MTL - Rebirth Of The General’s Granddaughter-Chapter 385 Rescued, rescued

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The latest chapter of "The Gate of Rebirth"

An Wang did not expect that he would go to the official road, and if he approached the road, he would have an ambush. The reason for the love of the elder is that the prince listened to the obituary of the Shangshu Shangshu: "Shangguan Lingran and An Wang hid in the carriage, did not know what to say, the time was a quarter of an hour, and the minister heard their crying. The court saw that both of them had red eyes."

"Did they have a good father and son?" The Prince was surprised. He did not expect Shangguan to forgive his father for so quickly.

So, immediately ordered: "I will immediately inform us that there is an ambush on all the roads leading to the city, and you must take the Shangguanxuan and search for the soldiers."

Flying pigeons are better than An Wang. Their march is fast, so when they arrive at a small town in the middle of the night, An Wang ordered an hour of rest to feed the horses with feed and meals. When I added the physical ability to hurry, the Shangguan Dian dyed the goodbye to the side of An Wang.

I asked with concern: "Father, is it very tired to stay in the sky for a long time? Is the body able to eat?"

At this time, An Wang did not expect that the "son" who cares about himself along the way, harboring his grievances, tired waist and shoulders, but looked at him with care and affection, and asked: "The father is fine. In the middle of the night, we will be home. Are you tired? Are you hungry?"

"Yeah." Shangguan Yu dyed the envy of the envy, took out two snacks, handed a piece to An Wang, "Father Wang, there are two snacks left, eat some mats and hungry, good way."

An Wang did not suspect that he had him, and then he ate it. It may take too long, the snack has dried up and lost the original fragrance; but An Wang is like eating the most delicious dishes. Because it is too dry, it is difficult to swallow, causing coughing.

Shangguan Yi dyed and quickly handed the water bladder in the past.

When An Wang took over, he drank and forgot the warning of Shangguan Lingran.

On such a day, the Shangguan Dyeing was so careless and caring for him, which made him feel the warmth of his loved ones during the process of fatigue and urgency, and his doubts were relaxed. Maybe my nephew has been confused, but I have been persuaded by myself, and I can understand it.

An Wang thought so, in less than two quarters of an hour, he felt sleepy and lacking, and actually fell asleep. Not only did he fall asleep, but even his dozens of confidant guards fell asleep.

Shangguan dying was so excited that he trembled and hurried to An Wang to find out, but he almost rummaged through the inside and outside of An Wang's robes, and did not find the prince and the soldiers he wanted to get.

Shangguan’s dyeing began to be uneasy. Before An Wang left, he didn't let people get close. He saw Shangguan Lingran and Mu Ziyou alone. Did the old man give him two soldiers?

Shangguan Yi dyed this, a while! At this moment, I remembered the sound of a few nightingales. When the Shangguan smacked it, the chicken stood up and patted the slap.

After a while, twenty or thirty people came out in the darkness. One of the women, in the Chinese language of the emperor’s accent, asked: "Is it Shangguan dying?"

"Yes." Shangguan Yi dyed a voice and immediately responded. He also whispered: "Is the Ullya Princess coming?"

"It's the palace." Uluya put on a high-level look at the moment, arrogantly said: "Is the Shangguan Xuan people? Did the soldiers find it?"

Shangguan Yi dyed her to see the posture of the master, and asked him to be the same as blaming a slave, and immediately dissatisfied.

What about you as Shangguan Lingluo? You are just a monk who has been given a death by the emperor, and I am a confidant and cousin of the Prince. The prince said to the young man personally: "As long as you can steal the soldier and hand it over to me, in the future, you will be the king of the army."

Thinking of the promise of the prince, Shangguan sighed with sighs and said: "Four princesses, real people do not tell lies. Well, you are also the princess of the Dayan royal family, we are all for our Prince Edward. I hope that we can unite and help His Royal Highness, Complete his great work! Also, there is no soldier on the old man, I am worried that he left it to Shangguan Lingran and Mu Ziyou. Before the arrival, the old man saw them alone. Now we should find a way, how to ask the old man here. The whereabouts of the soldiers."

Shangguan Ling Luo did not look at him in the eyes, but after listening to him to say this, he knew that he was not fooled. It seems that this piece of military weapon today cannot be won by oneself. Don't say that Shangguan Dyeing will not make her succeed, that is, he agrees, how can he get his own hands? In the end, it is not in the hands of Uvili and Shangguan Peng. However, no matter whether the soldier is in the hands of two people, it is not good for her.

To understand this, Shangguan Ling used the language of the Huns in Rome and told the left-handed king: "This is the cousin of the prince. An Wang has been fascinated by him with a sweat medicine. Only the soldiers are not on An Wang. what should we do?"

