MTL - Rebirth in a Perfect Era-Chapter 1789 Epic blockbuster (in Chinese)

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As soon as Tom Hanks said that he wanted a test, he immediately attracted the attention of the people around him.

The folks in Texas are tough. The civilian pilots of these flying clubs are almost all cowboys who can fly planes, so they are extremely interested in this kind of men.

Leonardo saw the old man asking for shame in front of him, so he smiled flatly and scornfully: "Okay, I can compare with you, but how much do you want to gamble?"

Tom Hanks said: "If you win, I will give you a thousand dollars; if you lose, you follow me to Huaxia."

One thousand dollars and one export, all exclaimed.

One thousand dollars? This is really an astronomical figure now.

When Leonardo heard this, he immediately became anxious and blurted out: "Shit! Are you crazy? I won't go with you to China!"

Tom Hanks asked with a smile: "What? Are you afraid of losing? Are you afraid of losing to an old guy like me?"

Leonardo blurted: "Shit! I won't lose at all!"

Tom Hanks shouted, "Since you won't lose, what are you afraid of? Come on, so many people have witnessed that while it's not dark, we are better than one."

Leonardo gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, better than better, but you have to pay a thousand dollars first!"

Tom Hanks nodded and said to his assistant, "Take out a thousand dollars."

Entrusted by the current National Government, Tom Hanks came to the United States to recruit pilots. The funding itself is very sufficient. This time he came to Texas to recruit pilots. He brought several attendant assistants and brought a lot of cash.

When a thousand dollars were taken out, everyone around him was dumbfounded.

Leonardo froze, apparently attracted by a thousand dollars.

His friend whispered in his ear: "With this money, you can buy your own farm!"

Leonardo nodded, gritted his teeth, and said, "Old man, let's talk, how can you compare?"

Tom Hanks said: "Let ’s lift off together and try the same moves at an altitude of 900 feet. If you do an action, I imitate an action. If I imitate it, I will do it. You do it. No one can imitate it, or take the initiative to concede. "

Leonardo said without hesitation: "Okay, just do what you say!"

Tom Hanks greeted the club owner and said, "I want a plane of the same type as him. How much is it?"

The other person extended three fingers: "Thirty dollars."

"OK." Tom Hanks immediately took out the money and handed it to the other.

In the next second, they were both sitting on a single-propeller-engined aircraft, and they glanced at each other, then taxied, took off, and rushed into the air filled with red clouds under the much attention.

As soon as Leonardo's plane got to the sky, he made a difficult aerobatic trick, which made the audience cheer.

But no one thought that Tom Hanks, the old and strong, could easily complete this set of actions.

After the audience exclaimed, the picture cut to Leonardo, who was orbiting Tom Hanks's plane, watching all the movements of Tom Hanks in his eyes, and his expression was obviously a look.

At this time he sat up straight and said in his mouth: "Ok old guy, this time I'm going to play with you!"

As he was talking, he saw that Tom Hanks had climbed up in a plane, and he knew that it was his turn to act and imitate it himself, so he stared at the other with wide eyes and said to himself. "OK, let me see what you have."

As soon as the words fell, Tom Hanks, who was climbing, suddenly made a rolling maneuver. As if the plane suddenly lost power, it suddenly rolled down while climbing, and the speed suddenly slowed down.

While everyone was exclaiming, Tom Hanks's plane rose again in an instant, and the engine spewed a black smoke and skyrocketed.

Leonardo saw this scene, his expression of self-confidence suddenly became stunned, and said in a panic, "Damn, this old guy turned out to be a fighter pilot!"

Just as he tried to imitate Tom Hanks 'movement, Tom Hanks' plane suddenly started to dive down again.

During the dive, the acceleration of gravity caused the aircraft to nearly double its speed suddenly. The aircraft dived obliquely toward the ground at a very fast speed. Everyone saw that the aircraft was getting larger and closer, and the aircraft was almost approaching. In front of them, a few timid even covered their eyes, fearing that the plane would fall to the ground.

However, Tom Hanks easily leveled the plane at the moment when the plane was about to bottom. The plane flew almost next to it, and then rolled a c-type trajectory while rolling. The speed was extremely fast and it rolled to the eyes of everyone Rear.

The crowd just came back, and couldn't figure out how this old man suddenly got behind everyone in such a short period of time. Such a large plane actually made him fly out of a sense of intrigue.

The human visual range is less than one hundred and eighty degrees. Most of the angles of vision that can be focused are an angle of sixty or seventy degrees. This visual structure, even on the ground, is shot by someone behind you. , And then deliberately follow your head when you turn your head, you can hardly capture his figure at once.

