MTL - Rebirth of the Abandoned Woman: Godly Doctor Taizi Fei-v3 Chapter 2258

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Zhu Lin took out the needle bag from the space ring, pulled out a slender silver needle, and straight into the middle of Gu Qian’s person. The finger pinched the silver needle and gently turned it a few times before pulling out. The unconscious Gu Qian body Moved and woke up.

Xu Zhao smiled: "I didn't expect that Zhu brothers still understand medicine!"

Zhu Lin received the needle bag and smiled: "There is no shortage of skills. My mother and grandparents are very powerful doctors. I just learned some of their fur, so I don't really understand medicine."

Xu Zhao knows his temper, he is never a publicity person, and he does not say anything more. He asked Gu Qian: "How do you feel?"

Gu Qian looked around in amazement and confused: "What happened?"

Gu Fenghaha smiled and said: "Cousin, I really didn't expect that you look at your courage on a regular day. Today is so timid. If you fall, you will faint. Xu Big Brother is much more brave than you."

Gu Qian has already recovered, and his heart is annoyed. How did he get dizzy at the time? He smiled and said to Zhu Lin: "The brothers must have saved me, my brother is polite!" He deliberately teased and concealed his embarrassment.

Zhu Lin waved his hand: "I didn't save you, it's a bridge. - Oh no, it's a master. It's a master who saved you. You should thank the master!"

Gu Qian snorted and nodded. At this time, he said: "I blame me for not being good. I shouldn’t know that I can’t help myself. I still have to force you to fly in the air. In fact, I only brought one person before. I have never brought two people. I thought it was ok. Who knows, hey, I blame me for being too fond of expression." He thinks he is a master. He wants to stand up in front of the younger brothers and show his ability to get it. The respect of the teachers and brothers, but did not expect that such a big joke.

Gu Qian busy said: "Master, this does not blame you, you are not intentional, just an accident!"

I got Gu Qian’s understanding, and San Hao’s mood was much better. He smiled and said: “Let’s go, I will take you to the room, and I will go to the meal soon. I will go to the baggage first, just to catch up with dinner.”

When it comes to luggage, he noticed that Zhu Lin had four of them and had no luggage in his hand.

"Hey, what about your luggage?" asked three.

Xu Zhao pointed to Zhu Lin: "We have all the things in him, and there is nothing. Just a few pieces of clothes, other things are lost on the way, and there are a few pieces of clothes left."

San He swept Zhu Lin’s hand and saw him wearing a silver ring on his hand. The shape was simple and ordinary. But he knew that this is space, the master has one, and the other disciples have some disciples. This family has a good ring.

He no longer talked, led four people to the small bridge residence where the disciples of the bridge peak lived. Xiaoqiaoju is a yard with two rows of bungalows, about 20 rooms, but only the first row. The clothes were dried in front of the bungalow, and the second row of bungalows seemed to be unoccupied. The doors were all closed and the windows were not opened.

Sanhe took four people to the end of the bungalow. There are two rooms available here. He smiled and said: "You both live in one room, the room is very big." After a pause, he said again: "We have a bridge peak It's not as good as other peaks, but the house is much looser than the other peaks. The other peaks are four people and one room. We have two people here."

Xu Zhaochao Gu Qian and Gu Fengdao: "You two cousins ​​live in one, I live with Zhu Shidi."