MTL - Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being-v2 Chapter 711

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Long Yu Ling Guang Zhang teeth dance claws, the mouth inside the mouth to the water, watching Long Yan Ling Heng's eyes, as if to see the killing of the enemy. The disciples around him were shocked by this scene. No one dared to come up easily.

"嘭", Long Long Ling Heng only felt that the hands of the person holding the body was soft, and he fell silently. Long Hao Ling Heng quickly caught Long Yao Ling Guang, and he was shocked to see the sea waves. "The big fuss." The sea mad wave said quite contemptuously: "It is better to play the least." Long Yu Ling Heng:...

However, the next moment, originally excluded from the shield of the suffocating air, there were a few black and purple figures appearing out of thin air, and they smashed into a new chaos.

"Damn, who is it?" Xuan Xuan's teeth cut his teeth, while killing him, looking for the culprit hiding in the dark.

Only repairs can sense the existence of repairs. He has always been spiritually ruined. If you can't treasure in your hands, it is difficult to find the existence of stolen goods by feeling alone. The sound of ghosts and wolverines sounds, and the sky is crying and cracking. The whole enchantment is about to tear into pieces. When you look at the whole dragon's land, you have to collapse.

A sound that pierced the dawn of the sky came from far away, and I saw that the sky mark was like a bolt of lightning, scratching the thick purple and black suffocating, and rushing toward the shield.

When Xuan Xuan’s fierceness turned back, he saw that Man Tian’s eyes were covered with purple. He didn’t have time to open his mouth. He saw a purple whip in the sky and smoked it through the shield. It was actually a whips on the face of the Yuquan Sanren, and the other side almost fell.

"You are a bug that touches the fish in the muddy water, and it rolls out the old man and decides to die!"

When Xuan’s pupil suddenly slammed, he saw the original Yuquan scattered person who was in the position of a high-ranking man. He was actually licking the face that was bleeding, and he smiled sullenly. "Hehehe... hahahahaha!

His laughter gradually became bigger, and a slap in the face smashed the shield in front of him. It was actually a black-and-purple suffocation, and vacated the sky and flew toward the same sky.

"I finally found you, I finally found you! You Lingshan, come to die!" Yuquan scattered people laughing, like crazy, his hands raised, suffocating into a stolen goods, all It rushed toward the sky.

\"A marks!" The heart of the sea mad wave is almost stopped.

So many rolling things, buried in the light, can bury the scorpion marks alive. "Or old acquaintance? Oh, pretend to be a ghost."

What everyone never thought was that the smack of the sky was just a sneer, and a slap in the face, the half of the suffocating gas behind him, also condensed into a stolen thing, but these stolen goods are not human, but The animal shape is the appearance of a tiger cat, and the same four limbs land, roaring and biting together with the group of humanoids.

- Time: The two groups were beaten into a group.

Everyone was stunned and pale, but there was a feeling of being saved.

晏天痕 on the reproduction of Xuan Xuan, said: "Big brother, I am here to help you open the space channel together, I can not beat this meditation, can only attract his eye first, and then find a way to escape.

Xuan Xuan has a thousand words to say, but when he comes to his mouth, he only said: "When you pay attention to safety, you must resist it. When I say that I withdraw, I will run away in time. I am stunned: "Okay.

It’s not too late, Yu Xuanzhi immediately sent out the infuriating: suddenly rushed toward the zenith. For a time, the golden light picked up, the light column skyrocketed, and the wind was swallowing the mountain and river, only another light column broke from the sky mark. The thick purple scorpion rushes to the sky, a purple and gold two beams of light, entangled in the sky, actually rushed out of the big scorpion that has been bursting with black and purple gas, like Roughly tearing open a channel like.

"Go!" Yu Xuanzhi's madness and volatility to the sea: "Take them into the space channel and leave here!"

"Want to run?" Yuquan Sanren realized the thoughts of the two people. When they even raised their eyes, they flew and went to the palm of the sky.

His palm, like carrying a million miles, sweeping the place round hundreds of miles are dusty, the sky marks do not dare to touch the front, immediately gathered around the suffocating, condensed into a huge tiger, blocked In front of him, and he was a cat with a waist and quickly rolled toward the side, by the suffocation of the suffocating, actually slipped past the Yuquan scattered people, - slipped into the shield.

One of the Xuan Xuan will pull the scorpion mark, look at him with his unresolved eyes, move his lips, like a thousand words to tell, but know that it is not time, take a deep breath, said: Go out and talk."

Mantian traced his nod.

The channel condensed the power of the two, plus the very reliable volts also added a hand, and soon sent hundreds of people here.

The tigers and Yuquan scattered together, at first, the momentum was extremely powerful. However, after the floating dust of Yuquan Sanren, it turned into a suffocating gas, and then he swung a wide sleeve, which turned into a control by him. The tiger screamed and snarled toward the sky.

