MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 258 Mother life

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When Feng Feng’s squatting in the middle of the squat, it’s not salty and not faint: “Don’t worry, my mother will go there and say it!”

Li Wei heard that he was so happy in his heart that he quickly agreed, and he asked the girl to wash his face and wash his clothes when he was on the water. He also asked people to go to the kitchen to see how the food was prepared.

When the mulberry is not there, Ningyuan will be much quieter. Li Wei and Xing Zhi are not many people. When Liu Ye is at the time, he is arrogant and joking. When Feng Fenju and Li Yongzheng finished their speeches, they said nothing. They didn’t even communicate with the hoes. In the past, the sang was there. The two of them talked and laughed. Today she and Liu bud went, except for everyone. With bare hands and light work in the hands, no one dares to speak out, and there is no tension in the room.

When Feng Feng’s heart felt ten twists, when they ate, they would retreat. When they had a table, they only had one bowl and one chopstick. It was a taste of Shanzhen’s seafood. Indiscriminate use of some, simply went to the study, simply do not bother to come back at night, the poor personally told Li Wei in the past, they stopped in Ningyuan.

After the sang sang left, Wang Shi paid attention to Ningyuan, and learned that Feng Fen’s stay in the study room was also two points of dissatisfaction. His daughter-in-law does not go back, he does not go back?

On the next day, please, when Wang Shilian paved the mat, he did not directly tell Shifeng: "Feng dynasty, you will not be a blame on your mother? You said that you want to go to Zhuangzi to live on a small house, but it’s not your mother, I’m rushing her. Go, Jiang Yan is also there, don't believe you ask Jiang Yan!"

Seeing that the big lady had a slap in the face and had a look at her own testimony, Jiang Yan suddenly felt a little dumbfounding. The big lady is really alive and more a child! She is the mother of the young master. Her words will be easily suspected by the young master. Besides, she is her confidant. If the young master doubts her, how can he believe in himself? Moreover, if there is a master, you need to call someone to testify!

"Yeah, the young master, it is indeed the grandmother who wants to go, and the big lady - no relationship!" Jiang Yan was named and said.

When Feng Feng’s heart was the same as Jiang Yan’s crying and laughing, he did not have any grievances about his mother’s actions. At this time, he listened to her words, and this grievance did not know whether it should be left or not.

When Feng Fen felt that he was really unlucky, he resisted this marriage in the past. It was the mother and father who moved out of the mother and insisted on making it. Now he sees the true face of Gu Fangzi, likes his wife and wants to be nice with her. The mother’s life is always inexplicable.

If the mother arbitrarily harassed his wife, he would protect his wife and his mother. The problem is that the mother does not hate his wife, but he always makes things happen for such reasons. . How did Feng Fengju endure to blame his mother?

"Mother," Feng said with helpless smile: "Where is there such a strange blame for you? My mother went to Dongliuzhuang to live with me, naturally it is her own meaning!"

Wang heard his son say that he only put a little down in his heart, and smiled with a smile. "You can rest assured that you can think of it! The study is cold and clear, and there are not even people who know how to be cold and careful." Go there! If you don't want to go back to Ningyuan, go to Peony Garden!"

"Mother!" When Feng Feng's face was slightly sunk.

"What is wrong with this!" Wang plaused the words: "Fanger is your diverticulum, your wife is not there, she is waiting for you to be righteous! Besides, she will soon be promoted to a flat wife. This is Your mother, I am the Lord, don't tell me you are not willing!"

Wang finished his eyes and stared at his son. He did not let go of any subtle expression on his face, as if to see through his mind.

Not unwilling, but impossible! When he was phoenix, he would never leave a woman who was full of temperament and even his mother's repeated use. He took Lanxiang away and gave her a warning. I don't want to, she didn't care at all, but the mother said this.

"You don't object, this is the case! I am going to watch the days, picking up a good day to do things!" Wang saw his son not talking and then hammered.

"It may not work in the near future," Shi Feng said with a smile: "I have to go to Hangzhou to participate in this year's Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce in two days, or wait a second!"

The Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce has been held twice a year. Almost all the big businessmen from all over the country gathered in Hangzhou to display their own unique goods. There will also be many novel and fresh goods in the Chamber of Commerce. It is one of the most important gatherings of the national business. In the chamber of commerce, not only can you broaden your network, but you can also benefit from the dynamic trends of various industries in the current and future years. All the time, the family members will go to participate, and will bring back many commercial purchases. contract. This is even related to the direction of the business in the next one or two years. Wang has naturally heard of it.

"Well, then come back and talk about it!" Wang saw that his son did not have a refusal, and his heart was also a lot more comfortable. He was not willing to argue with him at this time.

