MTL - Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer-Chapter 763 Ground subsidence

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Once again, Song Ye knows how death feels, and she is very afraid of death. Whenever there is such a possibility in life, she will not choose to give up.

But God loves to joke with her and test her with these two minutes.

With only two minutes left, the support team can arrive, the scene will reverse, and the ten-meter depth can be dug out in time, and then the stones that have been unable to perform their abilities can be easily smashed and crushed.

But it just happened that he couldn't wait for a second. Song Ye didn't dare to gamble, betting on the possibility of Qin Zhan taking the next blow.

Feeling that the entire space was crumbling, Song Ye raised his eyes and looked at the crack exit in front, but she did not move, in fact she couldn't move.

She has no power to strengthen her physique, and her entire meridian is damaged. She is now a dead person. Not to mention walking to the exit, it is difficult to move, and the crack exit is quickly broken down. Drowned by the stone.

The dust was falling, and with the trembling that shook the whole earth, Song Ye wanted to take out his mobile phone and finally edit a text message.

With a slam, a stone was dropped, and it was exactly pressed on her hand, even the mobile phone was crushed to pieces, and the severe pain wrinkled her eyebrows.

The more and more gravel fell, hitting her feet, crushing the pain of the bone blood and hitting the nerve, this death process was no more than being blown into powdery bones in a split second. Song Ye felt like he had been tortured, a little Forced to taste death.

But she didn't think of biting her tongue and killing herself. No matter how painful and painful she is, she still loves this world, this colorful, with countless beautiful worlds.

When the gravel flooded his chest, a hole appeared above his head, and a beam of light shone from above, and dawn was coming.

The light was faint, exuding a soft halo, and blooming colorful light in Song Ye's pupils.

Blood leaked from the corners of her mouth, and broken bones in her chest broke through her internal organs. Internal bleeding would soon end her life.

She leaned against the wall, looking at the hole above her head, with psychedelic colors in her eyes, "Azhan ..."

At the last moment of her life, she still missed this man, the tall figure and the wide chest of Wei An. She always liked to keep her face cold and talk hard, and used to protect her behind her.

When they first met, they were always full of tit-for-tat, full of miscalculations and speculation.

I don't know when, they started to fight side by side, started to give sincerely, and began to trust each other.

This trust produced a chemical reaction that prompted them to finally come together and even prepare for a wedding.

By the way, the wedding, their wedding is not yet.

He said that everything was arranged, and waited to surprise himself.

What kind of picture will it be?

Is there a coast of flowers, or flying balloons ... Booming, the entire space suddenly collapsed, overwhelming Song Ye's last perception, leaving her unfinished wedding in the dark.

Ah Zhan ...

The shaking and shaking of the earth made everyone on the ground flee. The constantly lower limit of the ground and the sudden failure of the people made it clear that the alien stone that had been passed down for thousands of years was really destroyed.

But what about people underground?

"No, no, Song Ye, Song Ye, come out soon, Song Ye!" The crescent moon lay on the ground and pulled the shrinking hole with the hand, but the sand and stone subsided too quickly, and the hole was left to her to dig , Still being quickly closed.

Qin Zhan looked at the giant wood that fell midway, and felt a sharp pain in his heart. He took a step back and rushed to rescue the rope hanging next to the cave. "Leaf!"

The rope was ten meters deep, and without the power of the power, no matter how Qin Zhan dragged it, he could not shake it.

The mud was down, and their bodies were quickly submerged in sand.

"Boss, let's go, this place is going to collapse." The rest of his men surrounded him, trying to pull away Qin Zhan, the little sister-in-law hadn't come up at this time. I thought it was too ferocious, but sad and sad Can no longer take the life of a living person.

But Qin Zhan was pulling the rope tightly and not letting go. His injuries were so severe that he couldn't speak. He could only remain silent and use his last persistence to grab the hope of life.

No, Xiaoye will be fine. She is a contract keeper. When she says she will come back, she will definitely do it.

They went through so many times in the wind and rain, experienced so many gatherings and disengagement, they will not lose here.

Leaflets, will not die.

There was a roar of propellers overhead, and as the wind came, the sand rushed towards the face again, and the aircraft set a ladder up and down, and all the personnel began to evacuate.

Crescent Moon and Anmo were put on a plane, Shao Yichen was unconscious long ago, all that remained was a lonely figure on the scorched earth.

"Xiaoye!" Qin Zhan stared at the engulfed rope in front of him. The place where the rope was pulled from the tiger's mouth was already blurred. After a while shaking the mountain, he couldn't help yelling and his mouth was loud. The large drops of blood dripped on the ground, shocking.

"Boss! The sister-in-law can't come up, please follow us!" One of his men approached one arm and dragged him, seeing that everyone would be buried underground if he didn't leave, and his heart was horizontal, and he just cut the rope with his teeth.

"No!" There was a loud bang between heaven and earth, accompanied by a heartbreaking shout, like a sad piece of music.

At the moment when he boarded the helicopter, the ground can be overlooked from the top down to nearly a hundred acres. The ground subsided to a depth of ten meters, forming a giant pit.

Qin Zhan was forcibly dragged onto the plane, his face was gray, his face was bloody, and he was a wolverine he had never seen before.

Wang Tiechuan saw him come up, and the whole person was stunned, "What about the boss? Mr. Qin, where is our boss?"

His eyes stared blankly, except for the withered man on the plane, the only answer to him was silence.

When Qin Zhan opened his mouth and said something, he felt that something had fallen from his chest, and he slammed it to the ground crisply.

He glanced down at it, lying quietly on the floor was a silver-gray necklace with a small bottle hanging in the center of the necklace. There was a blood stone in the bottle.

That was where Song Ye's heartbeat was connected, and now that bloodstone has faded.

He remembers that on the birthday, Song Ye brought the necklace for him, kissed the corner of his mouth and said, "This necklace will not break, it connects all my vital signs, unless I die, you will be in this life. Don't try to take it off. "

And now, the necklace has dropped.

Qin Zhan only felt a humming sound in his mind, and his heart seemed to be stabbed by something. A blood spattered on the ground, and the world in front of him was completely dark.