MTL - Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant-Chapter 452 Liu's self-destruction

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Luo Wei looked at this palace and was so scared that it was more certain that the death of the Queen Mother of the Moon was not old, and it must be inside.

“Taiwan doctor?” Xinwang asked at this moment: “Is the doctor not seen it?”

This palace man did not seem to hear the words of the king of the letter, only one head and eager to ask for the dragon.

"Your Majesty is still holding the Temple of the Year, and I have a look at it," Luo Wei said to Long Xuandao: "This palace may be frightened."

"Swing up," Long Xuan said, and there was something in Rowe's words. Of course he could hear it, but now it is not when he cares, he does not want to compare with Rowe.

After the letter king followed the dragon to go to the temple, he walked a few steps and suddenly remembered something. He stopped and walked to the side.

"You, wait for you here," Long Xuan said to a few people in the room.

"Chen and so on," said Rovi, a few people said in unison, and went out with the interior of Long Xuan.

Long Xuan took a step and hurried to the National Hall.

Luo Qi stood with Luo Wei at this moment, whispering to Luo Weidao: "This thing seems to be wrong, how can the palace people be afraid of being like that?"

"Our things are still less," Luo Wei looked at the ministers in the court and said to Luo Qi: "I am curious, what did he say to his older brother, threatening you?" ”

The group of ministers in the courtyard was swept away by Luo Wei’s gaze. No one spoke again, and they stood still, waiting for Long Xuan to return from the Chronicle.

"No," Luo Qi whispered to Luo Weidao: "You smashed today, why did you rush in? What if you angered your knees?"

Luo Wei leaned on the colonnade and looked at Luo Qi's mouth.

"The Queen Mother is dead, are you still laughing?" Luo Qi was busy separating the eyes of Luo Wei from the masses. "When are you still in regent?"

Luo Wei converges on the smile on his face. Luo Qi’s worry seems to be more than one thing in his opinion, but the concern from his brother still makes Luo Wei very useful. At the beginning of the war, the military power in the hands of the two brothers is enough to make Long Xuan jealous. As long as his two brothers are not harmed by Long Xuan, he is not afraid of Long Xuan.

Xin Wang was uneasy in the side of his heart. He wanted to talk to Luo Wei on several occasions, but he saw Luo Wei and Luo Qi have been whispering, and the letter Wang is really afraid to come forward to disturb the conversation of the brothers, but he wants What is said, it is related to the secret of the royal family, Luo Qi can not hear.

When Longxuan rushed to the Chronicle of the Year, the white cloth was hung on the palace gate, but he couldn’t hear a little crying, just like the dragon Xuan came last night, like an empty hall. After all, the one who lived in it was his own mother. Long Xuan still took a step and stepped into the Temple of the Year.

Several palace eunuchs squatted outside the palace where the Queen Mother of the Moon slept, until they saw Long Xuan come in, and these talents made a cry.

This is not sincere. It is just to make a cry of fun for myself. It will only make Long Xuan feel upset. He does not make a sound. He pushes the door and walks into the palace.

The Queen Mother Liu Yan still slept on the bed opposite the door. The palace people had previously covered the plain brocade with a plain brocade, and the Queen Mother of the Moon was covered with his feet and covered. This time, even if Long Xuan would call her again, Liu’s Queen Mother would not respond.

Long Xuan stood in front of the mother's bed for a while before reaching out to pull the brocade's face down. The face of the Queen Mother of the Liu is blue and white, her eyes are round and her tongue is still outside her mouth. Long Xuan’s hand was somewhat unstable, but the brocade was pulled down again. A pan-green mark was like a thick black line, which was circled around the neck of the Queen’s Queen. Long Xuan’s hand was loose, and the brocade fell from his hand. He no longer had to look down, and he did not have to call the doctor again. The palace man asked me carefully, and his mother was actually hanging himself in this palace. of.

Long Xuan sat next to the Queen Mother of the Liu family, looking at the body of the mother, Long Xuan actually could not tell whether the heart is sad or happy. He wants to close the eyes of the Queen of the Moon, but he can't fit, and wants to push the tongue out of his mouth, but the body has long been stiff, the softest tongue when he is alive, but it is as hard as a pig. Xuan worked hard for a long time, and could not push this tongue back. "Suicide?" Long Xuan finally gave up, took back his hand, and pointed to the Queen Mother of the South: "You really hate you, just want to be a filial son. Not right, you are not a dutiful son, just a mother, After you have gone, what other people are there?"

The face of the Queen Mother of the Liu is no longer able to see the glory of the year.

Long Xuan sat on the world of thinking about him and his biological mother, thinking about it. There are more dragons in this memory, but there are many things that Long Xuan can’t remember. They have few chances to gather together. together. In the end, Long Xuan discovered that the most clear thing about his birth mother was the dialogue between them last night. He will never love you, this sentence is actually the last sentence left by the mother.

Long Xuan sat with his biological mother in this palace for a long time, so that the letter king who had been waiting in the Changming Hall could not wait and found it.

"Your Majesty, Chen Longyi asked to see, kneel?" Xin Wang shouted several times outside the palace door.

Long Xuan heard the shout of the letter king, and then looked at the front of this, has been suffocated by hanging suffocation, became a terrible face.

"Your Majesty?!" The letter king outside the door is already knocking at the door.

Long Xuan will be re-introduced by the brocade he pulled down to the Queen’s Queen, and he said to himself: “The suicide person can’t enter the imperial tomb. I want to come to this road. One of the reasons is because I don’t want to see my father again. In fact, the father is never in the imperial tomb. I am telling you this now, is it too late?"

"Your Majesty! Chen Longyi wants to see!" The voice of the king outside the door is more and more urgent.

"Come in," Long Xuan said.

The words of Long Xuan have not yet fallen, and the letter king has pushed the door and walked in. When he saw that Long Xuan was innocent, he was relieved, and then he looked at the body of the Queen Mother of the Moon on the bed.

"Uncle Huang," Long Xuan shouted a letter to the king.

"Chen Chen sees you," Xin Wang is busy giving Long Xuan a gift.

Long Xuan raised his hand, "The uncle is flat."

After Xin Wang got up, he was closer to Long Xuan at this time. He looked at Long Xuan carefully. He saw Long Xuan’s look as usual, no sadness, but a little redness in his eyes.

"Uncle Huang," Long Xuan looked at the king of the letter: "The mother had left a last word to her, and she was reluctant to marry Yu Wang, so after she died, she hoped to be buried in a place where she could see our brothers from time to time."

"Where does you want to bury the Queen Mother?" Xin Wang immediately asked, how did he listen to the meaning of Long Xuan, Liu will not enter the Imperial Tomb?

"The place where the burial will be, I will think again," Long Xuan said: "After waiting for the big line, I will be buried with her."