MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 270 Compensation

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Out of the trick, the landlord’s greedy gaze swept over her baggage and smiled and said: “Is there a few good things to do with the girl? I will lose something, you will give it to me, this is all over! I see You are like this, you can't have money!"

Su Qing’s head was a dizzy stun, and sneered: “Your abacus is playing fine! I don’t know that this pair of bracelets is worth two thousand two. You still want to put all my things!”

The landlord disdainfully laughed. "Girl, you can say this wrong. Are you a few things that you wore on your head yesterday? I also met, it’s the old two years ago, now it’s worthless. I took it from you, I have to take it to the goldsmith shop and ask Master to melt it and rebuild it to get the price! Don’t cost it here? I see you poorly, if you don’t believe it, hey, okay. You can just ask for a **** shop and ask for it! See what people can give you a price!"

Su Qinger is another sneer: "My jewelry is a famous brand, and it will not depreciate for many years! Hey, the real thing is not worth the money, you are a good dear!"

The landlord's mouth was pumping, and the silent taunts no longer took this, only urging her to hurry to find the pawnshop.

Su Qinger also wished to quickly open the tail and went to the **** shop to ask. First, take out the pair of gold bracelets with jewels. After seeing it, the price is five hundred and two. Su Qinger was anxious to distinguish, and Feng Feng said: "If it is dead, add one hundred and fifty two!"

Su Qing screamed and took the bracelet and turned away. She ignored the landlord's gloating eyes and continued to find the next **** shop.

The results need not be said, and the price given by each family is similar. That is to say, the landlord did not say anything wrong. All of these things in her body were less than one thousand five hundred.

Su Qinger only felt energetic and tired, and his face was full of blood. The landlord was full of energy and energy, and kept urging Su Qinger to pay back the money.

"I said the girl, I can't take the time to spend the day. I don't know how to run the leg and labor costs. But I have to tell you, you still don't have money today, but I want to If you receive interest, you will get five points a day. This is profitable and profitable. After a few days, I am afraid that it will not be enough to sell you to the brothel!"

Su Qinger listened to anger and anger, and wished to let the landlord live and devour.

After finally running for a day, Su Qinger had no choice but to turn around and ask for the landlord to give all the jewelry to her to offset the debt.

Where can the landlord pick up? There is no sympathy. This time, seeing Su Qinger giving in, she couldn’t have sent it so well, and she was unwilling to bite the money. I complained that a lot of bitterness is that old jewelry is worthless, I have to worry about it, and so on.

Su Qinger listened to the hatred. She knew that the landlord was so eager to do so. At this time, she deliberately said that she wanted to squeeze more benefits. I also remembered the one hundred and two silvers that I had left in the gold medal yesterday!

Su Qinger’s heart was so ruthless that she had to add 50 or so of silver to send the landlord.

Looking at the landlord smiled and smugly took things away, the thick waist walked the road and actually showed a bit of briskness, Su Qinger sighed, and could not care what image, sitting on the side of the road, Stay out of the blue.

"Miss, it’s not early, let’s find a place to live!” Xiaolian saw her sitting there and motionless. A pair of eyes looked at the front without a focal length, and there was no panic in my heart.

Su Qinger heard a slow turn and asked: "Xiao Lian, do you say that I am doing something wrong?"

"Miss - what is it? Miss, how can you be wrong!" Xiaolian said with a smile.

Su Qinger smiled and shook her head. "No, I am wrong! I am too underestimated when Feng Feng is lifting. He really can do anything! I am afraid, I can no longer see Erlang!"

At this time, Su Qinger thought that Feng Ming’s tens of thousands of things were so good, and the heart suddenly felt a pain. Suddenly, she felt a little sad. She couldn't help but secretly think that if I agreed with Feng Ming's idea that night, the two of them would find a small town with simple folk customs to settle down and live a normal life in the market. Should it be good?

Su Qinger laughed at herself and shook her head slowly. She can't adapt to that kind of life, the kind of life full of fireworks, and dealing with pots and pans is not something she can bear. Two days in a day, she will not be able to stand it for a long time.

"You said, Erlang will come back to find me?" Su Qinger looked at Xiaolian with some pitiful look.

There were too many changes in these two days, and Xiaolian was also deeply hit. Seeing her is even more so sad. She nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes! Erye is so good to Miss, I will definitely come back ***** *! He will never abandon the miss!"

"Yes? That's not necessarily!" Su Qinger sneered. From a young age, the brothel career taught her. The most untrustworthy thing in the world is the man’s true heart and love. As long as there are beautiful looks, means, and plans, how many men can’t get under the sun? It’s time for Fengju, she also thinks that it’s the wrong way, not the charm!