The mysterious look of Xuan Xuan is cold, and the sword that is the eye of the shield is set aside. The sword is separated from the sword, but the sword is only a blink of an eye, so that the quick smash has already been thrown into the scorpion. The former tiger punctured the nucleus.

Yuquan scattered people with a pair of eyes, said: "Hua Rong Jian Zun, this person around you, but a repair.

蔺玄之推 pushed the 晏天痕, throwing the unprepared latter into the empty passage at that time, watching the 晏天痕 disappear into the line of sight, he just said coldly: "How is it? Compared with your shrinking and shrinking, you will only be tempted in the back. A trace is open-minded and kind, even if it is repairing, I also love him.

Yuquan Sanren could not help but laugh, as if he had heard a big joke.

"He is open-minded and kind-hearted? You can really be blindfolded by paper. Who is he? I want to come to you more clearly than I do. How much blood is in his hands, and how many knives are dead, do you forget?" Have you ever lived, Master, for so many years, how can you still be soft to him?"

The face of Yuquan's scattered people gradually blurred. He took a bit of hatred and couldn't tell the pain. He stared at the Portuguese Xuanzhi, and seemed to blame love. He said, "Look at me like this, you Look at what I have been hurt by him. I have become a deputy, no one is a ghost. Who is it? Is it not him?"

When Xuan Xuan suddenly shrank his eyes, he walked a few steps forward. After seeing the face that had faded away from the appearance of Yuquan, he said incredibly: "You are. Fenglang?"

Tibetan phoenix wave, his real last master, or the younger brother he brought out from the ruined place.

The Tibetan phoenix scorpion has been covered with purple lines, like a mantra, and it is like a scar of a magical array. His other half of his face is good, his eyebrows are exquisite, and the eye-catching eyes are like With peach blossoms, it is a face that can easily make people feel good.

Half is God and half is Ghost: This is a strong sense of collision: Let Yu Xuanzhi - time can't speak.

"The brothers still remember me, and it’s really not easy." The Tibetan phoenix screamed and smirked and smiled. At his feet, he was ready to send tens of thousands of stolen goods. He was rolling behind him. The purple scent: the long black hair flies backwards, just like the fate that climbed out of hell.

"Why do you become this look?" "One of the time is awkward. He personally confuses the body for Feng Lang and buried him with his own hands. It is absolutely certain that he is dead. The Tibetan phoenix waved out a left hand with a sensational bone. He said, "Why would I become like this? You can ask your good-hearted and good-hearted net! If it is not because he harms me How can I become such a person who is not a ghost or a ghost?"

蔺玄之 sinks Shen Zizi: Road: "He won't hurt you."

The scorpion of the Tibetan phoenix was purple and the person was staring at him. He said: "Senior brother, love will really make people blind. Because I am repairing, I have to be harmed by him. I have lost my life, even the body has not been let go: I have to use the technique of returning to life, to survive, not to die, to be eternal life is this terrible appearance? He refining me into this look for repair I am also imprisoned in the darkness of the seventh domain, which makes me suffer from humiliation and suffering. I am not harming people, but people are going to harm me.

In the end, the people who hurt people have to pay for what they want, and who knows the pain I have suffered?\'

The brain of Xuan Xuan is messy. On the one hand, he sees the little brother who once loved, and his heart is quite complicated. On the other hand, he is also saddened by the appearance of the Tibetan phoenix and his actions. No.

\"If you are really bullied by him, you will follow me, I will ask you clearly, what you said is true. I will punish him for punishment and let him apologize for you."

Yan Xuanzhi said with a deep heart: "But what do you do now, what are you doing? Fenglang, you have always been a child who knows how to be sensible in my heart. You can remember that my brother once taught you. if?"

"Senior brother said, if I treat others well, others will treat me kindly." Tibetan phoenix wave gently-smile, and said with emotion: "It’s a pity that the mountain ridge is a madman, even if I think of him as a sneak The brothers come to treat him, and he hates me as much as he wants. I can’t wait to make me smashed! Brother, you are so blinded, you never know what he is carrying, you do. You really thought that the one was almost You are married to the Taoist Gate of the Zhengyang Gate of the Taoist Temple. When you were practicing, you accidentally exploded and died. Zhengyangmen went up and down 368 people, and his coffin lived overnight. Do you know about this?"

"Yu Ming Market?" Almost all of them have forgotten such a person. He suddenly squeezed his fist and said: "On the day of Zhengyangmen's destruction, he is not on the spot.

"Yeah, he is seriously ill, you happen to be with him." Tibetan phoenix wave smiled slyly and said: "But Master, you know, the biggest difference between 煞修 and other sects is even if they are separated. A thousand miles away, but if you have secretly laid the stolen goods, you can move your fingers and pull them to kill. Brother, brother, you can really love him. Other people, for you, die. Yes, white death will be dead, is this the case?"