MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 312 A flash of light

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"You shut up!" Liu Ye cried: "My grandmother won't have anything to do! There is a crow's mouth, you are nonsense! Hey!"

It’s one thing to think about it in my heart. It’s another thing to hear people say it. Liu Ye only feels that this is cruel and tears her last hope. Her heart is cold and cold, her feet are soft and squatting on the ground. The face burst into tears.

"Hey, don't you cry! Hey! Don't cry, okay, when I say something wrong, when I didn't say the head office!" Zhuang Weixian told her to cry upset. He is really idle, and he knows that the truth is not good. He still has to say that when he first smashed his phoenix, he was dissatisfied with the blink of an eye.

When Feng Fengming didn't come to the meeting, he came here. When he asked a few words here, he was also embarrassed. When he heard that Feng was taken to the river, he was busy with the past.

Far away, I saw the bleak river bank. When Feng Feng held a man sullenly standing on the shore, he couldn’t move. He was far behind him. He was Chang Huan and another little sister. He didn’t dare to move, he didn’t dare. What is going on?

When Feng Ming came to see the two, they were busy bowing their hands and whispering, and Feng Ming nodded, and then they rushed to the phoenix.

When he heard the footsteps, the phoenix lifted his head slightly. When he saw that he had bowed, he still turned his head and stared at the still slightly muddy river. He said: "How come you?"

"I didn't take long before I just followed, but I didn't have to follow you. It was a night later than you. Big Brother, you have to take care of your body, otherwise you will feel bad when you come back." Shi Fengming came He said beside him.

When Feng Feng quietly looked at it, Feng Feng’s eyes could not help but secretly, his face was not stunned, his eyes were sunken, his cheekbones were protruding, his skin was dim, and the gray, desperate and remorseful look he had never seen. I never thought about what would have appeared on his face. He felt uncomfortable for a moment and said: "Big brother, why bother you so much to toss yourself!"

When Feng Feng shook his head, he laughed and laughed: "You don't understand. It's that I hurt my mother. I didn't protect her. If I had a decision earlier, it wouldn't happen like this! !"

"Big Brother," Feng Feng said with a strong smile: "You are so good to Daxie, how can it harm her? Dad she won't blame you! Big Brother, no matter what the outcome, you have to calm down! You have to think about it. You still have a big aunt..."

When Feng Fen ridiculed a smile, he said: "The result? I dare not think about it! The second child, really, I dare not think about it! I never thought about what I should do without my mother! Oh, no, my mother may be Sad for a while, but she has another son, and she won’t be sad for too long. She can’t be anything, she’s too lonely!”

"Big brother, you, don't think about it!" When Feng Ming listened to him, it meant that if he went to him, he would have to follow it. He couldn't help but be scared. He said: "You, don't be discouraged! Not everyone, it doesn't matter if you can't find someone, maybe the big man has been saved by others! That, maybe she is unconscious, ah, no, maybe she is hurt, it's inconvenient, that, maybe she will be the same after some time. Let's get in touch! Don't think about it!"

When Feng Fen was staring at a boat slowly passing by the river in front of him, when he heard that Feng Ming suddenly said that his mind suddenly flashed, he turned and stared at him. "What do you say? What did you say?" ”

Shi Fengming was shocked by him, and some stuttered: "I, I didn't say anything!"

"You said, maybe she has been saved by someone else?" Feng Feng was burning.

It turned out to be this sentence, you can listen to it! When Feng Ming’s heart was loose, he nodded again and again: “Yes, yes, I think, she must have been saved, but how can she always find it!”

"Boat!" Feng said: "We all overlooked one thing. She is very likely to be rescued by the passing ship! If that ship happens to be a foreign ship here, search here for nature. There will be her news! Yes, yes! It must be like this! She must have been rescued by the boat of the route!"

"The big brother said that it makes sense!" Shi Fengming also had a great spirit, pulling his arm and shaking: "Big brother, let's go back quickly. This is why people check the ship after passing through this place! Maybe Can have news!"

"Not bad!" Feng Feng laughed and couldn't wait to leave with him.

Chang Huan and other big masters suddenly fluttered and danced, and they couldn’t help but look at them. When Feng Ming did not breathe a sigh of relief: "What do you want to stay? Not to bring the horse over!"

Back to the inn, Shi Fengju said that his analysis, Jin Guanjia, Liu Bu, Zhuang Weixian all have a bright eye, all reasonable.

"The old slaves didn't think of this, but the young masters have thoughts. You can rest assured that the old slaves will arrange for people to check! I believe there will be news soon!" Jin Guanjia said quickly.

