MTL - Rebirth Of The General’s Granddaughter-Chapter 383 Shizi and Shizi once again turned their backs, and the Xiongnu came in.

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The latest chapter of "The Gate of Rebirth"

"What!" Purple ecstasy looked out, picked up a small face with a cool son, kissed a few mouths, this smiled: "Son, how is the spiritual power hidden, not let the mother detect it? Bad guy ! Naughty like you!"

"Little Master is not like him, childish to die!" Xiaomo lost a cool and open mouth, shocked Shangguan Lingran and Ziyou all! No one thought that the baby who had just finished the full moon would actually speak.

After the two face each other, the tears of Zi Youle are contained in the eyes.

But a "naive" guy is not doing it. The tempering son, squatting lowly said: "Bad boy! I dare to marry you, I am childish, how am I childish?"

"Hey!" Xiaomo’s aphasia was not surprisingly endless and said: "This big person, like the little girl every day, knows that she is entangled in her mother."

"Who is like you, prematurely prematurely!" The voice of the girl, who was milky and milky, suddenly popped out and jumped up again.

Seeing the shock of the two people, Jin Ling rarely revealed a sweet smile and explained to both of them: "Master, your child, are prodigies, you don't have to be surprised, Capricorn pours the spiritual power in your body, plus The spiritual power of your own fetal belt, as your cultivation continues to strengthen, and the two small masters are the lower bounds of the gods, and they carry the spiritual power, so when you are carrying them, you practice, their spiritual power With the enhancement, and their spiritual strength has increased, and your spiritual strength has risen, so the spiritual power of your mother and child is now on a horizontal line. Your spiritual power can now be sent and received freely, you don’t have to be lucky. As long as the mind moves, you can do anything, such as killing, saving people, carrying things, seeing, etc., the little master can also. Xiao Shisun wants to punish the Shangguan Dyeing, he only needs to use his ideas, how can he think? how."

Purple secluded understand, Xiaomo must have been hearing, and learned the tricks of the Shangguan dying, under the temperament, want to make him stink, use the idea, move the stool to the window of Xu Yawan Let the Shangguan dying fall on the dung heap.

The little guy is really worthy of being the son of Shangguan Lingran, whose degree of blackness is blue and blue is better than blue.

"Son! Son..." "Ziyou looked at Xiaoguan's Shangguan Lingran, and his heart was soft, and he even had a few mouthfuls."

Xiao Mo forgot to look at, jealous, and want to stand up, but the bones are not so hard, so, unwilling to lag behind, even rolling to the mother to kiss the milk in front of the milk, said: "Mother, Xu Yaguan do not want Face, you must be tempted with beauty."

Purple secluded, immediately took the daughter and was a madman. Then he said with carelessness: "Baby, you are child prodigies, this thing can't be known by others, so don't show your skills in front of others. Do you know?"

"Know it." The two children replied together. Obviously, they are very different, so they have never shown their difference, except that they are turned upside down than other babies.

Putting a good child, Ziyou said to Shangguan Lingran: "I said that Xu Yawan suddenly asked himself to do it. It turned out to be the idea of ​​Shangguanyi. It seems that we are a humble "brother" and his mother. The same, it is also a wild dog that will not call, but will bite."

Shangguan suddenly smiled coldly. "I have already expected it. Since all the people are looking forward to separating you and me, then we will separate them first. Uweli can’t help but want to do it. Separate, there is no hole in the poisonous snake."

During this time of the year ago, it seems that the housewives are the busiest. Busy years, to prepare for the use of their own government, but also to prepare gifts, to other houses.

Purple quiet is almost busy and there is no time to talk to Shangguan Lingran. Shangguan Lingran gradually handed over the shop and Zhuangzi to the purple quilt, and the purple secluded to be busy with the work of the Huimin and the female medical team, but also busy refining the medicine, but also managing the Shangguan Lingran and Anwangfu. In various industries, Xuanwu Emperor also announced her entry into the palace from time to time, so she asked her for advice on political affairs.

Xuanwu Emperor is increasingly dependent on Xiaoyao San. If he is not taking other pills from the refining of Ziwei, it is estimated that he has become an addict.

However, there is a fragrant refining medicinal medicinal medicinal herb, coupled with the spiritual power of Shui Ling, which seems to be getting younger and younger. I also know that the reason why he lived so moist is that he lost the purple and the flowers, so he is more and more trustful to treat this person.

