MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 263 Planning to return home

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"Don't say!" Su Qinger gently covered his mouth, his eyes scorned, the waves of light flowed, and the voice was soft like a feather. "You will protect me, right?"

"Well," Feng Ming took her hand and kissed her. She looked at the woman in front of her as the most precious treasure in the world. "But I am afraid that I can't protect you and make you suffer..."

Su Qinger’s brow slightly picks up and giggles. “The tiger poison is still not eating. If you are forced to die, they will see me and you will accept me! If so, if you look down on me, Born, how to change my identity, as long as they can accept me, anything can be!"

"This -" Feng Ming Ming Wei.

When Feng Feng held his hand on his side, he couldn’t help but clench his fist. This woman is really awkward, provoking this silly boy to force his own mother to die? Losing her, she said it!

"Jiro!" Su Qinger saw that he was still hesitant when he was still hesitating. He shook him and made trouble. "In other words, you are actually abandoning me. I feel that I am not worthy of the door of your home! What do you say in this life?" I only like me, only hurt me, I think it’s all fake! When you get tired of it, secretly pack and run, I’m crying and can bear how you are!”

Su Qinger’s more and more grievances, she couldn’t help but cry.

When she cried, Feng Ming was distressed, and she whispered in a low voice. When she was willing to rely on it, she became more and more unwilling.

When Feng Feng couldn't bear it, he put his weight on the door.

The cries in the house screamed and stopped.

"Who?" Feng Ming was shocked.

With Su Qinger running away, Shi Fengming naturally cannot visit relatives and friends. They have lived here for ten days, and no one has ever visited them. Moreover, this is the evening, and the sound of this film is so unkind.

Shi Fengming felt subconsciously subtle, stopped Xiaolian to get up and open the door, and when he saw the standing phoenix, he was dumbfounded.

When Feng Fen smiled, "What? Don't ask me to sit in?"

"Big, big brother!" When Feng Ming's heart suddenly became very messy, stiff smile, and let go.

When Feng Feng took a look at him, he stepped in and walked in.

"This is not - big master! Qinger has seen the young master!" Su Qinger and Xiaolian also came over. When Su Qinger saw the phoenix, he was very happy, and he smiled and saw him. Busy and laughed: "I don't know if the young master is coming to the humble house, there is nothing to prepare, the place is simple, but also the young master Haihan!"

Su Qinger took a mouth and regarded herself as a mistress.

When Feng Fen moved away from her, she gave her a cold look. "Where to the Hanshe? I see my brother. It seems to have nothing to do with you? This yard is rented by you or you bought it. The tone is not small!"

Su Qinger's face suddenly became a bit ugly, barely smiled, and Feng Ming was wronged.

When did Feng Fengming see her being wronged? There was a two-point unhappiness in my heart, "Big Brother -"

When Feng Feng was cold and cold: "Let her go out, I am looking for something to say!"

"Big brother, Qinger, she is the person I like, what is the big brother who is in front of her?"

Su Qinger also wanted Fengqi to help himself when he was in Bajie. Seeing that their brothers were going to be stiff and hurriedly smiled: "Let's talk, you talk! I am going to make tea!"

After saying that he was blessed and blessed, he went out with Xiaolian.

The brothers in the room sat down and it was a bit cold.

"How can Big Brother find this?" Feng Ming unconsciously licked his robes and asked.

Shi Fengju smiled like a smile: "You don't want me to find it? You know that I will definitely be in Hangzhou at this time. We have a lot of business in Hangzhou. You have come here at this time. I thought you. I am waiting for me to come to the door!"

When Feng Feng suddenly paused, what thoughts seemed to be coming out of his mind, but he was a little worse, and he was subconsciously unwilling to think deeply.

When Feng Fen tried to see his own thoughts better than him, he raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I think if you follow your intention, this time will definitely not come to Hangzhou? It is the meaning of Su Qinger, is it? ?"

When Feng Ming’s heart flashed a little unnatural, he just nodded: “Qinger said that he wants to see how busy the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce is, what some novelty products, so we are here...”

Shi Fengju said again: "Is it? I thought she wanted to meet me best. By the way, would you like to go back to Qingzhou with me? You don't have to deny that I just heard it at the door!"

When Feng Feng’s eyes suddenly appeared, “Big Brother...”

"I see you still die!" When Feng Feng did not hesitate to interrupt him, "Do you still know the temper of the second uncle and the second sister? Besides, this woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp. , you can’t fly the dog!”

"Qinger, she won't! She is not such a woman!" When Feng Fengming heard it, Feng Fen sang low Su Qinger suddenly like a fried cat immediately retorted.

