MTL - Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer-Chapter 726 You damn

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Ye Meimei had a bad life in her life. She grew up in a side branch and had mediocre qualifications. Even her sister Ye Meirou's talents were higher than her. She was born to be competitive and ambitious. The mismatch between her ambitions and abilities made her unwilling and unable to swallow the breath.

Until I met Shao Yichen, an accidental encounter in her youth brought the two young hearts close together. Ye Meijing also dreamed of the wind and snow, Prince Charming, and the love that Shao Yichen brought to her fulfilled all her feelings. Regrets.

But clan identity, status taboo, yoke in front of them, the relationship between the two is like a plant growing behind the sun, but no light. He is still the heir of the Shao family, and she is still a mediocre bully.

Pregnancy was beyond her expectation, and it was in the imagination. She did not expect that she would really conceive the child once, but she moved her mind more than once.

This child is a catalyst for her ambitions and her last chance to get rid of fate, and she will never give up.

So while enjoying Shao Yichen's strong love moment, she was secretly planning. When the child fell to the ground, she did not reach out to hug her, but let Ye Meirou hold it for the first time to test, but the result was still failed.

The product of failure will only bring her worse doom. Although Shao Yichen is ready to bear the consequences, she wants more than the consequences.

The day when the child was sent off, things went well. Finally, Shao Yichen was brought in early because of a spring rain, and the matter was exposed.

Ye Meimei had never seen such an angry Shao Yichen, just as he stood in front of Song Ye at this time. This was the second time Ye Meimei saw Shao Yichen's anger.

It was only the first time she could see the heartbreak in his eyes, but this time she could see nothing.

"Ye Meijing, today you moved Song Ye, and my Shao family fought the Ye family to the end." After 18 years of absence, when Shao Yichen shouted the name again, the tone was still familiar, but only the chill was left in his eyes.

What he once defended has become what he fights today.

And everyone in the scene was stunned by this anti-eye and enmity scene, and their eyes fell on the focus of the competition, and for a long time they did not calm down.

Shao Yichen himself admitted that Song Ye's identity was a matter of course.

It's just that Ye Meimei's attitude is appalling.

"Oh, my biological mother ordered her daughter to kill her, Ye Meijing, you are the most cruel mother I have ever met." Ye Lingyin stood side by side with Song Ye, looking up with a sneer, and the smile fell on The other person ’s pupils looked extremely dazzling. “In order to take the high position, abandon your child, threaten the lover with the child ’s life, and help you complete your ambition. You have a good abacus, and tell everyone to listen, is it enough? Absolutely enough. "

All the people present were smart people, and they had not done much in private in private. However, as Ye Lingyin said, it was the first time that he had caused the death of his own flesh and blood, and he was shocked by the storm.

Ye Meimei had already seen the slump from the faces of the people around her, and the cold color on the face had completely turned into a savage slapstick. "The best thing I should do is not to teach you well and not kill you earlier."

The last word fell, and the light in her eyes skyrocketed. She raised her hand to release the power and took Ye Lingyin's heavenly cover.

Song Ye had been wary of her, and when she saw it, she wanted to set up an air wall to resist.

Suddenly, the figure on the side rushed out, Ye Lingyin crossed Anwei and Anmo, and flew up to fight with Ye Meijing.

Both of them have the ability to manipulate wind skills. Ye Lingyin's kung fu has been taught by Ye Meijing in the past 18 years. Both of them are familiar with each other's moves.

Both sides tried their best to endlessly stance, it was a time when people could not get involved.

This mother-daughter who has maintained a peaceful surface for more than ten years now meets soldiers today, which is really embarrassing.

In the process, the other homeowners have already mobilized the dark guard to control Ye's men, and they are also thinking in their hearts, if Ye Meijing loses power, who should take control of Ye's house next.

Two bangs, and the figures fighting each other gave each other a punch, and the distance quickly separated. Ye Meijing took a step backwards to stop her footsteps, but Ye Lingyin fell to the ground, covering her chest, and her chest exploded. A blood flower.

It turned out that Ye Meimei's ring had a hidden weapon on her ring, and the chest in the middle of the punch actually penetrated the heart directly, and blood rushed out instantly.

"Ye Lingyin." Song Ye strode out behind Shao Yichen, reaching out to look at her injury, but Leng Buding felt a rush of wind.

"You **** it." The wind blade screamed, with the thunderous potential, and was extremely appalling. Ye Meijing's voice was full of madness. She deliberately used Ye Lingyin to draw Song Ye.

As long as Song Ye is dead, even if it is her daughter, the dead will not violate the family rules, and the Ye family is her.

Song Ye's life was originally reserved for Ye Lingyin to learn and follow. Now Ye Lingyin is dead, she has no value for survival.

At that time, the blow that exhausted all her abilities was fast and swift, just facing Song Ye's back, and in a situation where Shao Yichen had no time to stop, the time was right and the people were peaceful. Holding it.


After the wind blade hit the object, there was a noise, but the blood that the wind blade cut out on the human body was not seen.

Ye Meimei's face had a smile that she could not retrieve in the future, and she froze. She stared blankly at the coffee table in front of her, and the tall figure holding the coffee table.

Not to mention that she was stunned, because everyone in the room looked slightly over and her face was surprised.

No one expected that Qin Zhan would mix in and protect Song Ye at this critical moment.

The wind blade hit the coffee table strengthened by the metal power, and it remained motionless. After this blow, Qin Zhan did not give her a second chance.

As soon as the figure moved, her long arm stretched out, and she held Ye Meijing's arm, and she dropped her two hands cleanly.

Kaka Kaka, a woman who has become accustomed to pampering herself, can't bear the pain, she mourns in a loss, her expression on the face is very embarrassed.

She looked up and saw Qin Zhan's face, which seemed to be frozen in snow and ice, shivering.

There is no doubt that as long as she says one more word and one more act, the man in front will kill her without hesitation.

Ye Meimei was defeated, completely defeated. She looked up and looked around, knowing that these cannibalistic old guys would not let her go, and the family rules would not spare her, and her wishful thinking was hit to the end. , Or lose all.