Especially the water spirit, Xuanwu Emperor is almost inseparable from the shadows, and wherever he goes, the women in the palace hate it. It has been murdered many times, but the water spirit is an elf. Where can it be harmed by these mortals? In addition, the Germans who are in charge of the harem are facing it, and the emperor has given it unlimited glory and trust. Therefore, gradually, those women do not dare to reproduce the hearts of the people.

On the day of the New Year's Eve, Ziyou was forgotten to forget her family. Shangguan Ling Ran represented the emperor to Rui Jianying and asked the soldiers to return to the palace. Purple has not returned yet.

Xu Yawan finally caught this opportunity and sent someone to send him a letter. He asked him to meet one side and said that there was something to tell.

Shangguan Lingran did not want to go at first, but the person gave him a text message written by Xu Yawan. "I know that Ningbian and Shangguan have dyed some secrets. I only tell you. I am waiting for you at the 'Fenglin Hanyuan' of Wangfu. If you don't come, I will wait for the night."

When Shangguan Lingran saw the text message, he went to the "Fenglin Hanyuan" in the backyard of Wangfu. This place is remote, it is a courtyard in the Wangfu Fenglin, and the autumn scenery is tired and restful. It is winter, the maple leaves are withering and dying, and no one is coming to this courtyard.

About this place, but no one can find it.

When Shangguan Lingran saw Xu Yawan, he frowned, and then said coldly: "Not that there is

Tell me about it? Hurry up, I have limited time. ”

"Ling brother!" Xu Yawan is obviously very cold, watching him, in the big scary eyes, the tears are flashing, the voice is a little hoarse, "You are so reluctant to see me? If I have no secret, you Will you not see me?"

"Yes." Shangguan said with a cold smile: "Today, do you think I will treat you as a sister or a friend, to tell you about the old? Get it to the point of today, don't blame me, it's all your hands. Caused."

"I was wrong." Xu Yawan admitted sincerely for the first time and shyly bowed his head. After a while, I looked up and burst into tears. "I know that I have done a lot of things wrong, but what I want to tell you is that I only love you, Ling Ge, I have never liked Shangguan. But..... forget it, today, it’s meaningless to say that. I want to tell you..."

Xu Yawan said this, looked around and then walked a few steps toward Shangguan Lingran.

Shangguan Lingran slowly stepped back a few steps, watching her coldly, and seemed to distrust her.

Xu Yawan saw it and shook his head sadly. "Ling brother, you can rest assured that I will not harm you. I used to do it before, but I want to be yours. . . ."

"You said nothing?" Shangguan lost his patience and turned away, but he was rushed over by Xu Yawan and hugged him. "Ling brother, don't leave, I really miss you, you don't know." , Shangguan...".

"What are you doing?" At this moment, there was a cold, cold voice.

Shangguan suddenly looked up and saw that she was, she was followed by Wu Hao and others.

Purple slyly looked at Shangguan Lingran, and the indignation accused: "Okay! Shangguan Lingran, you keep saying that you want to be single-minded, I am so single-minded?"

Shangguan Ling looked at the cold and cold face, and was a little confused for a while, but he quickly calmed down and slammed Xu Yawan, a flying, and in front of the purple secluded, quickly explained: "Women, you don't I am angry, things are not what you see. I and she have nothing at all. It is her who asked me to tell the secrets of Shangguan’s smear and sorrow. As a result, the woman lied to me again... ""

Purple secluded to see this Xu Yawan, coldly open, "come, to the sinner's sinner to the national division, sent to the prince, to tell today, to the prince, let him dispose. Tell Wang Ye, if you don’t handle it publicly, the national teacher doesn’t mind doing it.”

"Yes." Jin Ling and Mu Ling, who turned into female guards, rushed up and tied Xu Yawan.

Purple glimpse, turned and left, never looked at Shangguan Lingyan from beginning to end.

Shangguan was in a hurry and followed the explanation of the purple secluded. "Women, you have to believe me, how about it, I will not look at her! You look at her current ugly, I... ."

"So, if she is still very beautiful, would you like to be jealous?" Purple taunted out, watching Shangguan Ling's gaze, revealing endless chill.

Shangguan quickly shook his head. "How is it possible? There is no such thing as a woman who is more beautiful than a wife in this world? How can I see them for me?"

Hearing the words, Purple was disappointed and looked at him with a sneer, and turned and left. This time, even the words are too lazy to say.

Seeing her so cold, Shangguan Ling seems to be more anxious, constantly explaining there: "Women, for the husband did not lie to you, do not believe you look at the text messages written by this monk...."

He said, went to the sleeve cage to find the text message that Xu Yawan had met with him. As a result, he turned over for a long time and did not turn it out. I couldn’t help but be sweating and screaming in disbelief. "My brother, I am obviously in the cuff, how can I disappear? Strange things, strange things...."

