MTL - Rebirth Of The General’s Granddaughter-~ Fan outside January has a cloudy and sunny

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The latest chapter of "The Gate of Rebirth"

The door to rebirth, (must see)

Xie Yunzhai eventually failed to retain Namisa. After I went to the Lantern Festival, I loved Mina Misha, Shangguan Lingran, and Mo, and forgot to go to the Indian gods and visited the Capricorn goddess.

Xie Yunzhai was crying like a tearful person. The old general who was watching hated the iron and did not make steel. He left Namisa for him.

After the veteran military, he said to Ziyou: "I didn't say that your grandfather, there is no domineering. If I can't give up that woman, I will leave her dead, and no one can evacuate us!"

Purple whispered nodded, deeply felt the same, and felt that his grandfather was too indecisive, and in the matter of feelings, he could not afford to put it down.

Asked the grandmother Namisa, sure enough, the grandmother told her: "From your grandfather's original wife, we can't be together again. I gave him sixteen years to let him and him. The wife he didn't like solved the marriage, but he has been comfortable with the status quo until his wife finds South Xinjiang, and it makes us lose face. I am a goddess, how can I be shamelessly slandered by a mortal? Obviously, I don’t love the woman. I also know that the woman did something that he was sorry for, and he gave birth to a child with other men. However, in order to make his parents feel at ease, he never dealt with it, and they always let them go to southern Xinjiang. My My reputation is broken, I can still bear it, but your mother left home and met your grandfather and your uncle, causing her life's misfortune, which made me unable to forgive him."

"The original grandmother left her grandfather and returned to India. Isn't it forced by her grandmother?" Purple was surprised and couldn't help but ask.

"If your grandfather can impress your grandmother like Ling Ran, how can your grandmother refuse to see her daughter happy?" Grandma asked purple.

Purple quietly nodded thoughtfully. Indeed, a person's character creates a person's life. Just like the second uncle and the mother, thinking too much for others, the only thing that hurts is your own embarrassment.

Said that they are wrong? But they are very noble; but they are right, they are not happy, and they are not happy to see where they are.

Ziyou can clearly feel the shackles of the second scorpion, and with helplessness and sorrow.

Fortunately, she and Ling Ran are very happy, they love each other, she is really grateful to Ling Ran, after she refused again and again, still did not give up her.

Because of the misfortune of her grandmother and mother, Ziyou cherishes her happy life. Those tender feelings like water, attracted the Shangguan to madly entangle with her, because she was afraid of her pregnancy, affecting her "sexual blessing" life, this squint and purple secluded said: "Baby, let's not have children, Don't forget to grow up to five or six years old, or don't you?"

"Why," Zi asked inexplicably.

Shangguan suddenly started to spoil and sell Meng. "You see, we can't be together if we don't forget, we can't be together, we will be pregnant in October, I will squat, just say that it is born, but these two tricky little guys. You said, how many times have we been destroyed by us when we were together? I have counted all the numbers. It’s really mad at me! I thought Xiaomo was more lovely than her brother, but this little girl, you said she Why is it that love is at a critical moment!?"

Purple sneaked out and laughed. I remember the baby girl who loves the trick, and I don’t know what to say, but also the real sympathy.

When you say your son, you can't look down on his relatives. He always said that he was childish. During the day, he loved to hang around with purple and asked him to ask him. He never looked for him.

The daughter was intimate with her father. She was always pestering him during the day and told him to fly with her, but at night, she did not want him, but was willing to sleep with her fragrant mother.

How many times have fallen asleep, but just wait until they are in Wushan, when they get better, the little girl will knock on the door, and the committee will scream and scream: "Mother, I want to sleep with you, I am afraid."

The sadness of the Shangguan Ling is often interrupted by good things, it is really a murderous heart.

The son does not want children, but Laozi is bent on regenerating several children with his wife. I think he has been raising children for others for the rest of his life. He is called a fire! I don't know how many people are squatting on the living king. In order to wash away this stigma, Lao An Wang vows: Be sure to have more than one of his own children with his wife.

What made him feel more angry was that his wife and he really reconciled and agreed to be jealous with him, but every time he reached a critical moment, his wife shouted and refused to let him in.

Don't you kill him alive? Is he so unlucky? Marriage life is full of twists and turns. To know that Chad’s wife accepted him again, he paid him a lot of thoughts. His wife said that he was dirty. In order to make himself clean, he almost washed away a few layers of skin. Is it the last time, the attack will not break? Can't break, how to have children?

