MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 77 enlightenment

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Junhua was immersed in the image of his brain supplement, and he didn't hear what Wei Chongrong said at all. He nodded unconsciously and said repeatedly: "Okay, Brother Rong, I'll get up right away."

Seeing that Junhua was not suspicious at all, Wei Chongrong gathered his mind, breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and went out.

During breakfast, Guoer heard that Junhua was going to the market, and shouted to go too. Sanar saw that his son liked Junhua, so he entrusted Guoer to him directly, and said that he just had a relaxing day. .

Junhua was very happy, patted his chest and assured that he would take good care of Guoer.

Seeing this situation, Dongfang whispered and bit his ear beside Wei Chongrong's ear: "Master Shizi, the little Shizi is so interesting, you will be blessed in the future." After speaking, he winked at Wei Chongrong.

Wei Chongrong glanced at him and scolded him in a low voice, "Xiao Dongzi, don't talk nonsense, do you think I'm being too polite to you?" Head was talking to Guo'er, not paying attention to their side.

Dongfang still didn't give up, and instead used voice transmission to enter the secret and said to Wei Chongrong: "Master Shi, it's not that your subordinates are arrogant. I really think that it's a little bit unkind for you to treat the little prince like this..."

Wei Chongrong was stunned, the expression on his face changed suddenly, he thought and thought, suddenly grabbed Dongfang's arm, dragged him outside the room, and asked in a low voice, "I'm not being kind, obviously?"

"I haven't finished eating yet!" Dongfang mumbled, seeing that Wei Chongrong's expression was very serious, and he couldn't see the slightest hint of joking, he said sternly: "Master Shizi, the little Shizi likes you, do you know? "

Wei Chongrong nodded silently, of course he knew it, but he just didn't know how to respond.

Dongfang crossed his chest with his arms, with the words "I knew it would be like this" clearly written on his face, and said slowly, "Excuse me, Lord Shizi, have you responded to the little prince? Did you leave someone hanging somewhere?"

Wei Chongrong was dumbfounded, hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "I haven't thought about it yet..."

Before he could finish speaking, Dong Fang said: "I said, Shizi, what's there to consider, if you like the little prince, you can accept him, if you don't like it, tell him directly. People dragging is the most unkind."

"But, but..." Originally, Wei Chongrong felt that there was nothing wrong with what he did, but after being accused by Dongfang, he felt that the whole thing had changed, and he hurriedly asked for advice: "But I don't know if I like Huai Xi or not. He likes me."

Dongfang was stunned, with an expression that seemed to hear the Arabian Nights, and said after a while: "Master Shi, do you want to make things so complicated? Like it, like it, don't like it, don't like it, no need to subdivide it further. A different type!"

Seeing that Wei Chongrong was completely confused and completely out of the situation, Dongfang sighed helplessly and asked, "Master Shizi, apart from the little Shizi, has no one else said anything they liked to you?"

Wei Chongrong recalled and shook his head gently. He found that he had never had a similar experience.

Dongfang's eyes changed instantly, and he became full of sympathy. His eldest son was so pitiful, he had to help him.

Thinking of this, Dongfang quickly changed his expression and said solemnly, "Master Shizi, I have something to tell you."

"What?" The change of Dongfang's painting style was too sudden, and Wei Chongrong couldn't adapt to it.

Dongfang coughed twice and said solemnly, "Master Shizi, I have liked you for a long time."

Wei Chongrong was dumbfounded, his body reacted instinctively before his brain, and a right hook was slammed towards the east.

Fortunately, Dongfang was already prepared, and got out of the way in time. Wei Chongrong didn't make another move, but just stared at him unhappily.

Dongfang spread his hands and said with a proper expression: "Look, there is still a big difference between those who like and those who don't." No matter what the little prince said, his grandfather couldn't throw a fist at him. of.

Wei Chongrong rolled his eyes angrily. Damn little Dongzi, he was so frightened.

But the words are not rough. He still understands the meaning of Dongfang dialect. If someone other than Junhua confesses to him, although he will not be as rude as Dongfang, he will not be sloppy. The words are clear to people, and they do not give people unnecessary hope.

In the face of Junhua, he would hesitate, he would worry, he was afraid that he would be sad if he said no. If it's someone who doesn't like it, who cares about the other person's mind when they reject it, Wei Chongrong finally found out that he was on the cusp of a **** without knowing it.

After figuring this out, Wei Chongrong's mind suddenly became clear, he raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Xiao Dongzi, you seem to be very experienced?" .

Dongfang didn't show the smug expression Wei Chongrong imagined. He said indifferently, "I haven't eaten enough for breakfast." After speaking, he turned around and threw Wei Chongrong away and went back to the house.

