MTL - Rebirth Of The General’s Granddaughter-~ Fan Wai XIII Severely punish the devil 2

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Purple secluded to let the earth spirits come in from the roof to save the little girl, and immediately gave the water to the spirit and did not forget to give instructions. "Rescue the girls, the thieves in the hospital, one is not allowed to let go, burn me the magic cave!"

She is really mad, and the victims are women, which makes her intolerable! What makes her even more intolerable is that He Yaozu, the beast, even started to face such a big girl, it is really a thousand! Those who are in the other hospitals are the claws of He Yaozu, and they help the abuse. Of course, they can’t stay.

Xiao Mo forgot to order, but he came to the spirit and ran to the water spirit and said: "Shui Ling, you are resting, can you watch me clean up these shrimps, fish, crabs?"

Shui Ling knew that she loved to play, so she nodded with a smile and scraped her delicate little nose.

Xiao Mo forgot to run to the door and pulled the door open.

When the three strong men in the room saw it, they asked with surprise: "Hey! How come you?"

The door is smashed from the outside, but such a door bolt, for Xiao Mo forget, is really similar to the removal of a toy.

"Auntie wants to come out, then she will come out, who can help me?" Xiao Mo forgot the innocent and sly head, his face full of sly smiles, how can he be afraid of fear when he was caught before?

The three strong men immediately tasted a humiliation that was juggled. One of the guys with a lick on his ear screamed: "Dead hoe! Dare to play guys!"

When I didn’t finish it, I grabbed my chest tightly, and I’m screaming at the Nanyang!

The two witnessed, and they frightened and stood up, because of panic, even the chairs were brought down.

Staring at Xiao Mo forgot, seeing her eyes have become lavender, beautiful and fascinating to the extreme, scared and asked: "You are... What is it....??. People?"

Xiao Mo forgot to giggling: "Grandma is your life!"

When the words were not finished, the two men screamed and were rushed to the top of the dungeon by a strong air. . . . . .

The two men rushed down, looked at the quiet and standing, laughing innocent little girl, scared and shouted: "Ah! This lady, no! Grandma, we are wrong, let us down... . . ."

"Well, this is what you asked for." Xiao Mo forgot to smile, the voice did not fall, and they saw the two fell to the ground.

This is not a good fall, the two men squatting on the ground, the sound of the broken bones of the whole body, clear and clear, the internal organs are all moved, the pain of their heartbreaking, the mouth spit blood, almost Hey, past.

He was there, spit blood in his mouth, and asked all his strength: "You are..." Who is it?"

Xiaomo lost at this time, and looked at the two people, coldly said: "Let you die, but also to understand the ghost, to the king of the squad, do not give the wrong name, kill you is the prince and the morning Yan County Lord."

After reading it, I saw Xiao Mo forgot, and I saw Xiao Mo forgot to reveal a wicked smile. The two people suddenly felt that the eyes were hurting. The head was like a heavy hammer. I didn’t understand it. The skull had split. The eyeballs have also fallen out.

The two brothers and sisters looked at the **** dead people, not a little scared, and glanced at each other, they heard Xiaomo screaming and said: "You and the water spirits are leaving these women quickly, I have to set fire to this place."

"Oh." Xiao Mo forgot to kill the three bad guys. He felt very enjoyable. He was very obedient and went to the other hospital with more than 30 girls.

Outside the other house, there was a triangular eye caught by Gao Ge, and another man, Gao Ge did not know where to get a few carriages, and brought these people back to the "Yi Jiangnan Inn."

Xiaomo lost a big fire and burned the other house.

He said that He Yaozu, who woke up from a coma, saw himself lying on the bed, from the neck, was completely unable to move, and had no consciousness.

His size wife, crying like a dead mother, mourned there.

Seeing that he woke up, the big wife first cried and cried: "Master! What happened to you? How could it be hurt like this? What can I do later?..."

"Master!" The big wife, the ghost, cried, and the little wife immediately followed the wolverines: "You are jealous! What do you call despicable in the future?"

"Master, you have no life! You are despicable. . . . How do you still have a son for you?" This is the 12th favorite of He Yaozu, who is only fifteen in age and has just entered the door. Less than a month.

I couldn’t give birth to a son, but since then I have become a living widow. How long does it take her to marry? She is only fifteen years old and has just been married.

He Yaozu heard this, the mung bean eyes were so big that he dared not ask with confidence: "What do you say? What to say?"

The big wife stunned the little wives and glanced at them with tears, and gave the man who was lying in bed softly and comforted: "Master, don't listen to them nonsense! You just hurt the bones, the doctor said As long as it is well treated, it can be cured, it can be... It will be good..."

