MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 92 intention

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After a lapse of five years, Wei Chongrong stood on the top of Dongshan Mountain again, looking at Zhu Xia and Nanyue's land within the field of vision, as well as the Red River flowing to the south in the distance, his eyes were deep and complicated, and the expression on his face. The expression is calm, so that people can't see the slightest clue.

Dongfang has followed Wei Chongrong up the mountain for more than half an hour, and he has been blowing the cold wind non-stop. Although he has deep inner strength, he is definitely not unbearable, but standing like this all the time is very boring. He endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, and asked: "Shizi, can you tell your subordinates, what are you looking at? Zhu Xia's troops have long since retreated, and there are a few trees on the opposite side. Trees, a few stones, the subordinates have already counted them clearly, but the subordinates just don’t understand, what are you looking at? You say it, the subordinates can also help you to see the details, right? Speaking, the subordinates just want to help you solve your worries, but you can't do anything about it?"

Wei Chongrong turned his head, looked Dongfang up and down, and sighed: "Zhu Xia's troops have already retreated, but don't you think their attack is very unreasonable? It's more a temptation than a provocation. Totally hitting the stone with the egg."

As early as four years ago, in the seventh year of Tai'an, Zhu Xia's old monarch had already gone. Tuduo preempted and dispatched troops in time to destroy the eldest and third princes who had not had time to respond, and successfully boarded. The throne of Zhu Xia.

Because Li Jing's identity was revealed, Ji Xin carried out a top-to-bottom purge of the spies buried in Zhu Xia by Dayan, and those who were slightly suspicious were discarded, resulting in weakened intelligence capabilities, and it was impossible to find out. Where did Tudor's troops come from?

You must know that the mother of the eldest prince is the daughter of the former prime minister of Zhu Xia. Although the grandfather of the eldest prince has passed away, his disciples are all over the Zhu Xia court, and the voice of the eldest prince upward is definitely the highest among the three brothers. The third prince's mother came from a family of military generals, and his uncle held a hundred thousand soldiers. When it comes to fighting the palace, the third prince has an advantage over the two older brothers. It's a pity that both of them lost. Tuduo's action came too fast, and the energy he possessed exceeded their expectations, and he brought the situation under control in one fell swoop.

After Tuduo ascended the throne, those who should be killed and those who should be demoted will soon cut down the backbone of the eldest prince and the third prince. Standing in the team, you don't need Tuduo to deal with them.

At this point, Tuduo was still worried about his brother. He demoted the eldest prince to the southernmost part of Zhuxia, where the climate was hot and humid, and there was a lot of miasma. , was forcibly tied up, and died in less than half a year. The third prince was so frightened when he saw his brother's end, Tuduo was too vengeful. He had offended him so many times, and if he fell into his hands, it would only be worse than the first prince's death. , packed up and fled to South Vietnam.

After pacifying the domestic turmoil, Tuduo turned his attention to the north. The six counties of Yizhou occupied by Dayan were bound to be brought back.

Otherwise, in front of Siam and South Vietnam, Zhu Xia would not be able to raise his head at all, let alone anything else.

Wei Chongrong knew how important Yizhou was to the Zhuxia people. It was a large natural granary, which was responsible for more than half of Zhuxia's annual grain output. It was simply irreplaceable. Never exaggerate.

It is precisely because of this that after being recaptured by Shangguan Yiweng's son-in-law in Jianning and other six counties, Zhu Xiacai would be so anxious and try to attack Dayan when he had a chance. Purchase from South Vietnam.

Grain trading is different from ordinary trade. The Zhuxia people are short of grain, so they have to buy it. Although there is a surplus of grain in Siam and South Vietnam, under the premise that there is no market for them, they must not knock Zhuxia a little high price. Obviously is not possible.

Originally, among the three kingdoms of Zhu Xia, Siam and Nanyue, Zhu Xia's national strength was the strongest, far surpassing the other two countries in all aspects.

However, after the loss of the six counties in Yizhou, the power balance of the three kingdoms changed significantly. Zhu Xia was controlled by others and gradually lost his original advantage. Nanyue begged to marry Dayan's Princess Yunmeng as the crown princess, and had close trade relations with Dayan. Siam is sandwiched between Zhuxia and Nanyue, and it does not have a border with Dayan. It has always been the least ambitious. Which side is stronger, they will rely on which side, but they will not offend the other side. It's very typical" Grass on the wall, falling on both sides".

In Wei Chongrong's view, the best time for Tuduo to attack Yizhou is the ninth year of Tai'an.

At that time, the late emperor had just died, and Dayan's regime was in the process of handing over the old and the new. It was inevitable that there would be some confusion. Despite Wei Zhao's strong opposition, Wei Lan recalled Ji Xin, the king of Changning who had been stationed in Yao An for many years.

Unexpectedly, Tuduo didn't do that and missed a good opportunity, which made Wei Zhao feel a little scared while being fortunate. Afterwards, Wei Zhao handed Wei Lan a book and asked him to send someone to Yao An to take over from Ji Xin.

Under normal circumstances, the handover of border defense should be the person who takes over first, just like Wei Chongrong and Huo Qingyang in Lingzhou that year. It's not that the King of Changning has returned to Beijing, and the candidate for succession has not yet been decided. Wei Lan's approach is really inappropriate in Wei Zhao's view. Besides, Ji Xin's lieutenant is still in Yao An. If there is an emergency, it is difficult for anyone to predict the consequences without the presence of the coach.