Shi Fengming can be hooked by her, and naturally she will be hooked by others. This is just a matter of time. Since Feng Fengju was so embarrassed, he still wanted to escape to find her. It is unlikely that Hangzhou City is so big. She is not living there now. Where can he go to find her? Even if you find it? He went back to privately and took 80,000 yuan of silver. If he escapes this time, I am afraid that there will be no one or two. So what do they live on? There is no silver, let alone two years with him, it is two days, they can not go down!

"Let's go! Let's find a home inn and live first!" Su Qinger got up and slammed into an unusually cool light.

Xiaolian stayed and stayed up.

Another day passed, when Feng Fen still did not go to see Feng Ming, when Feng Ming was so anxious to go crazy, but no matter how he toss how to make trouble, the housekeeper simply turned a deaf ear, a sentence "The young master has something, please the second young master patiently Wait a few days!" Just sent him.

When Feng Feng was so angry that he had seven cigarettes, how many more days would he wait? Wait a few days, Qing, I don’t know what will happen. He is anxious to have a fire in his heart, but he has no freedom to do anything!

On this day, Feng Ming also launched a temper, and yelled at the outside, "Come to find your grandmother, she always has time? Lord, I have something to find grandma! Go!"

The little beggars responsible for the guards outside the door were endlessly devastated. He heard that he was screaming again, and he was less guilty of his own ears. He had to smash the mulberry.

Mulberry thought for a moment, knowing that he must remember to hang Su Qinger, want to find out the tone from himself, but where can I know? It is inconvenient to refute his face and it will pass.


Who knows how to meet, Shi Fengming is a cloud of light and light look, not anxious, but also smiled and nodded to her.

Mulberry didn't feel a glimpse, laughing: "The second master is looking for me, but something?"

Shi Fengming sighed: "I would like to ask how Daqing Qinger is doing, but I also know, where is the big cockroach clear? Asked is also a white question! I am bored, I want to talk to Daxie and talk, big will not Dislike me?"

When Feng Feng’s eyes looked over, Mulberry was so angry and funny, he said: “How can I dislike you from my family? If you want to say something, let me say it! I am here.”

"Da Yu is really good, no wonder the big brother is so good to be a big brother!" Shi Fengming smiled and thanked, and really chatted with the mulberry across the window.

First asked the parents of the family, and asked the time to go up and down, asked the family's business, what happened in Qingzhou, etc., chatted for a while, until Liu Ye came over and asked when to have lunch, sang was only returned God is coming.

When Feng Feng suddenly said it was embarrassed: "I blame me for forgetting the time. I am going to eat first! I have a big talk and talk, this is a lot better!" said again: "Can you come over and say to me in the afternoon?" Speaking? In the afternoon, I still ask the minions to move over the chair. It’s tired to stand up!”

When a woman-in-law's wife-in-law is going to practice first, she has never been in the rules of Wang. It is really a little tired to stand up for a long time. This was just a sigh of relief, and when she heard it, Feng Ming said so, she had no choice but to smile.

After a meal, I paused for a while, and Mulberry continued to come over and chat with Shi Fengming. As a result, the man was lifted and lifted a large circle chair, placed on the front porch of the window, and continued to chat with Shi Fengming.

Somehow when it came to Fengju, Shi Fengming sighed and smiled. "Da, there is a problem. I have wondered for a long time that I can't understand it. If I ask, wouldn't I be angry?"

Mulberry smiled and said: "If you have anything, you will ask!"

Shi Fengming smiled and said: "My big brother and Gu Cousin are also meers, you don't be angry, really, they are really good. Big brother is very protective of Gu Cousin, reluctant to suffer a little bit of grievances. I always thought He will fight against the big aunt, but I didn't expect you to yell at you! I don't mean anything else, I am curious, huh, huh, big brother is also very good for Daxie, I really didn't think..."

Where is the mulberry material, he will ask such a saying, and suddenly he is embarrassed. What does this mean for her?

"Two young masters, you can really be difficult for me!" A moment Sang Yifang said with a strong smile: "I am married to your older brother to obey the marriage contract, as for the side, but I can not get it! The second young master is really curious to want to confuse Come and ask me if you want to ask your big brother! Right, don't forget to tell me the answer!"

When Feng Ming listened to the "buy" and laughed out loudly, he said: "I really didn't make fun of you. I don't want to be angry! Ask me big brother? Where can I dare! He is not licking my skin." Oh, I’m really admired to say it, my big brother is a famous, dead-eyed...”