MTL - Rebirth Of The General’s Granddaughter-Chapter 348 Purple fan wind, Wang Ye beats Su Shi mother and child

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Rebirth of the door to the girl, she knows, this is An Wang to find the Queen Mother to be a lobbyist. Love folder, but can she compromise? The answer is obviously no. Her mother-in-law's most beautiful youth, the most precious feelings, like him as garbage, trampled mercilessly, let him pay the price, she will be mad!

What's more, there is all the damage that Shangguan Lingran suffered. Don't say that Wang Hao is not derailed, even if she and Wei Wang have an old feeling, but An Wang Mingming knows that Shangguan is not the son of Wei Wang. He also wants to use Shangguan Lingran as a tool to retaliate against Wang Hao and ruthlessly attack. This account, how can she not come back for the husband?

Into the "Jingyang Palace", when I saw An Wang Yu in front of the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager sheds tears in the reprimand, and Zi You could not help but shake his head. Poor parents in the world! An Wang is not a thing anymore, but in the heart of the Queen Mother who is a mother, she still has to plan for him.

Just a pity! Why did your old man go early? If you can come up with the power of the year, you will kill the Su Shi, and maybe there is no such thing today. In the final analysis, Wang Hao is in your mind, without the happiness of your son. You know that your son is widowed and widowed, and you are unscrupulously tormenting Wang Hao. You have not used the Thunder to control him. I also know that Xuanwu Emperor and him are compelling/damaging Shangguan Ling. You still have not taken active and effective measures to protect them. It’s just a shackle that educated the Shangguan to be useless to avoid their murder.

If there is no old man, if it is not the Shangguan who has a peerless martial arts, he has already died.

Therefore, Ziyou looked at the Empress Dowager and reprimanded An Wang. He did not dissuade him. He did not discourage the Queen Mother from the past, but stood face to face with a cold voice.

The Empress Dowager originally wanted to use the bitterness meter to impress the purple secluded, hope that the purple secluded can come over and discourage her, then she and her son, but also the next step, but now, people stand there, like a okay person, which makes them good. ?

The play can't go on, no, to be exact, it can't be said that the Queen Mother is completely acting in the pancreas.

Everything that happened in "Chengguang Temple" was quickly told to her, she really regretted it at the time!

At the beginning, my son said to her: "After the mother, the child-in-law took a fancy to the daughter of Su Gong, the daughter of the four-in-one patrol in Hubei. Just the emperor would give two side squats to the children. After the mother, you think of a way to put Samui. Get into the palace, seal it as a sidekeeper of the children? The sons really like Mei."

She didn't think so much at the time. I feel that a prostitute of a four-person foreign official can pick up a lot of storms? As long as his son likes it, he will fulfill his wish. His son is alone in the desolate northern part of the country. It is not easy to live.

Besides, she originally thought that her son should not specialize in Yang Yunshang, and would like to give a few palace ladies to his son, so that his son can have more women and give him a branch. Now the son has offered it, which is very good.

Thus, a sacred purpose, Xu Mei was declared into the palace, and he was taught for a month, and he was given a son to make a side note.

Where can she think of this, there are so many stories of conspiracy and twists in the middle? In this way, not only the son, even her, I am sorry for Yang Yunshang.

Because the son began to spoil his wife, Yang Yunshang and the old lady, both of whom had told her about it, but Yang Yunshang was reprimanded by her: "As a royal palace, how can you be jealous with your side? Your position Ren, is to find a way to meet the requirements of the husband, mostly for the monarch, and for the royal branch. Wang Ye likes young and beautiful sidelines, this is normal, you as a squat, not only should not be jealous of anger, but also take good care of Sideways, get along with them, this is what you should do as a righteous."

To the old lady, Madame, she said something to be swayed, but it is also a blame: "Mrs. Yang, the imperial ambassador, the king, what good is your daughter? You should persuade the cloud, to be more generous. It is the character of Zhengzheng and his wife."

Later, Yang Yunshang never sue again, but finally said to her, anything can be let out, but Wang Hao’s title can’t be allowed, because she can’t let Shangguan scream a side to be a mother.

At that time, she only knew that the problem was serious. I sent someone to Yucheng to understand it. Only then did I know that my son had Su Mei and Ning Yizheng. . . . . . Even though he had never been to Yang Yunshang’s yard, even Yang Yunshang’s stewardship was taken over to Su Mei.

At this time, she taught her son again, it is already late. The son Yang was sinful and the Samui has become a climate.

Of course, at that time, if she squatted to clean up Samui, it was not impossible, but the son said to her: "After the mother, the child has loved such a woman for a lifetime. If you are embarrassed, the happiness of the son will be gone. You will have the heart? Besides, the child will always be a little flawed and caught by the emperor. Can he be assured of his brother?"

