MTL - Rebirth Of The General’s Granddaughter-Chapter 403 Finale six

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The door to rebirth, the 403th chapter of the finale (6) (must see)

Strongly suppressing the desire/destination of telling the truth, pretending to be a person who cares about Gao Ge said: "The spiritual strength of the national teacher is very strong. You are not her opponent. It is best to quietly, and the idea is not to be discovered by them. If you really have to go with them, don’t fight hard, keep a little life, remember, I am waiting for you to come back!”

Because of the water spirit, "I am waiting for you to come back. Love 睍莼璩" Gao Ge took the poison to hesitate for a little while, but the time of that little meeting is enough for the soldiers who have experienced life and death in southern Xinjiang. It is.

Gao Ge finally chose to vote for Ziyou, betrayed Xuanwu Emperor, because Ziyou asked him a word, "You and the water spirit, if Xuanwu Emperor knows, you said, how would he deal with the water spirit? You and Xuanwu Emperor When a woman rendezvous, isn’t it betray him?”

Yeah, when he was with the water, he had already betrayed the emperor; and he could die, but he couldn’t bear to let this woman in the world love him and love him. Die?

Gao Ge has not known the true identity of Shui Ling until now. He does not know that Shui Ling is an elf, but he does not know that it is with him. He started to listen to intelligence. Finally, he just wanted to tease him.

After Gao Ge came back and reported the news that the Prince had not died, he found the water spirit and told her that he had betrayed the truth of Xuanwu Emperor. When I finished, I was very uneasy to break her into my arms. "You don't want to look down on me, water, but I can't help but do it. I am afraid that the emperor knows about our business and will kill you. Water, for the sake of You, I can die, can not be self-respect, can give up everything! Water, I know that you are a national teacher, I will ask her, let her give you the red, I will give you happiness!"

When the water spirit heard it, it knew bad things. Mom! Looks like playing big, this guy is really tempted. What kind of joke? Can elves and people fall in love? If it is known to the Capricorn goddess, can't it be returned to its original shape? She relied on her master's blood and elixir. Is it easy to cultivate now? No, you can't be wrapped up by him, flash!

After this, the water spirit is hiding from Gao Ge everywhere. Where can Gao Ge do? Soon, I found Ziyou, and asked her to ask for water and spirit. The words are very sincere. "The reason why the lower official betrayed the emperor is mainly for the children. The lower official knows that it is the flower fairy that you brought back from the Indian gods. Without you. I agree that it will never marry the lower official. So, please! National Teacher, the lower official asks you to give the water to the lower official. From now on, the next officer will let you go! ”

Purple sees him as true to the water spirit, happy and embarrassed, the spirit of the water spirit, but unlike Jin Ling, Jin Ling acts extremely reliable, but the water spirit is different, this is a very little thing to play, purple is not afraid Certainly, it can have a feeling for Gao Ge.

Sure enough, ask the water spirit: "What is going on with you and Gao Ge? He asked you to marry you, you are..."

"Master, don't!" After the words were not finished, the water spirit called and frightened and shook his head. "Master, I am teasing him. I am an elf. How can I marry a mortal? Ah, I am not saying You, Shizi, he is a fairy, not a mortal. I am talking about Gao Ge’s idiot. It’s really stupid to make him play. It’s so stupid! I don’t want to marry him. I want to visit the mountain with my master. Play with water!"

Purple glory is as big as a fight! I am worried. Jin Ling is the highest of the five elves. This has just been cultivated with people's thinking. Others simply do not understand the love of men and women on the human world, but they are particularly outstanding, attracting many men's love.

Like Mu Ling and Tu Ling, in the Wangfu guards, some offer their affection to them.

Yi Yi liked Mu Ling very much, and saw that Mu Ling was ordered to lure the Three Emperors, and his face was not good.

Purple secluded no way, had to tell Gao Ge the truth: "Water Spirit is not a flower fairy, in fact, it is a black mandala elf. It does not understand the world of love and love, with you, just think." It feels fun, if you like it, then you will find a way to impress it and let it like you. As long as it is willing to be with you, I will not object."

Shui Ling thought that Gao Ge listened to the purple secluded words, and would never give up on it, but he did not expect that Gao Ge had to get the moon in the near water, and he did his best to make a purple secluded guard. It was a stalker and a water spirit. This time, I panicked and played hide-and-seek with Gao Ge all day long.

Therefore, when Jin Ling raises the spirit, the water spirit will escape.

The love chase of people and elves has opened the curtain.

Purple and quiet look at the Yandang Temple, which is full of flowers in the hall, and it is not a good time to breathe. The fat powder is too strong, and she is so dizzy that she feels almost the same.

Of course, Yan Yan also seems to know that she is in the Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager, as well as the weight of the new emperor's heart, to flatter her, and to praise her as there is nothing in the sky.