Lao An Wang is depressed! I heard that my son and daughter-in-law will go back to India with my mother, and I have to stay for a while, so my heart is in a hurry! Thinking about it, I finally got rid of the old face and found a daughter-in-law who knows medicine.

But in this case, how can we ask for an exit? Especially in the face of my son?

Lao An Wang coughed and took the courage to say to Xiao An Wang’s face: "If you go out, I have something to talk to your wife alone."

Ok! ? Shangguan was shocked to see the old phoenix, and the belly was black. What do you mean? It’s too futile, right? Where can the old man want to talk to his daughter-in-law alone?

"What do you have to talk about in vain? Why can't I be there?" Shangguan Lingran vinegar asked.

Lao An Wang looked at his son, his face was purple, and his anger was low: "You are sick of your mother, you don't understand, what do you listen to?"

"Is the mother sick?" Shangguan Lingran and Ziyou asked in unison, apparently anxious.

"I didn't see that the mother-in-law is sick?" The Chinese medicine practitioner is paying attention to the question. This look is to observe the words, and the purple secluded from the face of Wang Hao, I really did not see that she was wrong. The lips are red and white, with a smile, and I don’t know how many times I look better than when I fight the cold war with the public.

Lao An Wang old blushes purple, purple red, a look that is difficult to open, let purple secluded to guess something, so he made a look at Shangguan Lingran, the husband spent spending, leaving the milk 娄嬷嬷.

Lao An Wang knew that the daughter-in-law was trying to avoid the suspicion, so he glanced at it and shouted: "Put your ears."

I thought I was wrong, and I was there until I repeated it, only to know that I was not mistaken, I found cotton and blocked my ears.

Lao An Wang coughed again, then blushing his neck and whispering: "You are not looking at you as a daughter-in-law, but a doctor, asking you about your illness, so don't laugh at me!"

Ziyou was ridiculed by this characteristic old man, and he laughed and laughed loudly. He insisted on it seriously: "Father, you please say, the children know." An Wang again concealed his hand. Coughing on the lips, this said: "My mother and I want to have another child, I don't know if I can."

Ziyou understands that the old man is embarrassed, and this question he asked for his husband to ask his daughter-in-law is awkward, but it does not mean the fact that she used to raise children for others.

Purple faintly concealed the unnatural face, and made a happy return: "Of course. You and your mother-in-law have not yet reached the age of no doubt, of course, can give birth to children. You don't have to worry about the body of the mother, from her came to the emperor She has been conditioning her for a long time; only she used to be sullen in the past, but now it should not be, of course, she can have children."

"But. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Purple is not shy at this moment, it is a doctor's attitude towards the patient, seriously and seriously asked: "How can it not? Father, you make it clear that the mother is sick, or you are not good. Go, go to your room, and your parents will diagnose you."

"Don't go!" An Wang rushed to shout. The wife didn't know that he was coming to find a daughter-in-law. If he knew it, wouldn't he have to be angry with him? How difficult is it? Where is the father-in-law who asked her daughter-in-law for a house? Too shameful!

An Wang’s face was stunned and he waved his hands again and again. “Your mother doesn’t know that I am coming to you. She doesn’t let her, she’s embarrassed; but this is not a problem, every time we... I’m all hurting to die. , this. . . . What is this all about?"

Although the old man said intermittently, but Ziyou also understood. If she was not staring at her, she wouldn’t be embarrassed, but when she saw the hope of her husband, she also had a blushing face. After all, is it a daughter-in-law?

In order to cover up the cockroaches, Zi You also coughed and immediately said: "Father, I have to ask the mother, I will wait."

This time, An Wang wanted to stop her and she didn't have time. The lightness of others was higher than him. The figure was gone, and people were gone.

Shangguan Lingran in the next room, always open the door, erect his ears, listening to the movement here. Although the purple floating figure was as lightning fast, but he still saw it, and immediately chased her past.

what happened? With the fall of the wild, it is the father. . . . . . This pervert! I dare to play the faint idea, I can't spare you!

This is awkward. Can't blame him for thinking, who made his old man, once inferior? His old man is different from him. He is famous. It is an illusion, and he is old, but it is a real flower.

