MTL - Rebirth in a Perfect Era-Chapter 1780 Killing chicken marmoset

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Chapter 1780 of the Rebirth Perfect Age

Are you hungry? Asking merchants to bear the cost of 50 subsidies does cause a lot of dissatisfaction among merchants.

However, the Internet industry and the capital industry have seen Li Mu's intentions.

In fact, everyone knows that the ultimate monetization channel must be at the merchant's end, but you never expected that Li Mu would start harvesting merchants directly at this time.

In their opinion, Li Mu should start harvesting cooperative merchants after solving the beef takeaway and becoming a unique company in the takeaway field.

Now I start to have conflicts with the merchants, I am afraid that it will let the cattle take-out take advantage of it.

However, Li Mu didn't care about it, whether it ’s beef take-out or Lu Yunhao, he was n’t hungry at all. He just looked at the carrying capacity. If he was hungry, was it a two-way, ten-lane high-spec highway, and even beef take-out The standards of one-way and one-lane lanes are not up to par.

If you ca n’t afford the amount of beef takeaway, it will never be possible to take away hungry enough market share.

Therefore, once Li Mu can successfully make the merchant pay the cost, he will have more confidence to play with the beef takeaway. If the subsidy is six yuan, the beef takeaway will pay for it by itself. If you are hungry, you only need to pay three yuan for it. Going down, even if Wall Street throws in 200 million dollars to come in, Li Mu will not hesitate.

Now, whether it is Yanjing or Shanghai, the hungry merchants have the advantages and benefits of being hungry. Are they hungry, which has greatly increased their business flow, and some even skyrocketed, it can be said that Hungry has become a core pillar of their income.

Are you hungry? They are required to bear the subsidy of 50. Although most merchants are not satisfied, they choose to accept it.

However, there are still some merchants. Should they feel hungry, they should not be allowed to bear any costs, so they must fight against the tough attitude of being hungry.

And Lu Yunhao is also stepping up his lobbying at this time. His front-end business is looking for cooperative merchants to communicate with each other, brainwashing them, and telling them that they are hungry. It will increase greatly, so they are urged to reject the request of being hungry, and to cooperate in depth with beef takeaway.

Cattle Takeaway flickers these merchants, saying that once they are hungry and close their store, their customers will come to Cattle Takeaway to place an order, so they will not actually lose any money, and Cattle Takeaway will not only give them lean resources, but more importantly The merchants are not allowed to bear the penny subsidy. In this way, the merchants earn more than cooperating with Hungry Me and bearing 50 costs.

These merchants don't know the true situation of beef takeaway, and feel that since beef takeaway is willing to support them, is it hungry for the time being, and there are orders for beef takeaway that can be done, are you hungry? Since you are exploiting me, I will Cattle takeaway is coming closer. I believe the last compromise must be hungry, not yourself.

So they chose to refuse to participate in the subsidy.

Are you hungry? You do n’t want to be soft. Stores that do n’t accept jumps within a specified period of time. The offline team immediately went home to take back the computer. At the same time, the shop was hungry and directly defined as a suspension of business.

In just one day, these people suffered heavy losses.

There is a restaurant that sells donkey meat and burns water. It costs only one or two hundred yuan for food per paradise, but is it hungry? The water can run for one or two thousand yuan or more. What happened to subsidize customers together, all of them became hungry, the flow of water became zero, and the loss of revenue was heavy.

What made them angry was that they were hungry for their orders and lost hunger for a thousand or two thousand yuan in turnover, but their orders for beef takeaways showed little improvement, or more than a hundred yuan.

In other words, the potential customer who burned the donkey meat, after their shop was closed, directly chose to be hungry. The other shops in the business place orders, and did not replace another one to eat their donkey meat. platform.

This made them extremely painful, because what they lost was 80% or even 90% of the turnover.

Lu Yunhao was also hit hard. He thought it was an opportunity to overtake on a curve. He could cooperate with this group of hungry merchants and attract their traffic.

But he soon realized a serious problem. The users who are hungry are not for a certain shop, but they are for the hungry.

This is like millions of public accounts on WeChat. If any public account feels that its fans belong to it, even above WeChat, it feels that if they change to another platform, their fans will abandon WeChat. Follow yourself, then he just doesn't grow up.

There is a Minke called Fang elbow who has done this kind of thing, originally relying on cursing Bo eyeball, there is a little traffic on Weibo.

But later, because he was working against Weibo, he decided to quit Weibo and move to other platforms.

He thought that his fans would follow him to fight, only to find out that it didn't exist.

Most of his fans are not real fans at all, everyone just looks at him and he is happy. He left Weibo, and there are thousands of big v who can find fun on Weibo. In order to see him go to another platform?

So this person gradually lost his voice.

Subsequently, successively disappointed Lu Yunhao decided to launch an attack on Li Mu on the Internet.

