MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 260 Hangzhou

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"Grandma is not too sad," Liu Yan said with a smile: "Zhuangzi is really good, let's go around, I heard the aunts say that the mountain is better, there are many fish and shrimp in the river ditch. The taste is very good, let's go and catch it..."

When Mulberry saw Liu Ye, she said that her eyes were bright and she knew that she had been detained for too long. She smiled and said: "There is no Li Wei here to control the rules. If you want to go into the water, you can’t do it! You are like that, I don’t dare to say it, when did I become so terrible in your eyes?"

Liu Ye heard great joy and said with a smile: "Grandma, you have always been very good at slaves, it is not terrible! Grandma also go, see slaves to catch two big fish night soup."

Mulberry screamed and laughed, and she changed her clothes and brought a few people to go back to the mountains. The stream is cool and cool, the mountains are lush and green, and the mountains are blooming. From time to time, there are various kinds of birds flying by, or fluttering through the forest, the sound of the sounds sounds from time to time, and the air is crisp. Mulberry only felt that his heart was wide open, and in the meantime, Feng Dian’s depression and resentment gradually subsided.

Who knows that her mood has just calmed down, but Feng Feng has come. In the afternoon, I walked with the willow buds in the camphor forest. I saw a bush in the forest. The trees were golden and bright, and the mulberry pointed at the smile. After a while, fold a few branches and bring them back to the bottle!"

It’s not the willow bud that answers her, but the voice that makes her wonder or happy. “Do you like it? I like to wait for you later!”

The mulberry body was stiff, and it was almost suspected that there was something wrong with his ear. He stood there and did not move, and did not look back.

When Feng Feng sighed low, she stepped forward and held her tightly behind her. "婉娘, do you like me when I come here?"

Mulberry's lips moved, still did not look back, and the body did not turn, gently asked: "How come you?"

"Nature is here to pick you up!" When Feng Fen smiled in her ear, she smelled the faint smell of her, and couldn't help but gently kiss her neck.

The warmth of the breath blew on her neck for a while, and the itchiness of the itch was long-lost and familiar. She used to like how much she hates it today.

Mulberry gently turned his head and tried to avoid it. He finally moved to break his hug and pulled away from him. He turned back and said: "You are busy looking at me now, but you have a heart!" I live here well, I don't want to go back. If you have nothing to do, then go back, save your tiredness, and look back, and blame me for not taking care of you!"

When Feng Fen did not go to hug her again, she stood up and said with a smile: "You are not used to me, I am not accustomed to you, I am not taking care of you, I am not yelling at you!"

Mulberry couldn’t help but feel annoyed, and he sank two points on the face: "Isn’t Li Yu and Apricot left? Are they not perfect? ​​I didn’t say that I want everything. Personally, how can I see that I can’t be comfortable for two days? If I just came out, you would say something like this!” said Bi and sneered slightly: “I don’t know how to serve people, but I’m waiting for you.” I don't bother you, you can let me clean for a few more days!"

When Feng Fen’s twilight micro-condensation just looked at her and did not speak.

Under the gaze of him, Mulberry suddenly had no reason to have a bitter taste, his heart was so cool, and the tide in his eyes rose, and she blinked and blinked her eyes.

When Feng Fen saw her in such a soft heart, where there was a teasing thought, she sighed and sighed forward, forced her into her arms and leaned on her shoulders, gently stroking her body softly: "Stupid My mother, I am joking with you, angry, huh? I have been busy for the past two days and have not seen you. I have been thinking about why you have forgotten it. Don’t be angry, okay?"

Mulberry bit his lip, resisted tears and choked, and said gently for a moment: "I don't want to go back!"

"Do not return, we are not going back!" Shi Feng was busy.

Mulberry sighed and pushed him: "I just want to be quiet, what are you going to do? It’s not far from the city. It’s not too close. You live here and go back and forth every day. The girl decided, that day will come sooner or later, you will only be more angry!"

"婉娘, I-"

"Don't tell me!" Mulberry raised his hand and gently covered his mouth. He whispered: "You don't have to yell at me. You promised me that I knew it was true, but who can predict the future? I don’t blame you for mutating. My mother is so clear in the public, if you refuse, don’t say it is you, that is, I am also difficult to be a human being. It’s not a good thing to make a home for this matter. I have only one request, she can't take care of her family, otherwise I would rather live on this village for a lifetime."

"I didn't want to tell you this!" When Feng said it was funny, she took her cool hand and put it on her lips and kissed her. "婉娘, don't do this again, this thing is not with you. Relationship is my business! No matter what decision I make, it doesn't matter to you. Do you understand?"