At this time, Junhua and Guoer had already discussed where to go to play today and what to buy, they were waiting for Wei Chongrong.

Wei Chongrong picked up Guo'er, carried him on his shoulders, and said to Dongfang, who almost buried his face in the bowl: "Xiao Dongzi, Huaixi and I will take Guo'er and leave first, you eat slowly. , you can come to us after you finish eating."

Dongfang never looked up, but he was thinking in his heart that Shi Ziye definitely didn't want to disturb his appointment with Xiao Shizi, so he slowed down the speed of eating, anyway, no one was in a hurry to see him.

As Wei Chongrong said to Junhua, the market in Hella City is not very big, but most of the things sold are not seen in the Central Plains. When Junhua came out here, it looked novel, and the people who went to the market Not too few, people come and go, it seems very lively.

Junhua stopped in front of a knives stall, picked up a dagger and played with it carefully. Wei Chongrong had already walked to the front with Guoer on his back, but when he saw that he did not follow, he turned back and asked: "Huaixi, do you like this?"

Jun Hua pulled out his dagger and saw a bright light flashing in front of his eyes. He couldn't help but praise: "Not bad!"

Guo'er bent down and shouted loudly, "Brother Hua, show me, I want to see it."

Wei Chongrong held Guo'er's legs firmly so that he would not fall down. He was about to remind Junhua that this thing could not be played by children, so Junhua handed over the scabbard of the dagger, and Guo'er was overjoyed. Take the scabbard, and use your hands to pick out the shiny beads on it.

Junhua took the dagger and asked the boss for the price: "How did you sell this?"

"As soon as I saw this young man, I knew that he was a person who knew the goods. We know that people don't talk secretly. Fifty taels are the price." The boss smiled and was very attentive. Just by looking at Junhua's clothes, he would understand that today I met a gentleman.

Junhua picked up the dagger and weighed it in his hand. He seemed to be satisfied with the price. He turned around and asked, "Brother Rong, have you brought any money? I changed my clothes this morning, but I didn't bring out the purse with the money. You lend me a little first, and I'll pay you back when I go back."

Wei Chongrong originally wanted to say that fifty taels of this dagger was a bit expensive, and he was about to bargain with the boss when he heard that Junhua was taking care of him borrowing money, and hurriedly said: "What do you borrow, it's not yours, mine is yours. He took out a silver ingot and threw it directly to the boss.

Going further, there is an archery booth with three arrows for ten pennies. As long as you hit them, you can get the corresponding prizes.

Guo'er was very interested, and kept shouting to shoot arrows: "Brother Hua, let's go, you help me shoot that wooden eagle."

Junhua naturally couldn't bear to defy him, but just curiously said: "This kind of stall may still make money in other places, but in Hella City, the boss will lose money." Men and women living in the Wusu Prairie, which one would not They can draw bows and shoot arrows, and all of them are skilled in bowing and horses.

Wei Chongrong didn't say anything, but Guo'er covered his mouth and laughed, and immediately revealed his bottom line: "Cousin said the same thing last time, but he shot three arrows, just like my father, none of them hit the ground. On the target." Guo'er's father referred to Sanar.

When Jun Hua heard the words, he immediately showed an incredible look. Sanar used to be the Prince of Wusun, and his archery should be good, but Junhua has never seen it before. For the time being, he has known Wei Chongrong's archery since he was a child, so how could he miss the target with three arrows.

With strong curiosity and incomprehension, Junhua accelerated his pace, and Wei Chongrong followed him closely with Guoer on his back.

The archery booth was doing well. The people on the third and third floors were surrounded by people. Jun Hua managed to squeeze in. Seeing the bow that was too small for Guoer, he almost burst into laughter. No wonder Wei Chong Rong and Sanar were going to miss the target, so that's what happened.

Regardless of the problem with the bow, there are still many challengers who are willing to go out and try their skills. Junhua lined up a number, and there are actually fifteen people waiting in front of him. He asked Wei Chongrong if he wanted to play, Wei Chongrong smiled. Waved his hand, he didn't want to miss the target again.

The little bow was too small to hold, so the challengers fell off their horses one after another, and the boss sent home-made wooden dragonflies one by one as a sign of comfort.

It was Junhua's turn. He himself came off in a fun mood, but Guo'er didn't think so, and slapped him hard to cheer him on.

Hearing a "whoosh" sound, the first arrow was fired, and it deflected three steps to the left, failing to hit the target.

Jun Hua smiled, opened his bow and shot again, the second arrow also went off, this time to the right, but only two steps away.

With the last arrow, Jun Hua faintly felt a little bit, but unfortunately, he still took a step away. So, Guo'er also got a wooden dragonfly, which was the third one he collected.