Twelve maidens are young and beautiful, and they are worthy of their newlywed honeymoon. Listening to the big lady, she complained with anger: "Mrs, at this time, how do you still deceive the master?"

After that, twisting the water snake waist, in front of He Yaozu, Jiao Pan said: "Master, you do not know what was hurt by the shackles, not only the spine was broken, even ..... even the roots have been burned!"

"What!" He Yaozu said this time that he was not mistaken, he finished

Now! Completely finished! Completely became a waste.

Who is this? So poisonous! He is so bad that he is not as good as death?

He Yaozu looked at the lady with great enthusiasm and said: "Go, call Qifujiang to the Lord, and the doctors, all call the Lord!"

"Yes, the lord don't worry, they will call them over immediately." The lady replied quickly, and then yelled out loudly: "Come on, come and find Qifujiang and the doctor."

Qi Fujiang is the most trusted aide of He Yaozu. He is discussing with the doctors of He Yaozu that this is difficult to treat. He heard someone coming over and called them and went to He Yaozu’s bedroom.

When He Yaozu saw the two, he rushed out the Yanyan of the house, and then he asked: "Is this official a waste? Don't hide it, tell the truth."

The doctor's embarrassed wrinkles all draw together, and said in a war: "The vertebrae of the neck of the adult are broken, afraid of it... I am afraid that it is difficult to grow well, and may not stand up in the future; below. ... completely burned. . . . burnt. . . . . . .

"Ah!" After the doctor's words were not finished, He Yaozu screamed, his voice was fierce, like a beast that was dying.

For a while, I shed two lines of tears, sullen and gnashing my teeth: "Let me squat, and know all the people except the big lady! Qi Fujiang, send someone to check, who is under Hand, in addition, to send a letter to the emperor, be sure to tell Mei Niang."

When He Yaozu made it possible to find that Shangguan Lingran and Mu Ziyou had passed by Yuecheng, and when the daughter and the palace girl were caught by their people, they were already in the imperial capital.

Shangguan Boao has not seen the purple and quiet daughters and dry sons who have been thinking for three years. How can I not miss it? I was not afraid of any impact at all, but I did not listen to the dissuasion of the Queen Mother, and personally went outside the city to welcome them.

What made him feel warm is that he did not forget to see him from afar, and he ran over.

Two small people, dressed in silver and white embroidered red clouds, flew over, just like two Yunxia, ​​fell into the arms of Rui Wendi.

"Father, father, and my parents are thinking of you!" This is a little forgotten.

Xiaomo first hurriedly embraced the father and then prayed respectfully to him: "The children have seen the father, the father Huang Wanfu Jinan!"

Xiao Mo forgot to struggle down at this time, but was hugged tightly by Shangguan Boao. This hand holds the little Mo forget, the hand quickly hurriedly lost Xiaomo, broke into his arms, and smiled with a sullen smile: "Be long, no longer come back, the father can not hold. You Remember the father?"

When the two little guys heard it, they didn’t want it right away. Xiao Mo forgot to look at the big watery eyes and said with a sigh of relief: "How can you not remember? Your parents will not forget their loved ones. You and your father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, grandmother, grandfather The... will not be forgotten."

Xiao Mo forgot to say a long list of small mouths, while saying that he also licked a few mouths on Shangguan Bo'ao face.

Xiaomo lost as an adult said: "The son of the child always thinks about the father. The father, the child is not in these three years, your dragon body can be well? The child knows that you have been sick for those years, hurt the foundation, Therefore, the children and sisters killed a lot of snakes in the black water pool of the Hindu gods. They used their snakes to make a medicinal liquor. It is good for your body to drink a sip every day."

When Shangguan Boss heard it, the tears did not flow out! This is a child! The child knows that his body is remembered, and the child's heart is the most sincere. and many more. . . . . . India's Blackwater Pool, isn't that where the secluded child was punished by the Capricorn goddess? I heard that it is more dangerous than the swamps in southern Xinjiang. Is it necessary for these two children to collect snakes and go to such a terrible place?

Shangguan Boao asked nervously: "What are you doing there?"

Xiao Mo forgot to smile back and said: "It's fun! My brother said, there are many snakes in the Blackwater Pool, and there is spirituality. Nedan is used to give the mother a medicinal medicine. The snake gallbladder gives you a wine to help you cultivate. Father Emperor, we hope that you will be as old as your mother and sister!"

Shangguan Bo's heart rushed through the warmth of the stream, feeling the happiness that never passed. Happy laughter, kissed and kissed the two children's little faces.

This scene is seen in the eyes of the ministers who came together, can not help but be envious of jealousy.

The emperor is a cold-blooded look to everyone. Have you been so gentle as you are now, so happy?

This is really the child of Ziyang Princess, as a child of her own, hurts the pet.