Mulberry shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Fengju, you think too simple! Mother will not think so, she will not think so! Her and her mother's love is in the mother's share, you and I can how is it?"

This is to say that when Feng Xiang’s heart is on the shackles, the so-called rodent-like device is just like this. If he does not bear the heart of his mother, why is he so? Gu Fangzi also broke down and did not dare to let it go.

"婉娘, you have this heart enough, take care of your body, give me a son earlier than anything else! Don't think about it, okay?"

Mulberry did not say anything, and my heart was a bit blank.

"Have a good rest tonight, let's go to Hangzhou tomorrow morning! Hangzhou is picturesque, let's go slowly to enjoy the scenery, don't call irrelevant things disturb the mind!" Shi Feng said with a smile.

"Going to Hangzhou?" Sang Yi, a look from his arms, is not clear.

Shi Fengju smiled and said: "Yes, the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce will soon begin. I have arranged the treasurers to go ahead and prepare for it. When we get there, it will be almost the same! I have been busy scheduling this for a few days. So I didn't come to see you early, otherwise I will be saddened by you alone!"

In the heart of Mulberry’s heart, I couldn’t tell the truth. I heard the last sentence and argued strongly: “I’m here, I’m not sad!”

"Yes, yes, you are not sad, I am sad, is this the general line?" Shi Fengju smiled and said: "I have arranged everything, you will be assured that I will be on the road tomorrow! My mother, are you afraid of hard work on the road?" ?"

Hard work on the road? It’s harder to be harder on the road than to be cautious in the house, and beware of it everywhere. It’s really hard and tired!

"I am not afraid!" Mulberry shook his head gently.

“I’m not afraid,” Shi Feng said with a smile: “I’ll take you with me when I go out, okay? Our business is spread all over the country, we’re going around in one place, and we’ve been in the past year. ""

When the mulberry smashed, he understood the meaning of Shi Fengju. In Wang's words, he couldn't express his rebuttal, but he wanted to fight against it. He took her outside and thought about what he was doing. Naturally, no one was in charge.

"Fengju..." Mulberry's eyes are a bit complicated.

When Feng Feng’s heart was gratified, he knew that she understood what he meant. She didn’t need to say that she would understand.

"One day, my mother will understand my heart. Her old man is not necessarily embarrassed." Shi Fengju put her into her arms and whispered softly in her ear: "My mother, I just want to guard." You have lived forever."

Mulberry was so excited that he could not raise his hand around his waist and fell in his arms.

When Feng Fen was inspired to be happy, the soft and fragrant touch was familiar. He let her go a little, holding her face, bowing her lips and lingering.

The two were considered to be chilling, and each other's mood was bright all the time. The forest walked halfway back to Zhuangzi, and Feng Fen told the buds to pick up the things they needed to take away. Liu Ye heard that the next day, along with the big and big grandmother, went to Hangzhou and was very happy, and the fun was cleaned up.

After dinner, it didn't take much longer. When Feng Fen lifted the mulberry bath and washed it back to the room, the two of them stayed in the room for a few days, and the hibiscus account could not be squandered and lingering.

When the time is enough, the Fengjue is not eager to hurry, the official road is flat, the forest is thick, the carriage is spacious and stable, all the way to stop and stop, when it arrives in Hangzhou, it is already June 20.

At this time, the merchants in Hangzhou city gathered very busy, and the family built a different courtyard under the Baota Mountain in the West Lake. It had already been cleaned up and cleaned up.

"婉娘, these two **** have a good rest, if it is boring out the door is the West Lake, so that the hustle and wife can accompany to go for a walk! Waiting for these few days, I will accompany you well. Go shopping!" After the settled, Shi Fengju held her shoulders and smiled.

There was no such thing as a bad thing on the way. The two got along very well. The Mulberry was in a good mood. He smiled and nodded. He said softly, "Despite your busyness, don't forget to hang me! Don't drink too much wine at dinner, come back early in the evening!"

"Do not worry, if you don't come back to use rice, I will tell you! If you don't come back later, don't wait, stop early!" Feng Feng smiled and bowed her head.

Mulberry smiled and said, "Hmm", and some sour and said: "The beauty of Jiangnan is beautiful, beautiful and refined, and the husband can be blinded and can't recognize the way back!"

When Feng Fen screamed and laughed, she twisted a hand on her, and smiled and said: "Well, I dare to provoke you. When you look back, you are angry, not cold or hot, I am not uncomfortable? Jiangnan beauty Although it is colorful, there is only one landscape in my eyes. What I think is just going home early to accompany my wife!"

The smile of Mulberry’s “嗤” is not very interesting.

She is slightly annoyed, should this be a jealous thing? Somehow, I said it when I blurted out!