MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 305 Temptation

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Zhao Qi was a little annoyed and busy: "It’s all me, just for a moment, I forgot that my mother’s body has not healed! You go back and have a good rest. I will send you a meal for dinner! Please have a good doctor tomorrow. "Seeing Mulberry wants to get up and stop and say: "From here, Huicuilou is not close, let people lift the soft sedan!"

Mulberry could not answer, Zhao Qi had already called people. Mulberry has to covet the default.

She thought that it was here, who knows that Zhao Qi has sent her back to the Cuilou all the way, and then stunned it, and then she reluctantly left.

The mulberry lay on the bed and secretly sighed. This little prince is so strange that it is simply breathless.

When I woke up in the afternoon, it was already at the beginning of the Hua Deng. There was a bright candle in the room. Under the candlelight, a charming charm and a sullen face looked at the mulberry, but Mrs. Zhao was sitting at her bed.

"Madam!" Mulberry returned to God and was busy trying to sit up.

"Hurry and rest!" Mrs. Zhao was busy holding her down and said with a soft voice: "You haven't recovered yet, don't make so many of them, don't pay attention!"

"Mrs. love!" Mulberry smiled politely, still standing up and sitting on the bed, embarrassed: "Mrs.... How come? My mother is rude!"

"You, it is too much ritual!" Mrs. Zhao smiled and asked for a while, and smiled: "Do you meet Qier in the yard today?"

Mulberry was in a tight heart and was busy: "Yes, I didn't want to meet Xiaohouye, and said for a while."

"Nothing, nothing!" Mrs. Zhao saw her eagerly and smiled and said: "It seems that you and Qier are quite fit! This is a good thing, but also saves you boring! Qier is not too busy in the week, there is a rare person. I can talk to him, and I am happy in my heart!"

Mulberry squinted and looked at Mrs. Zhao and did not speak.

Mrs. Zhao did not know how to hold her hand, softly said: "Yu Niang, you are a good girl, my family has never had a good opinion. What do you think of Qier? If you give me a daughter-in-law, I can’t ask for it. of!"

Mulberry's face is white, and I don't know how to answer it.

Madame Zhao saw her in her heart and regretted that she should not mention this matter so quickly, but she really did not want to wait. She had waited for too long and too long. She was too scared to change. Zhao Qi is already twenty-six years old. Which son is not married and married in his age, I am afraid that the child can be enlightened in school, but there is no woman around him! This way, the sang is soft and gentle, and it is the best to talk. Now she has a message to her. She is already an orphan, homeless, nowhere except Wuwei Houfu, her son. It’s such a look, she doesn’t suffer from this marriage!

Mrs. Zhao thought about it, and she opened her mouth.

"Madam, it's not a joke!" Mulberry secretly complained, saying: "Where is the identity of the lady and the little Hou, and what is the identity of the mother, it is not too much to say that the cloud is different. Xiao Houye's wife is self-sufficient. It’s a famous show, and I’m not afraid to be alive!”

"You are such a good girl who knows how to retreat!" Mrs. Zhao sighed: "I am so much like you! As long as you nod, this is the place of your wife! I am the child, I am jealous of him. Heart, will not let you down!"

Mulberry is still shaking his head. "Mrs. You love it! You can't match Xiaohouye! These days, my mother disturbed my wife, and my heart was really upset. I-"

"Okay!" Mulberry just showed a hint of leaving. Mrs. Zhao was busy interrupting and laughing: "Even if you don't want to, there is nothing, I will not force you! You are so weak now, there is no relative in Beijing. Nothing, where are you going to leave? Peace of mind is! The people like us are the most disciplined, and they will not do the persecution, you can rest assured!"

Mulberry was secretly disappointed, she expected it to be good, Mrs. Zhao was ironic and refused to let her leave. What she doesn't understand is that Zhao Qi's status as a character and appearance, half a day to get along, he talks about Confucianism, it is obvious that there is a learning rest, and the temper is not strange, why is Mrs. Zhao so determined that she must not?

"Mrs. said that I was so self-sufficient!" Sang smiled and promised to come down.

"Don't say that! I really like you, pity you!" Mrs. Zhao said, if you really have no sense of self-confidence, it is really self-confident, and can not refuse my words.

"Thank you for your kindness." Mulberry is grateful.

Madame Zhao nodded and smiled and said: "Then you will get up and eat, I will not bother you! Yes, I have not mentioned this thing with Qier. You don't need to be jealous in front of him. Talk to a friend who is coming, if you look for you to talk to me, you will talk to him for a moment!"

Mrs. Zhao said that she looked at her nervously.

Mulberry’s heart was so cool that if Mrs. Zhao really saw her as a woman, she would not say such words to her. When he came to find her, he would accompany him. In her eyes, her mulberry is nothing more than that.

