MTL - Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being-v2 Chapter 700 Similar killing

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Exhibition Fengting glanced at him and said: "What is it? No, how?" Long Yao Ling took a deep breath and said: "Why are you going to lie to us? Why do you want everyone to think that the sea madness is Princess Jing? Feng Ting said: "This matter, after you leave Long Yao, ask your father." Long Yao Lingguang is stimulated, said: "I don't believe it! Father is absolutely not Maybe you know! You are lying to me! You lied to everyone!

I say. "晏天痕 came over and said: "You don't want to be true. If the Dragon Emperor doesn't know, no one can take this matter through the sea. He doesn't know, he can't say it. He is still the culprits of the plan." The culprit. You shut up!\"Long Yao Lingguang eyes are red, it looks like a grievance to cry like Ling, you come over, no need to say more." "Long Yao Ling Heng came over and pulled Long Xiaoling Light, said: "Who is the prince, who has his own will in the dark, the person chosen by the dragon god, can not be wrong." No! This is not right! You are the scorpion of the father, you should be The righteous Chu Jun! "Long Yao Lingguang screamed, tears almost fell from the eyelids.

This is not right, it’s all right. How come suddenly, the exhibition Fengting has become a dragon family that has been passed down? How does this make him accept?

The disciples of the Longyan family are all looking at this side. This reversal can be said to make every disciple unexpected, but their acceptance is always higher than that of Long Yao Ling. From the beginning, they came to try their luck. And Long Hao Ling Heng, as a well-deserved and well-prepared royal servant, should be the biggest blow. However, at this time it seems that the reaction of Long Yao Lingheng is unexpectedly calm and calm, but Long Yao Ling's reaction is still normal.

The sea mad frowning, even though he is also very uncomfortable to show Fengheng's actions, but still look at the Longyan Lingguang is even more pleasing to the eye, then said: "What are you swearing? Is it not enough to shame? Going out, if you are jealous again, don't go with us, it's not enough."

Long Hao Ling Guang smeared a face, wanting to lick what, but was stunned by a warm and soft plush ball. He fixed his eyes and saw a tiger scorpion squatting on his shoulder and arching his face with his face. Long Yu Ling Guang

This, what is this?

"Listen to your brother's words." "When the war was held, the tiger scorpion walked over with the big troops and took a step. The hand still held Abai, saying: "At this time, when the prince is not seen It is a good thing, the ancient gods and the war, the dragon emperor died at the time, to swear by the body, even a descendant did not stay, and finally take the benefit of the fisherman, not his family? To think about the benefits, do not want your brother to take the lead, After you have died, you are not happy. You are screaming at the corners of your lips. A pair of eyes seem to be empty. The focal length is like a fluttering, but people feel that he is a blind man.

Long Yu Ling Guang bowed, and after all, did not say anything, it will sneak away with Long Hao Ling Heng. Abai jumped back into his arms, and his relatives squatted around his neck, like a cat.晏天痕 looks at the heart, full of mouthful said: "Fudao friends really is a good means, my family two white tigers, usually do not like to be close to strangers on weekdays, now it is so well-behaved, but I do not know what benefits you gave them I also teaches me how to be good. I feel sorrowful, smile, and scratch my amber chin. "What else can I use? Racial nature, they probably like the breath of me."

The scorpion marks the eyelids and jumps straight. I always feel that he has painstakingly pulled the big baby, and he will be abducted by the unsatisfactory person. However, if he turns away and does not turn away, he will still have the final say in the end. At present, the enemy is determined to be temporarily tolerant and generously not to take care of the people and the tigers as their own nephews.

On the frozen sea, hundreds of people rushed to the wind and snow, and then there was no one to open the way. It was probably thinking that life was already so difficult. Why bother to find yourself? It’s better to keep your mouth shut and save your energy, and let yourself be alive. It’s just like a little bit of fire. So it’s inadvertently melting the ice, so that the stolen goods ran out and made disciples, disciples. Even if it is cold, no one dares to pick up a half-ignition.

On the surface of the scorpion, there is a bead that has been robbed from the other people’s hands. However, it is not a cold feeling. Fortunately, it is only known to oneself. Otherwise, if other people who have become frozen are aware of this matter, they still do not know how to make trouble. How many things come out. Sometimes, people still have to be low-key.

When the sky was shining, everyone finally left the ice sea. At the moment of seeing the land, these disciples who were mad by the heavy snow and strong winds of the aura were all screaming, and they all ran to the mainland with their legs and legs, as if they had seen each other for a long time. Mother-in-law. Although these great monks who helped the dragon brothers to enter the dragons are still stable, the expression is obviously relaxed.