When she heard that her son was very pitiful, she also let go of Samui, but did she know that this woman was the spies of Wei Wang sent to her son?

The Empress Dowager shed tears and sneaked a glimpse of purple, hoping she could show her unbearable gaze, but she was disappointed. Love folder

Purple secluded stood on one side from beginning to end, and his face was cold and silent.

After seeing the Queen Mother of the Queen Mother, she quickly went to the purple secluded side to salute, whispering to remind: "Shi Zi, the Queen Mother has been crying for a long time, and this will hurt the Phoenix. The minions persuaded, The Queen Mother does not listen, the old slave feels that the Queen Mother is still listening to you, or else, are you going to persuade the Queen Mother?"

Ziyou shook his head, so he whispered as a difficult voice: "I don't want to persuade the Queen Mother, but I don't know how to persuade. Really, I want to cry out when I think about the grievances and tortures of my mother." . . . One, let alone the Queen Mother, the kind mother, can she not feel bad about her daughter-in-law?"

Purple whispered, and shed tears, by the opportunity to wipe the tears, secretly looked at the Queen Mother who was waiting for her to step down, and she saw her old face red, stunned.

Without retreating, the Empress Dowager had to put away her tears, wiped her eyes with a handkerchief, and walked to the purple sorrow, still in tears, and then comforted her: "Good boy, you are a filial person. However, because you are filial, you are You should be advised to ask your mother and Linger's grandfather, can't let your father and your mother and son be separated from each other? Ning tear down ten temples, don't split a marriage, the royal face can't afford it!"

The fart of the royal face! When I heard this, I was so angry that I was on the road. What happened to you as a Queen Mother? You can't ignore the happiness of the mother for the so-called royal face.

Purple eyes stunned, pretending to say: "The emperor grandmother, the face of the royal family has long been gone, isn't it? Wang Ye pets his wife for nearly 20 years, the imperial concubine all day, the emperor is in high society, almost no one I don’t know, An Wang’s hero is short of breath, and his children’s love is long. For a small encounter, he is disregarded by Zheng Zheng and Xunzi. Today, there is a big scandal. It turns out that An Wang’s pet has been a little bit of a shack for 18 years. It was a spy that Wei Wang sent to An Wang’s side. Not only did he wear a green hat for An Wang, but also let An Wang have raised his son for nearly eighteen years. It’s really a dead man! The Queen Mother, the most urgent thing, is not to persuade the mother. How, but should restore the reputation of the prince, can not be deceived by Su Shi mother and child in vain? Is it not? Should punish the gangsters who deceive the emperor and deceive the prince! Can not let the mother-in-law’s grievances over the years be not? When I saw Wang Ye, I was angry with her, and I avenged my enmity. I can forgive the prince. Maybe Wang Ye really admits that he is repentant. He always wants to show his sincerity. Isn’t it possible to make the whole of Su Mei’s mother and son worse? Not? "Purple quiet one a" no "? Like the tongue twister, the An Wang and the Queen Mother are stunned.

An Wang was a little better at using his brain. He quickly understood the meaning of the purple scent. He shot the thigh and said: "This king can't spare the sultry of Su Mei, and the Shangguan is so bad!"

After that, I rushed out of my anger and went to the prison to get rid of Samui and Shangguan.

Purple glimpses, the heart of the mouth, dissipated a lot. Sitting calmly around the Queen Mother, and continuing to exhale for her mother-in-law, "The emperor, the mother-in-law and the son of the world have been bullied by Samui mother and child for many years. If the prince can't let their grievances go out, don't Talking about reconciliation, I am afraid that it is really necessary to finish! Emperor grandmother, you can supervise the prince, smothering up Samui’s mother and son, for the mother-in-law and the confession! You don’t know, their encounter, Sun Hao listened. All... sorrowful anger to kill!"

Purple secluded again, tearing the Queen Mother to persuade her, to do the King Wang, do not want to go with An Wang, and all of them are blocked, and it is a bad thing!

Besides, An Wang went to the prison for the prison. At this time, it was already awkward. The officials of the Ministry of Justice had already returned home from work. There was only one prison officer on duty, who dared to stop him from anger?

Seeing that his silver hall is black, the phoenix eyes are round, and he is almost catching up with the size of the egg. The old face is black and the bottom of the pot. Think about the broken shoes that brought him a green hat, in the presence of the baby; Other sons, feared in his mouth, holding in his hands, afraid of falling, hurt for so many years, in the end, turned out to be a shameful joke, I do not know whether to sympathize with him, or should he blame him: "You old man Where is the eye going? The crotch, or the top of the head? This is unlucky!

