MTL - Rebirth God of War Lu Bu-Chapter 6518 : The matter of the train is of great importance

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However, the people of the state of Jin are unquestionable in abiding by the rules. Some of them love the state of Jin more, and reporting those lawbreakers is what they usually love to do. They come to watch because they are curious. .

How miraculous it is that vehicles can be moved forward without mules and horses, and a large amount of goods can be transported.

The appearance of the train has attracted a lot of discussion, and people in Chang'an can hear the discussion about the train, and they have a lot of expectations for the success of the train.

Needless to say, the details of the Anxi Empire and the Roman Empire hurriedly passed the news back to the Empire. If such a major event occurred in the Jin Kingdom, if there is no timely understanding of this matter, it will be difficult for the future development of the Empire. It will definitely have a certain impact.

They were in Jin State in order to learn more about the situation of Jin State and pass it back to the country.

The main reason is that the speed of development and growth of the Jin State over the years is astonishing. Facing such an empire with a huge heritage, it is reasonable for them to have more worries. If the Jin State will have a follow-up campaign, The first to bear the brunt must be the Parthian Empire.

After calming down from the war, in half a year, the recovery speed of the Jin State can be seen. If this is the case, it is not worth worrying about. It is mainly the combat weapon of the Jin State Army. cannot be obtained smoothly.

If we can get the battle weapon of the Jin army and successfully imitate it, it will play a greater role in the future war against the Jin army, so that the situation of the empire can be stabilized to a greater extent .

The more you know about the Jin army, the more you see what kind of impact the development of the Jin country will bring to the surrounding countries, and you will see more of the horror of the Jin country.

Whether it is during the war or during the development, Jin State can always achieve amazing achievements. Behind these achievements, of course, there are Jin State's efforts for development, but these efforts have achieved greater success in Jin State. After the success is worth it.

The more powerful the state of Jin is, the greater its influence on neighboring countries. With the ambitions shown by the emperor of Jin, when a war breaks out, they will show an even more astonishing side, and they will even be able to give More damage to enemy troops.

In terms of the current development situation, the state of Jin is far ahead of Anxi, and this is what worries the senior leaders of the Anxi Empire the most.

The most important thing is that there are struggles at the top of the Parthian Empire. If the Jin Kingdom recovers quickly and the Parthian Empire is in turmoil, what kind of challenges will the Parthian Empire face.

What cannot be ignored at any time is the ambition of the emperor of Jin. The emperor of Jin showed a domineering side when dealing with some things, but if the national strength of Jin is not enough, he wants to show more strength It is not a small price to pay.

But from the success of the emperor of the Jin state, we can see the success of the emperor of the Jin state. When dealing with some things, he will have more amazing achievements and achieve greater results.

And when the Jin State will recover faster from the war, and even the recovery of national power after the war is over is even more amazing, what kind of actions the Jin State's emperor will take in the future is uncertain.

However, the emperor of the Jin State showed a crazy side when facing the war. It is no secret among the high-level officials of the Anxi Empire. The emperor of the Jin State often showed a strong side when dealing with wars one side.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the strength of the Jin army. If it weren't for the strength of the Jin army, it would be more difficult to do more when dealing with such things.

And only by making greater achievements in the war, only by making the offensive of one's own soldiers have a more aggressive side, can we achieve greater achievements in the future on the battlefield.

Looking at the rapid development of Jin, one can see what kind of support the emperor of Jin will receive. Faced with such support, it is often shocking.

If the emperor of the Jin State can bring more possibilities to the development of the Jin State, he can get the support of more people, and such support can make the ambition of the Jin State Emperor even greater. degree of realization.

It is conceivable that when Jin's army has received stronger support and has the ambition of the emperor of Jin, it will be able to bring great help to the development of Jin.

The appearance of the train will bring about great changes in the development pattern of the state of Jin. As long as you think more about the appearance of the train, you can understand the things in it. Moreover, the train will have more advantages than the horse-drawn carriage when it moves forward. Faster speed, it will become more convenient in transporting goods.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty." The accompanying officials congratulated one after another.

Lu Bu said: "The matter of the train is of great importance. It is not only to ensure the safety along the way, but also to ensure the normal operation of the train without any omissions."

"Here." Everyone said one after another.

The accompanying officials understood what kind of significance this train test would have if it was successful, and what kind of changes it would bring to the development of Jin.

The speed of development of the Jin State itself is amazing. After gaining stability from the war, what can be seen is what kind of influence the Jin State will have when it develops rapidly. It is very difficult to get benefits.

Especially when the emperor of the Jin State used more powerful means, the Jin State would be able to grow faster in the war.

The powerful state of Jin has always been unafraid of challenges, and under the rule of the emperor of the state of Jin, what can make the state of Jin explode is its astonishing potential.

Of course, these developments, if they want to be more rapid, have a lot to do with the means of development. If these things are not properly handled, it will bring more troubles.

The territory of the state of Jin is becoming more and more vast. In the process of governance, more problems will inevitably arise. If the emperor of the state of Jin has the means to change these, it is conceivable that the officials of the state of Jin What kind of attitude will there be in terms of expansion.

In the development of the state of Jin, there are many dangerous situations, but from the methods used by the emperor of the state of Jin to deal with these matters, we can see that the emperor of the state of Jin is terrible, and what can be seen is the face of the emperor of the state of Jin. What kind of changes will be brought about when facing these challenges.

