MTL - Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant-Chapter 443 Long Xuangui

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The battle of Qizhe, played a total of seven years before and after.

The last one swept the war in the whole world, and the country was destroyed by the South, and it was attributed to the Great Zhou Dynasty. Beiyan and Da Zhou divided up the majority of the East Chinaland for the end of the annihilation.

On the day of the Dragon's return to the DPRK, it was in April of this year that there were thousands of people in the capital city, and the people all helped the old man to greet the North City.

Luo Wei took the Manchu martial arts, and later than the people came to the north gate, seeing the crowds in front of him, Luo Wei was only frowning, and then got off the carriage.

When the people saw that Luo Wei had arrived, they all speculated that the Pingzhang Emperor was afraid that it would soon arrive, and he was looking forward to the return of Long Xuan.

After the time of a fragrant incense, you can see the banner of the army of the dynasty, and there was a burst of cheers in the crowd.

Luo Wei's attention was attracted by the catkins drifting from his eyes from time to time. I didn't expect the chūn\'guāng outside the capital. It has remained unchanged for many years. Every spring, I always want to fly the catkins.

"Wang Ye," Zhao Fu noticed Luo Wei's carelessness for a long time. Looking at the army getting closer and closer to them, he took a few steps and whispered to Luo Weidao: "Your Majesty is coming."

Rovi just looked ahead. Earlier, there was a war report. Long Xuan was injured at this time and would not ride into the city. Luo Wei did not think that he could see Long Xuan here. His eyes began to look for the army in the army closer and closer to him. Awkward figure. The defending champion took the Pioneer Camp, and he should be able to see the defending in the front row of the army.

"Wang Ye," Zhao Fu whispered again: "Your Majesty is at the forefront."

Luo Wei’s eyes also saw Long Xuan at this time, but even after looking for the defending figure everywhere, he did not receive the report that the defending was injured. Why did he see these generals one by one? Defending? Luo Wei suddenly began to be nervous, and the defending is still hurt? Long Xuan deliberately stares at himself? This question arises in my heart, and Luo Wei is eager to find in the opposite army.

Long Xuan had abdominal injuries to his abdomen, but he still insisted on riding right before he went to Shangdu. He promised Rovi, he will win the game, sit in the carriage, enter the North Gate with a sick man's attitude, in the eyes of Long Xuan, and he promised Rovi's victory to return, very different. Long Xuan saw the Luo Wei, who was standing under the city by the courtiers. He didn't have official uniforms or was wearing a thick robe. So many people stood there. Luo Wei was thin and weak, but he had the momentum of his master. Long Xuan carefully looked at Luo Wei, and even the dark flowers on Luo Wei's deep purple robes, he looked carefully.

The cheers as the distance between Long Xuan and the city is getting closer and closer, and the more and more high, when the dragon Xuan arrived at the North Gate of Shangdu, the cheers reached the highest end.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

People stumbled together in front of the dragon's horse, and Longshan Xuanshan called Long live.

"Clouds," Long Xuan saw Luo Wei also squatting on the ground, busy on the horse. When the feet touched the ground, Long Xuan’s wound was a pain, but he couldn’t take care of it at this time. He quickly walked over to Luo Wei’s body and reached out and lifted Luo Wei on the ground. “Clouds, I Come back!" Long Xuan spoke to Luo Wei.

Luo Wei's eyes are cold, he looked at the dragon in front of him, the seven years of the battle, the dragon Xuan thin, plus the injury is not over, so the face is still sick.

"Clouds?" Long Xuan was stunned by Luo Wei's indifference and stiffened on his face.

"Your Majesty, go back to the palace," Luo Wei's mouth slightly curved, finally revealed to Long Xuan a smile, said faintly.

"You," Long Xuan looked at the group of ministers, the people, and pulled up Luo Wei's hand: "You go with me to go to the palace."

"I took a carriage," Rowe said. "It’s okay to follow the sire of your majesty."

"Let's go," Long Xuan held Luo Wei's hand. "You, let me have a good look at you."

"Your Majesty, this is not in harmony with the ceremony."

"I let you sit, who dare not say?" Long Xuan said: "Cloud up, you will not be talking about a seat for me, for a seat, right?"

Luo Wei looked at the surrounding civil and military people. He also made the masters of the big week in recent years. These people are not afraid to take a look at him now.

"I will take you up," Long Xuan has been holding Luo Wei's hand and pulling Luo Wei away.

Luo Wei was dragged by Long Xuan to him as the royal servant prepared by Long Xuan. In his heart, he could not find the defending, and he became more and more suspicious. The gaze that looked at Long Xuan was colder.

"You are not happy?" Long Xuan asked Luo Weidao.

"What about my big brother?" asked Rowe.

"They are in the middle camp, Ning Feihe, and the defending are both," Long Xuan said: "Are you relieved?"

Rowe's gaze moved to the side, no longer looking at Long Xuan.

The dragon Xuan listened to the cheers of his people to him, but his heart was somehow unhappy.

Yu Yu walked through the streets of Shangdu. Long Xuan wanted to talk to Luo Wei several times. He just watched Luo Wei are watching the scenery outside Yu Yu, and he had to hold Luo Wei’s hand to accompany Luo Wei. Look at the scenery together. Long Xuan left for seven years, and Luo Wei has never been out in the palace. These two people are separated by seven years, and then look at the streetscape of the capital. Spring is the most beautiful season in Shangdu City. It is surrounded by green trees and flowers. For Long Xuan and Luo Wei who grew up on the ground, all of them are familiar, just like they and the city have not disappeared. These seven years have passed.

"We used to come here before," Long Xuan pointed to a shop on the roadside to Luo Weidao.

Luo Wei looked at the fingers of Long Xuan, a sugar shop.

"You loved coming here, I remember you said, you like this ice pond Sydney."

When he was a child, Luo Wei couldn’t remember clearly. He just listened to Long Xuan’s words, and he remembered the past that he was obsessed with sweets.

"I am coming back this time, why don't we take the time to go out to eat a sugar candy Sydney?" Long Xuan asked Luo Weidao: "No one brings us, we are two."

"I haven't loved sugar for a long time," Rowe said. "Your Majesty, we are not children."

Long Xuan language plug.

Two people sat silently on the imperial concubine and looked at the ever-changing streetscape in front of them. Long Xuan wanted to guess Luo Wei's mind, but he couldn't guess it, and Luo Wei just wanted to remember all that he saw today. The next time I didn't know when I had to wait, he could come out of the palace again. Luo Wei looked at Long Xuan. Can this person see it? He kept the land for him for seven years and let him go.

The main entrance of the palace opened, and the palace also welcomed the real master.

Long Xuan holds Luo Wei’s hand and sits back to his home with the imperial concubine. “Clouds,” when Yu Yu entered the palace gate, Long Xuan suddenly said to Luo Wei: “I am alive, you, you smile at me. Let's take a look, Long Xuan is alive and back."

Luo Wei seems to have stunned, he never laughed?