If it's in the sky, the plane suddenly becomes three-dimensional, and it is more difficult to capture the other party.

Today's fighters have a real range of firepower of several hundred meters, and the aviation guns and machine guns have been crooked to the family's home several hundred meters away. Therefore, the fighting between pilots is also a close-range fight. This pair of pilots and The maneuverability of the aircraft is extremely high.

Chen Hand, played by Tom Hanks, was a fighter pilot himself, and later became a fighter pilot instructor. He also wrote a lot of textbooks for fighter pilots. It can be said that he is a master of flying fighters. This extraordinary mobility is to him Everyday.

After this set of movements was done, there was already a cheering excitement below. Some people even took off their clothes and kept waving in their hands, whistling and applause came one after another.

Leonardo's expression was very ugly at this time. He knew that he had lost the first round of the opponent's attack, so he didn't talk nonsense and landed on the runway.

After landing, Leonardo walked out of the plane, at this time, Tom Hanks' plane had also landed at the end of the runway.

Taxiing the plane to stop not far from Leonardo, Tom Hanks jumped off the plane with a smile, came directly to Leonardo, and said, "Give you a week, follow Farewell to your parents and girlfriends. They will still be here a week later and my people will come to pick you up. "

After speaking, he didn't look back, and walked away greeting his assistant.


The screen flickered a week later.

An old-fashioned bus approached the flight club door, and a blond Leonardo stood beside the door with a sense of interest.

The co-pilot of the bus sat Tom Hanks in sunglasses.

The car stopped in front of Leonardo, he waved at Leonardo, smiled and said nothing.

Leonard sighed, picked up his bag, and stepped onto the bus.

At this time, there were more than twenty young people in the bus. They were all pilots who would follow Tom Hanks to Huaxia this time.

The bus drove to a military airport where dozens of pilots met. They briefly rested at the barracks next to the airport. Chen Hand, played by Tom Hanks, was here to use projection equipment provided by the military to reduce the current aggression that Huaxia is currently facing. The war was presented to these young American pilots.

At the same time, Tom Hanks told them rightfully, saying, "This time, if you go to Huaxia with me, you may be injured, you may be sacrificed, and you may never have the opportunity to return to the United States, but you have to remember, Our battle is not only to earn generous commissions, but also to fight for justice, to help those people who are prosperous to fight back the brutal invaders, so I do n’t care how you hang out and how to smile hippie, when you arrive in Huaxia, everyone You must ask yourself as a soldier, train hard and kill the enemy! "

Originally, there were some team members who were acting as distressed children. After seeing these video materials, they all looked grim, as if they suddenly took off their cynicism.

Immediately after, the movie entered a fast-moving phase.

At this stage, Tom Hanks led these pilots to Huaxia Yungui, and fighter planes purchased from the United States also arrived in Yungui one after another. The support flight team was named the Flying Tigers and began training at the completed airport.

At this time, Liu Ye, who had been injured in the hospital, was also discharged.

When he was discharged from the hospital, he thanked the nurse played by Anne Hathaway, and after so many days of caring for him, Anne Hathaway had already liked him. Although she has not confessed in the film, the audience from Her performance in front of the camera can be seen.

When the sons and daughters pressed for a long time, the movie entered a fast-passing picture.

In the picture, Chinese pilots headed by Liu Ye and American pilots headed by Leonardo were mixed into several squadrons and began to conduct intensive flight training.

In a classroom built of wood, Chennault told them with an airplane model what kind of tactics should be used to fight the enemy air;

On the airport runway constructed by rammed soil, Liu Ye and Leonardo each carried out daily maintenance and bombardment of their aircraft;

On the playground next to the airport ~ ~ Pilots are doing physical training on humble equipment.

In the middle, Anne Hathaway often appeared. She would watch the Flying Tigers ’plane fly off in front of the hospital window, and watch Liu Ye training on the playground. Every time she appeared, it would cause Huaxia American pilots to burst into a while. Whistles.

A Huaxia pilot said to Liu Yan, "Did the American nurse look after you?"

Liu Ye said unnaturally, "Don't bullshit, this is innocent."

The man said, "I'm telling the truth. Everyone can see that she is interesting to you. You are alone in the drum. Hey, you said, you have no idea about her?"

Liu Yan shook his head and said with a sigh of sigh, "I don't want anything now, I just want to drive the Japanese out of Huaxia early, and the national disaster takes the lead. How can I spare time for those children to have long love!"

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