Chasing after chasing, I saw Ziyou arrived at the door of his mother's brothel, but stood still, and it was quite difficult to stop there.

Shangguan Lingran is even more skeptical. It must be that the old man has done something unspeakable. Purple is eager to complain, but he is afraid of the mother’s sadness. Therefore, hesitate here.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Lingran a scorpion in front of his wife, pulled her up and down, and then asked him with a voice: "What happened? But the old man bullied you?"

Purple Quiet didn’t understand what he meant by bullying. He pushed him away and said with embarrassment: “How can the father be bullying me now? Do you want to marry? You don’t know, I’m going to find a mother, this Things can't tell you."

Listening to her saying that Shangguan was completely stunned. I am old man! What the **** is that? Make one or two mysterious secrets?

Purple is in the courtyard of Wang Shuo. In fact, it should be said that it is Lao Wang, because she has now been promoted to the Prince of An.

However, because Ruiwendi called her a purple princess, everyone followed the emperor to call her the Ziyang princess.

Wang Hao saw the purple secluded, and pulled her intimately and asked: "Is everything ready to go to India ready? I have embroidered a skirt for your grandmother, which is a gift from my mother. I don't know what the gods need."

Purple quiet reveals a sweet smile and gratefully said: "There is nothing in the realm of the gods, but the dress you embroidered with your own hands, the grandmother will be very precious. Just, the mother is not too tired, you should be good now. Take care of your body, and give me a younger brother or sister as soon as possible."

"You are a girl!" Wang Hao's exquisite face of the melon seeds, the red rose like a delicate rose, gently patted the purple secluded, Jiao said: "More and more naughty, even the mother's jokes dare to open! ”

"That is also the mother and my dear, I loved my pet as a pro-parent, so I dare to be arrogant and arrogant." Purple secluded mouth is sweet, can also turn the stunned people, can not find the southeast In the northwest, it is worth noting that she is worthy of her thoughts, and Wang Hao is undoubtedly one of the people she values.

When Wang Hao heard the warmth of her heart, she touched her hair and kissed her hair. She said: "If I can come back early, I will come back earlier, and my mother will miss you."

"So ah." Purple quietly eager to talk about the topic of the old man, immediately went on to say: "It is called a younger brother, or a younger sister, when we are not there, we can accompany the mother and father."

When Wang Hao’s face was stiff, he immediately said, “How old is it? Still children? No one has to be jokes.”

"How come?" Ziyou shook his head. "How old are you? In fact, women can have children as long as they have a monthly letter. There are women who have a 50-year-old letter and are pregnant and have children. Mother, you think about it, You don't want to have another baby like this."

"Why don't you want to?" Wang Hao was stunned by Ziyou, revealing a longing look, and faintly recalled: "Linger is a lovely child when I was a child. Now I still remember it. He is also a child of early wisdom, send him to go. When I was frowning, I knew that I was leaving, I was crying, and I wanted to cry, but because his ancestors said that the man was bleeding and not crying, the child bite his lip reluctantly, and the tears are in his eyes. Let it fall, so I am still saddened by the thoughts of this kind of child. I am not able to accompany him to spend his childhood in such a sensible child, except in the hard and boring cultivation of the frown, it is to face various murders in the emperor, back Not many times to Yucheng, but..."

Wang Hao said this, his face was tears, he couldn’t say any more.

And together with the father and son who did not come in outside, I heard this and bowed my head. Shangguan Ling is sad, while Lao An Wang is sad, more regrets!

Ziyou knew that the two stood outside. Wang Hao had no martial arts. He was unaware of the tears that wiped his face. Then he said, "You want me more children, but I don't have that life! Linger comes. It’s not easy. Since I entered the government, I have been murdering me. I have no premature birth. Thanks to your grandfather’s protection, my child is born. Your father’s father only glanced at me and never came to my yard again. Where do I want children?"

When An Wang heard that he couldn’t help but want to rush in, he was dragged by the Shangguan.

An Wang once again saw the cold edge of his son's eyes, tears could not help but spring out, and whispered: "I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry. . . ."

Seeing his father's face of remorse and pain, Shangguan Ling suddenly clasped his father's hand, only loosened some.

I heard the voice of the purple secluded with a thick nasal sound. "Mother, don't cry, don't cry...."