"Don't look for it, I believe that you are." Purple glimpse, said without anger.

In fact, she is very angry! When she came back from her family, Wu Hao told her: "Shi Zi, Shizi went to see Xu Yawan. Xu Yawan wrote a text message, you see."

When she saw it, the letter said: "Ling brother, I am waiting for you in the ‘Maple Forest House’ and return the gift you sent me before. You must come, otherwise I will wait for you. Your sister.”

She threw down the letter and took the man to the "Fenglin Hanshe". When she arrived there, she encountered the Shangguan Dyeing.

Shangguan dying and sympathetically, she shook her head and pointed to "Fenglin Hanshe" and said: "Da, my brother is really worthless for the big brother. You said that with a woman like Daxie, his older brother is still unsatisfied. ? Actually and Xu Yawan are there... It’s too bad!”

She quickly walked into the "Fenglin Hanshe" and saw the scene. How can it not be angry?

Wu Hao saw her mad at her face and couldn't help but said: "What happened to Shi Ziye? No matter what the reason, it should not be met with Xu Yuniang alone. This is very easy to misunderstand. Don't go too far, don't you tell the world, don't look at the woman."

Purple was cold and cold, and then told them: "From today, Shizi sleeps in the study, and you can pack up the study."

When Shangguan Lingran heard his wife go to sleep in the study room, he immediately screamed and shouted. "Why? I explained to you, why don't you believe me?"

Purple is cold and slightly tired and said: "I don't believe you, I know that Xu Yawan can't enter your eyes. Just, there are two sisters in Shen, now Xu Yawan, I still don't know tomorrow. Who is there? Shangguan Lingran, I am tired, I don’t want to look at you every day, let alone this is not a thing to watch. From now on, you are free.

You love me, I will not take care of you again, please don't interfere with me! ”

"Women. . . ." Shangguan Ling panic, began to play rogue spoiled, afraid of people seeing, drove all the people out.

In the end, everyone faintly heard some people quarreling, and later, I saw the world rushed out with anger, and there were clear five fingerprints on his face.

When An Wang saw his son and daughter-in-law, because Xu Yawan was fighting, he was more and more disappointed with her. Looking at the girl who once loved her daughter, glamorous and bright, now crying and tears, the image is getting more and more vulgar, and I can't help but blame: "Yan Wan, I am really disappointed with you! You can keep it. One life is that Shizi asked for love in front of the emperor. However, until now, you still don’t give up, what do you want? Do you know that if you do this, it will give Lingren’s reputation a great influence? How did it become like this? Hey... This time, I can't protect you, or I can't say it, the 20th board is the limit."

"No!" Xu Yawan screamed and shouted, "I beg you! Wang Ye, it should not be a matter of yawan, yes...".

It was the Shangguan dynasty that forced me. This sentence Xu Yawan did not dare to say anything about it. Otherwise, she only died. The Shangguan dying would not give her antidote to her betrayal of his allies.

Xu Yawan’s grievances were crying, but An Wang didn’t have a soft heart this time, let the guards drag her down, hit the 20th board, and then calmly said: “I hope you take the lead, you can do it yourself!”

However, Xu Yawan was beaten and did not make the purple and Shangguan Ling reconciled. So, at the big banquet, everyone saw An Wang Shizi and Shi Zizhen, and did not say a word from beginning to end.

The banquet of the prince, because Ziyou said something in front of Xuanwu Emperor, was also lifted and released. As for what was said, I will not mention it for the time being.

Liu Ruixue and Wen Chuyu looked at the relationship between Ziyou and Shangguan Lingran, and they were so anxious for her.

Persuaded her together, but Ziyou said: "Actually, the Shangguan will be like this, in my expectation. He was originally a spoiled priest of the Empress Dowager. Although he secretly learned martial arts, he became famous with Uweed. However, the arrogance in the bones is impossible because he has become a hero, and the change has only become more and more powerful. He can’t often bow down in front of me, which is the beginning, met me. I don’t want to be a woman from all over the place. I feel that I am very fresh and very interesting. It can be a long time. When I am tired of it, it is normal to have contradictions. But I can’t change for him. If he knows Without this, then we only have to part ways."

Both of them said this to their respective husbands, and the Prince and the Three Emperors were ecstatic.

Wen Chuyu looked at the three emperors who couldn’t hide their faces, and sneered in my heart. This hateful man! Even though she was a good friend and she began to pamper her. But every time I come to her, I have to ask about the purple.

Think about your husband, for other women, to love yourself, the shame is really not like her before, but also make her unbearable.