"The princess pours the country into the city, and the baby born is also smart and cute." This is exactly the singer-in-chief of Liu’s cousin, Liu Jinyun.

An Guogong refused to let his niece enter the palace. The Empress Dowager did not swear, and he hit his mind to the side of the Liu family. It is a pity that Liu Jinyun's father is only a small four-person official. It is almost impossible for her to become a queen. At best, she can only be sealed as a sui or a Zhaoyi.

It can be seen that the Empress Dowager’s heart is well-intentioned. For the entire Liu family, it’s all done, and it’s dead!

Shangguan Lingran sees purple and always frowns, seeing anyone who feels dissatisfied, forcing the scent of the smoked headache, covering his nose and mouth with his hands, and setting his hands on the purple ear "Is the granddaughter of the emperor's grandfather good, dignified and elegant, the book is very strong, I feel good."

The master of the Shangguan Boao, He Wenxuan, has been promoted to Taifu, and his son is also the governor of Guangxi, the prostitute of the dynasty, and the emperor is qualified.

Purple secluded to see this girl named He Ruomei, the whole person is as high and proud as a plum, wearing a white dress, embroidered with a pair of silver powder on the two lines. There are red gold plum blossoms on the head and a pair of pearl earrings. There is a plum pendant hanging around the neck, but the whole body is up and down, but it does not lose her plum character; but, how to see the purple secluded, how do she think that she lacks the high purity of Mei, more arrogance, is to look at her this person The awe-inspiring, princess's eyes all have a slight contempt, as if the woman in the whole world is the most amazing.

Such a narcissism, I really thought that I was a cold plum in the snow? Peacock is almost the same. Purple can't help but shook his head. "What, too narcissistic, is not worthy of a big brother."

Shangguan Lingran for a while, but could not be sent out in public. He had to smile again and again: "The granddaughter of the right-handed adult--Lux poetry, this is the cousin of the emperor. The two of them must have a good relationship and will help the emperor manage the palace backyard with one heart and one mind. You can rest assured." Purple look, Miss Lu's big single phoenix eye, beautiful melon face. Pointy chin, the color of the lips is like a ripe cherry. Wearing a pink-yellow gauze, the pleated skirt with the same underside, white embroidered semi-embroidered long coat, head combed to the sky, with a set of red gold jewelry. Among a group of women, the looks are really eye-catching and definitely a beautiful woman. However, watching the smile is gentle, but the eyes flashed from time to time, it looks like a very thoughtful look.

Purple's first impression of her, immediately discounted, "Looking forward, the heart is deep, not a good match, are you sure she is OK?"

Shangguan Ling immediately nodded. "Women, do you know where the harem is? Is there no snack function? Be careful of being shackled and skinless. As long as she doesn't play with the emperor, she will be awkward. How long is it?" More outstanding than her young lady."

Purple Quiet was not happy when he heard this. He looked at the Shangguan Lingran with a glance, and he said sourly: "Is it fancy? Is that left for you to do side-to-side?"

"What to say. . . ." Shangguan Ling Ran just wanted to explain, but he smiled in an instant. "Well, if she does not be a queen, I will consider her as a side."

Purple You certainly understands that this is his radical method, but she is uncomfortable if she has no interest; plus the air in this hall is too dirty, it is not good for the two babies, I don’t forget to cough twice from time to time. Xiao Mo forgot to stretch his arms and go out.

So, Ziwei smiled slightly and said to the Empress Dowager: "The emperor, the weather is so good today, the scenery outside is beautiful, why don't you let the ladies go to the royal garden to enjoy the scenery? Can't keep up with the emperor, the emperor will Which lady in the phase is also uncertain."

When the Empress Dowager heard it and her eyes lit up, she immediately said, "Then go to the Imperial Garden and stay here, stay with me, this old woman, and it is not very interesting."

The young lady heard the words, but she was forced to make a reluctant, dignified look, and said with a sigh of relief: "The ministers are eager to enter the palace every day to accompany the Empress Dowager."

Purple quietly looked at this scene, thinking about the sorrowful scene when Shangguan Boao was in a wheelchair, could not help but want to laugh, but also for him. At that time, could a young lady look at him differently? I am afraid that even Lu Shiqing is not willing to marry him. Otherwise, Shangguan Boao will not be excluded from her cousin.

Even Lu Yu, who is upright and daring to speak, can not escape the temptation of being rich and wealthy, and sent his granddaughter into the palace, not to mention other ministers?

Waiting for a house, Yan Yan and Yan are gone. The Empress Dowager immediately asked Ziyou: "Which girl is a girl?"

Purple smiled faintly. "The emperor and grandmother, Sun Hao didn't use it. It was only for the emperor to look at it. Sun Yan thought that Lu Shiqing and He Ruomei and Liu Jinyun were all okay, and they could see if the emperor could be in the same direction."

