MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 318 Are you doing it?

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Since the side three days ago, he vowed to save her, her heart began to have a faint uneasiness, nothing else, it is this problem that plagued her.

After all, she has been in Wuwei Houfu for so long, Zhao Qi is so kind to her, is that individuals will be suspicious of what has happened during this time. She is also afraid that he will not believe her and will be suspicious of her. And once he was suspicious of such a thing, she could not explain even the explanation! The most likely is the darker the picture.

He said to believe her, this is stronger than anything, better than anything! With this sentence, she can live in peace and safety, and then she can continue to be his wife and him stalking, otherwise, except for one death and one innocence, I am afraid that she has no choice.

How can a woman who is not in the eyes of the world live in this world? Like the pains of the past life, she is not as good as leaving early, but also saves her heart.

On the other side of Dafu, Zhao Qi tasted tea in the elegant room. She looked back at the pitiful and awkward look she had just made. The more she thought about it, the more interesting she was, the more she felt more and more lovely, and her heart was tender and affectionate.

When he returned from the thoughts, he felt that time seemed to have passed for a long time, and the mulberry had not returned.

Looking at Zhang Wang from the door, Zhao Qi suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart, and his heartbeat suddenly became a bit messy. The tea that was in his mouth seemed to change his taste in a flash.

After sitting for a while, Zhao Qi couldn’t sit still, and he got up and got a guy, asking where the clean room was, and he found it.

Who knows that only halfway through, I saw the white face that stumbled and ran back. When he saw his pupil, he was stunned and rushed toward him. He shook his voice and said: "Little Hou, Xiao Houye, 婉 girl I am missing! I was stunned from behind, and the girl was gone..."

Zhao Qi was cold and squatting, and he couldn’t speak for a while...

Mulberry is like disappearing out of thin air. Zhao Qi sent countless people to search the whole city without her traces, and could not help but turn around in Houfu.

Mrs. Zhao is also confused, anxious, and the scorpion in her hand is almost smashed.

"Qi Er, don't worry, the capital is so big, I have already told your uncle, he will try to help find it! You can rest assured, I must find her back to you!" Mrs. Zhao looked at her son's fear Anxiety, my heart is both distressed and annoyed, and I don’t know how many times I have sang.

I can't say why, she always thought that the mulberry was a bit strange, but she was only gentle when she saw her temper. She always came to be honest and honest, and even the green building was not too bad; then she thought she was a weak woman, and this time The government is full of my own eyeliner, and she can't turn a big wave because she has more careful eyes, so she doesn't go to the heart.

Who knows, she has disappeared!

She is not as simple as Zhao Qi, she thinks she was kidnapped, and she vaguely guessed that she was running away! If this is the case, then what she said **** amnesia is fake! I hate this dead girl for so many eyes, I have been cheating myself since the beginning, I really don’t know what her heart is!

Escape? Hey, what is the capital, is it that a weak woman can escape if she wants to escape? If she finds her back this time, she must not see her!

Zhao Qi ignored her words, only remembered to hang the mulberry, worried about her safety.

Suddenly, he turned his head and stared at Mrs. Zhao, his eyes burning and his face cold.

"Qi, you, what's wrong with you!" Mrs. Zhao suddenly panicked. The thing she was most afraid of and the most worried about finally happened. Without the mulberry, the son really changed!

“Is it you?” Zhao Qi’s eyes locked her tightly and walked over to her step by step, asking, “Are you doing it?”

Thinking of similar things many years ago, Zhao Qi’s hand was tightly clenched into a fist, and the blue veins were rushing, and the palm of his hand was pale.

"What?" Mrs. Zhao was amazed.

Zhao Qi smiled coldly and said painfully: "Is it right? Is it right? You sent someone to move your hand to the girl! Why, why can't you see me? I am so innocent, why are you so worried!"

"I, I didn't! I didn't!" Mrs. Zhao hurried up, stunned her son with a blank face, and her heart was cold. He suspected that she was, she actually suspected it was her!

"Qier, I don't! I really don't! You like her mother so much, I like her so much, how can I start with her! Qier, you have to believe me!" Mrs. Zhao wants to cry without tears, my heart Resentful.

"Trust you?" Zhao Qi said coldly: "How do I believe in you? You are not doing this for the first time!"

Mrs. Zhao’s legs and legs are soft and receding, biting her teeth: “Qi, I really don’t! You can rest assured that Niang must help you find her back! I will help you find her back!”

Zhao Qi did not speak again, and gave her a deep gaze, and went out with a lost soul.

He thought that God gave him another chance to come back again and sent her back to him. He did not expect that the days of joy and happiness were so short, she came suddenly and disappeared inexplicably. My mother, where is she?

In a village in the outskirts of Wanping County, Shi Fengju and Mulberry got off the carriage.