Wei Zhao was in control of the military, and Wei Lan was definitely very dissatisfied. He tried every means to weaken his power, but he picked and chose, but he couldn't find a general who had nothing to do with Wei Zhao and could take over for Ji Xin.

In the end, I don't know what Wei Lan was thinking, so she sent Wei Chongrong over. After receiving the imperial edict, Wei Chongrong was a little confused, and Wei Zhao also felt incredible. According to common sense, Wei Lan is the person who least expects to see the strength of the Qin Palace strengthen. No matter who he sends over, it will be better than Wei Chongrong. After all, he is the emperor, relying on righteousness, no matter who is close to Wei Zhao, as long as he has the heart to win over, it is possible to pull into his own camp, but the difficulty is different.

Only Wei Chongrong, who is Wei Zhao's only son, can't betray Wei Zhao no matter what. He has established a firm foothold in Yizhou, which is a great advantage to Wei Zhao, but it is not beneficial to Wei Lan. .

Doubts return to doubts, confusion returns to incomprehension, in the end it is the emperor's fate that cannot be violated, Wei Chongrong embarked on the road to Yizhou with full of doubts and incomprehensions. What made him unhappy, apart from Junhua who was forced to stay in Yujing by Wei Lan, was Yizhou's unacceptable food taste.

Yizhou is Ji Xin's territory after all. Wei Chongrong came to Yao An, and it was very easy to get started. It was no more troublesome than when he was in Lingzhou.

Who would have thought that when he had already stood his ground, Tuduo would have launched an attack on Honghe County without fear of death, instead of choosing it when he was a newcomer and was in a hurry. Cross?

Hearing Wei Chongrong's words, Dongfang raised the corners of his lips, revealing a helpless wry smile. What Wei Chongrong said, he had thought of it all, but his grandfather couldn't understand the entanglement, how could he figure it out, he could only be silent.

Not wanting him to be silent for a long time, Wei Chongrong was still standing on the top of the mountain, motionless. Dongfang did not know what to say, and did not dare to urge Wei Chongrong to leave. Reminder: "Shizi, it's getting late, look at us... shouldn't we go back? Zhu Xia's national strength is limited, if Tuduo dares to seek death again, soldiers will come to block it, water will come to cover it, and they will definitely not take advantage of them. Anyway, Your Majesty won't give you the strength to counterattack, it's useless if you look at it any more..."

After Wei Lan ascended the throne, Dayan's general direction of "light and thin, and rest with the people" has not changed. Therefore, the situation in Yizhou is mostly unchanged. Maybe it's just stealing chickens without losing rice.

"That's the case, let's go back first." Wei Chongrong thought about it too. It doesn't matter how big Tuduo's ambition is. His strength is there, and it does not pose too much threat to Dayan. Yizhou has many mountains, no matter which side you start from, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so Dayan never initiates war in the southern border. The six counties including Honghe that were recovered were all provocative by Zhuxia people. They waited for the opportunity to pass Got it back from the counterattack.

Back in Dongshan Town, it was already dark for most of the day. Wei Chongrong decided to stay here for the night and leave for Yaoan tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked into the Zuixianlou, Wei Chongrong saw a messenger from Yao An, apparently waiting for him here.

Wei Chongrong walked up to the second floor with his legs up, and sat down on the stool in the private room before reaching out and asking the messenger for a letter: "Give me the letter."

The messenger respectfully handed it over, and Wei Chongrong opened it with a half-smile expression on his face.

Dongfang glanced at him and asked curiously, "Master Shi, what happened, are you in a hurry?"

In fact, just by looking at the messenger's clothes, you can tell that the content of the letter is not urgent, but Wei Chongrong needs to make a decision in person, so Tuoba Xianhan sent someone to deliver the letter. It's just that Wei Chongrong's expression made him a little incomprehensible, so he asked this question.

Wei Chongrong put down the letter and instructed: "Let's have dinner right away, we will go back to Yao An overnight after dinner."

"Master Shizi, you haven't told me what the **** is going on?" Dongfang's curiosity has been completely hooked.

Wei Chongrong raised his eyebrows and said in a very strange tone: "Your Majesty has a purpose, let me go back to Beijing to marry a wife."

Dongfang opened his mouth in astonishment, and said: "This is a good thing, the little prince must be overjoyed." He knew better than anyone how Junhua felt about Wei Chongrong. He couldn't follow him to Yizhou. Junhua has been unhappy for a long time.

Immediately, Dongfang reacted: "That's not right, His Majesty asked you to return to Beijing at this time?!"

Wei Chongrong smiled but did not say anything, he knew that Wei Lan did things for no reason. Whether it was letting him come to Yizhou or calling him back suddenly, there were reasons, but what was his purpose? Still can't see clearly.

"Master Shizi, do you want to go back?" Without Wei Chongrong, there would be nothing wrong with Yizhou.

Wei Chongrong nodded and said: "It is definitely necessary. The will to give marriage has been made. I have no reason to resist the decree and disrespect it." Rong Duo has no objection, just hates it coming too late.

Dongfang blinked, meaning to ask what would happen to Yizhou's defense after he left.

Wei Chongrong smiled and said, "Xiao Dongzi, don't underestimate Xianhan. In my name, it's no problem for him to defend Yizhou." With the achievement of repelling Zhu Xia, Wei Lan wanted to take him away. The military power of the army must also be considered clearly, and it will not act rashly.

What Wei Chongrong was worried about was his marriage. Wei Hao also wrote to him earlier that Wei Lan had plans for his little monkey, and often tripped people up in the palace. The sudden change of attitude now is really unusual, and it makes people smell the taste of conspiracy.

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