He personally ended, and posted a Weibo, which reads: "Li Mu used his provocative power to drive the hungry merchants to share the subsidies, and the merchant shops that were unwilling to bear the subsidies were forced to suspend business. Behind these merchants are countless A hardworking ordinary person and their family, now their family is facing unprecedented threats. What is the difference between Li Mu's behavior and the robbers? "

Later, he spent millions of public relations fees, letting many accounts forward comments on this Weibo in a frantic manner, trying to cause Li Mu a strong public opinion pressure to force Li Mu to give up the intention to force merchants to pay 50 subsidies.

Unknown netizens thought that Li Mu was really intimidating those shopkeepers. The Virgin Mary suddenly burst into flames, and began to talk about Li Mu. Such an almost perfect image of a rich man was stained by this incident.

After this Weibo became hot search, Li Mu did not let people on Weibo interfere with its index and hot search ranking, but directly sent a Weibo

"A comprehensive market facade makes money for merchants and collects certain fees from the merchants. Isn't this justified? Opening a shop in the market does not pay rent to the market, and driving him out still has a temper. What kind of robber logic? Some people are most sad What is wrong is that the strength of the platform is regarded as its own ability. Once such a person leaves the platform, it is nothing. "

As soon as this Weibo was posted, netizens immediately responded.

Li Mu is right.

Is Hungry a platform built by Li Mu? This is equivalent to Li Mu spending money to build a huge mall. Every merchant on Hungry is equivalent to settling in this mall, operating in this mall's shops, and making money. In this case, what's wrong with asking you to collect rent? No problem! Righteousness!

Especially Li Mu's last sentence made many netizens realize the truth.

The strength of the platform is not an individual's ability. Merchants make money on being hungry. Ignoring this is a subversive new model that benefits from being hungry, and huge amounts of traffic, because they are hungry. As a result, did you leave hungry, only to find that your strength can not be played at all. Without the blessing of the platform, it will be back to its original shape in an instant. Can this be a complaint to other platforms?

As a result, the perspective on the Internet has undergone a 180-degree reversal.

Coupled with the water army under Li Mu's hands, it is so much stronger than Lu Yunhao's half-hook, so that Lu Yunhao himself was scolded by netizens.

There is an opinion on the Internet that has been endorsed and supported by the vast majority of netizens. This opinion holds that Lu Yunhao was completely out of competition for Li Mu, so he deliberately wanted to engage in personal attacks. Such a trashy morality was corrupted and everyone could take it.

Lu Yunhao itself is a **** with relatively weak psychological endurance. After being turned over by so many netizens, he can't stop swearing, and the whole person is about to collapse.

In just one or two days on his Weibo, nearly 100,000 messages were left, and more than 90 of them were scolding him.

Cattle takeaway encourages merchants and hungry people to do the same thing. I don't know who got caught on the Internet. Later, Li Mu's sailors pushed back the waves, so that beef takeaway became the object of everyone's shouting on the Internet.

What made Lu Yunhao collapse was that those merchants who refused to be hungry all regretted all of them. They contacted the customer service of Hungry and expressed their willingness to accept 50 subsidies and hope to re-enter Hungry.

Li Mu scoffed at these people.

These people are essentially self-interested people. When they are hungry, they make money when they are hungry. When they are hungry and let them pay a little subsidy, they feel they have been trampled on their tails, standing up and jumping and scolding. ~ ~ People like this are basically the masters who take the bowl to eat and put down the chopsticks.

There is another group, very similar to the people in this group, that is, a large number of individual e-commerce businesses.

As we all know, because of the inadequate supervision and inadequate tax laws, e-commerce self-employees do not have to pay a penny tax for more than ten years, earning 10,000 diamond shops a month, and 500 yuan a month. 10,000 hardware crown shops, almost all do not need to pay a penny of business tax, personal income tax.

Because they are personally operated and do not have a registered corporate entity, business tax and corporate income tax have nothing to do with them, and their income is settled directly from Taobao into their personal account. Even if they earn 10 million a month, they basically do not pay income tax. This group of people has enough vested interests themselves, but when the state promulgates the e-commerce law, regulates e-commerce, and levies taxes reasonably, they still have to jump out and oppose it.

Li Mu is completely unaccustomed to the problems of these people. Now he just lets them share the 50 subsidies. The platform will give him free of charge, but he will also help him bear the other 50 subsidies. He has his opinions. Then when he let him pay the rent. He didn't know how he would scold the streets. If so, he would treat them all at once.

So, are you hungry? Reply to these merchants who have already left hungry. "Access is okay, but the subsidies are borne by the stores themselves. If they do n’t accept them, they will not let them go online again.

This trick has two effects.

First, all the merchants who refused to be hungry before and wanted to rub their wrists with the platform all regretted their intestines;

Second, those merchants who accepted the hungry requirements before are all very happy.

That's what Li Mu wants.

Kill the chicken marmoset!

Rebirth of the Perfect Age

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