Opening the door of the cell, Su Shi also held a glimmer of hope, and wanted to play pigs again to eat tigers, but this time the tiger really fought, and without saying anything, it was called to drag the mother and son into the torture hall.

An Wang personally picked up the whip, sneered at Su Meiyin's test, the sinful poison in his eyes, and the Sumei trembled in his eyes, and repeatedly asked for mercy: "Wang Ye, Wang Ye, Mei Er did not lie to you, Mei Er really. Love you! Don't believe in the lie of Mu Ziyou, she is lying to you."

After Su Xiao’s shackles, the bodyguards dragged them mercilessly, and then went through the special “hospitality” of the female prison guards. Now they’re already hard-clothed, their noses are swollen, their makeup is broken, they’re sowless, let’s not talk about pretty dignity. It’s just ugly and I can’t bear to see it.

An Wang was disgusted, and his heart was dark. How could she not find her so ugly before, would she think that she is more beautiful and simple than Wang Hao?

The whip was soaked in the salt water, and the Anwang face was expressionless, and the voice was very gentle, but it made people feel cold and sneaked into the bones. "Oh? Mu Zi lie to me, then you tell me the truth, you followed the king." Before, have you ever been slept by Shangguan Yuxuan? Are you a female masterpiece sent by Shangguanxuan to the king? Remember, to tell the truth, otherwise, the whip in the hands of the king will bite."

Su Mei looked at the sinister An Wang, and wanted to say no, no, but the cherry mouth that can usually be said to be clear, but how dare not open, such an An Wang, she felt strange! No, to be precise, it is not unfamiliar. He used to be so ruthless, but the person who was at that time was Wang Hao, not her.

Su Mei hesitated for a while, then said with a discretion: "Yes, I am a female masterpiece sent to you by Shangguan Yuxuan, but when I saw Wang Ye, I fell in love with Wang Ye, and later, Shangguan Yi Xuan thought To insult me, I was designed to hide. I Xuan Xuan, really, I didn’t lie to you, I’m your son, I’m also cleaning you up. I fell in love with you, how can I still Let yourself give birth to the son of Shangguan Xuan....."

Su Mei is very clever, knowing that all of them are denied, obviously it is impossible to hide. Look at the torture instrument in this torture hall. It is estimated that Wei Wang will not be able to pass the torture, and will explain everything. Therefore, she will say that she is the masterpiece of Wei Wang sent to the side of An Wang, but she fell in love with it. An Wang, she thought that she had escaped the invasion of Wei Wang. Wei Wang could not take possession of her. Her son was An Wang.

As long as An Wang still remembers the old feelings, there is still a trace of her belief that she is the son of Shangguan. She has hope and turns over again.

Her idea was very good, but An Wang was deceived by her for nearly two decades. How could she easily believe her?

Without saying anything, with a barb, licking the salt water whip, he was on the back of Samui.

"Ah!" Samui screamed, and a deep welt on the back, the blood beads immediately oozing out. She wore a very thick scorpion today, and was torn apart with the middle of the inside. It was obvious how painful the lash was.

Su Mei was cold and sweaty, his face was pale, and he couldn't believe it. He looked at An Wang and cried: "You are so embarrassed. . . . . Heart! Is it true to me before... The love for me is False. . . . . . . . . . . .

"Stop!" An Wang shouted in anger. This time, this sly woman is still cheating on him, really when he is a big fool! Who is Shangguan Yuxuan? At the beginning, he competed with his emperor's elder brother for the throne. If he couldn't get a good character, could he be played by Su Mei on the applause? Don't give her a child, can she let her go? As long as Samui admits that he is a Shangguan Xuan, it means that Shangguan is definitely not his son.

An Wang suddenly angered from the heart, evil to the gallbladder, raised the whip, a whip to the Samui, a whip to the upper official, only two people crying and crying, rolling around!

The fierce cry, the prisoner of the prison was shocked, and rushed to persuade: "Wang Ye, you can't kill a person, kill him, and Chen can't explain it to the emperor. These two people are Shangguan Xuan Mou. In the case of counter-criminal crimes, there are still many cases to understand to them." "Reassured." An Wang said with anger: "I can't die. The king has something to ask them to explain."

He really has something to tell the two. First of all, when Samui had not yet arrived in Yucheng, he was suspected of having an old feeling with Wang Hao and Wei Wang. He slept Wang Hao’s dowry, and he was pregnant. As a result, when Su Mei married for more than two months, he Abortion, all the evidence, pointed to Wang Hao, said that Wang Hao was murdered, because of this, he first fought with Wang Hao.

Also, in these years, Su Mei is in charge of the government of Yucheng, and there must be no less money from his An Wangfu, drawing money to Wei Wangfu. He must ask clearly how much money this monk has squandered and gave himself a rape. husband.