Purple quiet also shed tears at the moment, but while wiping tears to Wang Hao, while comforting her, "Mother, the past unpleasant things, we should not think about it, okay? Father is not already wrong, is it repenting?" You see, he cares about you now, and you are always at your disposal. Do we have to allow others to correct the mistakes? You are so kind, know that he is missing, don’t you remind me and your son to save him? In fact, you have long been Forgive him, isn't it? Besides, you always love the father? If you don't love, how can he be ruthless and hurt you?"

Wang Hao smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I saw him for the first time. It was a celebration feast for him in the palace. I was just married that year. He is only 19 years old, so young, but already known as Subei." Utley’s father, Utto, was arrested, forcing the Huns to sign a treaty that was no longer committed. At that time, the emperor had a lot of daughters who wanted to marry him. Of course, they showed his status and talent. The reason why I like him is because I saw loneliness in his eyes. I don't understand, how can he feel lonely when he is such a proud son? At first, I still don't believe it. After the party, The Queen Mother declared me to the palace, that time, I met him."

When Wang Hao said this, the voice became gentle, with a little sweet shyness, as if he had returned to more than 20 years ago.

That day, she came out of the Empress Dowager Palace, and suddenly she was in a whim. Instead of taking the palace car out of the palace, she walked on the hike.

At that time, she was carefree, simple and cheerful, full of youthful vigor, and saw everything that was beautiful.

Wang Min’s soft voice, telling the past, brought An Wang back more than twenty years ago.

That day he was boring to go to the mother's back bedroom, but suddenly saw a young girl with a warm and sweet smile, lightly using the fan in his hand to capture a yellow butterfly.

He still vividly remembers that the girl was wearing a pink floral dress at the time, and the white magnolia pattern was a white and white dress. Only a looming blood jade at the waist was the only bright color. Only she was born sweet and sweet, the more she was dressed, the more her skin was as delicate as jade, the white was red, and it was really a sweet and charming little girl.

Seeing her because of the butterfly, and tired and panting, her face became more white and red, and he was so heart-wrenching that the ghost made a poor walk and helped her catch the butterfly and sent it to her hand.

That little man is Yang Yunshang, born petite and exquisite, lovely and lively, a look at the pair of clear and bright eyes, we can see that she is a girl with no heart and affinity.

At that time, Yang Yunshang took the butterfly and shyly said: "Thank you, Wang Ye!"

Then I saw the butterfly and released it.

He was strange at the time and asked, "What happened? You like it, why did you put it?"

Yang Yunshang enviously looked at the butterfly flying away, revealing the warm smile of the warm sun. "It is eager to fly freely, to ban it, too cruel! I like it, just like it can fly freely." ”

That time, because of her restraint, they did not do too much communication, she quickly retired.

Goodbye to her, in the restaurant, the store is going to drive out a pair of singers and fathers, but she stopped. Delivered to the store, the 21st ingot had about twenty-two silver ingots, and looked at the father and daughter with sympathy. "Let them sing here, don't rush them out, you see, they didn't affect you." Business."

The shopkeeper looked at her in a gorgeous dress, dignified and decent, and came over and explained: "They wear too much, and the guests dislike them."

Yang Yunshang immediately said: "Isn't you giving you a silver ingot? You can't spend so much money on two clothes. The rest is the one they sold here for three years. You are allowed to sing three here. In the year, I will send people to check from time to time. If you rush them out and don’t let them sing here, they will give me double the money."

At that time, he felt that the little girl was very kind, and the cleverness still revealed the simplicity of the world, but it was not stupid.

He immediately said that he wanted to marry her as a wife after returning to the palace. His mother readily accepted it and then told him a little embarrassedly: "The prime minister loves this daughter very much and does not want to marry her into the royal family. This meaning, but the prime minister refused, and, Yang Yunshang, this child, is a bit too simple, and she is afraid that she will not adapt to your righteousness and manage a huge palace."

He did not remember how he answered his mother at the time. However, he ignored the prime minister and convinced the prime minister to agree to marry his daughter. He was anxious and clear.

After the marriage, the two were very happy, that happy, happy and warm life, even if he married Samui, gave birth to a child, and most obsessed with Samui, he did not feel the relaxed and happy with Yang Yunshang. And there is the kind of warmth from home.

Yang Yunshang often cooks his own dishes and soups for him; he will make clothes for him personally, and his shirts and boots are almost entirely made by his wife.

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