MTL - Rebirth Merchant: Wonderful Space Hunting for Military Officer-Chapter 710 Night madness

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"What a great thing about love is to make a person strong and fearful. She loves her host and redoubles her efforts so that she doesn't have to surrender her body in the task and practice hard. At the beginning I am also happy that the magic of love has changed her so that she can survive in this family, and her love has also been answered. Every time I go to see that person, she can be excited all night. Oh ... ... "Maybe it was too deep, and the new moon rarely gave up the taunting mode and told the memory in a nearly gentle tone. The sweet happy time in the first half made her laugh and couldn't help but laugh, but the voice just overflowed her throat. As if he was holding his neck by a big hand, the nostalgia on his face stopped abruptly.

"Unfortunately, she was dead in the hands of her own people." The crescent moon's voice went down, with a hint of loneliness and sadness in the husky. The ending came out.

"That person ..." Song Ye frowned, finding clues from the clues these days, "It's Anmo."

The one who adores the disciple inside is Anm.

"Um." Xinyue leaned close to the bed and closed her eyes gently. "Anmo has been growing up with her parents since she was a child. She had chosen Ye Jiafu, who had already decided, but she also provoked her."

In fact, she also knows that emotional affairs are not a person who can lead the decision, not to blame others blindly. For so many years, she has resentment to Anmu, but she has a sustenance in her heart.

So when she actually complained, her tone was more powerless.

"Is Anmo forced to move?" Song Ye made inferences according to the killer's training method of ruthlessness.

But she got a negative answer from the crescent moon, "No, it's because she was a personal maid to Ye Lingyin."


The night is as cold as water, and the night of early autumn has been contaminated by the cold. Yejia is located in the middle of the mountainside. Even at night, it is covered with a white mist, and the temperature is lower than the mountain.

Song Ye was spending the night in the main house for the first time, and the room was arranged in Ye Lingyin's next-door box room. A layer of wooden boards was next to her. What was happening next door was immediately known, and the first thing she was doing tonight was named. Vigil.

The original vigil was responsible for personal safety, but Ye Lingyin called Song Ye into the room.

"You are standing here, watching me sleep, remembering to hold the lamp." In the extremely ancient-looking fragrant lady, she looked over the screen to the bedroom behind the bead curtain, and the **** the carved bed changed into a white pajamas. Her long hair lined her face as white as jade.

At this time, Song Ye was standing near the bed with a lantern, looking up at the girl with her head tilted, looking at her own girl. The too similar face often made people feel a sense of sorrow. The face that suddenly appeared on the face was pale. There were several twists on the face, like facial nerve disorders.

Thinking of the words the new moon said before leaving in the evening, Song Ye sank.

"What's your look?" Xu Shi noticed something unusual in her eyes. The **** the bed raised her eyebrows, her facial features wrinkled and twisted, and she was startled again. She hurriedly touched her face and whispered. : "Pay attention to control your emotions, pay attention to control your emotions ... haha ​​..."

Suddenly, she laughed again.

Song Ye noticed a little strangeness, her deep pupils flickered in candlelight.

"I'm going to bed, you can't leave." It was only nine o'clock in the night, Ye Lingyin turned off the lights and didn't watch TV and play with his mobile phone. He was covered with a quilt and curled up into a ball, like a helpless child. Then a few dull syllables were emitted from the bed.

Ok? Song Ye couldn't hear clearly, so he turned his ear to the side, and finally understood it this time.

"You can't die, no one will accompany me when you die ..."

Song Ye couldn't see what expression she said, but her heart was a bit depressed by the old dim tones and flickering candlelight in the room.

Three hours passed, and the night was quiet, and the last candle in the lantern went out.

At the same time, a low whimper sounded from the bed.

She opened her eyes warily from light sleep, and her accustomed night eyes shot straight at the sleeping person in the bed.

"Hmm ..." The girl bit her lower lip uncomfortably, her brows frowning, her mouth sobbing low, as if she was suffering great pain, her hair was wet with sweat, and she was cluttered on her forehead.

Have a nightmare or get sick? Song Ye frowned, reached out and put his hand on the forehead, but it was cold.

The cold skin feels strange to the touch, smooth but not delicate, and not slippery.

When Song Ye's finger was wrong, she was about to touch her ears, and at this moment, the person who had been suffering in bed suddenly opened her eyes, and the big eyes radiated two strange lights in the dark. Then the whole person quickly rushed towards Song Ye.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at at a glance when the cold blade stabbed in the darkness, Ye Lingyin roared, the whole man fell into a mania, the delicate skin was twisted into a sloppy look.

Song Ye was observing each other's state while dodging, it seemed that she was judging whether she was really crazy or false.

Crackling, the table and benches in the room were all overturned and destroyed by violence, a mess.

After a while, Song Ye finally slammed behind her, and a hand-knife stunned a person, and then stopped.

Sending the person back to the bed, Song Ye saw the girl covering her face with her hands even in a coma, and the condensation on her brows continued for a long time.

There was so much movement in the room, but the guard behind the door didn't move at all. You can see that Ye Lingyin's condition is not the first time, and the Swiss Army Knife that I felt from under the pillow when I opened my eyes was also standing.

Let a person still maintain such vigilance in his sleep, either a killer or a person who has been oppressed for a long time.

Thinking of the scene where Ye Meijing didn't agree with the shot in the main hall, Song Ye closed her eyes gently and reached out to cover her quilt.

The next day, before Ye Lingyin got up, there was already a maid in the door secretly packing things up, and the people in the bed looked as usual after they got up, as if they didn't notice the cause of last night.

"Today you accompanied me to my mother for breakfast. After breakfast, we went to find the finish." Ye Lingyin, who was combing her hair in front of the dressing table, traced her lipstick. It was sweet.

Song Ye's focus was on the first half of the sentence. When she entered the dining room with her, she saw that Ye Meijing had eaten at the location. She was indifferent to Ye Lingyin, and her opening disturbed her schedule. "Go to Luo's house today, find Luo Master Master teaches you power. "