The Empress Dowager heard the words and nodded with joy, and immediately said: "The mourner knows that the emperor is listening to you, it is better to persuade the emperor. It is not too small, and then it is about to hold the throne ceremony, how can you not take the emperor to worship the heavens? ?"

Purple quietly felt a big head and two big, just wanted to refuse, but listened to the Shangguan Ling laughed: "No problem, the emperor, this thing is wrapped in a faint body."

When I was purple, the smile on my face suddenly cooled down. Jealous is jealous, but it does not mean that he can be the master.

Shangguan Ling suddenly felt the little wife fire, and immediately walked over to take her, while pulling her out, making a pitiful look, spoiling and selling Meng, "Women, don't be like this, you are afraid of me."

"Afraid?" Purple secluded out of his arms, glaring at him. "Are you afraid to make a decision for me? You know that Big Brother is not willing to recruit the harem, you want me to persuade him, you think." . . . "

"Fatile!" Shangguan Lingran arrogantly took her waist again and took her to the "Jingyang Palace" where no one was in the middle of the building. The vinegar is soaking in the sky and whispering: "How? Watching him keep you as jade, do you enjoy it or how? You don't know what he thinks about you? Why do you want to condone him? I just don't want you to be good to him, how? If there is a woman who guards me for not being married all day, would you like to see it?"

Looking at the man's jealous look, the purple heart is soft, how can it still be angry? Gently kissed him on his lips, then softly said: "That can't just ask him a woman! I told you, I only have brothers and sisters for him, why don't you believe it?"

"The sorrowful brother and sister!" Shangguan Lingran sneered, "Long eyes can see, his feelings for you, is not what you said. Don't say that you have no blood relationship, that is, have, brother I am not comfortable with my sister."

Speaking of this, Shangguan Lingran buried his head in the purple secluded arms, and spoke quietly. "The wife, the husband's mentality is not good, not practical, and the husband does not want to see other men Xiao thought of you, that is, Xiaomo lost. !"

Fight! Purple quilt was laughed out by this rogue guy. "Look at your point! Even your son's vinegar, you eat too? Well, I know. Why don't you think about it, why don't I persuade him? You I am not afraid of taking the opportunity. . . .

Purple spokes said that this did not say any more, but Shangguan Lingran also understood. Nothing wrong, how did he forget this, secluded to persuade Shangguan Boao, isn’t it like a cute lamb to persuade the wolf?

At the same time, Shangguan Bo's sad sadness will definitely appeal to the faint singer, so that the gloom is not soft. So faint and reluctant to persuade him to book the queen, is this because of this? !

Shangguan Lingran suddenly stunned his head and smiled with a look of dissatisfaction. "I know, then we also go to the Imperial Garden. If you take it with you, I will find the little emperor."

Shangguan Lingran has no respect for the cousin of the Second Emperor and has always called him the Little Emperor.

Ziyou shook his head and said, "The people are bigger than you. Don't call him like this. He is now the emperor. He was heard, and it is not good."

"Know it." Shangguan Lingran's phoenix phoenix, full of calculations, but unfortunately he was facing the purple secluded, purple secluded did not see.

The two of them took the opportunity to say goodbye to the Empress Dowager, and also went to the Imperial Garden. In the early summer, the imperial garden was covered with rockeries, the odd stones hovered, and the flowers were blooming. There were flowers in the garden, orchids, elegant lilies, and snakes. , a string of red, silk flowers, hibiscus, huilan, brocade, gentian, amaranth, xiacao, impatiens, cockscomb, Milan, Jianlan, pomegranate, June snow, morning glory, Crape Myrtle, Canna, Dianthus, etc. compete for beauty. There are also water lilies and lotuses filled with lotus ponds.

Xiao Mo forgot to open the chubby little hand, pointing to the lotus pond, shouting milk and shouting: "Flowers, flowers, flowers..." Shangguan Lingran slammed the guards a few words, went to "Chongde Hall" The emperor went.

Shangguan Lingran looked at the little emperor and sang a local ritual. He smiled and looked harmless. "Please move the emperor to the dragon step and go to the Yu Garden. You are waiting for you, something to discuss with you."

Rui Wendi certainly knows that Shangguan is not so kind, and will let himself go to date with his baby's daughter-in-law. Reminiscent of these days, many Yan Yan rushed in and out of the palace, and the anxious Queen Mother, he immediately understood.

My heart was a bit sour and sullen, just wanted to refuse, but the next moment, I immediately agreed. "Okay, I will go right away."

The Shangguan was a glimpse, and then he couldn’t help but be a black belly: shameless! Always remember other people's daughter-in-law, I really have a father, don't have a son!