"I don't want to preach this thing, wait for me to come back and say. Can the mother promise me?" Feng Feng said again.

Although Wang was somewhat unhappy, he barely nodded. "Yes, I can listen to my mother when you come back!"

"When did I not listen to my mother!" Feng Feng smiled.

Wang’s smile is also “squeaky”. “You are less sloppy with your mother! If you are really filial, you will rely on your mother! Hey, you are more careful on this road. I see, take the carriage and go to the official road, let The shopkeepers have arranged in the past, and it’s okay if you slow down!"

Thinking of his last trip on the canal, Wang felt a shock.

"Reassured, my mother, I am listening to you, this time do not board the ship, take the carriage!" Shi Fengju smiled.

"That's almost the same!" Wang's nodded after listening.

When Feng Fen moved away, Gu Fangzi’s face was yellow and languid and came to please, and the smile on his face seemed to fall off when he touched it. He was still hard to support, and Wang’s heart was not distressed. Then I saw a faceted **** under her. Wang’s heart sighed even more, and waved and smiled: "Sit down! Fengju has agreed to lift you as a wife. I should always let you hear this news." Are you happy?"

Gu Fangzi really got a boost and looked up unbelievably.

Big cousin agreed to lift her as a wife? Is the aunt getting it wrong or is she getting it wrong?

"Stupid girl! Aunt can lie to you!" Wang smiled and said: "After two ****, I will go to Hangzhou to attend the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce. When he comes back, he can do this!"

Gu Fangzi just rejoiced and suddenly sank most of the time. After the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce returned, it was at least a month later. At that time, who knows what will happen again! The big cousin is clearly procrastinating, only the aunt can believe him so easily!

“Thank you for everything your aunt did for Fang!” Gu Fangzi said with a gentle smile, with a shallow smile on his face. Of course she can't show disappointment and dissatisfaction in front of Wang.

"What thank you," Wang sighed. "In the heart of my aunt, you and Yumei are the most distressed children of your aunt. Hey, the man who married Yumei, my aunt thinks it is really uncomfortable! If you No matter how bad it is, how can my aunt live?" The prostitute who never looked up and did not put it in her heart had a good marriage.

Gu Fangzi asked her to say something in her heart, and she was a little upset.

"This is a good time, and it is complete!" Wang said with a smile of satisfaction: "In the future, I will live a good life with Feng, and my aunt knows that you are a good boy. You will not let your aunt disappoint! Mei cousin, you still need to take care of you!"

Gu Fangzi’s heart suddenly became bright and bright, and suddenly she felt very open. The original aunt was so helpful to her, and there was such a purpose. This is just the right way, so my aunt will definitely help her in the end! After all, the big cousin and the sang are not good, the government is well known.

"The big cousin is the same as my sister. If I don't understand anything, I would like to ask the big cousin to teach more! She takes care of me almost, where is the time when I take care of her! Aunt, you said so, Fang is in my heart. I don’t want to go!"

Wang Shi listened to her saying that it was obvious that when Yu Mei was placed in a high position, she liked it for a while, and nodded and smiled: "You are right, you are a sister, and you will support each other in the future! When you are all well, your aunt will be relieved!"

Gu Fangzi quickly expressed his determination to express his enthusiasm.

After thinking about it, she suddenly said: "He is a big cousin. I don't know when to leave for Hangzhou?"

Wang smiled and said: "He said that it is these two days, I am afraid it will be faster!"

Gu Fangzi nodded and smiled. "I remember that the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce seems to start every year on June 22nd. I want to come and see it."

Wang smiled and said: "You remember it is good, it seems to be. Oh, I remembered, it seems that you have been with the Phoenix once!"

“Auntie,” Gu Fangzi said with a slight smile: “It’s convenient for cousin to have personal care on this road. Let’s go with my cousin to this!”

Wang’s listening was very happy, and he nodded and laughed again and again: “You are very speaking! You can be assured that you are at home and take care of me at home!” Moreover, two people on the road also cultivated and cultivated feelings, waiting for Hangzhou. When I came back, I held a ceremony to be a wife. Isn’t it just right?

Gu Fangzi expected that Wang would definitely agree, and once he heard it, he was overjoyed and busy: "Aunt is relieved, I will take good care of my cousin! Just, just a big cousin - I don't want to see me." !Sang family two masters, he did not blame me for half a word, but I know that he always has doubts about me in my heart! Otherwise, I will not dispose of Lanxiang! Lanxiang is my heart though I’m saddened, but as long as the big cousin dissipates his heart, I feel it, I don’t know if he still blames me now...”