Xiao Guo'er was a little unhappy, and the corners of her eyes drooped down. Jun Hua was very distressed when he saw it, and tried every possible way to coax him. Unfortunately, his little tiger was too obedient and obedient, resulting in a serious lack of skill in coaxing the child, and it didn't work for a long time.

"Brother Rong, let me do it for you, I can't figure it out." Finally, Junhua conceded defeat and handed over the heavy responsibility to Wei Chongrong.

At the same time, he was still thinking in his heart that he would never be able to dislike Xiaohuzi in the future. It would be such a worry-free thing to have an obedient and sensible baby like him. People like Guo'er are lively and cute, but when they lose their temper, they can't be coaxed.

Just as Jun Hua was thinking about whether he should ask his father if he had the opportunity to ask him how to make the little tiger look like this, Wei Chongrong had already coaxed Guoer to burst into laughter, and said that he would go to the front to watch the circus performance. , and completely forgot about the previous anger.

Jun Hua was stunned, he didn't expect Wei Chongrong to have such ability, it was really amazing. In this case, their future baby will not be afraid of being naughty again, it doesn't matter if he can't coax him, and brother Rong, Jun Hua unconsciously hooked the corner of his lips.

"Huaixi, let's go, Guo'er is going to watch the circus performance." Wei Chongrong picked up Guo'er with one hand and held Junhua's hand with the other.

To the west of Hella City is the Wusu Prairie, and to the east is the Arslan Ridge, both of which are rich in ferocious beasts. Therefore, the circus performance is also very exciting, full of rare birds and beasts that cannot be seen elsewhere.

The three of them rushed to the venue of the circus show, just in time to see an animal trainer directing a tiger to drill a fire ring. The onlookers shouted in amazement from time to time, and Xiao Guoer couldn't take his eyes off his eyes. .

Seeing tigers, Wei Chongrong rekindled his keen interest in white tigers, so he put it in Junhua's ear and said, "In winter, I will go to Buxian Mountain, fetch the little white tiger back, and raise it since I was a child. ."

"Really?" Junhua suddenly became interested, "Can you take me with you?" He likes furry animals the most, and he has raised a lot of kittens and dogs, but he has never raised a little tiger. , must be interesting.

"If your health is completely healed, I will take you there." Junhua started taking vegetarian Yundan in the twelfth lunar month of last year, and it will only be 13 months until the end of this year. During this period, his physical condition was not stable. Best, Wei Chongrong was reluctant to put him in danger.

Jun Hua calculated the time, and was a little discouraged. He clearly couldn't catch up. Wei Chongrong deliberately teased him, which was too much.

Finding it backfired, Wei Chongrong hurried to remedy: "Huaixi, I caught the little white tiger and came back, but I didn't give it to you. If you don't want it, I won't go." He didn't believe that Junhua could hold back. , He also liked the white tiger in Lin Yuan in his previous life.

"If you want it, of course I want it." Sure enough, Junhua couldn't hold back, "But brother Rong, you must be careful."

Wei Chongrong vowed: "You can rest assured, if I go out, I will definitely succeed."

The performances on the stage were splendid and people applauded one after another, but Wei Chongrong and Junhua were distracted the whole time, only Guoer watched with relish and didn't care what they said.

After a while, Guo'er tugged at Jun Hua's sleeve and whispered, "Brother Hua, I'm hungry."

Jun Hua came back to his senses and asked him with a smile, "What would Guo'er want to eat? We'll go right away."

Guo'er turned her head to look at the unfinished performance on stage, her little expression was a little tangled: "I still want to see Monkey Fishing the Moon..."

Wei Chongrong instantly understood what he meant and said with a smile, "What do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you."

Guo'er tilted her head and thought: "I want to eat donkey meat and burn it, the one at Dongjiekou."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Wei Chongrong said and handed Guo'er to Junhua, and whispered: "Huaixi, there are many people here, you must take good care of Guo'er, I will be back soon. ."

Jun Hua nodded and grabbed Guo'er's hand tightly, expressing that he would take good care of others.

The donkey meat fire that Guoer wanted to eat was a little far from the circus, and there were many people on the street. It took Wei Chongrong nearly a quarter of an hour to come and go. After all, he couldn't perform light work on the street.

Carrying a bag of steaming donkey meat, Wei Chongrong hurried back. Before returning to the place, he saw Jun Hua who was in a panic, and there was no Guo'er beside him.

"Brother Rong, what should I do? Guo'er is gone..." Jun Hua saw Wei Chongrong as if he saw a savior.

Wei Chongrong was shocked when he heard the news. Lu Ming was the governor of Youzhou. His son was missing. The matter could be big or small, and they must not mess around. He calmed down and asked in a deep voice, "Huaixi, don't worry, tell me quickly, how did Guo'er disappear?"

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