On the land, the snow stopped.

It’s just this land, it’s the Gobi Desert, and there’s nothing green in it. The yellowish and the grayish black of the stones alternated, giving people a sense of desolateness. As the natural dragons and dragons, the most disliked is the environment. Therefore, the Longyi family has always given up the northern boundary of the northern boundary to the Zidi Tiandu’s family. Every few years, the Longyan family sent their disciples to the northern Xinjiang to supervise the workers. After a few years, they found people to replace them. This is the biggest management of the northern Xinjiang. Therefore, the tombs are called the tenth family. "The most powerful quasi-templars are completely based. A ghost is crying, and seeing the desert of Huangsha, the disciples of the Longyan family are ecstasy. It doesn't take long for them to sue and blame the ancestors for burying their bones in the holy land and messing up the desert environment that makes them almost dehydrated. After a day and night, I played with those stolen goods, and I was so tired. So under the discussion, the exhibition Fengting, which has become the head of the dragons, is finally a conscience discovery. "I see you are tired too. I don't know how long it will take to get past the desert. Let's take a rest." Unsurprisingly, Cheers.

He found a back against the big stone and sat down. He didn’t really feel too tired. Even if he was tired, he was tired.

The hand touched the cheek on the scorpion.

All night is restless, what are you thinking about, may wish to talk to me. "Xuan Xuanzhi sat down beside the scorpion mark, and looked up at the sacred mark. The brow wrinkled slightly and said: "I feel that the smashing thing is not like being accidentally opened by the fire. The enchantment is so simple, there must be other reasons.蔺玄之道: \"Want to know the result, what's the problem? If there is another thing on the way, then it will be properly explained that someone is working on it. If it is safe, it may be true. Occasionally, the scorpion marks sinking into the scorpion and said: "But the scorpion does appear. The meaning of the exhibition brothers, but also in the words between the lines in the description of the master has been glimpsed into the sky, crying will re-emerge in the world, repairs will come back to life.蔺 之 之 望 望 望 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞Too many stolen goods can also suppress them, but I have calculated that only the top of the sect is too high, but you never have a drop of blood from beginning to end. Why?

You can't help but linger in your heart: It's such a time, and Xuan Xuan actually can notice these details. If you want to kill, if you don't want to bleed, and you don't have to be high enough, you have to destroy the nucleus on them. This is also a method. “晏天痕 first supplemented the omissions in the words of Xuan Xuan, and then went on to say: “It’s also the only one like me who knows the most things, and only the repairs can control them. This control includes letting them surrender, obey, or die.

The scorpion marks hooked the lips and said: "I have repaired the cockroaches. Naturally, it is easy to kill the same kind. The most fearful thing is nothing but the same kind.

Only repairs can easily kill stolen goods.

This point, Daozu discovered it very early, but other people, except the ones who have really repaired the shackles, until the end of the war of the gods, until all the repairs and stolen goods in this world are buried in the seal, Or the smoke disappeared, no one knows the spirit of the year, but also for this reason, only to repair the shackles, become the devil of the tens of thousands of people? "蔺玄之忽 and asked the 晏 痕 痕 怔.

Then he shook his head.

it's not true. \"妟天痕道: "How is it that the repair is forced to be helpless, but where is the spirit of the spirit? If it is not forced, he is not the kind of person who can sacrifice himself for the world. Big brother still has to guess. . It is not so much that he repaired the cockroaches for the sake of annihilation. It is better to say that after he was forced to become a martyr, he was selected as the slain.

The desert is solitary, the sun is heavy.

Long Chu Jun exhibition Feng Ting did not know what to say with the sea mad wave, the attitude of the sea mad wave to him is a little eased to find a place, say something. "Zhan Fengting came over, and one hand pressed gently on the temple. I don't know if it is because of fatigue or because of headache.

晏 痕 痕 patted the sand on the buttocks, when even stood up, lifted the chin toward the east, said: "I will wait for you to confess the wide, let go, no one there.

Yan Xuanzhi also went with it

On the other side of the mouth, there is a rock that is taller than the two. The shape is strange, but it is a natural barrier. Exhibition Feng Ting Road: "The time is not enough, I will make a long story short.

晏天痕 immediately said: \"No, this road still needs ten days and a half, the brothers must be said, or else, how do I advise the sea brother to forgive you?

Exhibition Fengting

蔺玄之捏 pinched the neck of the 晏 晏 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Wizards.

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