This guy from Zuo Xianwang is not able to speak Chinese, so the last time Uvidi did not bring him to the Great Yandi. However, he also has ambitions. He hooked/lead Shangguan Lingluo and promised her that if he could sneak Uviri to the throne of the order, he would set up the official spirit as Daxie, which is equivalent to the queen of Dayan.

Originally they thought that they would seize the soldiers of An Wang, and they would be able to mobilize the North Army and Uweed to compete, forcing the Prince to cooperate with them, but there was no soldier. Their 100,000 soldiers and horses were obviously not the opponents of Wuweili's 400,000 horses.

Zuo Xian’s sullen squatting on the ground with a whip. This person looks fierce and even more ugly than Uvigli.

The Shangguan dying was scared by him, then he pulled up Shangguan Lingluo and whispered, "Is this person so fierce? Who? Four princesses, you can't bend your elbows, you are a big Yan, you Don't forget."

Big Yanren? Shangguan Ling Luo sneered in his heart, what benefits did Da Yan give me? The father is going to kill me, and the prince sent me to the Huns to suffer and be abused. If it is not for the sake of dealing with Mu Ziyou, to be the hostess of this desert, I have not wanted to live!

Shangguan Lingluo’s eyes were smashed, and one arm was abolished. Uweili would not even see her. She often laughed at her: “You look at you, you have a beautiful pair of eyes, you can play the piano and dance, but Now, you said that you still have something to attract people? Hey! I don’t know what the tribal heads of the tribe are rare. Yes, the bed is good, it’s more than your big Yan’s niece!”

A princess of a country, like a prostitute, who is degraded by him, she certainly hates Uvili. More hate the Prince, this man actually wants to win the admiration of Mu Ziyou, and Uweed alliance, then good, he will let him get nothing!

Angry and hateful, so Zuo Xian Wang hooked / led her, she immediately plunged into the arms of this ugly and fierce man.

Even the hurricane ignited again and again: "The Huns have nothing but the grasslands and the desert. The first thing you did was to get into the Central Plains, take the big Yan, and be the master there."

The two hit it off, so this time the partnership deceived Uvi Li. Uweili did not know that his woman and Zuo Xianwang had betrayed themselves together, and let Zuo Xianwang followed Shangguan Lingluo and came to intercept the soldiers of An Wang.

Now, the king’s soldier is not on the body. How can this be good?

Zuo Xianwang said a slogan to Shangguan Ling Luo Lili, meaning: "Wake the An Wang awaken, and find out the whereabouts of the soldiers."

Shangguan Linglu nodded and told the Shangguan to dye: "Wake you up and find out the whereabouts of the soldiers."

Shangguan Yi nodded and soon woke up An Wang. The old man woke up and saw the battle in front of him. He immediately understood that the Shangguan did not lie to him. The Shangguan dynasty not only colluded with the prince, but also colluded with the Huns and sold him.

I was so angry that I was so angry that I screamed and screamed: "Xunzi! You dare to sell your father, betrayed/country!"

The Shangguan dying, listening to it, can't help but sneer, "Father? You are also worthy! You only recognize the official who is infected with the hybrid. You can even care for your own son, even if you don't want him to be your love." Killed, can I look forward to you, and I will send you to the emperor to monitor your eyeliner. The son you are born will be sincere. Are you really a fool? What's more, my relatives are not you at all. I am not filthy to you so much."

"What do you say?!" An Wang was so angry that he could not vomit blood! Looking at the Shangguan dying eyes are red.

The Shangguan dying was seen, and my heart was refreshing! As if before the Shangguan was smothered, Su Mei and Shangguan were soaked in the depression and grievances caused by him and his mother and sister.

Not only wasn’t angry, but he smiled without hesitation: “Today, let’s make you understand the ghosts, save you from raising sons for others, and be kept in the dark. It’s also a good year for you. The return is much. I was born by the deputy commander of the Five Cities and Soldiers, Zhao Kangwei and her mother. Although my father was a relative of Yongnanhou, my grandfather was a gambler and lost his family business. His father wanted to reinvigorate his family. Industry, I had to send my own fiancee's fiancee into the palace. However, the mother is also very contentious, even the emperor picked it up and sent it to you to make a line of sight. In fact, if you want to love her, she can be safe and stable. You live, but who told you that one heart only gave Samui the monk? To say that you are a real failure, obviously Wang Hao is so loyal, but you have to treat her as an adulteress; that Samui is an adulteress, you Take her as a baby again. Hey! You told me what you are good, you are really the biggest fool in the world! The biggest Wang Ba!"

The prince only felt that his chest was boring, and the taste of sweetness was straightforward, and he was vomiting blood.

He pressed the sweet smell and looked at the Shangguan dying coldly. He said, "You are right, I really blink, I don't recognize the animals that are covered with human skin! Let's say, you want How about me?"