He didn't feel naive to think that Shangguan Boss didn't know what he was going to do, although he did not specifically say that Zishuang was ordered by the emperor's grandmother, where he was blind to him, but according to the cleverness of Shangguan Boao, he was sure to Guess what the purple is doing, then I promised so happy, then one reason, he wants to justifiably go to see the faint.

Damn! He originally wanted to seduce him after he chose the emperor, and he did not stimulate Shangguan Boss, but he gave him himself.

After arriving in the Royal Garden, the new emperor came to the Royal Garden. Sure enough, the new emperor was like Yan Yanyan who did not see the garden to salute him. Instead, he strode to the purple sage and picked up his hands and asked him to hold it. .

While laughing and teasing the child, he looked at Ziyou with tenderness and said: "Whatever you have, just look for me directly. You can freely enter and exit in "Chongde Hall"."

In a word, Rui Wendi not only shattered the hearts of a group of Yan Yanyan, but also succeeded in getting a frog into a belly.

Can't help but belly black again: What stuff! Also free to enter and exit, you are thinking about the secluded to become a frequent visitor to the palace, but unfortunately, the young master will not let, Xiaoye immediately took her to southern Xinjiang.

A group of Yan Yan, with envious eyes and hate, quietly looked at the interaction between the emperor and the purple. To be honest, if the new Prince is not standing next to them, the emperor holding the child and the Princess Ziyang are really like a family, the harmony can not be said.

Shangguan Lingran also saw it, and quickly took it away from Shangguan Boao. "Baby, come, hug."

I took my daughter and kissed the two, and then looked at the new emperor provocatively. The two looked like swords in the air, killing a dark day.

Then he smirked and glanced at the swallows around him, and shouted with a big palm. "The Queen Mother is willing to do so. Which lady can please the emperor, greatly rewarded. You are not hurrying to act?" Rush!"

Is this OK? This is a well-educated and everyone's show, but it is not the geisha of the "Chaoyao Pavilion". The Shangguan is not a brothel, but he pulls the pimp and pulls it into the palace.

Purple stunned, but the next moment, she was even more speechless, and felt the thunder in the sky, only to see the swallows of the swallows bravely flew to the emperor, surrounded him in the middle.

Shangguan suddenly saw it, and smirked his smirk. He pulled his wife and shouted loudly: "Women, go, let's go home, be your favorite pancake for the husband."

Purple slyly glanced at the bad guy and whispered, "Is there something like you? You want to suffocate the emperor?"

A face is not red and does not breathe and replies: "How can this be mad at him? Left and right hug, isn't every man dreaming of it? Of course, except for me, I have a faint lover, what? The kind of woman, in the eyes, is no different from 癞蛤蟆."

"Hey, hey, it’s all!" Xiao Mo forgot to slap the mouth and smile.

Xiaomo lost, the old **** is saying: "It looks like the uncle is not a man who is greedy for a woman, a naive man, you are afraid that it does not work."

Shangguan stunned and looked at his son and shouted: "Do you understand this?"

"The little old man knows." Xiao Mo forgot to whisper on the old man's ear. "Hey, you should send the old man to the emperor's side and pester him, so that he has no chance to imagine the mother."

Xiao Mo forgot the following words, but did not tell the old man, Huang Bobo wanted to train a pick-up/sponsor as soon as possible, and succeeded him as the emperor. He quickly went to Nanjiang to guard the mother-in-law.

Then I saw that the uncle was so fond of her, not as good as the blasphemy, to help him, so that the emperor could reach a wish as soon as possible, so she had a play, so that it would not be too far on the way to the mountains. lonely.

As for the little old man. . . . . . It is the most boring guy. The dull three shots can't make a fart. Let him stay in the palace and add the emperor to addiction.

Xiao Mo forgot to slap a small mouth, a pair of big eyes that swayed and turned, full of sly light.

Xiaomo lost feeling that Xiaotoutou was calculating him, and the enthusiasm of the thoughts together, slammed on her little butt. Damn gimmick! I can’t go through the whole day with my little master.

Xiao Mo forgot the little **** and stunned for a moment, and immediately knew that it was a ghost made by a compatriot, and the anger of the anger was round and squatting, squatting in the ear, trying to keep the loss in the Heavenly Palace with her. Emperor, then she can enjoy the love of her parents.

Seeing that the day before the throne ceremony, the emperor finally chose He Ruome to be enshrined, don't misunderstand, not the queen, but Mei Long, even the nobles are not booked, and her woman, one is not selected into the palace.

This time, even Deyi couldn't understand it. "You love your cousin and want to go to the palace to accompany you, why don't you even want her?"

Shangguan Boao said coldly: "I want to enter the palace to accompany my parents. When the courtiers are stunned, why didn't she see her having such enthusiasm? After the mother, do you think that the eyes of the children are stunned? Which time she went to the palace to see The child, isn’t it a faint look? Really, if it’s not for her surname Lv, the child would really want to choose her into the palace and torture her.”

. .

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