"Mrs. Rest assured! Xiao Houye treats people with gentleness and courtesy. It is very good for my wife to be with my wife. I don’t know what to do with my mother!" Mulberry smiled and coped, but the mind was more and more determined to find an opportunity to escape from here. .

"Yes, what you said is very!" Mrs. Zhao heard her praise that her son was full of joy, smiled and stretched his eyes, and his eyes lit up a bit. After a good rest, he got up and left.

"Ding Wei, I am not too anxious!" Under the green house, Mrs. Zhao looked back and sighed softly.

Ding Wei put forward his sleeves and said: "Mrs. You are the poor parents of the world, too tight little Houye! Ladies, this person is not iron, Xiao Houye is so good, today he is waiting for the girl in the garden." I also saw it. Which girl would not be tempted? You will get along with his girl! Maybe you will not let me go in the future!"

"What you said is that I am a bit messy!" Mrs. Zhao smiled and sighed.

Mrs. Zhao has just left, and Mulberry has to sort out the messy thoughts in the future. He has already smiled in and said: "Girl, slaves are waiting for you to change clothes! Little Houye will have to visit the girl for a while!"

Mulberry suddenly got a headache and said: "This time, Xiaohouye is still doing something?" She looked awkward and looked a little sluggish, as if she said something wrong, she coughed and said: "I mean At this time, I am still tired of Xiao Houye, I will not be willing to go!"

Suddenly, while looking forward to dressing for her, she smiled and said: "Little Houye does not worry about the girl, personally asked someone to bring a meal! Girl is really good for you, this dinner is prepared by Xiao Houye personally in the kitchen! ”

Mulberry smiled and his heart became more and more uneasy.

"婉娘,婉娘! Can I come in?" Just after packing, I heard Zhao Qi’s gentle voice coming from the door.

Mulberry looked at the pilgrimage and bowed his knees. He was busy opening the door and laughing with a smile: "Little Houye, the girl just got up, please, please!"

Zhao Qi glanced at her and walked in, followed by six nieces and two servants holding a food box.

"婉娘, I am sending you dinner, I want to make Hangzhou dishes, I don’t know if you like it or not!" Zhao Qi saw her, her voice was soft and gentle, and the smile on her lips could be won. dead.

When the two servants sinned, they stepped forward and lifted the table from the side to the middle, and then opened the food boxes in the hands of the six scorpions, and placed the food on the table about the thirteen or four freshly steamed dishes. Shi Shi retired.

"婉娘, eat it hot! The doctor said that you have to use some light and make up the vitality. I specially asked someone to cook a pot of old ginseng and black broth, come, I will give you a grand!" Zhao Qi unveiled the soup pot, Do not dare to raise the soup in person.

Where can the mulberry let him wait for himself, and go ahead: "Little Houye is going to let go, I will come by myself, just come by myself!"

"No problem!" Zhao Qi did not mind, but instead felt that taking care of her was just right, avoiding her hand and putting the soup in a good position, gently put it in front of her, "Hurry up and drink hot! Wait a later time. Also drink medicine!"

Mulberry saw him looking at himself with a gaze, and smiled, and picked up the spoon. Zhao Qi has been watching her gently and gently, and she is reluctant to move.

Houfu's cooking skills are not bad, the soup is fresh and delicious, the black-bone chicken inside is almost imported, the essence is blended in the soup, and the delicious soup tastes. I can eat it in my mouth, but the taste of the mulberry can't be tasted, and I am absent-minded for a while and then drink half of the bowl.

Zhao Qi saw that she liked and enjoyed herself, but she took her bowl and said softly: "Use some rice and dishes, there is soup in the kitchen, and I will send someone to come over before going to sleep! You like it. I will call the kitchen for you tomorrow. My mother, your face is really bad. Have you suffered a lot before?"

He glanced at the dishes on the table and smiled: "Longjing shrimp, honey sauce, crab sauce, squid, duck, tiger, straw duck, you like it, I will give it to you."

Mulberry was facing him, but he had no appetite, but he could not help him with his kindness. He said casually: "This shrimp is lighter."

Zhao Qi is busy bringing the shrimp to her. "Shrimp is good, shrimp is good, try it!"

Mulberry picked up the chopsticks and tasted a few mouthfuls. Seeing that Zhao Qi was just sitting on the side and looking at himself, it was really unbearable. He said: "Little Houye doesn't know if he used it, if not, he--"

"You don't want to give up, I will use it with you. I am also bored with a meal. Will I accompany you later?" Zhao Qi was more pleased to see her opening, and she smiled at the interface. Clean tableware, but he is already ready.

"..." Mulberry opened his mouth and couldn't say anything. She clearly does not mean this. She wants to say that if he has not used it, he will go back first, and he will not be with her here.

Read The Duke's Passion