When Feng Feng was cold and cold: "Provocatively, you are forced to die with the second uncle and the second wife. Is it a good woman? Will a good woman say such a thing?"

When Feng Fengming stopped talking for a while, he said in a moment: "If you can't let her go, can she wait for her to die? She said that she is helpless. She is sincere and willing to leave me."

"I really care about you? I don't think so!" Feng Feng smiled and asked him: "I remember that when you left home, you rolled up 80,000 silver. I don't know how much is left now? I guess it should be no more. Otherwise, she will not rush to take you back home!"

"Big Brother!" When Feng Ming’s heart suddenly jumped, he suddenly felt upset and sank his face. “Just as you and I have never met before! Big Brother, please come back! My brother and I will not go back. I don't believe it, I can't make a career!"

Shi Fengming has already planned for a long time, with Su Qinger looking for a small town to live, buy a house, open a small shop, can not be rich and expensive, can also eat and worry. It’s just that Su Qing’s son wants to walk around and play, he will not marry her, so the two have not settled in the past two years.

Shi Fengju said that it is good. Now the money he brought is almost finished. There are still more than 14,000 in the 820,000. Although there are not many, there are also many. It is still possible to find a small town to settle down. He thought, waiting for another three or four years, the two had children, then go back, and the mother looked at the children's share, seeing that Qinger and his friends share the same pains, may change their ideas and complete them. Not necessarily!

This plan is that he is preparing to tell Su Qinger that he has not yet had time to say that now that Feng Li’s unrelenting words have deeply hurt him, he decided to say frankly to Su Qinger tonight. He believes she will agree with him.

When Feng Feng looked at him, he did not speak for a while.

Xiaolian and Su Qinger, who went to the kitchen in the front yard to boil water, burned the water and was about to go back. Su Qinger made up her mind. No matter how ridiculous and cold-hearted, Feng She would endure with virtuousness.

The same is a man, she is able to turn Feng Fengming into a group, when the phoenix is ​​the exception? With her beauty and talent, as long as she lowered her posture and treated it gently, the heart of Fengjue was not made of stone, and sooner or later she will be influenced by her! When he helps him to say a few good words, can the government still get in?

Su Qinger did not expect that it was easy to get in. At the door of the flower, the two women were silent and blocked her way.

Su Qinger was slightly unhappy and smiled and said: "Please let me let the two of you ask, and the two young masters told me to send tea in!"

One person coldly glanced at her and said with a blank expression: "The young master told me that no one can bother you, go back, don't send it in!"

Su Qinger suddenly annoyed: this woman is too deceiving!

"It seems to be my place. It seems that the two mothers are a bit too much. Are you so unruly at home?"

The two women "squeaked" a smile, one person coldly said: "When we have no rules at home, you are not the name, what is your identity, do you have to say it? Here is your place? You bought it or What are you renting? You are the second master of us, and dare to say this!"

Su Qinger was furious and was inconvenienced. If she was seriously troubled with the two women, the image would be bad, and I would like to win the good feelings of Feng. To be hard, the goalkeeper is a little okay, she is a woman who is Fengming, and no one has such a courage to touch her, but these two women are obviously impossible to let her succeed.

"I am abrupt! Two of them are strange!" Su Qinger gave birth to this tone, but instead gave them a slight buck, and they still stretched their faces and even their eyelids did not move. If you don’t look at your own eyes, you know that there is no room for turning. She barely smiled and turned to leave with Xiaolian.

In the house, Shi Fengqi said halfway: "I didn't expect the second brother to be a hard-hearted person. I don't care about how the second uncle and the second sister are doing?"

When Feng Ming heard the painful color, he sighed: "My mother is naturally good at the government. I am not a filial son, but if they can accept the children -"

"What is this!" Feng Feng was suddenly angry and cried and laughed. "When they accept this woman, you will filial to them. If they do not accept you, they will not recognize them as your parents. If you really think so, you are really not filial." The second day, I don’t want you to read you, tears and face, and especially the one-year-old festival, the two-room grandmothers are all fighting and screaming, for fear of being a little bit bad, they will call the second sorrow to anger. Her temper becomes more and more The worse it is, the only thing for you, never remembering it for a moment! There are two uncles, although he keeps yelling at you in his mouth, but why don’t you want you? Every time there is news of yours, Regardless of whether they are true or not, they look forward to the look of the old man who can’t bear to look straight! The second uncle used to go out and the old and young people in Qingzhou City, the ostrich fights, and now they don’t like it. I have to play with one or two in the courtyard, not because I miss you! How can you be so cruel to them for Su Qinger!"