After a quarter of an hour, the purple carriage of their carriage arrived in front of the city gate. Shangguan Lingran first got off the carriage, and he didn't need the palace lady at all. Instead, he picked up the curtain and reached out and helped Ziyin out.

In fact, the next carriage, where is the purple quilt need him to help? This is a deliberate attempt to see Shangguan Boao. In his words: "The son and daughter have been deceived by the bastard. Like him as a relative, the wife said that she should also hold on to it. There must be no slack."

Shangguan Boao’s eyes have long been seen in the direction of the carriage.

Seeing the carriage first stretched out a white soft, then a purple inlaid pearl, small and exquisite embroidered shoes, and finally saw a hood under the cover of the purple, beautiful, devotional, beautiful as if not eating A fireworks on earth, a fairy-like woman.

Shangguan Boss stared at her with deep affection. She was amazed at three years. The woman who was obsessed with the heart, except for the charm of a mature woman, was still so young and beautiful, and she did not leave a mark on her.

Ziyou and Shangguan Lingran go forward, "Chenmei (Chen Di) has seen the emperor, the emperor Jin An Wanfu!"

Shangguan Boao immediately said with a blessing: "You don't have to be extra rituals, all the way to the boat, and you can take a break in the palace and prepare to participate in the banquet for you."

An Wang and An Wang妃 also came to the ceremony at this time. Shangguan Boao looked at Xiaolingyue. Le’s hurry and asked: “Is this the month’s sister? It’s so cute! It’s so beautiful!”

Xiao Lingyue has already spoken, and flashing a pair of phoenix eyes that are exactly the same as his brother, holding a small hand for snoring, said with a milky voice: "Emperor brother... Long live!"

"Ha ha. . . ." Shangguan Boao smiled even more happily and said to Lao An Wang: "This child is really smart, only when he is full, and his speech is so smooth!"

An Wang smugly glanced at the surrounding ministers and said: "It is true that this girl will speak in nine months, as smart and clever as her brother was."

The ministers saw the ceremony and came together to salute. The "Emperor's Three Fighters" and their respective daughter-in-laws have long come together and surrounded by Shangguan Lingran and Ziyou.

What surprised Zihuang was that Teng Yarong stood next to a beautiful little girl.

Xiaomei saw her and Wei Yajuan, Yin Xiaoxia, the second princess and Teng Yarong intimately told each other about the parting, as if they didn't see her. They didn't even ask who she was, and Teng Yarong did not introduce it. After a hateful light, I smiled and said with a smile: "The second princess, my sister, the nephews, the Ziyang princess, the boat, must be tired, or the advanced palace. After sitting down, let's talk about the parting situation?"

"Our sisters are talking, what are you doing? A side squatting, a little rule does not understand, but also a granddaughter of Tai Fu!" The second princess reprimanded relentlessly, and turned aside.

Before the purple secluded, she did not look at her carefully. I don’t have to think about it. I also know that Shangruo Weiran’s new two-month side, He Ruolan. For the family, Ziyou has not caught a cold, so he is so perverted to He Yaozu, and other people, that is, no matter how good, that is limited.

He Ruolan’s father, He Yaozong, was the brother of He Yaozu’s brother. It was originally the governor of Sichuan, and the Emperor Wendi was enthroned, and he was transferred back to the emperor to be a minister.

Upon receiving the information, He Ruolan was able to marry Shangguan Weiran because He Ruolan was kidnapped and extorted money. The Shangguan Weiran was already the commander of the Five Cities and Soldiers, and he was in charge of the imperial security. He quickly took the case and saved He Ruolan, the hero. To save the United States, the beauty loves the hero at first sight, and must marry him, even to the point where the apathy is mad and sick.

In the end, the infatuated woman moved the hero, and the hero yelled at her.

Ziyou never believed that there would be such a coincidence that the imperial security has always been very good. It was when the Emperor Xuanwu Emperor ruled, because the grandfather and the uncle were very strict in management, and there was no kidnapper. After Rui Wendi enthroned, he paid more attention to law and order. Question, He Yaozong just transferred back to Beijing, who knows him? The lady who has so many family members who don’t kidnap, but who wants to kidnap a second-person small official, really makes people wonder.

This He Ruolan is not simple! When Shangguan Weiran left the emperor from them, he had been hitting his idea, but he had held it. Why did he look at her? Moreover, on this occasion, she knew that she hated Xiaoyan, but she took a side squat and swayed to explain what? Explain that Shangguan Weiran wants to integrate this woman into their social circle. She doesn't like her very much and recognizes her. It will never be.

Purple secluded her cold eyes to her, the woman is at most fifteen or six years old, wearing a long jade dress, slightly apply powder. The melon seeds are white and tender as jade's face, and a pair of pear vortexes are slightly raised between the cheeks, and the rouge is lightly smeared, so that the two eyes are polished like a peach blossom that has just opened, and the white is red.

