MTL - Rebirth of the Rich and Wealthy-~ 435, the lotus core is born, you will bother

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When I arrived at Lu Zhai, Lu Anran talked with Lu Anming and smiled into the house. Linda followed Enron.

When I saw the soft Lu Jianhao, Lu Anran squatted down and gave Lu Jianhao and Jirou three heads: "Grandpa, Mom, I am worried about you..."

"Enron..." Jirou’s eyes almost cried out. She always saw the insulting words on the Internet. She was a mother. Who would like to hear her daughter being said? She couldn't sleep all night and night. Every time she called Lu Anran, Lu Anran always comforted her and said nothing, but the Internet said it was so ugly, is it really okay? She is really worried... In addition to worry, she is also very self-blaming, she can not help her daughter from beginning to end...

"Enron, you are fine." Lu Jianhao sighed with a sigh, he knows that Lu Anran is a big man, some difficult dilemmas are faced, but he is really distressed to be a grandfather!

Ji Rou lifted Lu Anran's hands and touched her cheek: "How do you feel thinner than you saw you last time?"

"No, Xu is growing taller, so it looks like it is thinner." Lu Anran shook his head and replied.

"Well, it is a bit taller." Ji Rou is a bit sad, her mother who missed the child's growth.

"Don't cry, big aunt!" Lu Anming said with a smile: "Enron just came back, let her take a break and take a break."

"Well, good." Ji Rou smiled and nodded and looked at Enal, who was behind Enron, and said with a smile: "Linda is also growing taller."

"Well." Linda smiled.

"Thank you for taking care of Enron." Ji Ru is really grateful to Linda.

"This is what I should do!" Linda said with a smile.

"Linda is my most trusted friend." Lu Anran turned back to Linda's hand, Linda, Ji Ling, Yang Xueying, Feng Sihan. Everyone is her best friend. The most important friend of her life and present life, the most precious gift I received after rebirth is the deep friendship with these people!

"Well." Linda nodded, and Lu Anran was her most trusted person.

A few people talked for a while, and Lu Anran suddenly asked: "How about the second? How about you?"

"Well, it’s coming to the expected date of birth." Jirou nodded and said: "I have already gone to the hospital."

"Great!" Lu Anran smiled.

"Isn't it!" Ji Rou was laughing and laughing, her cell phone rang: "Hey?"

Lu Anran looked at Jirou to connect the phone, and picked up an orange from the coffee table and peeled it off and handed it to Lu Jianhao and handed it to Linda.

"Is it going to be born?" Jirou said: "Okay! Let's go to the hospital!"

"Well?" Lu Anran stunned and looked at Lu Anming, who was sitting on the other side.

Hanging up the phone, Ji Rou said: "Let's go to the hospital! Lotus heart is about to be born!"

"Good." Lu Anming stood up and screamed: "Boy girl?" God bless! Must be a girl!

"Not yet born! Who knows!" Jirou shook his head helplessly: "Let's hurry up!" Then Jirou turned to look at Lu Jianhao: "Dad, you are waiting at home, I will call you when I arrive." ""

"Well, you are going!" Lu Jianhao urged.

Lu Anran and others immediately got up and went out. Lu Anming drove three people to the S city hospital to go straight to the delivery room. The outfield Jun Feng and Lu Anshuo have been waiting there. Lu Anshuo has no head to talk, and Lu Junfeng is eager to look back and forth. Lu Anran just walked to the door of the delivery room and a nurse came out: "Congratulations, it is a daughter."

"God!" Lu Anming's heart can be regarded as a relief! Have a sister! Xu Lianxin can finally stop talking about them!

"Great! Great!" Lu Junfeng immediately asked, "How is my wife?"

"Mother and daughter are safe." The nurse replied with a smile.

"Thank you, thank you!" Lian Jun a few thanks, Lu Junfeng feels that his tears will flow out, the mother and daughter are very safe! It’s finally proved that it’s not too good for him! He always feels that he is a real man, and he does not have to rely on any old Chinese medicine! Humph!

After Xu Lixin was also pushed out by the nurse, she was pale, sweat soaked the collar, her hair wet on her cheeks, just got up a little wolf, but her eyes were full of tenderness, just she saw herself The daughter is a little cute.

Lu Junfeng said with her hand and said: "My wife has worked hard."

Xu Lixin smiled and closed her eyes slightly, she was a little tired.

Then Lu Anshuo and Lu Anming split up to go through various formalities. Lu Anran and Ji Rou followed Xu Lianxin into the ward, watching the tired Xu Lianxin Lu Anran happy for her finally fulfilled her wish, and worried about what happened in previous lives.

A female doctor came in to check the condition of Xu Lianxin, and then went out. When he went out, Lu Anran chased him up: "Doctor, trouble to stay."

"Hello." The female doctor stopped to look at Lu Anran: "Is there something?"

"Hello. I am the cousin of the newborn. I want to consult my little girl's physical condition."

"Ah!" The female doctor nodded. "I just checked it. The children's indicators are normal and they are very healthy babies."

"Oh..." Lu Anran said thoughtfully: "Can you talk in a step?" Lu Anran turned back and gave Linda a look. Linda immediately understood and took Lu Anran. The hand bag was handed to her in the past.

"Well?" The female doctor groaned. What is this going to do?

Lu Anran smiled and walked to the stairway with his female doctor. He took two dice from his bag and quickly stuffed it into the pocket outside the female doctor's white coat.

“What is this?” The female doctor yelled: “Get away quickly, we are disciplined, but we can’t accept this!”

"Doctor, you can rest assured that I have never done anything." Lu Anran smiled purely: "I just want to talk to you. I have been a doctor since I was a child, especially a female doctor. I have always saved the good and gentle." Enron's mouth is very sweet: "My little cousin is the youngest child in the family. I am always looking forward to having a healthy daughter. This child is her life! Look at your appearance, the eyebrows are full of kind mothers. Demeanor, you are also a mother, you can definitely feel the mood of my second sister!"

Since the body's various indicators are normal and healthy at birth, how can the past life die? Lu Anran was born with suspicion. If the child’s illness is not a fate, but someone deliberately does it?

Thinking of this is a cold sweat that provoked her, Lu Anran had to guard against...