Shangguan dynasty dyed him to the front of him, a cool smile, "Bing Fu, I want to be a soldier, since you never thought about letting me inherit the throne, I only have to find a way to take it myself. The soldiers will surrender, I will give you a happy death. Or else... Ling Chi!"

"Haha..." An Wang smirked and laughed. He looked at the Shangguan dynasty and shook his head. "The king is confused, but one thing is really right, no matter the Shangguan, or you, the king." I am not prepared to hand over the soldiers to you. If you want to kill, you will not be with you. If you don’t have a soldier, the king will leave it to the real son of the king. You will never want to get it!"

Shangguan Yi dyed and heard the fear in his heart come true. The soldier was really given to the Shangguan Ling by An Wang. He couldn’t help but burn in the fire. He stepped forward and gave An Wang a slap in the face. "You are an old dead man! You tnd put I am taking it with me. I respect you for the whole day, for you, and for you. You don’t give me the soldier, but I give the Shangguan Lingran the kind..."

"You are the kind!" An Wang screamed and interrupted the Shangguan dying. "The king's son is a royal family. You are a scorpion! You are all unfamiliar white-eyed wolves, beasts. The king regrets." I have no eyes, I don’t recognize your true face, I’m right to my Linger, my wife...”

The Shangguan dynasty gas was hit before it was hit, but it was stopped by Shangguan Lingluo.

Shangguan Lingluo put on a gentle and lovely appearance, and went to the front of An Wang and said softly: "Six uncle, do you still know me? I am Lingluo. In fact, why do you feel regret? You are regretting, Shangguan Ling Ran and Yang Yunshang may not be able to forgive you. You look at your years, for Xuanwu Emperor to stay in this desolate Mobei, people can have a good sentence? Six Wang Shu, you simply turned against the court."

An Wang looked at Shangguan Linglu and sneered and said: "You really didn't die. But you can't die like a shameless woman, so you don't have to throw the entire royal face!"

Shangguan Lingluo was angered by his embarrassed anger, and he ordered: "I see you are toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine. If so, I will fulfill you. Come, and cut the right hand of this old guy to the palace!" ”

Hiding in the dark, Zhu Likang, who has been quietly following An Wang, was anxious. He was just about to come out to save people, but he saw a strange black light flashing, and then he heard the Shangguan Lingluo and Shangguan’s screaming, then surrounded by purple. Black, caught in panic. ,

"What happened? What? An Wangren? Where did you go?" Shangguan Lingluo's rough and hoarse voice was first passed.

Then the Shangguan dying was panicked and said: "What happened? The old man is gone, is there a ghost?"

"What the hell? I am afraid that it is the murderer of Mu Ziyou, which makes the conspiracy trick." Shangguan Ling’s voice of anger and anger was passed over again. "Can a dozen people be robbed in an instant, who else can do it besides her?" ”

Then it sounded the voice of Shangguan Diansheng: "But Mu Zi hates the old man. Why should she save her? The four princesses are still looking for it, maybe they can find it."

Zhu Likang had no choice but to stay still.

I have waited until Shangguan Lingluo, Shangguan Shuyin and Zuo Xianwang ordered the guards: "You go to find nearby, An Wang and the guards, the efficacy of the sweat medicine has not been passed, it should not run far."

Zhu Likang quietly brought people out.

Yi Chen, who followed him, worried and anxiously asked: "The son of the world ordered us to secretly protect the prince, but now the prince is gone, what do we do? Or do you want to find the prince?"

Zhu Likang nodded. "Well, we are divided into two ways. I take the road along with the Shangguan, and you take people to search for the prince."

It is Jin Ling who saved An Wang and the guards. In fact, she did not go far, but she was blinded by the law, how to find out how to find them and how to find them.

This is originally the night, especially the city has not been captured, the Huns are secretly molded into the territory of the Great Yan, not too dare to find someone is also true.

Shangguan Lingluo took the Huns, and the Shangguan Dian dyed his confidant guards. He searched nearby for a long time and did not find An Wang.

Shangguan Lingluo had no choice but to reluctantly say to Zuo Xianwang: "What to do? Do you want to catch the Shangguan dynasty as a hostage, go to the Dayan military camp, and force the Dayan military camp to withdraw? It is said that An Wang and the soldiers are in In my hand, An Wang is now missing."

Zuo Xian Wang also had a bit of a brain. Listening to her, she asked a little worried: "But if An Wang was rescued by the people of Mu Ziyou, what happened to the Dayan Military Camp? Can they listen to us?"

Shangguan Lingluo said with a bite: "We rushed to the city and tried to occupy the city first. If we took the city, we might force the prince to support us and open the Uvi."