When Feng Feng held her into her, Wen Yan said: "This Zhuangzi is our family. We have already arranged for it. Let's stay here for a few days and see if the situation in the capital is loose, then we will go home, okay? ?"

The mulberry circled his neck and nodded softly: "I listen to your arrangement."

When Feng gave a smile, she bowed her kiss on her cheek and walked straight into the room, into the bedroom, and gently placed her on the bed.

"Fengju..." Mulberry’s cheeks were red.

When Feng Fen had already leaned over and pondered, she kissed her violently for a while, and fell on her body and said: "My mother, I can't wait, I miss you too much, miss you too much... ..."

Mulberry was soothy, and he was told that he had a sigh of fire. He heard a hot face and greeted him with his head and kissed his lips.

When Feng Fen was shocked and happy, the scorpion suddenly brightened, and the close-up of the handsome face burst into a bright smile, gently ignoring Luo Shuang's gentle kiss, and thoroughly asked her.

When the two got up, it was already at the beginning of the Hua Deng. After bathing and bathing, Fang Mingren passed on the meal. In the evening, it was a bit of love and entanglement.

In the capital, Mrs. Zhao used all the forces that could be used to search around, and it turned upside down. She even went to the Jinan County Wangfu to test and inquire. After all, Mulberry went to their house to attend the banquet. However, after some searching, the mulberry is like a human being, and there is no news at all.

You Qingxi did not think that Mrs. Zhao would accompany Zhao Qi in a mess. She couldn’t help but worry about Feng Li and Mulberry. Zhou Chuan was calm and smiled. “Do not worry! You are not Zhao. Qi Zhengjing’s wife, again, after the death of General Zhao, Wuwei Houfu was still rich, but the power was not. Dali Temple and the criminal department did not interfere with Mrs. Zhao’s face, but there was no real heart. A few. If the phoenix’s wife who is even found back is not well-preserved, you are too young to look at him!”

When Yiqingxi thought about it, he nodded and smiled.

In Zhuangzi, Wanping County, Shi Fengju and Sang Yi are lingering in love, and the more they are like paint, they can't be separated. At this time, Fang Jing is careful to describe the bitterness of the separation, and it is relatively pitiful and distressed.

Four days later, Shi Fengju asked people to go to the city to inquire about the news. It was learned that Mrs. Zhao and Zhao Qi still did not give up searching. The neighboring counties and counties also did not let go. They had to dispel the thought of leaving, peace of mind and mulberry in Zhuangzi. Stayed inside.

It was not until ten days later that the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple withdrew their hands and perfunctory, and when Feng Fen took the mulberry to the Qingzhou.

Nothing was blocked along the way.

After a long distance from the capital, Shi Fengju slowed down the speed of the road, and slowly returned home with the mulberry. Unfortunately, the weather is cold at this time, there is no good scenery on the road. When Feng Fengju is more worried, the mulberry will be frozen and tired. There are many stops on the road. If the weather suddenly changes, it will simply stay in the inn and wait for better. Only continue to hurry.

The two stopped and stopped, and it took twenty days to get to Qingzhou.

When I returned to Qingzhou, I had already entered the middle of the twelfth lunar month. In this sky, there was just a big snowfall in the sky. When I opened the corner of the car curtain, it was a silvery world. The mulberry couldn’t help but feel awkward. When I left, I still had chrysanthemum wine. When I returned, I returned. The snow is raging.

The only thing that made her feel good was that he finally stayed with her, making her feel at ease and practical.

"婉娘," ​​in the corner of the carriage, there is a good silver frosty charcoal, covered with a thick camel hair carpet, and a warm white fox squat on the couch. The room is warm and spring. When Feng Fen held her little hand tightly, she kissed her lips and kissed her. She said with great conviction: "After the year, Gu Fangzi must leave our house, I will not let you be wronged again. You Believe me?"

Mulberry nodded. "Feng dynasty, let her leave quickly after a year! I don't want to see her again! I don't want it at all!"

If Gu Fangzi does not stalk from it, her mother-in-law will not move for it, and many things will not happen. She has seen her heart and wants to live with him for a lifetime, and she never wants to see Gu Fangzi again. That kind of watchful day, no longer want it.

When Feng Feng smiled, "You believe me, it will be fine! This time, no matter what the mother said, it is useless. I can't live without you."

"Fengju..." Mulberry was sweet in his heart and gently snuggled in his arms.

The news that the two returned to the government had been heard a few days ago. The government was full of joy and joy. Wang’s hanging heart finally fell down completely, and the tears of joy lasted for a long time.

She doesn't care about anything, she really doesn't care about anything! My son likes daughter-in-law, so I like it! How can he hurt her and pet her, she will follow him! As long as he returns safely and goes back to live with Lele, this is enough!