When Feng Feng nodded, "Check it carefully, no matter the size, no matter where the private boat is, no matter where you go, one must not miss it. Do you understand it? Also, the search for cross-strait can't stop, be careful. Fine search! I also know that everyone is working hard, each person first enjoys fifty-two silver, and there is a reward after returning! Only the same, don't give me a lazy, if someone tells who is going to sneak into the sea, you can cross the sea. Don't blame me, you are welcome!"

"Yes, the old slave understands!" The gold butler was busy and promised.

In the desperate place, I saw hope again. Excited, the exhaustion of tiredness and tiredness came, and the appearance of Feng Fen’s whole person was even more unsatisfactory.

When Feng Feng heard a sigh, he was forced to persuade him to go back to the room to rest.

When Feng Feng nodded, he said, "You also take a day off, and go back to the house tomorrow! The younger brother is still pregnant. It is not good for you to come out for too long. There is a gold butler and me, nothing!"

Zhuang Weixian also said: "Yeah, you should go back first, I will stay and look after one or two, you can rest assured! You can't have a person in the business of your time! Fengju now has no intention to be there. If you don't look at it, I am afraid that people will float. If there is anything, don't bother?"

When Feng Ming hesitated, Shi Fengju reluctantly smiled and persuaded him a few words. He finally agreed and nodded and said: "When so, my brother will ask you! I will go back tomorrow, if there is any news, Don't forget to ask someone to bring a letter back! I have something to say about it at home!"

When Feng Feng nodded indiscriminately, he said in his heart: What is wrong with the family? I don’t have the mind to manage it! I have always thought about it, taking care of the overall situation, thinking about this and thinking about it, I am afraid that I am not doing enough and not good enough. What is the result? I thought that everything could be under my control, but even my sister-in-law couldn’t help it...

In the capital of Wuwei Houfu in the capital, under the care of the Taiji and Fuzhong people, the body of the mulberry finally recovered every day, and the color was much better.

And she is also more and more missed when Fengjue, standing on the green building, often looking south in the direction of daze.

Zhao Qi is more and more gentle and gentle to her, and she is more and more concerned about her thoughtfulness. Every time this time, it is an unspeakable suffering for Mulberry. She doesn't like it, she doesn't like it at all.

Zhao Qi is better for her, the more she misses the time. Perhaps, when he had been in trouble for a while, he had already left him in his heart. However, she deliberately did not think about it, deliberately avoided this fact, but now, it is inevitable! She only knows how important he is to her! It's definitely not just a companion to live, not a thing! She likes him, she likes him...

"Oh, mother!" On the afternoon of the same day, Mrs. Zhao came with Ding Wei and two squats, holding a rectangular box in her hand.

"Tomorrow's Xinyang County government office to host a poem, you go with Qier! I am ready for you clothes and jewelry, you look like you don't like it, you don't fit!" Mrs. Zhao smiled and said, life打开Open the box and present it to the mulberry.

Mulberry’s heart is so heavy, what is the relationship between the county governor and the government? Mrs. Zhao asked her to accompany Zhao Qi to participate. What does this mean? Mulberry suddenly got upset, Mrs. Zhao’s temper she could detect the second and third, she knew that she could not step on her bottom line, Zhao Qi would not do anything to her, if Mrs. Zhao lost her patience, then it would not be!

She didn't want to agree, but she didn't dare to refuse.

I am angered Mrs. Zhao, I am afraid that in this life she will not want to step out of this house again, and I will not see it again.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong? What's the problem? Even though it's all right!" Madame Zhao smiled and looked at her, even pulling her hand, laughing: "We are not outsiders, stupid, What is hard to say!"

Her hand held her, and the feeling of coolness made her slightly shudder. Mulberry resisted the impulse to pull out his hand. For a moment, Fang said with a strong smile: "But I don't know what etiquette rules, I am afraid that when I accidentally make a fool, I don't want to make a joke, I don't even let Xiaohouye have no face, I ......"

Mrs. Zhao smirked and smirked. She smiled and said to Ding Xiao: "You look at my mother, it is sensible! How can such a child not feel bad? I believe you, you are not such a person, just like this. Very good! Besides, isn't there any Qier? He will take care of you! My mother, Qier, he is really kind to you! Hey, I am a widow, this is a widow, this life is really Nothing to ask for, just ask my son to think about things and peace of mind! My mother, he has not participated in the banquet in Beijing for a long time, you have the right to help me, accompany him, he Temper, you will not go if you don't go to him! I don't want him to always be outside the crowd, watching me feel uncomfortable!"