Let the development of the Jin State be more rapid, and even the rapid development of the Jin State will get more support. When you know more about the development of the emperor of the Jin State, you can see more If the emperor will bring about changes, you will understand what kind of effect the methods of the emperor of Jin have brought about.

The strength of the Jin army is strong, it can bring greater help to the development of the Jin country, and it can allow the Jin country to develop rapidly in a stable situation. From a long-term perspective, these are of great importance to the Jin country. of help.

And as the territory of the Jin State becomes more and more extensive, as the emperor of the Jin State will show more aggressive means, the Jin State will get greater protection in terms of development, and those who want to destroy the Jin State The possibility of success in such a process for a developing person is very small.

Who is the emperor of the state of Jin, and how many difficulties he has experienced in the process of developing the state of Jin.

Today's Jin State shows a more powerful side, which can provide a better foundation for the realization of the ambitions of the emperor of Jin State, and make the emperor of Jin State more calm when facing some challenges.

Perhaps in the specific development, it is difficult to have sharp means as a support, but the emperor of Jin State has completed this matter very well.

Nowadays, the craftsmen workshops of the Jin State have made such great contributions to the development of the Jin State. Of course, these things have the strong support of the emperor of the Jin State. If there is no support from the emperor, the craftsman workshops want to With today's scale is impossible.

As for the development of craftsmen, the emperor of Jin State provided more directions, which brought greater help to the long-term development of craftsman workshops.

The craftsmen in the craftsman workshop have a lot of respect for their emperor, and this kind of respect comes from the heart.

It is precisely because the emperor changed the treatment of craftsmen that the craftsmen in the craftsman workshop can enjoy a better life.

Although the life in the craftsman's workshop will be greatly restricted in terms of freedom, but compared with the troubled times in the past, their life is already very good.

The rapid development of the craftsman's workshop will bring greater help to the state of Jin, and the craftsmen of the craftsman's workshop will get more rewards.

After instructing the accompanying officials some things, Lu Bu returned to the palace, paying close attention to the operation of the train.

As for the situation about the trains, it was continuously spread to Chang'an City. After all, this was a major concern of the emperor of Jin, and there was no room for slack in such matters.

And from the scale of this incident, we can even see how important the train is to the current state of Jin.

The appearance of the train had a great impact on the state of Jin, and the train was only one of them in order to make better use of the steam engine.

Then there will be horse-drawn carriages driven by steam engines in the state of Jin, and the steam engines will be used for irrigation, etc. These things will obviously help the development of the state of Jin.

This is also an important reason why the two craftsmen in the craftsman workshop were able to receive the reward of the Marquis.

Rewards for those who have meritorious service. Although the steam engine was proposed by the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, it is already a remarkable thing that the craftsmen in the craftsman workshop can complete the development well.

Lu Bu was aware of the limitations of the conditions of this era, and the Jin country's craftsmen's workshops barely developed the steam engine after years of development.

There is still a long way to go for the craftsmen workshops in Jin.

"How is Anxi's situation?" In the palace, Lu Bu cast his eyes on Jia Xu.

The people currently gathered in the palace are all important officials of the Jin Kingdom, and there is no need to hide more from them about these matters.

There will be turmoil in the upper echelons of the Anxi Empire. This is known to the important officials of the Jin Kingdom. The key is that the upper echelons of Anxi are not stupid. affect the development of the empire.

Obviously, such a situation is not what the emperor of the Jin State wants to see. Only when the Anxi situation becomes more turbulent can the development of the Jin State be guaranteed, and some of the plans of the Jin State can be realized.

In any case, the strength of the Parthian Empire is strong, and it is not easy to get more benefits from the Parthian Empire.

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But the officials of the Jin State are clear about their emperor's thoughts. The development of the Jin State is accompanied by the demise of many countries, and the cities of these countries have become under the rule of the Jin State, and provide a source for the prosperity of the Jin State. An important foundation has been laid. If greater benefits can be obtained from the turmoil in Anxi, this will be of great help to the long-term development of Jin.

When the strength of the Anxi Empire is strong, UU Reading will have a considerable impact on Jin.

"According to the news from Anxi, the senior management of Anxi is on guard against this turmoil. Altaban and King Anxi are fighting for the throne. The senior management of Anxi has an agreement that there should be no conflicts." Jia Xu said.

Lu Bu sighed: "It seems that people in rest are smarter."

"It's up to people to make things happen. The Holy One doesn't need to worry. As long as the train goes smoothly, the development of Jin will be even faster. If the Holy One has thoughts about Anxi, he will be able to make a difference." Jia Xu said.

The officials present looked at Jia Xu in surprise. You must know that Jia Xu's usual performance was relatively low-key, but this time in front of the emperor, he directly revealed a certain amount of thought.

Of course, if conditions permit such a mind, Jin officials will definitely not have more opposition. If Jin's national power becomes stronger, it will be of greater benefit to Jin officials.

In fact, the development speed of Jin State in these years itself is astonishing. It has won victories from war after war and has given greater guarantee to the development of Jin State. In fact, we can see the achievements of Jin State Emperor's means. It's too big.

In the process of the development of the Jin State, there must be many difficulties, and under the rule of the emperor of the Jin State, these so-called difficulties can be resolved, which will allow the Jin State to avoid more problems during its development. status.

And only by making the strength of the country stronger, and there will be more ways to deal with unknown dangers, can the subsequent development be smoother.

The Jin army in the war showed a strong side, and this kind of strength can bring greater help to the subsequent development of the Jin country, making the development speed of the Jin country even more terrifying.