MTL - Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant-Chapter 405 thank you for visiting

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"Ah?" Wei Tai doctor did not understand why he was going to marry.

"After Luo Wei was injured, did you follow it?" Long Xuan said.

Wei Tai’s doctor was a glimpse, and then he began to look for the dragon twelve.

"Do you still have the ability to catch Long Yi?" Long Xuan asked Wei Taiwei: "Is it small to see you?"

Wei Tai doctor smashed the dragon twelve in his heart. "The lower official, the lower official saw that the prince was hurt, and was confused." But he can only say to Long Xuan: "The lower official is damned!"

"Go and squat," Long Xuan turned and entered the room. This person must be rehabilitated. If it wasn't for Luo Wei's body, he would have to count on this person. This surname Wei, he really didn't want to stay.

On the bed in the bedroom, Rowe didn't lie flat again, but was sitting half-lying and lying on the back with a quilt.

"Why don't you lie down?" Long Xuan asked.

The doctor on the side was busy: "Wang is wounded under the ribs. It is best not to lie down today, otherwise the wound will break easily."

"Drug opened?" Long Xuan asked again.

Tai Medical said: "I have already taken medicine."

"Everyone is waiting outside the house. Today, you are in the Jinjin Garden to keep the King," Long Xuan said, sitting on the side of Luo Wei.

The doctors did not dare to say anything, and they all retired.

At this time, Xie Yu was brought to the outside of the bedroom.

"Let him come in," Long Xuan said to the little **** who came to the night.

Xie Yu entered the room, first gave a gift to Long Xuan, and after the permission of Long Xuan, he walked to the bed of Luo Wei.

When Xie Yu gave Xuan Xuan a ceremony, Luo Wei was woken up. When he saw the person walking to his bed, he was thankful. Luo Wei was busy laughing and said: "How come you in Mingyuan?"

Xie said: "I heard that you have met, I will come see you."

For Xie language, it was called "I" in front of Luo Wei, and Long Xuan brow wrinkled a bit, but think about the relationship between Xie and Luo Wei, Long Xuan did not speak.

"Which is so serious," Rovi smiled. "It’s just a slave. I suffered a little injury."

Xie language looked at Luo Wei's pale face without blood, and asked: "Where is the injury?"

"Left ribs," said Luo Weidao: "The skin is not a big injury, you should not make a big fuss."

Xie’s gaze stopped at Luo Wei’s left rib. Luo Wei’s body was covered with a quilt. Xie’s words could not see Luo Wei’s specific injury. He did not directly ask Luo Wei that it was out. What happened, just said: "Don't it be?"

"It doesn't matter," Rowe said, nodding his head. He said, "I am not the first to be injured. You also ran to ask, people who don't know, look at you like this, and thought I was hurt!" ”

Xie sighed: "You are now in this body, where can you hurt liú\'xuè?"

"Nothing," Rowe said. "I can't talk to you?"

"It's okay," Roviny can talk to himself. The words of Xie are somewhat reassuring. At least Luo Wei has not become half-dead.

"Is there a peace of mind in Mingyuan?" Long Xuan asked at the side.

Thanks to the words of Xuan Xuan in the body of the dragon: "There is no peace of mind when you look at the prince."

"You retire," Long Xuandao, seeing Xie can talk to Luo Wei intimately, and Long Xuan is not a taste.

Xie asked Long Xuandao: "Your Majesty, the courtiers are still waiting for the squat in the Changming Hall. Do you know when you will return to the Changming Hall?"

"You go back," Luo Wei said to Long Xuandao: "I am fine here, national affairs are tight, I don't want to miss the reputation of the country."

"I will come to see you again in the evening," Long Xuan thought about the state affairs. He had to say to Luo Wei: "If you are not comfortable, the doctors are in the outhouse. You should always say, don't hold back."

"Okay," Rowe sighed with anger.

Long Xuan and Xie Yu went to the bedroom and went outside. After a few steps, Xie said, looking back at Luo Wei, he saw Luo Weichong spit on his tongue and had a bit of a playful taste. Xie Yu Chong Wei shook his head and smiled, and got a wave of goodbye.

"What's wrong?" Long Xuan heard the movement behind him and turned to ask.

Xie is already serious about the seriousness of his face. He said to Long Xuandao: "Nothing."

Long Xuan took another look at Luo Wei, who was half-sitting and lying on the bed. Luo Wei had closed his eyes.

"Your Majesty," Xie said that Long Xuan stopped and did not leave, and said: "You please, the adults are waiting for you in the Changming Hall."

Long Xuan walked out quickly.

After hearing the door of the bedroom room rang twice, Luo Wei opened his eyes again.

"Wang Ye?" Looking at Luo Wei's eyes, Zhao Fu, who was on the side, came up and asked: "You are not comfortable?"

"Give me a glass of water," Rowe said. "I want to drink some water."

"The minion first went to ask the doctor," Zhao Fu said. "Look at how much water Wang Ye can drink at this time."

"Let's go," Luo Wei was not embarrassed by Zhao Fu, and he nodded.

Zhao Fu was busy going out to find a doctor.

Rovi touched the wound under the ribs, it hurts, but Rovi’s mouth rises, but it hurts.

After Long Xuan returned to the Changming Hall, all the ministers asked about Luo Wei’s injury.

Long Xuan let Xie speak back to these ministers. His words are afraid that some of these court officials do not believe.

Just after Xie said that Luo Wei’s injury was not serious, there was still a courtier who asked Long Xuandao: “There is a decree to capture the dragon one below. Is this dragon hurting the prince?”

"Yes," Long Xuan admitted: "He will not lightly excuse this person, and has ordered him to be executed." "

"I don't want to judge this person?" Someone immediately asked.

Long Xuan looked at the two ministers, both of which were the old days of Luo Zhiqiu.

"It’s the prince who said that it was this dragon who was hurt," Xie said busy. "The people who were with the prince at the time also said so."

"Does this dragon and the prince have hatred?"

Xie language looked at Long Xuan, he could not answer this question.

"After the dragon was caught, he would give Jin Wang a confession," Long Xuan said coldly: "You should not ask more now, let's say Dong Shang."

This discussion is to go to the dark.

After the courtiers withdrew from Changming Hall, Long Xuan said to him that he was left with a single letter: "Rovi is injured, they will know that you will write separately and comfort them. The war will soon be If you want to open it, you don't want to be distracted from Yuxuan. So, after the beating, let the two brothers return to Beijing to see Luo Wei."

"Chen will follow the instructions," Xie said. This time, Luo Wei really does not seem to be harmed by Long Xuan. Xie Yu will naturally tell the truth. The war with Beiyan will start in the blink of an eye. Xie also does not want to be at this time, in the middle of the country, and in the military.

After Xie’s words went out of the temple, Fu asked if Long Xuan would use dinner.

Dragon Xuan nodded.

A small table was brought up by the blessing, with some simple meals on it. As long as Long Xuan is not a banquet for the courtiers, or to use rice with Luo Wei, his meals have always been simple.

Long Xuan had no appetite, but he still ate this meal in a hurry.

Fu has always stood beside Long Xuan, and he also waited until Long Xuan’s side to serve, only to know that this emperor had a meal, and he did not need to be clothed.

"Going to the Jinyuan Garden," Long Xuan finished eating the rice, wiped his mouth with a wet wipe, and then got up and said: "Give a horse."

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