I saw this woman's figure graceful, moving a ring of Pessanshan, the most beautiful is the pair of shy and affectionate beauty, between the glimpses of a glimpse, exudes Yingying Huacai.

Compared with her cousin He Ruomei, the feminine and soft temperament is more arrogant than He Ruomei, which can cause men's protection.

It is no wonder that Shangguan Weiran will be emotional, there is such a woman to die for you to live, of course you can not bear the beauty of the fragrance for you.

"A good beauty!" Purple lazy smile asked: "Sisters, who is this? You don't introduce this to the palace?"

The second princess is straightforward, not like her queen's mother and brother, a belly and flowers. I immediately replied with a sneak peek: "Who can still be so sorrowful!! Is it the sideline of Weiran's cousin?"

He Ruolan was ridiculed by the two princesses, and he fell down with helplessness. As for this action, but people do it, but it is also a lot of style, provoke love and pity.

Sure enough, I’ve been watching the Shangguan Weiran here, and I couldn’t help but walk over. It’s natural to take Ho Ruolan’s waist and smile: “Lan, have you seen it? I told you, you have to be like a filial son. The same, good filial piety, big brother, no big brother and big brother, there is no me, they are my loved ones."

Shangguan Weiran did this for two purposes. One was to tell He Ruolan, not to conflict with Ziyou, or to be wronged, but to endure, because Ziyou and Shangguan Ling are as important to him as his loved ones.

The second purpose is to support He Ruolan. He wants to tell Ziyou, He Ruolan is also the person he cares about.

However, Zi Ruo looked at this He Ruolan, just like seeing the original Yu Lanxuan, she is not as interested in this kind of white flower as a harmless woman. She looked at He Ruolan, just like seeing poppies, beautiful enchanting, tempting addictive, but with absolutely deadly toxins!

And there is one more thing that makes her angry.

! The reason why Teng Yarong would marry Shangguan Weiran was because of her arrangement. Without her let Shangguan Weiran to save Teng Yarong, Teng Yarong could not come with him.

At that time, Shangguan Weiran was still awkward, and there was no power. Now that the power is in the grip, even under the broad public, let Teng Yarong embarrassed, grandly introduce a side to her, what do you mean? Hit her face?

She looked at Teng Yarong, and she saw that her face was clean and bloody, and her teeth almost bitten her lips!

Look at He Ruolan, charming eyes, with shyness, with a proud look at Teng Yarong, and then blessed the purple, and said: "Da, then Laner will ask you..."

"What do you call this palace?" Unfortunately, when she didn't finish her words, she was interrupted by the cold and cold. "A side squat, but a small high-grade 妾, this palace is the emperor's pen, and The princess at the same level as the Queen, you are also called the palace!"

The voice did not fall, and the handsome face of Shangguan Weiran suddenly became a monkey ass.

Turning his face and seeing, He Ruolan’s tears have already flowed out, and instantly it became a pear flower in the rain, which makes people feel pity.

Shangguan Weiran immediately smiled and said: "Da, this thing does not blame Laner, is the younger brother I...."

"Shangguan Weiran." He did not finish talking, and was interrupted by Ziyou. Purple eyes are cold and cold, watching Shangguan Weiran, full of condemnation, "You have to kill your wife, it is your business, but you should never be in front of the emperor and the minister, let your Zheng Tengya Rong not come to Taiwan. It’s not that the palace is very close, she won’t marry you, who has no power at the time. How? Now that you have the power, you will be abandoning it. It’s shameless! Forgot why your mother-in-law was abused. The most hateful thing in this palace is your kind-hearted man. From the future, don’t say that you are the younger brother of the palace, and this palace and you are absolutely righteous!"

Shangguan Weiran is afraid that Ziyou will not rely on him for this matter. Therefore, he will push He Ruolan to her in front of the public, thinking that as long as you are embarrassed to let me go to Taiwan in public, accept He Ruolan, then How do you marry me any more, I also recognize it.

He thought very well, but Ziyou simply did not press the cards he thought was good, and turned his face in public, not welcome.

The purple solitude, Teng Yarong's grievances suffered this time, can no longer hold back, and immediately shed tears.

Purple sneaked, sullenly scolded: "Cry what cry? For this stinky man / tears worth it? Can pass, can not live and leave, I take you to South Xinjiang to marry."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Thanks for the 3921 pro! 15542842608 Dear! The ticket to the pro! Love you, bless you forever! kisses. Dear, the last three days, don't waste the monthly ticket, send it out, the text of Xiao Bing will be finished next month, and you will not waste your votes, %>_

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