door was closed. A silver tooth almost broke down. He grew up with him and grew up with a small annoyance. "Young master, the lady is actually with the men for five days. I didn't go back tonight at night, but I really didn't put you in my eyes! Yizi said with a cold face: "Shut up, have your voice." Xiao Yan grievances and flats his mouth, saying: "I don't think that the lady is so cold, you are the young master? On weekdays, the South Emperor is always a stranger who does not want to talk, you are so good to her, She is still cold to you, which is a smile for those people."

Yi Zishang’s face is ugly, but it’s faint: “These words, if you let me pick it up next time, you will go back to Yi’s home. Xiao Xiaoyi, I don’t know what Yizi said is true and false. Immediately squatting for mercy, said: noisy young, small dare not, you don't drive me away."

Yi Zi-shang stared for a while and said: "When I go out and ask my wife, I will find that she has something to do with her. Xiao Xiao is nodding and nodding, and rushing to knock on the door.

Yi Zishang’s heart is not a taste. He has been a Taoist with the water cloud for so many years. On weekdays, the water cloud is always a respectful attitude towards him, but what he wants is the one who laughs. Love to talk and do things is always a girl who laughs and laughs.

What he likes is exactly what it is like.

I thought that when I became a Taoist, he got the water cloud, but did not expect that the water cloud was so attitude to him. Yi Zi Shang Rao is repaired to get home, and then seeing his wife seeing the old lover, smile like a flower like a carefree little girl, will be flustered, not to mention the water cloud is not the night, For five days, they stayed with them all the time.

The scorpion scorpion was in the corner, holding a mirror in his hand, and licking the door of the Yizi merchant’s expression to eat people. The sky mark was a little excited and said: "He is not going to come to the door? Big brother, look at you." His expression is like a wife who brought him a green hat, hahaha!

Nether lightly said: "I also have the feeling of being brought with a green hat." 晏天痕: "...

When I turned my head, I didn’t know when, Nether actually stood behind him and touched the chin. I stood up and said, “Is the father still talking with the aunt and aunt?” Nether said: “On the fart, Both of them said that they were private affairs. I heard that I was sick and died. I came out and breathed. "Hey, I said, "Do you hate the aunts of the aunt? You are busy and nodded, and you look awkward and say: "I am I hate to die, and I know that I don’t know what I’m ignoring with others. I thought I would give it to me. ”

The smack of the sky screamed and said: "Hey, I only heard that Yizi was outside and said to his little sister. When we left, we would have to beat the aunts and then shut them up." What?\" Nether is furious, even when she picks up her sleeves and prepares to go out and swear, she said: "I don't want to live and dare to bully my Nether's sister!

The scorpion marks will be happy, and the Nether Road is held: "It looks like the relationship between the aunt and the aunt and the aunt. It’s a good thing. It’s a sneak peek, and the scorpion marks: "The little rabbit scorpion actually dares to play you! \"Your father recognized her as a righteous sister. If I bully her, I will forget it. What do other people bully about her?

晏天痕 said: "The aunts of the aunt are also blameless. The southern world is not in a good form. There are too many family and ancestral gates in the camp. The Shuiyun family has no outstanding younger generations. The aunts and aunts are alone in a family. It was too tired. Nguyen sighed and said: "So, your father is thinking of ways to teach her how to stabilize her position." Inside the house, the water cloud sings and finally sighs and sighs, said: "No way, how can I throw such a mess to me? I thought that if I was married to Yizi, I could have some breathing space. I did not expect that. Yi Zishang’s wedding night didn’t touch me even when I touched it. I knew he couldn’t look at me.”

Speaking of this, the water cloud snorted and said: "I don't know that he actually hates me so much. It is always cold to talk to me. I see the Yi family bullying me, not helping me, and this time, he is sure. I know that you have to borrow the candle Tianding, and then send the tripod.

Yan Zhonghua’s brow was locked and said: “You have been married for more than ten years. Have you not yet rounded the room?”

The water cloud Nishang sighed and wiped his eyes and said: \"Don't talk about the round room, even the kisses are very few, I don't know what I did wrong, if I like someone else, I am being small. The goblin has been hooked away, otherwise it is not willing to pay attention to me, but always fierce me, I am really in a bad mood, is it too good for me, even the gods can not see?? Xuan Zhizhi snorted, calmly Said: "Maybe it is not your fault, but he is sick in that area? The water cloud will suddenly stunned."

She looked at Xuan Xuan in a hurry and said: "You, you have a bit of truth. You Xuanzhi smiled and said: "Which men have bad colors, aunts are beautiful, and people are cute and free. The most is to provoke a man to like, he has been with you for more than ten years, are still hiding from you in the house, want to come ... there is that possibility. The water cloud is bright and white, and obviously it is difficult to sit. If Yizi is really a problem in that aspect, should she be better to him and care about a few words? Mom said that the old man of Yi Buxun is so impatient to marry Yi Zi. She is! The water cloud is not able to sit still, and when she is ready to get up and leave, she hears the sound of the door. The smug maid of the water cloud, Man Man, came over and said with a slight urgency: "Your Majesty, Yi Shao’s little sister knocked at the door and said that it is easy to find a rush."