Now think about it, the income of Yucheng Zhuangzi and the shop is declining year by year. It must be this woman, playing tricks in the middle.

As long as An Wang thinks about this woman, holding his money, raising the adulterer, and the son born to the adulterer; and he is still stupid/forced to hurt her, petting her, for her and the bastard, He is ruthless and ruthless about his own righteousness and his own son. It is like crazy, like the tens of thousands of ants, biting his internal organs! The chest is like a big fire burning, and the heartbreaking burning pain makes him unbearable!

An Wang could hardly eliminate the humiliation and hatred in his heart, called his bodyguard, got a pot of pepper water, and then smashed his face, and walked over to the whip marks of the **** paste of Sumei and Shangguan.

Su Mei and Shangguan were so dying from the pain of death, and the screams of screaming, especially swearing! However, even in this case, the pain of the body does not have the pain of the heart, and it comes intense.

As Samui said, in fact, she really did not lie. She later fell in love with An Wang. For more than eighteen years, people are not grass, can you be ruthless? An Wang was originally handsome than Wei Wang, and she loved her. She would like to be a normal man.

However, she also has feelings for Wei Wang. She and Wei Wang also have five or six years. It can be said that Wei Wang is her first love, and her love for Wei Wang, and a kind of compassionate feeling in it, I think he is The hero is lonely, it is very sympathetic, not to mention the two sons and daughters, how can there be no feelings?

Therefore, while she loyally honoured everything for Wei Wang, she also adjusted the oil with An Wang and enjoyed her love for her.

However, An Wang is now so cruel and ruthless to treat her, how can she not suffer?

Su Mei cried the liver and intestines, but Shangguan was so worried about the pain, and still yelled at her: "You are this... I am a woman, I hate you! You are guilty, why are you..." Want to implict me? I don't want to be you..... You are buried! I am An Wang Shizi, An Wang........Shizi..."

When I finished, I felt dizzy.

Su Mei is indeed a bastard, but it can be considered a kind mother. Seeing the Shangguan divorce fainted, and struggling to the side of his son, cried out loudly: "Come on! Come on.... Save my son, save my son...". ”

The two horrible crying screams passed to the ears of Shangguan Yingjie and Shangguan Yingying, and the two spoiled young ladies were frightened!

Shangguan Yingying is a little smaller. The mice, cockroaches, bedbugs and other things that came out from time to time in the cell have scared her to be eclipsed. At this moment, she heard the screams of her mother and her brother. She was even scared. No one was coloring, and it shivered.

Tightly holding Shangguan Yingjie, crying and asking: "Sister, oh... The mother and my brother are so miserable, will they be beaten? Hey... what should we do? If we are not the daughter of the father, will we die? Hey... I don't want to die, I don't want to die! Hey... I am afraid of my sister!"

"You don't want to die, I don't want to die!" Shangguan Yingjie is self-satisfied, how can he feel the comfort of his sister? Pushing up Shangguan Ying screamingly: "All blame Samui for being a woman! If it wasn't for her to get rid of the Shangguan, desperately trying to seize the position of Shangguan Lingzi, how could Mu Ziyou go to check the things of the year? It’s that she is bad for us, I hate her!”

Shangguan Yingying was pushed away by her sister. I thought it might be killed. The instinct to survive finally made her scream out: "Father Wang! Father Wang... I am Jie, you save me. I don't want to be locked up here. Hey..."

An Wang personally waved the whip, and made the whole body's strength, but also tired. Then he said to the crying Sumei coldly: "You better pray that Wang Hao can return to the king's side. Otherwise, she will not come back one day, and the king will come and clean up your day."

After that, he turned and walked away from the prison. When he walked to the passage leading to the female prisoner, he heard the shouting of Shangguan Yingjie.

An Wang brows and stops. Su Mei and Shangguan are both heavy offenders, and Shangguan Yingjie and Shangguan Yingying are separated. Shangguan Yingjie and Shangguan Ying were in the female prison, and Shangguan was dyed and Sumei was locked in a single room.

The female prisoner heard the Shangguan Ying screaming, and walked over to slammed her with a whip, and snarled mercilessly: "What is the ghost? You thought you were the daughter of the palace? You are a prisoner now. Prisoner, do you know? Ghost again, the old lady killed you!"

The whip tip swept over Shangguan Ying’s arm, leaving a whip mark. Shangguan Yingying grew up from small to large, and suffered such suffering there? "Ah!", with his arms around, burst into tears.

An Wang just came over and saw this scene. He said that he was not uncomfortable. It was a lie.

Regardless of whether or not the Shangguan Lingran did not ask, did not give a little different feelings. Su Meisheng’s children, everyone from the fall of the ground, he has poured a great fatherly love, it can be said that three children, he is caring in every possible way.

. . . . . . . . . . .