However, she does not blame the purple secluded, all this has nothing to do with purple secluded, to blame the three princes this bastard, not a thing!

Wen Chuxi sneered, one day, the old lady will look at you with his own eyes and become a prisoner.

In these two days, what made her feel super-cool was that she no longer cautiously glared at the arrogant grandson. Instead, he set the foot of the emperor's righteousness and called for the woman to drink.

At the beginning, Sun Yan also dared to talk back to her, but told her to slap two slaps and ran to the three emperors to complain, not only did not fall, but was reprimanded by the three emperors: "You are a side, you do not converge, Why do you want to challenge your nephew? Do you want to keep your duty? Don't let go!"

Since then, this woman has been more honest and no longer dared to challenge her.

From the attitude of the Three Emperors to Sun Sun, she even understood the ruthlessness of the Three Emperors. Before I was confronted with Sun, I couldn’t hold my heart and love, but in order to please myself, let her talk to Ziyou, and immediately let the Sun side abandon it.

In the third day of the third year, it was a good time to visit each other and to walk the door with relatives. A thrilling sound of the drums was heard, and all the courtiers were shocked and ran into the palace.

Xuanwu Emperor was watching the dance of the water spirit, and he heard the father-in-law rushing in and yelling in and shouting: "The emperor is broken, the Huns have come in!"

"What is your screaming for the New Year?" Xuanwu Emperor did not hear it at first, but he was impatient and glanced at the father-in-law.

In the next second, I bounced off the **** from the dragon chair. "What!? What do you say? The Huns got in?"

"Yeah." Yu Gonggong was crying and sulking, replied eagerly: "Eight hundred miles of expedited, waiting outside the hall to summon."

"Not yet announced!" Xuanwu Emperor shouted, then shouted: "Come on the drums, let all ministers go up!"

After shouting, completely disregarding the appearance of a king of the country, he began to yell: "A you nnd Uweed! Do you want to fight and talk about it? What are you doing? Is there such a big fight?" Do you have a **** Uvigli! Curse you have no **** in your children!"

When the water spirit sees it, it doesn't matter. Going to his side, soft and sympathetic: "Wuwei Liming is just thinking that we are going to celebrate the festive season with the big Yan, and An Wang is not sitting in the town. I want to fight you out. Don't panic, hurry up with the national teacher and admire. The generals had a good deliberation, and the purpose was to keep An Wang’s unstoppable and rush back to the Subei front line."

The words of Shui Ling seem to have a soothing

Magic, Xuanwu Emperor quickly calmed down.

I passed through the water and kissed her on the face, stretching the wrinkled dragon eyebrow. "Water, you are really awkward baby. You and You, what is terrible?"

Yes, two of them are Hua Xian, one is the descendant of the goddess. With such a powerful force, he is assisted by him. Is he nervous?

When the ministers went up, the Xuanwu Emperor who saw it was very calm. But it is really angry. According to the news from Subei, the Xiongnu Uweili was singled out by the royal family and led the army of 300,000. He even defeated the army of An Wang, and even captured the two cities of Dayan. After hitting it, he hit the city. It is.

Emperor Xuanwu glared at An Wang with his longan eyes, and he almost ate him. "How old are you, how do you deploy them? How do you train your troops? The northwest defense line is so vulnerable? Your soldiers are so unruly When you hit someone, you will defeat you at once. You said, 朕 拿 那么 那么 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕

An Wang’s forehead sweats! It is said that his army is not so arrogant, but the commander said: "The Huns seem to know that our troops are deployed from the most dangerous southeastern part of the mountain range. The deployment of our troops is the weakest. Ten thousand people are stationed."

To the southeast of the mountain range, the cliffs are all killed. He did not expect that Uvili would lead more than 20,000 Huns and turn over from such a dangerous place. However, he could not defend Xuanwu Emperor. If he defeated it, he would defeat him. If you have a big reason, it cannot be used as an excuse for your failure.

An Wang quickly stumbled: "The younger brother is damned! The younger brother immediately returned to Subei to fight!"

Purple quiet stood up at this time, and bowed to Xuanwu Emperor.

When Emperor Xuanwu saw it, he immediately asked: "What do you think of the National Teacher, but it does not matter."

Purple Quiet immediately said: "Uvi Li with 300,000 horses, so big movements, even if the first part of the people sneaked from the southeast of the most dangerous mountain range, but then 300,000 cavalry attacked, Such a big movement, Da Yan’s defense army should also be aware of it. This has captured our two cities and the news has been passed to the Imperial Capital. Our speed is too great for the Huns.”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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