Zuo Xianwang thought for a while, shook his head and put a word on Shangguan Ling’s ear.

Shangguan Linglu nodded, revealing a sinister smile.

Then the two found the Shangguan dying, and then they tied him first.

Shangguan Yishen shouted in shock: "Shangguan Lingluo, what are you kidding me? I am the man of His Royal Highness."

Shangguan Lingluo laughed and swayed, "Haha... Shangguan dying, first grievances, as long as you cooperate with us, we will not kill you, or else... Zuo Xianwang can care who you are. people."

The Shangguan dynasty screamed unlucky, and in the heart, the Prince and Uvi Lie were stunned. Tnnd! Who is not good, sent a **** left king who does not understand anything, and stupid Shangguan Lingluo, do not want to find An Wang and soldiers, but deal with me. Xiaoye cursed you from Yangshuo!

This curse is poisonous! The Prince and Uvili sneezed together. Both of them did not sleep, and one was waiting for Shangguan Lingluo and Zuo Xianwang to take An Wang to his side; one was to see that his dreams of Jiangshan beauty would be at hand, and it was difficult for the chicken to sleep.

Wait until dawn, Uweeli waited until Zuo Xianwang and Shangguan Lingluo took the Shangguan dynasty.

When Uwely saw no An Wang, he suddenly pulled down his face and asked him: "Let you catch him, not his scorpion. You took him, Dayan. Can the officers and men be able to withdraw from the city for him? Or is there a soldier in his hand?"

Shangguan Lingluo is afraid of Uweed, this face is faster than taking off his pants, tyrannical cold-blooded bastard, watching him anger, immediately squatting in front of him, screaming and pleading: "The big single, originally we caught the Shangguan Xuan Xuan, but suddenly a strange black light flashed, he and his bodyguards are gone. So, Chen Yu suspected that Mu Ziyou came, only her descendants of the goddess, have the ability to instantly Was the king and his guards robbed?"

"Mu Ziyou is coming?" Uweli came to the interest, but after a while there was some frustration. "She is coming, can we still win this battle? You give me a way to think of it, if you can catch her, The big single in the annexation of the Central Plains is just around the corner. At that time, you are all founding fathers!"

"Big single, Chen can help you." Shangguan dying immediately yelled, "Chen knows, it is impossible for Mu Ziyou to come here, she hates Shangguan Xuan, will not come to save him. Just maybe Shangguan Xuan Xuan himself tried to escape. So, the soldiers are very fast, let us quickly let the messenger pass the message to the defender of the city, General Lulin Hai, and say that I and An Wang are in your hands, asking them to give up resistance. If you do, you will kill An Wang and me. As long as you rush in front of An Wang and arrive at Yucheng, we have hope. In addition, we will send people to hold all the important roads leading to Yucheng."

Uvi Liha laughed: "I didn't expect An Wang's son to be a good-time man. Good, good!"

"He is the confidant of the prince." Shangguan Linglu was dissatisfied with the Shangguan dynasty to give Uweili a plan, and immediately provoked distraction.

Uweili saw through the uneasiness of Shangguan Lingluo and glanced at her. Then he said to Shangguan Dianbing: "I see you are smart, are you willing to follow me? If you can help me to swallow you, Yan, I Just seal you as a different prince."

Shangguan dying immediately squatted, because it was **** by the five flowers, and the **** was struggling, so he nodded three times and shouted: "Chen is willing to loyal to the big single. I wish the big single will dominate the world at an early date!"

"Haha..." Uweli was happy, waving his big paws. "Don't hurry to loosen the future king."

"Xie Da single!" Shangguan Yu dyed the side of the tied numb arm, and proudly looked at Shangguan Lingluo.

Shangguan Lingluo was irritated by his villain's ambition, and he glanced at him with anger, and then grinned sarcastically. My heart despised the hybrid that had milk and was a mother. Just for a moment, I betrayed his original master.

She patronizes others, but she does not want to think about herself. It is also the owner of the mother who has milk.

Uvi Li, following the idea of ​​Shangguan’s dyeing, immediately rushed to the city under the city.

The man was introduced to the five-flowered tie, and the chicken blood on his face and body was smeared, and he was disguised as a beaten up of the Shangguan. He ordered the Chinese-speaking Huns to scream at the throat: "We have caught your An Wang Ye and his son. When you withdraw from Yucheng, we will leave you two fathers and sons, or we will kill the Shangguan Dye and then kill the official residence!"

At this time, Yucheng, An Wangzheng and Lu Linhai and other more than a dozen senior generals have been together.

An Wang looked at Jin Ling with disbelief. He couldn’t say a word.

This woman who saved him and all the guards, he knows, usually with the daughter-in-law who is behind the purple and quiet, with a beautiful face, as cold as a daughter-in-law.

Read The Duke's Passion